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Class DynamicHtmlRenderDependencies

  extended by com.bea.netuix.laf.DynamicHtmlRenderDependencies

public class DynamicHtmlRenderDependencies
extends Object

DynamicHtmlRenderDependencies encapsulates mechanisms for adding HTML render dependencies to the current Look and Feel. This class allows for a dynamic equivalent to the skin and skeleton configuration sections for render dependencies.

As with the static equivalents to these methods in skin and skeleton configuration, no HTML-level validation is implied by the methods of this class. Application code must ensure that the values passed to the methods of this class produce valid HTML elements.

NOTE: Calls to PortalLookAndFeel.reinit() will not affect render dependencies added via the methods of this class. However, DynamicHtmlRenderDependencies objects are valid only as long as the related PortalLookAndFeel object is valid.

See Also
PortalLookAndFeel.getDynamicHtmlRenderDependencies(), "Skin and Skeleton configuration element <render-dependencies>"

Method Summary
 void addLink(LinkedHashMap<String,String> linkAttributes)
          Adds an HTML LINK element with the specified attributes.
 void addLink(String rel, String type, String href, String media)
          Adds an HTML LINK element with the specified attributes.
 void addMeta(LinkedHashMap<String,String> metaAttributes)
          Adds an HTML META element with the specified attributes.
 void addMeta(String name, String content, String httpEquiv, String scheme)
          Adds an HTML META element with the specified attributes.
 void addScript(LinkedHashMap<String,String> scriptAttributes, String inlineText)
          Adds an HTML SCRIPT element with the specified attributes.
 void addScript(String type, String charset, String defer, String src, String inlineText)
          Adds an HTML SCRIPT element with the specified attributes.
 void addStyle(LinkedHashMap<String,String> styleAttributes, String inlineText)
          Adds an HTML STYLE element with the specified attributes.
 void addStyle(String title, String type, String media, String inlineText)
          Adds an HTML STYLE element with the specified attributes.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public void addLink(String rel,
                    String type,
                    String href,
                    String media)
Adds an HTML LINK element with the specified attributes. Multiple calls to this method are allowed and the order of the resulting LINK elements will be preserved. All LINK elements added via this method will be ordered subsequent to the static LINK elements specified in skin and skeleton configuration files.

Unlike the static equivalent in skin and skeleton configuration, the value of the href attribute specified in this method is used as-is; the value is not subject to Look and Feel resource resolution.

LIFECYCLE RESTRICTION: This method can only be called prior to the render lifecycle; calls during the render lifecycle will cause an IllegalStateException.

rel - The value for the (X)HTML link element's rel attribute; ignored if null
type - The value for the (X)HTML link element's type attribute; ignored if null
href - The value for the (X)HTML link element's href attribute; ignored if null
media - The value for the (X)HTML link element's media attribute; ignored if null
IllegalStateException - If called during an inappropriate lifecycle
See Also
HTML LINK element, Skin.getHtmlPathResolver(), Skeleton.getHtmlPathResolver()


public void addLink(LinkedHashMap<String,String> linkAttributes)
Adds an HTML LINK element with the specified attributes. Multiple calls to this method are allowed and the order of the resulting LINK elements will be preserved. All LINK elements added via this method will be ordered subsequent to the static LINK elements specified in skin and skeleton configuration files.

Unlike the static equivalent in skin and skeleton configuration, the value of the href attribute specified in this method is used as-is; the value is not subject to Look and Feel resource resolution.

LIFECYCLE RESTRICTION: This method can only be called prior to the render lifecycle; calls during the render lifecycle will cause an IllegalStateException.

linkAttributes - The key is the (X)HTML link element's attribute name, and the value is value of the attribute. For the attributes rel, type, href, and media - null values will be ignored. All others will not be ignored.
IllegalStateException - If called during an inappropriate lifecycle
See Also
HTML LINK element, Skin.getHtmlPathResolver(), Skeleton.getHtmlPathResolver()


public void addMeta(String name,
                    String content,
                    String httpEquiv,
                    String scheme)
Adds an HTML META element with the specified attributes. Multiple calls to this method are allowed and the order of the resulting META elements will be preserved. All META elements added via this method will be ordered subsequent to the static META elements specified in skin and skeleton configuration files.

LIFECYCLE RESTRICTION: This method can only be called prior to the render lifecycle; calls during the render lifecycle will cause an IllegalStateException.

name - The value for the (X)HTML meta element's name attribute; ignored if null
content - The value for the (X)HTML meta element's content attribute; ignored if null
httpEquiv - The value for the (X)HTML meta element's http-equiv attribute; ignored if null
scheme - The value for the (X)HTML meta element's scheme attribute; ignored if null
IllegalStateException - If called during an inappropriate lifecycle
See Also
HTML META element


public void addMeta(LinkedHashMap<String,String> metaAttributes)
Adds an HTML META element with the specified attributes. Multiple calls to this method are allowed and the order of the resulting META elements will be preserved. All META elements added via this method will be ordered subsequent to the static META elements specified in skin and skeleton configuration files.

