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Interface WorkspaceOps

All Superinterfaces
javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject, Serializable

Deprecated Replaced by IVersionManager

public interface WorkspaceOps
extends Serializable, javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject

LibraryOps is a service for performing library functionality on virtual nodes. Nodes that are either versionable, and or have a life cycle may be managed through this api. Versionable and non-versionable nodes are handled the same through the life cycle. They are also handled the same through the versioning api, the only difference being that for versionable nodes, the version history is maintained. Both versionable and non-versionable nodes have a working version that is maintained through the life cycle.

This api only supports versioning and life cycle of content nodes. Hierarchy nodes may be created and deleted, but they will be published/unpublished at the same time and will not have version history.

This interface is intended to be implemented only by Oracle Weblogic Portal. Oracle Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of Oracle Weblogic Portal.

Method Summary
 void checkIn(ContentContext context, ID nodeId)
          Deprecated Checks in the latest version of the node with the specified id.
 void checkIn(ContentContext context, ID nodeId, VersionableContent versionableContent)
          Deprecated Checks in the node with the specified id.
 VirtualNode checkOut(ContentContext context, ID nodeId)
          Deprecated Check out the specified version of a content node.
 VirtualNode checkOut(ContentContext context, ID nodeId, String version)
          Deprecated Check out the specified version of a content node.
 VirtualNode createAndCheckIn(ContentContext context, ID parentId, String newNodeName, ID objectClassId, Property[] properties, int type, int workflowStatus)
          Deprecated Creates the Node and then checks it in with the given status.
 Version getLatestPublishedVersion(ContentContext context, ID nodeId)
          Deprecated Retrieves the latest published version for the given node.
 VirtualNode getNode(ContentContext context, ID nodeId)
          Deprecated Return the virtual node for the given ID.
 InputStream getPropertyBytes(ContentContext context, String propertyId)
          Deprecated Gets the Binary data for the given Property Id.
 Version getVersion(ContentContext context, ID nodeId, String versionName)
          Deprecated Returns a specific version for the given Virtual Node.
 VersionIterator getVersions(ContentContext context, ID nodeId)
          Deprecated Returns all versions for the given Virtual Node.
 VirtualNodeIterator getWorkingNodes(ContentContext context)
          Deprecated Return all the nodes which belong to the user's workspace.
 void revert(ContentContext context, ID nodeId)
          Deprecated This method removes the working version of the node and unlocks it.
 void save(ContentContext context, ID nodeId, VersionableContent versionableContent)
          Deprecated Updates the node with the specified data.
 VersionIterator search(ContentContext context, Search search)
          Deprecated Performs a meta-data search on the virtual layer to search for versions matching query criteria.


Methods inherited from interface javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject
getEJBLocalHome, getPrimaryKey, isIdentical, remove


Method Detail


VirtualNode checkOut(ContentContext context,
                     ID nodeId,
                     String version)
                     throws AuthorizationException,
Check out the specified version of a content node. This method will lock the virtual node such that only the user who checked it out or the super user may be able to revert the operation. If the virtual node requires the user to be in specified role before checking out, only that user may checkout the node, even though the node may not be checked out. A node can only be checked once. Multiple checkouts of a node is not allowed.
context - The content context object which contains the user profile information.
nodeId - The id of the node to check out
version - The version to be checked out, null if the latest version is desired.
A Virtual node representing the checked out node
AuthorizationException - if user is not authorized to perform action
NoSuchNodeException - If the node does not exist


VirtualNode checkOut(ContentContext context,
                     ID nodeId)
                     throws AuthorizationException,
Check out the specified version of a content node. This method will lock the virtual node such that only the user who checked it out or the super user may be able to revert the operation. If the virtual node requires the user to be in specified role before checking out, only that user may checkout the node, even though the node may not be checked out. A node can only be checked once. Multiple checkouts of a node is not allowed.
context - The content context object which contains the user profile information.
nodeId - The id of the node to check out
A Virtual node representing the checked out node
AuthorizationException - if user is not authorized to perform action
NoSuchNodeException - If the node does not exist


void checkIn(ContentContext context,
             ID nodeId,
             VersionableContent versionableContent)
             throws NoSuchNodeException,
Checks in the node with the specified id. Only the user who has checked out the node will be allowed to check in. This will unlock the node after checking it in to allow other users to perform checkout operations. The following rules for setting the assignedToUser and assignedToRole fields will be applied for different status transitions during a checkin : Please review the javadoc for Workflow to better understand the available status transitions on checkin and what occurs for different transitions.
context - The content context object which contains the user profile information.
nodeId - The id of the node being checked in.
versionableContent - The node data to be checked in. This data should contain the same properties as defined by the node type, or else a validation error will be thrown by the system.
NoSuchNodeException - If the node does not exist


void checkIn(ContentContext context,
             ID nodeId)
             throws NoSuchNodeException,
Checks in the latest version of the node with the specified id. Only the user who has checked out the node will be allowed to check in. This will unlock the node after checking it in to allow other users to perform checkout operations. Please review the javadoc for Workflow to better understand the available status transitions on checkin and what occurs for different transitions.
context - The content context object which contains the user profile information.
nodeId - The id of the node being checked in. properties as defined by the node type, or else a validation error will be thrown by the system.
NoSuchNodeException - If the node does not exist


