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Interface CategoryDefinition

All Superinterfaces
All Known Implementing Classes:
PortalDefinition, PortletCategoryDefinition

public interface CategoryDefinition
extends Serializable

Category marker interface.

This interface is intended to be implemented only by Oracle Weblogic Portal. Oracle Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of Oracle Weblogic Portal.

Method Summary
 LocalizationResource getLocalizationResource()
          Returns the LocalizationResource associated with this CategoryDefinition based on the locale of the request used for retrieving the CategoryDefinition.
 boolean isRoot()
          Determines if the category is a root category.
 void setLocalizationResource(LocalizationResource localizationResource)
          Sets LocalizationResource for this CategoryDefinition.


Method Detail


LocalizationResource getLocalizationResource()
Returns the LocalizationResource associated with this CategoryDefinition based on the locale of the request used for retrieving the CategoryDefinition.
LocalizationResource associated with this category


void setLocalizationResource(LocalizationResource localizationResource)
Sets LocalizationResource for this CategoryDefinition.
localizationResource -


boolean isRoot()
Determines if the category is a root category.
true if this category is the root

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