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Package com.bea.content.federated

Interface Summary
ICapabilityManager Interface for managing and evaluating capability definitions
INodeManager Interface to access and manage content node information in the repository, while honoring security(DA/Visitor) constraints.
IRepositoryConfig Represents the configuration of a content repository.
ISearchManager Search Interface which honors security placed on nodes.
ITypeManager Interface to manage types (ObjectClasses) in the content system.
IVersionManager Interface to manage content node versions in the content system.
IVirtualRepositoryManager Interface to manage repositories and user credentials while honoring DA rights on the repositories.
IWorkflowManager Interface to associate and manage Workflows for a repository, while honoring DA constraints placed on them.


Class Summary
ContentCacheHelper The ContentCacheHelper manages cache data for the CM system.
ContentEntitlementHelper The constants and helper methods used by the entitlement engine runtime.
ContentHelper Helper class for dealing with Content
ContentManagerFactory Factory class to instantiate various content management services.
ContentSecurityHelper This class contains helper methods to manage security on content management resources.
RepositoryCredential Simple class to hold a credential (username and password) for accessing a repository


Enum Summary
NodeCapability Security capabilities for Node activities
RepositoryCredentialScope Various scopes to which a repository credential can apply.
TypeCapability Security capabilities for Type activities
VirtualRepositoryCapability Security capabilities for Virtual Repository activities
WorkflowCapability Security capabilities for Workflow activities


Exception Summary
NoRepositoriesDefinedException Thrown if an operation on a Node that already exists occurs, such as attempting to rename a Node to the Name of a Node that already exists.
NoSuchRepositoryConfigException Thrown if an operation attempting to access a RepositoryConfig that does not exist.
RepositoryConfigExistsException Thrown if an operation on a Node that already exists occurs, such as attempting to rename a Node to the Name of a Node that already exists.


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