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Interface PortletURLGenerationListener

public interface PortletURLGenerationListener

Portlet applications can register portlet URL listeners in order to filter URLs before they get generated. In order to receive a callback from the portlet container before a portlet URL is generated the portlet application needs to implement this interface and register it in the deployment descriptor with the listener element.


Method Summary
 void filterActionURL(PortletURL actionURL)
          Callback being called by the portlet container before toString or write are executed on action URLs.
 void filterRenderURL(PortletURL renderURL)
          Callback being called by the portlet container before toString or write are executed on render URLs.
 void filterResourceURL(ResourceURL resourceURL)
          Callback being called by the portlet container before toString or write are executed on resource URLs.


Method Detail


void filterActionURL(PortletURL actionURL)
Callback being called by the portlet container before toString or write are executed on action URLs.
actionURL - action URL to be generated


void filterRenderURL(PortletURL renderURL)
Callback being called by the portlet container before toString or write are executed on render URLs.
renderURL - render URL to be generated


void filterResourceURL(ResourceURL resourceURL)
Callback being called by the portlet container before toString or write are executed on resource URLs.
resourceURL - resource URL to be generated

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