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Class PortletBackingContext

  extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.ControlContext
      extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.BackingContext
          extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.window.backing.WindowBackingContext
              extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.portlet.backing.PortletBackingContext

All Implemented Interfaces
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PortletBackingContext
extends WindowBackingContext

This is the BackingContext for a portlet. This PortletBackingContext can only be referenced from a backing file. If you think you need to reference this from a JSP you should look at PortletPresentationContext.

To get a handle to the BackingContext just call the following:

See Also
JspBacking, Serialized Form

Field Summary
static String CLASS_NAME


Method Summary
 void fireCustomEvent(QName name, Serializable payload)
          Fire a custom event with the specified QName.
 void fireCustomEvent(String eventName, Serializable payload)
          Fire a custom event with the default custom event namespace.
 String getAsyncContent()
          Get the value of the portlet's asyncContent property.
 String getDisabledClassifications()
          Returns classifications for which the underlying portlet is disabled.
 String getEnabledClassifications()
          Returns classifications for which the underlying portlet is enabled.
 ControlContextConstants.HeaderMode getHeaderMode()
          Returns a HeaderMode representing the header mode currently set for the response object.
 String getInstanceId()
          Return the instance id of this portlet.
 String getInstanceLabel()
          Return the unique instance label for the portlet.
 String getLabel()
          Return the unique label for the portlet.
 String getLocalInstanceId()
          Return the local instance id of this portlet.
 PageBackingContext getPageBackingContext()
          Return the portlet's parent PageBackingContext.
static PortletBackingContext getPortletBackingContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          A static helper to pull the current portlet's backing context out of the request.
 PortletPreferences getPortletPreferences(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Returns a copy of the preferences for this portlet.
 String getPortletUri()
          Get the portlet's URI.
example: /portlets/myportlet/myportlet.portlet
 PortletPreferences getPreferences(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Deprecated Use getPortletPreferences instead
 String getSharedParameterValue(String name)
          Gets the value of the specified shared parameter.
 String[] getSharedParameterValues(String name)
          Gets all values for the specified shared parameter.
 void invalidateCache()
          Invalidate this control's cache.
 boolean isAsyncContent()
          Is the portlet set up to render asynchronously?
 boolean isContentOnly()
          This field only applies to async portlets.
 boolean isDefaultMinimized()
          Returns true if the underlying portlet has defaultMinimized set to true.
 boolean isDeleted()
          Returns true if the portlet file is deleted.
 boolean isPortletRenderedByClient()
          Returns true if this portlet is being rendered via client-side frameworks (such as the PortletSource Disc API)
 boolean isRemote()
          Returns true when the portlet is being invoked remotely via WSRP on a producer or when the portlet is a proxy portlet on the consumer.
 boolean isReturnContentToCaller()
          Returns true if Portal-Aware-XHR has been invoked within this portlet.
 void setHeaderMode(ControlContextConstants.HeaderMode mode)
          Accepts HeaderMode desired for this portlet running over WSRP.
 void setRenderOnAjaxRequest(boolean render)
          Force the portlet to render/not render when the Desktop asyncMode="enabled".
 void setSharedParameterValue(String name, String value)
          Sets the value of the specified shared parameter to the specified value.
 void setSharedParameterValues(String name, String[] values)
          Sets the value of the specified shared parameter to the specified values.
 void suppressWsrpOptimisticRender()
          Suppresses the optimistic render of WSRP portlets after a WSRP PerformBlockingInteraction or HandleEvents call; if this portlet is not being used over WSRP this method has no effect.


