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Interface LocaleProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface LocaleProvider

Interface for implementations of classes that provide a set of Locales to the internal localization logic. This is useful for cases where the default list of locales taken from the ServletRequest needs be overridden. To register implementation, declare the fully qualified class name in WEB-INF/netuix-config.xml, like this:

      <default-locale language="en" country="US"/>

Method Summary
 Enumeration getLocales(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request, javax.servlet.ServletContext context)
          Provides an Enumeration of Locales that can be used to determine the most appropriate response Locale.


Method Detail


Enumeration getLocales(javax.servlet.ServletRequest request,
                       javax.servlet.ServletContext context)

Provides an Enumeration of Locales that can be used to determine the most appropriate response Locale.

request - the current ServletReqeust
context - the current ServletContext
an Enumeration of preferred Locale objects, ordered by preference

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