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Class ResourceIDBuilder.ParseContext

  extended by

Enclosing class:
ResourceIDBuilder<T extends ResourceID>

protected static class ResourceIDBuilder.ParseContext
extends Object

Context for parsing a resource URN.

Constructor Summary
protected ResourceIDBuilder.ParseContext(String chars, int start, int end)


Method Summary
 void append(int ch)
          Append the given character to the token buffer.
 void clearTokenBuffer()
          Clear the current token buffer.
 String getRest()
          Get the portion of the resource URN from the cursor to the end of the resource URN.
 String getToken()
          Get the current token.
 String getTokenAndClear()
          Get a copy of the current token buffer and clear the current token buffer.
 StringBuilder getTokenBuffer()
          Get a copy of the current token buffer.
 StringBuilder getTokenBufferAndClear()
          Get a copy of the current token buffer and clear the current token buffer.
 boolean isAtEnd()
          Determine if the cursor is at the end of the resource URN.
 int read()
          Read the next character from the resource URN.
 boolean read(int ch)
          Read the next character from the resource URN if it matches the given character.
 void reset()
          Reset the cursor to the first character of the resource URN.
 int scanUntil(String delimiterChars)
          Read the next characters from the resource URN until a character in the given set of delimiter characters is found.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


protected ResourceIDBuilder.ParseContext(String chars,
                                         int start,
                                         int end)
chars - characters of the resource URN
start - the index of the first character in chars of the resource URN
end - the index one past the last character in chars of the resource URN

Method Detail


public final void reset()
Reset the cursor to the first character of the resource URN.


public final boolean isAtEnd()
Determine if the cursor is at the end of the resource URN.
true if the cursor is at the end of the resource URN and false otherwise


public final int read()
Read the next character from the resource URN.
the next character from the resource URN or -1 if the cursor is at the end of the resource URN


public final boolean read(int ch)
Read the next character from the resource URN if it matches the given character.
ch - the character to match
true if the next character from the resource URN matched the given character


public final int scanUntil(String delimiterChars)
Read the next characters from the resource URN until a character in the given set of delimiter characters is found.
delimiterChars - a string containing the set of delimiter characters
the index in delimiterChars of the character from the resource URN that matched or -1 if the end of the resource URN was encountered before a character in the given set of delimiter characters was found


public final void append(int ch)
Append the given character to the token buffer.
ch - the character buffer


public final String getToken()
Get the current token.

The current token buffer is not changed.

a copy of the current token buffer


public final StringBuilder getTokenBuffer()
Get a copy of the current token buffer.

The current token buffer is not changed.

a copy of the current token buffer


public final String getTokenAndClear()
Get a copy of the current token buffer and clear the current token buffer.
a copy of the current token buffer


public final StringBuilder getTokenBufferAndClear()
Get a copy of the current token buffer and clear the current token buffer.
a copy of the current token buffer


public final void clearTokenBuffer()
Clear the current token buffer.


public final String getRest()
Get the portion of the resource URN from the cursor to the end of the resource URN.
the portion of the resource URN from the cursor to the end of the resource URN

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