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Class TimerJobDefinition

  extended by com.bea.p13n.jobmanager.config.AbstractJobDefinition
      extended by com.bea.p13n.jobmanager.config.TimerJobDefinition

All Implemented Interfaces
TimerJobDefinitionBean, JobDefinition

public class TimerJobDefinition
extends AbstractJobDefinition
implements TimerJobDefinitionBean

This is the job definition for a TimerJob.

Nested Class Summary


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.bea.p13n.jobmanager.JobDefinition


Constructor Summary
TimerJobDefinition(String name)


Method Summary
 int getInterval()
          What is the run interval in seconds.
 JobDefinition.JOB_TYPE getJobType()
 void setInterval(int interval)
 void setNode(String node)
          This is unsupported as this job definition can't be configured to run on any one server.
 String toString()


Methods inherited from class com.bea.p13n.jobmanager.config.AbstractJobDefinition
createJobListener, createJobParam, destroyJobListener, destroyJobParam, getDescription, getEnabled, getGroup, getJobClass, getJobListeners, getJobParams, getName, getNode, isEnabled, lookupJobListener, lookupJobParam, setDescription, setEnabled, setGroup, setJobClass, setJobParamBeans, setListenerBeans, setName


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface com.bea.p13n.jobmanager.config.TimerJobDefinitionBean
createJobListener, createJobParam, destroyJobListener, destroyJobParam, getDescription, getEnabled, getGroup, getJobClass, getJobListeners, getJobParams, getName, getNode, lookupJobListener, lookupJobParam, setDescription, setEnabled, setGroup, setJobClass, setName


Constructor Detail


public TimerJobDefinition(String name)

Method Detail


public String toString()
toString in class AbstractJobDefinition


public int getInterval()
Description copied from interface: TimerJobDefinitionBean
What is the run interval in seconds.
Specified by:
getInterval in interface TimerJobDefinitionBean


public void setInterval(int interval)
Specified by:
setInterval in interface TimerJobDefinitionBean


public JobDefinition.JOB_TYPE getJobType()
Specified by:
getJobType in class AbstractJobDefinition


public void setNode(String node)
This is unsupported as this job definition can't be configured to run on any one server.
Specified by:
setNode in interface TimerJobDefinitionBean
Specified by:
setNode in interface JobDefinition
setNode in class AbstractJobDefinition
node - A server name.

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