Methods inherited from class com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.window.backing.WindowBackingContext
getCapability, getCapabilityVisible, getDefinitionId, getDefinitionLabel, getDescription, getMetaData, getMetaDatas, getOrientation, getParentPageBackingContext, getParentWindowBackingContext, getPlacementId, getPreviousWindowMode, getPreviousWindowState, getRenderedChildrenWindowBackingContexts, getTitle, getWindowMode, getWindowState, isCapable, isPacked, setCapabilityVisible, setDescription, setTitle, setupModeChangeEvent, setupModeChangeEvent, setupPageChangeEvent, setupStateChangeEvent, setupStateChangeEventFromParent


Methods inherited from class com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.BackingContext
ensureCurrentLifecycleStageLegalForOperation, getChildrenBackingContexts, getParentBackingContext, getParsedProperties, getProperties, getProperty, getProperty, getSendRedirectPath, getTopParentBackingContext, isBackingPhase, isVisible, sendRedirect, setBackingPhase, setVisible


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final String CLASS_NAME

Method Detail


public String getLabel()
Return the unique label for the portlet. For portlets this is the same as instanceLabel.
Specified by:
getLabel in class WindowBackingContext
the instance label.


public String getInstanceLabel()
Return the unique instance label for the portlet. This is the property defined in the IDE as instance Label.
the instance label.


public String getPortletUri()
Get the portlet's URI.
example: /portlets/myportlet/myportlet.portlet
A String containing the portlet's URI.


public String getInstanceId()
Return the instance id of this portlet. Note: the instance id is only populated when in streaming mode, not single file mode. This can be used with the persistence API.
getInstanceId in class WindowBackingContext
A string representation of the portlet's instance id (this is NOT always a number)
See Also


public String getLocalInstanceId()
Return the local instance id of this portlet. In non-WSRP this will return the same as getInstanceId(), in WSRP this will return the ID on the Producer. Note: the instance id is only populated when in streaming mode, not single file mode. This can be used with the persistence API.
A string representation of the portlet's instance id (this is always a number)
See Also


public static PortletBackingContext getPortletBackingContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
A static helper to pull the current portlet's backing context out of the request.
request - the current HttpServletRequest
A reference to the currents windows backing context.


public PortletPreferences getPortletPreferences(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Returns a copy of the preferences for this portlet.
request - The current HTTPServletRequest instance
The preferences instance


public PortletPreferences getPreferences(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Deprecated Use getPortletPreferences instead

Returns preferences for this portlet.

request - HTTP request


public boolean isDefaultMinimized()
Returns true if the underlying portlet has defaultMinimized set to true.
true if the portlet is defaultMinimized


public String getDisabledClassifications()
Returns classifications for which the underlying portlet is disabled.
disabled classifications


public String getEnabledClassifications()
Returns classifications for which the underlying portlet is enabled.
enabled classifications


public boolean isDeleted()

Returns true if the portlet file is deleted. Portlets are marked deleted when they are removed from the files system but still in use. The .portlet file must either be restored or the portlet should be removed via the admin tools.

true if the portlet file is deleted


public void fireCustomEvent(String eventName,
                            Serializable payload)
Fire a custom event with the default custom event namespace. This method should only be called in handlePostback or in an event handler.
eventName - The name of the event. This will be matched against the 'name' or 'qname' attribute of the handleCustomEvent tag.
payload - The arbitrary payload that the event will carry.


public void fireCustomEvent(QName name,
                            Serializable payload)
Fire a custom event with the specified QName. This method should only be called in handlePostback or in an event handler.
name - The QName of the event. This will be matched against the 'name' or 'qname' attribute of the handleCustomEvent tag.
payload - The arbitrary payload that the event will carry.


public String getSharedParameterValue(String name)
Gets the value of the specified shared parameter. If there are multiple values for the specified shared parameter, the first value is returned. Shared parameter values are not available during the init lifecycle. Only the portlet targeted by a request will see the most up-to-date shared parameter values during handlePostback. During event handling, preRender and render all portlets will receive the most up-to-date shared parameter values.
name - the parameterID of the parameter to get. If the name is not a registered shared parameter, null will be returned.
the first value of the specified shared parameter, or null if the parameter has no values or is not a registered shared parameter for this portlet.


public String[] getSharedParameterValues(String name)
Gets all values for the specified shared parameter. Shared parameter values are not available during the init lifecycle. Only the portlet targeted by a request will see the most up-to-date shared parameter values during handlePostback. During event handling, preRender and render all portlets will receive the most up-to-date shared parameter values.
name - the parameterID of the parameter to get. If the name is not a registered shared parameter, null will be returned.
the values of the specified shared parameter, or null if the parameter has no values or is not a registered shared parameter for this portlet.


