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Package com.bea.p13n.expression

This package provides interfaces and classes for constructing and executing runtime interpreted expression trees.


Interface Summary
Evaluator An interface that is implemented by the classes that can evaluate an Expression.
Executor The Executor interface is implemented by a class that can perform the Unification-Validation-Evaluation cycle on an Expression.
Expression An interface implemented by all simple and complex expressions.
ExpressionList Simple wrapper interface for List for storing sub-components of an expression.
Optimizer The Optimizer interface is implemented by the class that can optimize an Expression.
ProxyExpression An interface implemented by the class that need to act as a proxy to the original expression.
UnificationList An interface for a class that maps variable names to the variable values.
Unifier An interface implemented by classes that can unify (replace occurrences of a variable with a value) an expression.
Validator An interface that is implemented by a class that can validate various types of expressions.


Class Summary
ExpressionFactory A factory class to create instances of the various implementation classes in the expression package.


Exception Summary
ComparisonException An Exception class for Comparison related exceptions.
ExpressionException Base class for all Exceptions in the expression package.
IntrospectionException Exception class for Java reflection introspection errors.
InvalidExpressionException Exception class to signal Expression validation errors.
MethodCallException Exception class for MethodCall related exceptions.
UnboundVariableException An Exception class to signal that a variable in an expression has not been unified with a value.


Package com.bea.p13n.expression Description

This package provides interfaces and classes for constructing and executing runtime interpreted expression trees. Expression trees can contain variables, common operators, Java literals and arbitrary method calls. This package also provides various services such as validation for validating an expression, unification for unifying an expression, and evaluation for evaluating an expression. These service can be constructed and used through the ExpressionFactory.

The expression package includes the following classes of operators:

Note: There is a special Expression class called ProxyExpression that acts as a proxy to an embedded expression.

See Also
ExpressionFactory, Evaluator, Validator, Unifier, Executor, Expression, ProxyExpression

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