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Interface IPortletDefinitionManagerListener

public interface IPortletDefinitionManagerListener

Method Summary
 void portletDefinitionCloned(CustomizationContext customizationContext, PortletDefinition portletDefinition)
          An existing portlet definition and all of its localization resources have been cloned.
 void portletDefinitionCreated(CustomizationContext customizationContext, PortletDefinition portletDefinition)
          A new portlet definition has been created.
 void portletDefinitionDeleted(CustomizationContext customizationContext, PortletDefinition portletDefinition)
          Delete a portlet definition, but only if it is not used by other portlet instances.
 void portletDefinitionDeletedWithCascade(CustomizationContext customizationContext, PortletDefinition portletDefinition)
          Delete a portlet definition and all portlet instances associated with this definition.
 void portletDefinitionUpdated(CustomizationContext customizationContext, PortletDefinition portletDefinition)
          The portlet definition has been updated with new data.


Method Detail


void portletDefinitionUpdated(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                              PortletDefinition portletDefinition)

The portlet definition has been updated with new data.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales
portletDefinition - the portlet definition containing the new data


void portletDefinitionCreated(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                              PortletDefinition portletDefinition)
A new portlet definition has been created.
customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales
portletDefinition - the object containing the data to create the new portlet definition with.


void portletDefinitionCloned(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                             PortletDefinition portletDefinition)

An existing portlet definition and all of its localization resources have been cloned. The localization resources are slightly mutated with a '_' in front of them as to allow the administrator to distinguish from the original. Note: this method only clones the primary instance; any user instances derived from the original are not cloned.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales
portletDefinitionId - the id of the portlet definition to clone


void portletDefinitionDeleted(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                              PortletDefinition portletDefinition)

Delete a portlet definition, but only if it is not used by other portlet instances.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales
portletDefinitionId - the id of the portlet definition to delete.
See Also
IPortletDefinitionManager.deletePortletDefinitionWithCascade(com.bea.netuix.application.manager.CustomizationContext, com.bea.netuix.application.identifier.PortletDefinitionId)


void portletDefinitionDeletedWithCascade(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                         PortletDefinition portletDefinition)

Delete a portlet definition and all portlet instances associated with this definition.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales
portletDefinitionId - the id of the portlet definition to delete.
See Also
IPortletDefinitionManager.deletePortletDefinition(com.bea.netuix.application.manager.CustomizationContext, com.bea.netuix.application.identifier.PortletDefinitionId)

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