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Class MethodCall

  extended by com.bea.p13n.expression.internal.ComplexExpressionImpl
      extended by com.bea.p13n.expression.operator.Operator
          extended by com.bea.p13n.expression.operator.MethodCall

All Implemented Interfaces
Expression, com.bea.p13n.expression.ExpressionEvents, Serializable, Cloneable

public final class MethodCall
extends Operator

Implementation of the MethodCall operator. The MethodCall operator is used to call an arbitrary Java method using the Java reflection API.
Two forms of method call are supported, static and instance level. For static method calls Input 1 should be set to null and Inputs 2,3,4 are required.
For instance method calls Inputs 1 and 2 are required, inputs 3 and 4 are ignored.
Option 2 (method name) supports dynamic field resolution, therefore:
"out.println" will automatically resolve the method name to an instance field with the name "out".

The examples below both invoke static methods. The first calls the static method "testMethod" on the class "TestStaticMethod" located in the "qa" package. The argument to the method call is a single string.
The second example is equivalent to: java.lang.System.out.println( "### Condition FALSE" )
new MethodCall( "qa", "TestStaticMethod", "testMethod", new Object[] { new String( "### Condition TRUE" ) } );
new MethodCall( "java.lang", "System", "out.println", new Object[] { new String( "### Condition FALSE" ) } ) );

Input 1: An Object (or Expression returning an Object) that is the target of the method call.
Input 2: A String or an Expression returning a String that is the method name to be invoked.
Input 3: A String or an Expression returning a String that is the name of the package for static method calls.
Input 4: A String or an Expression returning a String that is the name of the Class for static method calls.
Input 5-N1: Objects or Expressions returning Objects that serve as arguments to the method call.
Input N1+1-N2: Classes or Expressions returning Classes that identify the Method signature (optional, only required to distinguish between polymorphic methods with the same number of arguments.
Returns: An Object that is the result of the method invocation.

See Also
Serialized Form

Field Summary
          The minimum number of sub-expressions of a valid MethodCall expression.


Fields inherited from interface com.bea.p13n.expression.ExpressionEvents


Constructor Summary
MethodCall(Object target, Object methodName)
          Allocates a MethodCall object by associating a target object, a method name.
MethodCall(Object staticPackage, Object staticClassName, Object fieldAndMethodName)
          Allocates a MethodCall object by associating a static package name, a class name and a method name to be called.
MethodCall(Object target, Object methodName, Object[] args)
          Allocates a MethodCall object by associating a target object, a method name and arguments to be passed to the method call.
MethodCall(Object target, Object methodName, Object[] args, Object[] methodSignature)
          Allocates a MethodCall object by associating a target object, a method name, arguments to be passed to the method and the method signature.
MethodCall(Object staticPackage, Object staticClassName, Object fieldAndMethodName, Object[] args)
          Allocates a MethodCall object by associating a static package name, a class name and a method name to be called.
MethodCall(Object staticPackage, Object staticClassName, Object fieldAndMethodName, Object[] args, Object[] methodSignature)
          Allocates a MethodCall object by associating a static package name, a class name and a method name to be called.


Method Summary
protected  void addArgumentsAndSignature(Object[] args, Object[] methodSignature)
          Adds the given arguments and method signature as sub expressions.
 Object getArgument(int index)
          Returns an argument at the specified position in the method signature.
 Object[] getArgumentArray()
          Returns an array of Objects representing the arguments to a method.
 int getArgumentCount()
          Returns number of arguments.
 Object getMethodName()
          Returns the method name that will be called on the target object.
 Object getMethodSignature(int index)
          Returns a parameter type of a method signature given the position.
 Class[] getMethodSignatureArray()
          Returns an array of Class storing parameter types which represent a method signature.
 int getMethodSignatureLength()
          Returns the length of the method signature in terms of number of parameters the method accepts.
 Class[] getParameterSignature()
          Returns MethodCall expression's constructor signature
 Object getStaticClassName()
          Returns the Class object.
 Object getStaticPackageName()
          Returns the static package name of a class on which a static method can be called.
 Object getTarget()
          Returns the target object whose method has to be called.


