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Class GroupNotificationUserEnumerator

  extended by com.bea.netuix.application.notifications.enumerators.GroupNotificationUserEnumerator

All Implemented Interfaces
INotificationUserEnumerator, Serializable

public class GroupNotificationUserEnumerator
extends Object
implements INotificationUserEnumerator

Used to enumerate the users in a specified group to the NotificationManager when sending notifications.

See Also
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
GroupNotificationUserEnumerator(String groupName)
          Constructor using the default authorization provider.
GroupNotificationUserEnumerator(String atnProvider, String groupName)
          Constructor using a specified authorization provider.


Method Summary
 void close()
          Releases any resources used by this enumeration.
 String getNext()
          Returns the next username in the enumeration.
 boolean hasNext()
          Used to determine if more usernames are available from this enumeration.
 void open()
          Serves to initialize the enumeration.
 void reset()
          Used to reset the enumeration to the beginning.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public GroupNotificationUserEnumerator(String groupName)
                                throws OperationNotSupportedException
Constructor using the default authorization provider.
groupName - the group name (from the default authorization provider) to enumerate the usernames from.


public GroupNotificationUserEnumerator(String atnProvider,
                                       String groupName)
                                throws OperationNotSupportedException
Constructor using a specified authorization provider.
atnProvider - the name of the authorization provider to use.
groupName - the group name (from the specified authorization provider) to enumerate the usernames from.

Method Detail


public void open()
          throws NotificationUserEnumerationException
Serves to initialize the enumeration. Any resources the enumeration needs may be obtained in this initialization method. This method is called before any calls to the reset, hasNext or getNext methods are made.
Specified by:
open in interface INotificationUserEnumerator
NotificationUserEnumerationException - if any problems were encountered.


public void reset()
           throws NotificationUserEnumerationException
Used to reset the enumeration to the beginning. This may be necessary if a transaction got rolled back and the NotificationManager is attempting to send the notification again. <p/> It is not necessary that the enumeration proceed in the same order as it did previously, nor that the enumeration results in the same total return set-- in other words, the enumeration can be based entirely on dynamic criteria or data which may change over time. The only requirement is that an enumeration must not return the same username twice unless a call to reset() has been made.
Specified by:
reset in interface INotificationUserEnumerator
NotificationUserEnumerationException - if any problems were encountered.


public boolean hasNext()
                throws NotificationUserEnumerationException
Used to determine if more usernames are available from this enumeration.
Specified by:
hasNext in interface INotificationUserEnumerator
true as long as more usernames are available from the enumeration.
NotificationUserEnumerationException - if any problems were encountered.


public String getNext()
               throws NotificationUserEnumerationException
Returns the next username in the enumeration.
Specified by:
getNext in interface INotificationUserEnumerator
the next username in the enumeration.
NotificationUserEnumerationException - if any problems were encountered.


public void close()
           throws NotificationUserEnumerationException
Releases any resources used by this enumeration.
Specified by:
close in interface INotificationUserEnumerator
NotificationUserEnumerationException - if any problems were encountered.

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