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Class RuleResultClassFilter

  extended by com.bea.p13n.rules.manager.RuleResultClassFilter

All Implemented Interfaces
ObjectFilter, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class RuleResultClassFilter
extends Object
implements ObjectFilter, Serializable

A RuleResultClassFilter can be used to filter rule Result objects (the results of firing rules). The rule Result object contains an embedded object that is the created by the rule action. This filter checks the class type of the embedded object and, if it matches the class type of this filter, passes the embedded object through the filter .

Additionally, a rule name can be associated with this filter. If the rule name is non-null the eligible rule Result objects are also filtered by rule name.

The functionality above allows this filter to select the objects that were created by the rules engine that are of a given class type and optinally were created by a rule with a given name.

See Also
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
RuleResultClassFilter(String ruleName, Class targetClass)
          Constructs a RuleResultClassFilter.
RuleResultClassFilter(String ruleName, Class[] targetClassArray)
          Constructs a RuleResultClassFilter.


Method Summary
 Object filter(Object obj)
          Performs the filtering of objects created by the action of rule firing.
 void reset()
          This is a stateless filter and does not require reset be called.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public RuleResultClassFilter(String ruleName,
                             Class targetClass)
Constructs a RuleResultClassFilter.
ruleName - the optional rule name to filter on.
targetClass - the target class for the object embedded in the rule result.


public RuleResultClassFilter(String ruleName,
                             Class[] targetClassArray)
Constructs a RuleResultClassFilter.
ruleName - the optional rule name to filter on.
targetClassArray - the target classes for the object embedded in the rule result.

Method Detail


public void reset()
This is a stateless filter and does not require reset be called.
Specified by:
reset in interface ObjectFilter


public Object filter(Object obj)
Performs the filtering of objects created by the action of rule firing.
Specified by:
filter in interface ObjectFilter
obj - the object to be filtered.
the result of the filtering or null.

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