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Interface GroupManager

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public interface GroupManager
extends Serializable

Remote interface for the GroupManager session bean.
This class depends on the following EJB environment in the ejb deployment descriptor:

This control requires that the GroupManager EJB has been deployed to the application. The GroupManager EJB is contained in p13n_ejb.jar, and is automatically deployed as part of a Portal application.
Security requirements: The caller must be in the role of "PortalSystemAdministrator" to invoke most of these methods

This control is deprecated as of Portal 8.1.x. Each method will note the replacement control and method to use.

Method Summary
 void addGroupToGroup(String parentGroup, String childGroup)
          Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.addGroupToGroup(parentGroup, childGroup)
 void addUserToGroup(String groupname, String username)
          Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.addUserToGroup(groupname, username)
 ProfileWrapper createGroup(String name)
          Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.createGroup(name)
 List getAllGroupNames()
          Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.getAllGroupNames()
 List getChildGroupNames(String groupname)
          Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.getChildGroupNames(groupname)
 List getGroupNamesForUser(String username)
          Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.getGroupNamesForUser(username)
 ProfileWrapper getGroupProfile(String name)
          Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use UserProfileControl.getProfileForGroup(name)
 ProfileManager getGroupProfileManager(String name)
          Deprecated Use ProfileControl.getGroupProfileManager(name)
 String getParentGroupName(String groupname)
          Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.getParentGroupNames(groupname)
 List getTopLevelGroupNames()
          Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.getTopLevelGroupNames()
 List getUsernamesForGroup(String groupname)
          Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.getUsernamesForGroup(groupname)
 List getUsernamesForGroupLimited(String groupname, String searchExpression, int limit)
          Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.getUsernamesForGroupLimited(groupname, searchExpression, limit)
 boolean groupExists(String group)
          Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.groupExists(group)
 boolean isDeletableGroup(String groupName)
          Determine if a group can be deleted.
 boolean isDescendent(String ancestor, String descendent)
          Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.isDescendent(ancestor, descendent)
 boolean isMember(String groupname, String username)
          Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.isMemberGroup(groupname, username, recurse)
 void removeGroup(String groupname)
          Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.removeGroup(groupname)
 void removeGroupFromGroup(String parentGroup, String childGroup)
          Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.removeGroupFromGroup(parentGroup, childGroup)
 void removeUserFromGroup(String groupname, String username)
          Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.removeUserFromGroup(groupname, username)


Method Detail


void addGroupToGroup(String parentGroup,
                     String childGroup)
                     throws P13nControlException
Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.addGroupToGroup(parentGroup, childGroup)
Add a child group to a group Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator
parentGroup - the name of the group to modify
childGroup - the name of the group to add
P13nControlException - if the child group cannot be added to the group or caller is not in allowed role


void addUserToGroup(String groupname,
                    String username)
                    throws P13nControlException
Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.addUserToGroup(groupname, username)
Add a user to a group. Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator
groupname - the name of the group to modify
username - the name of the user to add
P13nControlException - if the user cannot be added to the group or caller is not in allowed role


ProfileWrapper createGroup(String name)
                           throws P13nControlException
Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.createGroup(name)
Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator
the - name of the group to create
P13nControlException - if name is invalid or if group already exists or caller is not in allowed role


List getAllGroupNames()
                      throws P13nControlException
Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.getAllGroupNames()
Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator
P13nControlException - if remote errors from the GroupManager EJB


List getChildGroupNames(String groupname)
                        throws P13nControlException
Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.getChildGroupNames(groupname)
Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator Retrieve a list of all children of a group.
groupname - the group to query
P13nControlException - if remote errors from the GroupManager EJB or caller is not in allowed role


List getGroupNamesForUser(String username)
                          throws P13nControlException
Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.getGroupNamesForUser(username)
Retrieve a list of all groups that a user belongs to.
username - the user to query
P13nControlException - if remote errors from the GroupManager EJB


