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Interface CacheConfig

public interface CacheConfig

Configuration of a Cache. Usually implemented by a descriptor bean mapping to META-INF/p13n-cache-config.xml.

This interface is intended to be implemented only by Oracle Weblogic Portal. Oracle Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of Oracle Weblogic Portal.

Field Summary
static boolean DEFAULT_ENABLED
          Default for enabled setting of a cache.
          Default for the size of a cache (max number of entries).
static long DEFAULT_TTL
          Default time to live for elements in the cache, in millisecs Value is one hour.
static int MAX_ENTRIES_MAX
          Maximum value for the size of the cache (maximum number of entries).
          Setting for time to live that indicates forever; elements in cache will never expire.


Method Summary
 boolean getEnabled()
          Get enabled mode of cache.
 int getMaxEntries()
          Get maximum number of entries allowed in the cache.
 String getProviderId()
          Get the id of the provider to use for this cache.
 long getTimeToLive()
          Get default time to live for cache elements (in milliseconds).
 void setEnabled(boolean isEnabled)
          Set enabled mode of cache.
 void setMaxEntries(int size)
          Set the maximum number of entries allowed in the cache.
 void setProviderId(String providerId)
          Set the provider id to use for this named cache.
 void setTimeToLive(long ttl)
          Set the default time-to-live (in milliseconds) for elements added to the cache.


Field Detail


static final long DEFAULT_TTL
Default time to live for elements in the cache, in millisecs Value is one hour.
See Also
Constants Summary


static final int TTL_NEVER_EXPIRE
Setting for time to live that indicates forever; elements in cache will never expire. Value is -1.
See Also
Constants Summary


static final int MAX_ENTRIES_MAX
Maximum value for the size of the cache (maximum number of entries). Value is Integer.MAX_VALUE.
See Also
Constants Summary


static final int DEFAULT_MAX_ENTRIES
Default for the size of a cache (max number of entries). Value is 100.
See Also
Constants Summary


static final boolean DEFAULT_ENABLED
Default for enabled setting of a cache. Value is true (enabled).
See Also
Constants Summary

Method Detail


void setEnabled(boolean isEnabled)
Set enabled mode of cache. A disabled cache's methods - get, add, remove, etc - will do nothing. This can be used to turn off caching for debugging, development, etc.
isEnabled - The enabled setting of the cache


boolean getEnabled()
Get enabled mode of cache.
The current enabled mode of the cache.
See Also


void setTimeToLive(long ttl)
Set the default time-to-live (in milliseconds) for elements added to the cache. Elements which outlive their time-to-live will be removed from the cache. Must be set to a positive (non-zero) number or to TTL_NEVER_EXPIRE.
ttl - The time to live for the cache, in milliseconds.


long getTimeToLive()
Get default time to live for cache elements (in milliseconds).
The time to live for the cache, in milliseconds.
See Also


void setMaxEntries(int size)
Set the maximum number of entries allowed in the cache. If the number of elements in the cache exceeds this size, older elements will be removed (using an LRU strategy).
size - The maxium size of the cache.


int getMaxEntries()
Get maximum number of entries allowed in the cache.
The maxium size of the cache.
See Also


void setProviderId(String providerId)
Set the provider id to use for this named cache.
providerId - The id of the provider to use for this cache.
See Also
CacheFactory, CacheProvider


String getProviderId()
Get the id of the provider to use for this cache. If null, or a provider with this id is not available, the default provider will be used instead.
The id of the provider to use for this cache.
See Also
CacheFactory, CacheProvider

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