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Class MetaData

  extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.application.MetaData

public class MetaData
extends Object

Metadata is used to describe or annotate a particular Desktop, Page, Book or Portlet. Adding meta data to an item enables the item to be searched for, based off of matching meta data search criteria. the name of the meta data can be one of the built in meta names or the developer may use any random name.

Field Summary
static String _META_CLASS
          Http Request parameter for locating resources, the type of resource (page, portlet, book)
static String _META_CONTENT
          Http Request parameter for locating resources, the content of the meta data match.
static String _META_NAME
          Http Request parameter for locating resources, the name of the meta data match.
static short ALL
          Retrieve items matching all of the supplied meta data.
static short ANY
          Retrieve items matching any of the supplied meta data.
static String AUTHOR
          Built in meta name author
static String ClASSIFICATION
          Built in meta name classification
static String KEYWORDS
          Built in meta name keywords>
static String TYPE
          Built in meta name type


Constructor Summary
MetaData(String name, String[] contents)
MetaData(String name, String[] contents, short searchType)


Method Summary
 String[] getContents()
          return the values for this meta object.
 String getName()
 short getSearchType()
 void setContents(String[] contents)
          Set the values for this meta object.
 void setName(String name)
 void setSearchType(short searchType)


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final short ANY
Retrieve items matching any of the supplied meta data.
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final short ALL
Retrieve items matching all of the supplied meta data.
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String KEYWORDS
Built in meta name keywords>
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String AUTHOR
Built in meta name author
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String ClASSIFICATION
Built in meta name classification
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String TYPE
Built in meta name type
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String _META_NAME
Http Request parameter for locating resources, the name of the meta data match.
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String _META_CONTENT
Http Request parameter for locating resources, the content of the meta data match.
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String _META_CLASS
Http Request parameter for locating resources, the type of resource (page, portlet, book)
See Also
Constants Summary

Constructor Detail


public MetaData(String name,
                String[] contents)


public MetaData(String name,
                String[] contents,
                short searchType)

Method Detail


public String getName()


public void setName(String name)


public void setContents(String[] contents)
Set the values for this meta object.


public String[] getContents()
return the values for this meta object.


public short getSearchType()
either ANY or ALL


public void setSearchType(short searchType)
searchType - should be either ANY or ALL

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