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Class AnalyticEventImpl

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All Implemented Interfaces

public class AnalyticEventImpl
extends Object
implements AnalyticEvent

Nested Class Summary


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface


Method Summary
 AnalyticEvent.AnalyticEventObject getAnalyticEventObject()
          Get the portal object type this event can be logged agains.
 String getDefinitionId()
          The defintion id of the page or portlet, will be null for .portal files
 String getDefinitionLabel()
          The definition label of the portlet or page
 String getDesktop()
          The desktop or portal name this event was logged under
 long getDisposeLifecycleTime()
          The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "Dispose" lifecycle phase
 long getInitLifecycleTime()
          The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "init" lifecycle phase
 String getInstanceId()
          The instance id of the page or portlet, will be null for .portal files
 String getInstanceLabel()
          The instance label of the portlet, null for pages
 long getLoadStateTime()
          The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "loadState" lifecycle phase
 long getLoadTime()
          The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "load" lifecycle phase
 String getPageLabel()
          The _pageLabel request parameter value
 long getPreRenderLifecycleTime()
          The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "preRender" lifecycle phase
 long getRaiseEventsLifecycleTime()
          The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "raiseEvents (handlePostBackData)" lifecycle phase
 long getRenderLifecycleTime()
          The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "Render" lifecycle phase
 int getRequestId()
          A somewhat unique request id.
 long getSaveStateTime()
          The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "saveState" lifecycle phase
 String getServletContextName()
          The servlet content name this event was logged under
 String getSessionId()
          The http session id of the user making the request
 long getTotalTime()
          The total amount of time the page or portlet consumed during the request.
 String getUsername()
          The username of the user who made the request, null for anaymnous users
 String getWebappContextPath()
          The webapp context context path
 String getWindowLabel()
          The _windowLabel request parameter value
 void setAnalyticEventObject(AnalyticEvent.AnalyticEventObject analyticEventObject)
 void setDefinitionId(String definitionId)
 void setDefinitionLabel(String definitionLabel)
 void setDesktop(String desktop)
 void setInstanceId(String instanceId)
 void setInstanceLabel(String instanceLabel)
 void setLifecycleTimes(EnumMap<,Long> lifecycleTimes)
 void setPageLabel(String pageLabel)
 void setRequestId(int requestId)
 void setServletContextName(String servletContextName)
 void setSessionId(String sessionId)
 void setUsername(String username)
 void setWebappContextPath(String webappContextPath)
 void setWindowLabel(String windowLabel)


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public AnalyticEvent.AnalyticEventObject getAnalyticEventObject()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
Get the portal object type this event can be logged agains.
Specified by:
getAnalyticEventObject in interface AnalyticEvent


public void setAnalyticEventObject(AnalyticEvent.AnalyticEventObject analyticEventObject)


public String getServletContextName()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The servlet content name this event was logged under
Specified by:
getServletContextName in interface AnalyticEvent


public void setServletContextName(String servletContextName)


public String getWebappContextPath()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The webapp context context path
Specified by:
getWebappContextPath in interface AnalyticEvent


public void setWebappContextPath(String webappContextPath)


public String getDesktop()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The desktop or portal name this event was logged under
Specified by:
getDesktop in interface AnalyticEvent


public void setDesktop(String desktop)


public String getUsername()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The username of the user who made the request, null for anaymnous users
Specified by:
getUsername in interface AnalyticEvent


public void setUsername(String username)


public String getSessionId()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The http session id of the user making the request
Specified by:
getSessionId in interface AnalyticEvent


public void setSessionId(String sessionId)


public int getRequestId()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
A somewhat unique request id. This is System.identityHashCode(httpRequest)
Specified by:
getRequestId in interface AnalyticEvent


public void setRequestId(int requestId)


public String getWindowLabel()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The _windowLabel request parameter value
Specified by:
getWindowLabel in interface AnalyticEvent


public void setWindowLabel(String windowLabel)


public String getPageLabel()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The _pageLabel request parameter value
Specified by:
getPageLabel in interface AnalyticEvent


public void setPageLabel(String pageLabel)


public String getDefinitionLabel()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The definition label of the portlet or page
Specified by:
getDefinitionLabel in interface AnalyticEvent


public void setDefinitionLabel(String definitionLabel)


public String getInstanceLabel()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The instance label of the portlet, null for pages
Specified by:
getInstanceLabel in interface AnalyticEvent


public void setInstanceLabel(String instanceLabel)


public String getDefinitionId()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The defintion id of the page or portlet, will be null for .portal files
Specified by:
getDefinitionId in interface AnalyticEvent


public void setDefinitionId(String definitionId)


public String getInstanceId()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The instance id of the page or portlet, will be null for .portal files
Specified by:
getInstanceId in interface AnalyticEvent


public void setInstanceId(String instanceId)


public long getInitLifecycleTime()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "init" lifecycle phase
Specified by:
getInitLifecycleTime in interface AnalyticEvent


public long getLoadStateTime()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "loadState" lifecycle phase
Specified by:
getLoadStateTime in interface AnalyticEvent


public long getLoadTime()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "load" lifecycle phase
Specified by:
getLoadTime in interface AnalyticEvent


public long getRaiseEventsLifecycleTime()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "raiseEvents (handlePostBackData)" lifecycle phase
Specified by:
getRaiseEventsLifecycleTime in interface AnalyticEvent


public long getPreRenderLifecycleTime()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "preRender" lifecycle phase
Specified by:
getPreRenderLifecycleTime in interface AnalyticEvent


public long getSaveStateTime()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "saveState" lifecycle phase
Specified by:
getSaveStateTime in interface AnalyticEvent


public long getRenderLifecycleTime()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "Render" lifecycle phase
Specified by:
getRenderLifecycleTime in interface AnalyticEvent


public long getDisposeLifecycleTime()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The amount of time the page or portlet spent in the "Dispose" lifecycle phase
Specified by:
getDisposeLifecycleTime in interface AnalyticEvent


public long getTotalTime()
Description copied from interface: AnalyticEvent
The total amount of time the page or portlet consumed during the request. Note total time may be greater than or equal to the sum of all the times above. This is becuase there are additional hidden lifecycles the container uses and Oracle reserves the right to add additional lifecycles in the future.
Specified by:
getTotalTime in interface AnalyticEvent


public void setLifecycleTimes(EnumMap<,Long> lifecycleTimes)

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