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Class AppContext

  extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.manager.AppContext

All Implemented Interfaces

public class AppContext
extends Object
implements Serializable

The AppContext is created once per request and provides convenience methods for web application-wide request-scoped parameters.

See Also
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary


Method Summary
static boolean appContextSet(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Has a portal servlet set the AppContext on this request?
static AppContext getAppContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Returns the AppContext associated with the current request.
 String getDesktopPath()
          Get the partial URL (desktop portion) for this portal/desktop request
 String getPortalPath()
          Get the partial URL (portal portion) for this portal/desktop
 String getPortletInstanceLabel()
 String getWebAppName()
          Return the webapp name (as defined in the config.xml file) for this portal.
static boolean isCustomizationAllowed(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          This method is used for determining if customizations are allowed, based on information in the given request.
 boolean isDotPortal()
          Is this portal a .portal file or was it assembled from the datebase?
static boolean isPermanentDeleteAllowed(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Deprecated Replaced by isCustomizationAllowed(HttpServletRequest)
 boolean isStandalonePortlet()
          Is the current request servicing a standalone Portlet?
 void setPortletInstanceLabel(String portletInstanceLabel)


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public AppContext()

Method Detail


public String getWebAppName()
Return the webapp name (as defined in the config.xml file) for this portal.
the web app name


public String getPortalPath()
Get the partial URL (portal portion) for this portal/desktop
the partial URL path for this portal. If this is a .portal file request then this method will return null.


public String getDesktopPath()
Get the partial URL (desktop portion) for this portal/desktop request
return the part of the URL that makes up the desktop request. If this is a .portal file request this method will return null.


public String getPortletInstanceLabel()


public void setPortletInstanceLabel(String portletInstanceLabel)


public boolean isDotPortal()
Is this portal a .portal file or was it assembled from the datebase?
true is this portal is a .portal file


public boolean isStandalonePortlet()
Is the current request servicing a standalone Portlet?
true if this request is servicing a standalone portlet


public static boolean isPermanentDeleteAllowed(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Deprecated Replaced by isCustomizationAllowed(HttpServletRequest)
This method is used for determining if a delete button can be used to permanently delete a portlet instance from the database. This information is valuable because it allows a user interface to give an appropriate prompt to the end-user, with choices that accurately represent actions that can successfully be taken. For example, if delete permanently is allowed, a look and feel can prompt the end user if s/he wants to delete this portlet permanently, or just for the session.
true if this button can be used to permanently delete a portlet instance from the database; false otherwise.


public static boolean isCustomizationAllowed(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
This method is used for determining if customizations are allowed, based on information in the given request. Several criteria must evaluate to true for this method to return true: the request must originate from a disassembled Desktop; the customization flag must be set to "true" for the originating web application; and the user must be authenticated to the system.
true if customizations are allowed based on information in the request; false otherwise.


public static AppContext getAppContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Returns the AppContext associated with the current request. If no such AppContext exists, this method creates a new one and associates it with the current request.
application context


public static boolean appContextSet(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Has a portal servlet set the AppContext on this request?

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