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Class PagedResultIterator<T>

  extended by com.bea.p13n.pagination.PagedResultIterator<T>

All Implemented Interfaces
Iterable<T>, Iterator<T>

public class PagedResultIterator<T>
extends Object
implements Iterator<T>, Iterable<T>

A wrapper around a PagedResult to iterate over the entire contents. This allows the PagedResult to retrieve data in pages (more efficient, usually), while providing a more convenient way to iterate the entire set of results, as this iterator handles the page boundaries for you.

Rules for use:

Constructor Summary
PagedResultIterator(PagedResult<T> pagedResult)
          Construct an iterator around a paged result


Method Summary
 boolean hasNext()
 Iterator<T> iterator()
          Return self so that this iterator can also be Iterable
 T next()
          Return the next item - either on the current page or by skipping to the next page.
 void remove()


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public PagedResultIterator(PagedResult<T> pagedResult)
Construct an iterator around a paged result
pagedResult - The PagedResult to iterate

Method Detail


public boolean hasNext()
Specified by:
hasNext in interface Iterator<T>


public T next()
Return the next item - either on the current page or by skipping to the next page.
Specified by:
next in interface Iterator<T>


public void remove()
Specified by:
remove in interface Iterator<T>
UnsupportedOperationException - always


public Iterator<T> iterator()
Return self so that this iterator can also be Iterable
Specified by:
iterator in interface Iterable<T>

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