public void setSharedParameterValue(String name,
                                    String value)
Sets the value of the specified shared parameter to the specified value. This method should only be called in handlePostback or in an event handler. During handlePostback, it is recommended that only the portlet targeted by the request set shared parameter values, or non-deterministic behavior can result.
name - the parameterID of the parameter to set. If the name is not a registered shared parameter, an error is logged and nothing else is done.
value - the new value for the parameter. If null, the shared parameter will be removed.


public void setSharedParameterValues(String name,
                                     String[] values)
Sets the value of the specified shared parameter to the specified values. This method should only be called in handlePostback or in an event handler. During handlePostback, it is recommended that only the portlet targeted by the request set shared parameter values, or non-deterministic behavior can result.
name - the parameterID of the parameter to set. If the name is not a registered shared parameter, an error is logged and nothing else is done.
values - the new values for the parameter. If null, the shared parameter will be removed.


public boolean isAsyncContent()
Is the portlet set up to render asynchronously?
true if the asyncContent property on the portlet is configured to anything besides "none".


public String getAsyncContent()
Get the value of the portlet's asyncContent property.
the value of the asyncContent property on the portlet.


public boolean isContentOnly()
This field only applies to async portlets. This method returns true for the async request that actually renders the portlet content, and false for the "original" portal request that renders the main portal and portlet outline.


public PageBackingContext getPageBackingContext()
Return the portlet's parent PageBackingContext.
If this portlet is placed on a page then a reference to the pages backing context, otherwise null.


public void invalidateCache()
Invalidate this control's cache.


public void setRenderOnAjaxRequest(boolean render)

Force the portlet to render/not render when the Desktop asyncMode="enabled". Note: This method must be called before preRender(), therefore, call this method in init() or handlePostbackData().

render - this portlet whether changed or not.


public boolean isPortletRenderedByClient()
Returns true if this portlet is being rendered via client-side frameworks (such as the PortletSource Disc API)
whether or not this portlet is rendered on the client side


public boolean isReturnContentToCaller()
Returns true if Portal-Aware-XHR has been invoked within this portlet.
whether or not this is an XPR request from this portlet.


public boolean isRemote()
Returns true when the portlet is being invoked remotely via WSRP on a producer or when the portlet is a proxy portlet on the consumer. Returns false for strictly local portlets.
whether or not this portlet is remote


public void setHeaderMode(ControlContextConstants.HeaderMode mode)
Accepts HeaderMode desired for this portlet running over WSRP. If not explicitly set for the portlet, it defaults to what was set for the WSRP Producer. If the WSRP producer did not have it set in its configuration file, then it defaults to HeaderMode.BOTH. If the portlet is not running over WSRP, this setting will be ignored.
HeaderMode - desired mode for headers on the response object


public ControlContextConstants.HeaderMode getHeaderMode()
Returns a HeaderMode representing the header mode currently set for the response object. Defaults to HeaderMode.CLIENT when in non-WSRP mode.
HeaderMode the setting for how headers are being handled on the response object


public void suppressWsrpOptimisticRender()
Suppresses the optimistic render of WSRP portlets after a WSRP PerformBlockingInteraction or HandleEvents call; if this portlet is not being used over WSRP this method has no effect. Normally, if a WSRP portlet receives a WSRP PerformBlockingInteraction request and the portlet does not send any events as a result, the WSRP producer will render the portlet and return the portlet's markup in the response of the PerformBlockingInteraction SOAP message. This markup may be cached by the consumer until the consumer's page renders, and if nothing else affecting the state of the portlet happens (such as the portlet receiving an event), the cached markup can be used by the consumer, eliminating the need for a second SOAP call to GetMarkup. This assumes that the portlet's render phase is idempotent, which is always a best practice.<p/> However, if the portlet expects to receive an event, or rendering the portlet is more costly than a second SOAP message for GetMarkup, the developer may call this method to suppress the optimistic render of the portlet as a result of a PerformBlockingInteraction or HandleEvents call. When a GetMarkup SOAP message is received by the producer, the portlet will be rendered normally.

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