VirtualNode createAndCheckIn(ContentContext context,
                             ID parentId,
                             String newNodeName,
                             ID objectClassId,
                             Property[] properties,
                             int type,
                             int workflowStatus)
                             throws AuthorizationException,
Creates the Node and then checks it in with the given status. Because this is a new Node, checkin in with a REJECTED status is not valid. Please review the javadoc for Workflow to better understand the available statuses, status transitions on checkin and what occurs for different transitions.
context - The content context object which contains the user profile information.
parentId - The parent Id of the node to create the new Node under.
newNodeName - The name of the new Node
objectClassId - The Id of the ObjectClass to assign to the new Node
properties - The properties for the Node
type - The type of Node, either Hierarchy or Content
workflowStatus - The workflow status to checkin the node as.
The virtual node.


void save(ContentContext context,
          ID nodeId,
          VersionableContent versionableContent)
          throws NoSuchNodeException,
Updates the node with the specified data. The node must be checked out before this method is called on it. Only the user who has the node checked out can perform a save on the node. The status should not change as part of the save. After the save, the node will remain in a locked state as before.
context - The content context object which contains the user profile information.
nodeId - The id of the node being saved.
versionableContent - The node data to be checked in. This data should contain the same properties as defined by the node type, or else a validation error will be thrown by the system.
NoSuchNodeException - If the node does not exist


void revert(ContentContext context,
            ID nodeId)
            throws NoSuchNodeException,
This method removes the working version of the node and unlocks it. It also sets the assignedToUser field to null. The node must be checked out before it can be reverted. Only the user who has the node checked out, or the System administrator can perform a revert operation on a node.
context - The content context object which contains the user profile information.
nodeId - The id of the node being reverted.
NoSuchNodeException - If the node does not exist
RepositoryException - If this operation fails for any other reason.


VersionIterator getVersions(ContentContext context,
                            ID nodeId)
                            throws NoSuchNodeException,
Returns all versions for the given Virtual Node. If the node is checked out by the user calling this method, it will also return the working version in the iterator. For everybody else this method will not return all versions except the working version of that node.
context - The content context object which contains the user profile information.
nodeId - The id of the node for the versions being retrieved.
a version iterator object which contains the versions of the node.
NoSuchNodeException - If the node does not exist
RepositoryException - If this operation fails for any other reason.


Version getLatestPublishedVersion(ContentContext context,
                                  ID nodeId)
                                  throws RepositoryException
Retrieves the latest published version for the given node.
context - The content context object which contains the user profile information.
nodeId - The id of the node for the version being retrieved.
The latest published version for this node if the node has been published, null otherwise.
NoSuchNodeException - If the node does not exist
RepositoryException - If this operation fails for any other reason.


Version getVersion(ContentContext context,
                   ID nodeId,
                   String versionName)
                   throws NoSuchNodeException,
Returns a specific version for the given Virtual Node. If the node is checked out by the user calling this method, it will also return the working version if so called. For everybody else this method will not return the working version if the user tries to find that version.
context - The content context object which contains the user profile information.
nodeId - The id of the node for the version being retrieved.
versionName - The version name (number) that should be retrieved.
Version the Version for the nodeId and versionName requested.
NoSuchNodeException - If the node version does not exist.


VirtualNodeIterator getWorkingNodes(ContentContext context)
                                    throws RepositoryException
Return all the nodes which belong to the user's workspace. This includes nodes which can belong in any of the following category : a) Nodes checked out by the user. b) Nodes not checked out by the user, but which still belong to the user (ie checked in item in DRAFT state, items REJECTED by a publisher) c) Nodes which are waiting to be approved if a user is in a publisher role. (The nodes for which assignedToRole matches the role of the user).
context - The content context object which contains the user profile information.
A VirtualNodeIterator object which contains all the working virtual nodes for the user.


VirtualNode getNode(ContentContext context,
                    ID nodeId)
                    throws NoSuchNodeException,
Return the virtual node for the given ID.
context - The content context object which contains the user profile information.
nodeId - The id of the node being retrieved.
The virtual node.
NoSuchNodeException - If the node does not exist


InputStream getPropertyBytes(ContentContext context,
                             String propertyId)
                             throws NoSuchPropertyException,
Gets the Binary data for the given Property Id.

After calling this method and retrieving the InputStream, you must close the InputStream when finished reading it in a finally block.

WARNING: If using this interface to retrieve binary content from a WLP Repository, please read the javadoc for RepositoryConfig.

context - The content context object which contains the user profile information.
propertyId - - the ID for the Property that contains the binary data. The ID must include the repositoryName.
InputStream - the binary data.
NoSuchPropertyException - - if the Property does not exist.


VersionIterator search(ContentContext context,
                       Search search)
                       throws RepositoryException
Performs a meta-data search on the virtual layer to search for versions matching query criteria.
context - The content context object
search - The search object
The version iterator

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