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Interface InviteeIterator

All Superinterfaces
Iterator<Invitee>, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
SimpleInviteeIterator, UserAndGroupInviteeIterator

public interface InviteeIterator
extends Iterator<Invitee>, Serializable

Implementations of this class are used by the Communities framework to invite multiple users at once via the Invitations mechanism. End developers can either use the basic implementations of these that are provided with the framework or develop specialized versions that are more appropriate to their individual applications. Implementations must provide a static iteration over time- no matter how many times the implementation is iterated over, the same set of Invitee objects must always be returned. <p/>For more information see the discussion of invitations or the overview of community functionality.

See Also
SimpleInviteeIterator, UserAndGroupInviteeIterator

Method Summary
 void close()
          Called by the framework to end iteration.
 void open()
          Called by the framework to begins iteration.
 void reset()
          Resets this iterator.


Methods inherited from interface java.util.Iterator
hasNext, next, remove


Method Detail


void open()
          throws InviteeIteratorException
Called by the framework to begins iteration. After this call, calls to hasNext and next will begin at the beginning of the internal collection of Invitees. The framework calls this method before the InviteeIterator is sent to CommunityInviter implementations, so it is unnecessary for CommunityInviter objects to call this method.


void close()
Called by the framework to end iteration. After this call, all calls to hasNext should return false, and all call to next should return null. Iteration can be resumed by calling open. The framework calls this method before the InviteeIterator is sent to CommunityInviter implementations, so it is unnecessary for CommunityInviter objects to call this method.


void reset()
           throws InviteeIteratorException
Resets this iterator. After this call, calls to hasNext and next will begin at the beginning of the internal collection of Invitees

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