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Interface CommonContextKeys

public interface CommonContextKeys

Common context keys which can be used in SPI method invocations. These ContextKey objects can be placed in (and retrieved from) a ContentContext object via code such as this:

   ContentContext context= ...;
   context.setParameter(CommonContextKeys.FETCH_FROM_CACHE, new Boolean(true));

Field Summary
static ContextKey CACHE_RESULTS
          Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify that a method should cache (or NOT cache) its results.
static ContextKey FETCH_FROM_CACHE
          Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify that a method should (or should not) fetch cached results, if present.
static ContextKey NODE
          Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify an associated node
static ContextKey NODE_ID
          Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify a node's ID.
static ContextKey NODE_PATH
          Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify a node's path.
static ContextKey NUM_ITEMS
          Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify the number of items to return when requesting results.
static ContextKey OBJECT_CLASS
          Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify an associated objectclass
static ContextKey OBJECT_CLASS_NAME
          Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify an object class name.
static ContextKey OBJECT_CLASS_PATH
          Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify an object class path.
static ContextKey START_POSITION
          Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify a start position when requesting results.
static ContextKey WORKFLOW
          Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify an associated workflow


Field Detail


static final ContextKey FETCH_FROM_CACHE
Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify that a method should (or should not) fetch cached results, if present. If not specified, a default value will be used; the default may vary depending on the invocation method.


static final ContextKey CACHE_RESULTS
Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify that a method should cache (or NOT cache) its results. If not specified, a default value will be used; the default may vary depending on the invocation method.


static final ContextKey NODE
Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify an associated node


static final ContextKey WORKFLOW
Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify an associated workflow


static final ContextKey NODE_ID
Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify a node's ID.


static final ContextKey NODE_PATH
Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify a node's path.


static final ContextKey OBJECT_CLASS
Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify an associated objectclass


static final ContextKey OBJECT_CLASS_PATH
Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify an object class path.


static final ContextKey OBJECT_CLASS_NAME
Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify an object class name.


static final ContextKey START_POSITION
Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify a start position when requesting results. The first position is position 0.


static final ContextKey NUM_ITEMS
Optional ContextKey which can be placed in the ContentContext to specify the number of items to return when requesting results. The special value ContentListKeys.ALL_ITEMS can be used to request all items be returned.

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