Oracle Fusion Middleware JSP Tag Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Portal
10g Release 3 (10.3.2)

Portal Content
Tag getProperty


Retrieve the value(s) of a specified Node Property and either set a script variable with the value(s) or print the value(s). Please look at javadocs for com.bea.content.manager.servlets.jsp.taglib.GetPropertyTag for more information.


<cm:getProperty node="<%=node%>" resultId="propValue" name="propertyName"/>

Tag Information
Tag Classcom.bea.content.manager.servlets.jsp.taglib.GetPropertyTag
TagExtraInfo Classcom.bea.content.manager.servlets.jsp.taglib.GetPropertyTagExtraInfo
Body Contentempty
Display NameGet Property

idfalsetrue The name of the script variable which should contain the com.bea.content.Node object to get the property from. One of either id or node should be specified.
nodefalsetrue The com.bea.content.Node to use. Will check this node first and if not found will get the Node using from id.
versionfalsetrue The name (number) of the com.bea.content.virtual.version.Version to use. If this is present then the value of the property will be found using the given version of the node. Use a value of "0" to use the current version without having to supply the version number of the current version. Defaults to current version.
resultIdfalsefalse The name of the script variable to store the value of the property in. If this is not specified, the value of the property will be printed in the JSP instead. The value of the property is returned as a collection by default, unless the isMultiple attribute is set to false.
resultTypefalsefalse The type of the single valued property. May only be used if isMultiple is False. Defaults to null.
namefalsetrue The name of the Property to get. If this is a system property (cm_createdBy, cm_createdDate, cm_modifiedDate, and cm_path) then the value on the Node will be used. If not specified then the primaryProperty will be used if defined.
defaultfalsetrue If resultId is not set, this specifies the string value to print if the property doesn't exist on the specific object or if the specified property does not contain any values. Defaults to null.
conversionTypefalsetrue If resultId is not set, this specifies how to encode the property value when printing it to the JSP. This should be one of: html, url, or none. html will convert HTML special characters to their entity form; url will convert the text via the Default is to do no conversion.
dateFormatfalsetrue If resultId is not set, this specifies the java.text.SimpleDateFormat date format string to use when printing date property values. Default is Date.toString().
numFormatfalsetrue If the resultId is not set, this specifies the java.text.DecimalFormat string to use when printing numeric property values. Default is Number.toString().
blockSizefalsetrue The size of the blocks in bytes, to read the bytes of a Binary Property. Default is 2048.
startIndexfalsetrue The index (from 0) in the document's bytes at which to start printing. Defaults to 0.
endIndexfalsetrue The index (from 0) in the document's bytes at which to stop printing. Defaults to value of 'blockSize' attribute.
baseHreffalsetrue The base href to the ShowBinaryServlet to use to display/retrieve other documents relative to the printed document. This should typically be request.getContextPath() + "/ShowBinary", and is only needed when displaying binaries that need to resolve relative links. It defaults to the retrieved node's path.
isMultiplefalsefalse True if the resultId should be set to a Collection, False if it should be set to an Object that may be cast to the property type. The default is True.
failOnErrorfalsetrue True to throw a JspTagException if any error occurs; false to return a null on error. Defaults to false.
transactionTimeoutfalsetrue When the result is streamed to the output (id is not specified), the call to the CM system is wrapped in a Transaction. The default transaction timeout is set by the system, but might be too short for large content. This attribute sets the timeout of that transaction (in seconds). A value of 0 (zero) sets the timeout to the system's default value. Defaults to 0.

No Variables Defined.

Oracle Fusion Middleware JSP Tag Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Portal
10g Release 3 (10.3.2)

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