Methods inherited from class com.bea.p13n.expression.operator.Operator
leftHandSide, operand, rightHandSide


Methods inherited from class com.bea.p13n.expression.internal.ComplexExpressionImpl
addListener, addSubExpression, clearCache, clone, createProxyExpression, equals, getCachedValue, getParent, getSource, getSubExpression, getSubExpressionCount, getUserData, hashCode, isCached, isCacheEnabled, isEqualitySubExpression, notifyListeners, removeAllSubExpressions, removeListener, removeSubExpression, removeSubExpression, setCachedValue, setCacheEnabled, setParent, setSource, setSubExpression, setUserData, toString, write


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final int MIN_SUBEXPRESSION_COUNT
The minimum number of sub-expressions of a valid MethodCall expression.
See Also
Constants Summary

Constructor Detail


public MethodCall()


public MethodCall(Object target,
                  Object methodName,
                  Object[] args)
Allocates a MethodCall object by associating a target object, a method name and arguments to be passed to the method call.
target - An Object whose method will be called.
methodName - The name of the method to be called.
args - An array of objects to be passed to the specified method.


public MethodCall(Object target,
                  Object methodName,
                  Object[] args,
                  Object[] methodSignature)
Allocates a MethodCall object by associating a target object, a method name, arguments to be passed to the method and the method signature.
target - An Object whose method will be called.
methodName - The name of the method to be called.
args - An array of objects to be passed to the specified method.
methodSignature - An array of objects containing information about the specified method's signature.


public MethodCall(Object target,
                  Object methodName)
Allocates a MethodCall object by associating a target object, a method name.
target - An Object whose method will be called.
methodName - The name of the method to be called.


public MethodCall(Object staticPackage,
                  Object staticClassName,
                  Object fieldAndMethodName)
Allocates a MethodCall object by associating a static package name, a class name and a method name to be called.
staticPackage - The static package name.
staticClassName - The name of the class.
fieldAndMethodName - The method name to be called.


public MethodCall(Object staticPackage,
                  Object staticClassName,
                  Object fieldAndMethodName,
                  Object[] args)
Allocates a MethodCall object by associating a static package name, a class name and a method name to be called.
staticPackage - The static package name.
staticClassName - The name of the class.
fieldAndMethodName - The method name to be called.
args - An array of objects representing the arguments to be passed to the specified method.


public MethodCall(Object staticPackage,
                  Object staticClassName,
                  Object fieldAndMethodName,
                  Object[] args,
                  Object[] methodSignature)
Allocates a MethodCall object by associating a static package name, a class name and a method name to be called.
staticPackage - The static package name.
staticClassName - The name of the class.
fieldAndMethodName - The method name to be called.
args - An array of objects representing the arguments to be passed to the specified method.
methodSignature - An array of objects containing information about the specified method's signature.

Method Detail


public Object getTarget()
Returns the target object whose method has to be called.
An Object.


public Object getMethodName()
Returns the method name that will be called on the target object.
An Object representing a method name.


public Object getStaticPackageName()
Returns the static package name of a class on which a static method can be called.
An Object representing a static package name.


public Object getStaticClassName()
Returns the Class object.
An Object representing a Class.


public Object getMethodSignature(int index)
Returns a parameter type of a method signature given the position.
index - The position of the parameter whose type has to be returned.
An Object representing the type of the parameter.


public int getArgumentCount()
Returns number of arguments.
The number of arguments.


public Object[] getArgumentArray()
Returns an array of Objects representing the arguments to a method.
An array of objects that are passed to a method as arguments.


public Object getArgument(int index)
Returns an argument at the specified position in the method signature.
index - The position of the argument to be returned.
An Object representing an argument at the specified position.


public Class[] getMethodSignatureArray()
Returns an array of Class storing parameter types which represent a method signature.
An array of Class containing a method signature in terms of parameter types.


public int getMethodSignatureLength()
Returns the length of the method signature in terms of number of parameters the method accepts.
The length of the method signature.


public Class[] getParameterSignature()
Returns MethodCall expression's constructor signature
An array of Class containing parameter types.


protected void addArgumentsAndSignature(Object[] args,
                                        Object[] methodSignature)
Adds the given arguments and method signature as sub expressions.
args - An array of objects to be passed to the specified method.
methodSignature - An array of objects containing information about the specified

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