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Interface IBaseRequestContext

All Superinterfaces
IMutableRegistrationContext, INillable, com.bea.wsrp.bind.IPortletContextHolder, IRegistrationContext, IUserContext, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
IBlockingInteractionBaseRequestContext, IBlockingInteractionRequestContext, IGetMarkupBaseRequestContext, IGetMarkupRequestContext, IGetRenderDependenciesRequestContext, IGetResourceRequestContext, IHandleEventsRequestContext, IInitCookieRequestContext, IReleaseSessionsRequestContext

public interface IBaseRequestContext
extends IMutableRegistrationContext, IUserContext, com.bea.wsrp.bind.IPortletContextHolder

A base request context that provides access to common entities of a web application, a portlet, a WSRP SOAP request message, and the Producer.It also provides methods to add new http headers or modify existing headers.

Note: The headers: "Content-Type", "User-Agent", "Accept", "Authorization", and "SOAPAction" are NOT ALLOWED to be added or modified.

This interface is intended to be implemented only by Oracle Weblogic Portal. Oracle Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of Oracle Weblogic Portal.

Method Summary
 void addMimeHeader(String name, String value)
          Adds an http header with the supplied name and the supplied value to the underlying SOAP message.
 javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest getHttpServletRequest()
          Returns the http request associated with this context.
 javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse getHttpServletResponse()
          Returns the http response associated with this context.
 Map<String,List<String>> getMimeHeaders()
          Returns a map of http header names and a list of values associated with a header.
 List<String> getMimeHeaders(String name)
          Returns the list of values associated with the supplied name.
 com.bea.wsrp.config.ProducerInfo getProducerInfo()
          Returns the information about the Producer to which a SOAP request message is being sent.
 javax.servlet.ServletContext getServletContext()
          Returns the ServletContext to which this context belongs.
 WsrpRequestContext getWsrpRequestContext()
 void removeMimeHeader(String name)
          Removes the given header.
 void setMimeHeader(String name, String value)
          Associates the supplied value to an http header identified by the supplied name.
 void setWsrpRequestContext(WsrpRequestContext wsrpRequestContext)


Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.IMutableRegistrationContext
setRegistrationHandle, setRegistrationState


Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.IRegistrationContext
getRegistrationHandle, getRegistrationState


Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.INillable


Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.markup.IUserContext
getUserCategories, getUserContextKey, getUserProfile, setUserContextKey


Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.INillable


Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.bind.IPortletContextHolder


Method Detail


javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest getHttpServletRequest()
Returns the http request associated with this context.
An http request associated with this context.


javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse getHttpServletResponse()
Returns the http response associated with this context. Note: Directly writing data to javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.getOutputStream() may result in undesirable UI effects.
An http response associated with this context.


javax.servlet.ServletContext getServletContext()
Returns the ServletContext to which this context belongs.
The ServletContext for the current web application.


Map<String,List<String>> getMimeHeaders()
Returns a map of http header names and a list of values associated with a header. Both the returned map and the list values are unmodifiable. These headers are going to be sent to the Producer associated with this context.
a map of http headers and their values.


void addMimeHeader(String name,
                   String value)
Adds an http header with the supplied name and the supplied value to the underlying SOAP message.

Ignores null name and value.

name - a non-null http header name.
value - a non-null http header value.
See Also
MimeHeaders.addHeader(String n, String v)


void setMimeHeader(String name,
                   String value)
Associates the supplied value to an http header identified by the supplied name.
name - a non-null http header name.
value - a non-null http header value.
See Also
MimeHeaders.setHeader(String n, String v)


List<String> getMimeHeaders(String name)
Returns the list of values associated with the supplied name.

The returned list is unmodifiable.

name - an http header name.
the list of values associated with the supplied name.


void removeMimeHeader(String name)
Removes the given header.
name - a non-null http header name.
See Also
MimeHeaders.removeHeader(String n)


com.bea.wsrp.config.ProducerInfo getProducerInfo()
Returns the information about the Producer to which a SOAP request message is being sent.
a producer's information.
See Also


WsrpRequestContext getWsrpRequestContext()


void setWsrpRequestContext(WsrpRequestContext wsrpRequestContext)

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