ProfileWrapper getGroupProfile(String name)
                               throws P13nControlException
Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use UserProfileControl.getProfileForGroup(name)
Get the profile for this group. Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator
name - the name of the group to access
the profile representing the group
P13nControlException - if profile is not found or caller is not in allowed role


ProfileManager getGroupProfileManager(String name)
                                      throws P13nControlException
Deprecated Use ProfileControl.getGroupProfileManager(name)
Returns a profile manager that can be used to access a group's profile. If the requested group exists in the realm but does not have a profile yet, a new profile will be created at this time.
name - the name of the group to access
the GroupProfileManager
P13nControlException - if the group is not in the realm or caller is not in allowed role


String getParentGroupName(String groupname)
                          throws P13nControlException
Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.getParentGroupNames(groupname)
Retrieve the parent of a group. Assumes that a group will only have one parent, as enforced by the GroupManager. If your realm has groups with more than one parent, the first one encountered will be returned. Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator
groupname - the group to query
P13nControlException - if runtime errors occur or caller is not in allowed role


List getTopLevelGroupNames()
                           throws P13nControlException
Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.getTopLevelGroupNames()
Retrieve a list of groups that do not have parent groups. This will not return the built-in WLS "everyone" or "users" groups. Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator
P13nControlException - if runtime errors occur or caller is not in allowed role


boolean groupExists(String group)
                    throws P13nControlException
Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.groupExists(group)
Determines if a group exists in the realm.
name - the group name to check
true if the group exists, false otherwise
P13nControlException - if runtime errors


boolean isDeletableGroup(String groupName)
                         throws P13nControlException
Determine if a group can be deleted. Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator
false if the group name given is protected by the system in any way
P13nControlException - if runtime errors or caller is not in allowed role


boolean isDescendent(String ancestor,
                     String descendent)
                     throws P13nControlException
Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.isDescendent(ancestor, descendent)
Determine if one group is a descendent of another. Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator
ancestor - see if the other group is a descendent of this group
descendent - see if this is a descendent of the other group
P13nControlException - if runtime errors or caller is not in allowed role


boolean isMember(String groupname,
                 String username)
                 throws P13nControlException
Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.isMemberGroup(groupname, username, recurse)
Determine if a user is a member of a group.
groupname - the group to query
username - the user to look for
P13nControlException - if runtime errors


void removeGroup(String groupname)
                 throws P13nControlException
Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.removeGroup(groupname)
Remove a group. This will remove the group from both the realm and the profile tables. Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator
the - name of the group to remove
P13nControlException - if the group is protected and cannot be deleted or caller is not in allowed role


void removeGroupFromGroup(String parentGroup,
                          String childGroup)
                          throws P13nControlException
Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.removeGroupFromGroup(parentGroup, childGroup)
Remove a child group from a group Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator
parentGroup - the name of the group to modify
childGroup - the name of the group to remove
P13nControlException - if the group is not found or caller is not in allowed role


void removeUserFromGroup(String groupname,
                         String username)
                         throws P13nControlException
Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.removeUserFromGroup(groupname, username)
Remove a user from a group Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator
groupname - the name of the group to modify
username - the name of the user to remove
P13nControlException - if user or group is not found, or caller is not in allowed role


List getUsernamesForGroup(String groupname)
                          throws P13nControlException
Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.getUsernamesForGroup(groupname)
P13nControlException - if runtime errors


List getUsernamesForGroupLimited(String groupname,
                                 String searchExpression,
                                 int limit)
                                 throws P13nControlException
Deprecated As of Portal 8.1.x, use GroupProviderControl.getUsernamesForGroupLimited(groupname, searchExpression, limit)
Retrieve a list of users in a group, matching the provided wildcard expression
groupname - the group to query
searchExpression - a wildcard expression to match
limit - the maximum number of results to return
a List of usernames that are in this group
P13nControlException - if runtime errors occur

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