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Class ProfileType

  extended by com.bea.p13n.usermgmt.profile.ProfileType

All Implemented Interfaces

public class ProfileType
extends Object
implements Serializable

Typesafe enum pattern for profile types

See Also
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static ProfileType ANONYMOUS
          Anonymous users have no id associated with them.
static ProfileType NONTRACKABLE
          A non-tracked ProfileType represents a profile that does not contain a principal, i.e.
static ProfileType REGISTERED
          A registered user has registered on our site and has a "real" username and groupname set as their ProfileIdentity.
static ProfileType TRACKABLE
          Tracked users are are like anonymous users, except that we've been able to assign an id to them.
static ProfileType TRACKED
          A TRACKABLE profile that is now TRACKED -- we have an EJB for its properties.
static ProfileType UNKNOWN
          An unknown profile type could be when a ProfileWrapper has not yet been created, eg, when the session first begins


Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object that)
 int hashCode()
 String toString()


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final ProfileType ANONYMOUS
Anonymous users have no id associated with them. They may have visited the site before, but Cookies are/were disabled, so there is no way of tracking them.


public static final ProfileType TRACKABLE
Tracked users are are like anonymous users, except that we've been able to assign an id to them. Tracking is enabled via configuration of the TrackAnonymousFilter in web.xml. We have not yet written their data to the database.

Once a trackable user decides to register, we merge their profile info into the registered user's profile.


public static final ProfileType NONTRACKABLE
A non-tracked ProfileType represents a profile that does not contain a principal, i.e. it contains a custom, application defined entity.


public static final ProfileType TRACKED
A TRACKABLE profile that is now TRACKED -- we have an EJB for its properties. In other words, they have stayed on our site long enough to be tracked. We distinguish the two as follows: a) TRACKABLE means the user is still anonymous, AND we have enabled tracking. The visitor threshold has not yet been exceeded, so we have not yet persisted information about them, nor have we written a tracking Cookie to the user. b) TRACKED means the threshold has been exceeded and we've peristed their information. We have also written a tracking Cookie to the user. Once tracking is enabled, and the user stays on the site for longer than the visitLength, we assign an ID to them and persist their profile to the database. When that user revists our site, we look for that id in the Cookie, and if found, retrieve their profile from the database.


public static final ProfileType REGISTERED
A registered user has registered on our site and has a "real" username and groupname set as their ProfileIdentity.


public static final ProfileType UNKNOWN
An unknown profile type could be when a ProfileWrapper has not yet been created, eg, when the session first begins

Method Detail


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public final boolean equals(Object that)
equals in class Object


public final int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object

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