LIFECYCLE RESTRICTION: This method can only be called prior to the render lifecycle; calls during the render lifecycle will cause an IllegalStateException.

metaAttributes - The key is the (X)HTML meta element's attribute name, and the value is value of the attribute. For the attributes name, content, http-equiv, and scheme - null values will be ignored. All others will not be ignored.
IllegalStateException - If called during an inappropriate lifecycle
See Also
HTML META element


public void addScript(String type,
                      String charset,
                      String defer,
                      String src,
                      String inlineText)
Adds an HTML SCRIPT element with the specified attributes. Multiple calls to this method are allowed and the order of the resulting SCRIPT elements will be preserved. All SCRIPT elements added via this method will be ordered subsequent to the static SCRIPT elements specified in skin and skeleton configuration files.

Unlike the static equivalent in skin and skeleton configuration, the value of the src attribute specified in this method is used as-is; the value is not subject to Look and Feel resource resolution.

LIFECYCLE RESTRICTION: This method can only be called prior to the render lifecycle; calls during the render lifecycle will cause an IllegalStateException.

type - The value for the (X)HTML script element's type attribute; ignored if null
charset - The value for the (X)HTML script element's charset attribute; ignored if null
defer - The value for the (X)HTML script element's defer attribute; ignored if null
src - The value for the (X)HTML script element's src attribute; ignored if null
inlineText - The value for the (X)HTML script element's content; ignored if null
IllegalStateException - If called during an inappropriate lifecycle
See Also
HTML SCRIPT element, Skin.getHtmlPathResolver(), Skeleton.getHtmlPathResolver()


public void addScript(LinkedHashMap<String,String> scriptAttributes,
                      String inlineText)
Adds an HTML SCRIPT element with the specified attributes. Multiple calls to this method are allowed and the order of the resulting SCRIPT elements will be preserved. All SCRIPT elements added via this method will be ordered subsequent to the static SCRIPT elements specified in skin and skeleton configuration files.

Unlike the static equivalent in skin and skeleton configuration, the value of the src attribute specified in this method is used as-is; the value is not subject to Look and Feel resource resolution.

LIFECYCLE RESTRICTION: This method can only be called prior to the render lifecycle; calls during the render lifecycle will cause an IllegalStateException.

scriptAttributes - The key is the (X)HTML script element's attribute name, and the value is value of the attribute. For the attributes type, src, charset, and defer - null values will be ignored. All others will not be ignored.
inlineText - The value for the (X)HTML script element's content; ignored if null
IllegalStateException - If called during an inappropriate lifecycle
See Also
HTML SCRIPT element, Skin.getHtmlPathResolver(), Skeleton.getHtmlPathResolver()


public void addStyle(String title,
                     String type,
                     String media,
                     String inlineText)
Adds an HTML STYLE element with the specified attributes. Multiple calls to this method are allowed and the order of the resulting STYLE elements will be preserved. All STYLE elements added via this method will be ordered subsequent to the static STYLE elements specified in skin and skeleton configuration files.

LIFECYCLE RESTRICTION: This method can only be called prior to the render lifecycle; calls during the render lifecycle will cause an IllegalStateException.

title - The value for the (X)HTML style element's title attribute; ignored if null
type - The value for the (X)HTML style element's type attribute; ignored if null
media - The value for the (X)HTML style element's media attribute; ignored if null
inlineText - The value for the (X)HTML script element's content; ignored if null
IllegalStateException - If called during an inappropriate lifecycle
See Also
HTML STYLE element


public void addStyle(LinkedHashMap<String,String> styleAttributes,
                     String inlineText)
Adds an HTML STYLE element with the specified attributes. Multiple calls to this method are allowed and the order of the resulting STYLE elements will be preserved. All STYLE elements added via this method will be ordered subsequent to the static STYLE elements specified in skin and skeleton configuration files.

LIFECYCLE RESTRICTION: This method can only be called prior to the render lifecycle; calls during the render lifecycle will cause an IllegalStateException.

styleAttributes - The key is the (X)HTML style element's attribute name, and the value is value of the attribute. For the attributes title, type, and media - null values will be ignored. All others will not be ignored.
inlineText - The value for the (X)HTML script element's content; ignored if null
IllegalStateException - If called during an inappropriate lifecycle
See Also
HTML STYLE element

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