Oracle Fusion Middleware JSP Tag Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Portal
10g Release 3 (10.3.2)

Portal Content
Tag setNode


Sets the specified node in a common request attribute. For use with the getNode tag. For example: <cm:setNode node="<%=node%>"/>


This example uses the <cm:setNode/> and <cm:getNode/> tags together.
    foo.jsp (this is a jsp that will get a node and then include another jsp that will also use that node)
        // This is just one example of getting a node from cm.  The node could be retrieved
        // in many different ways and will be specific to the users actual use case.
        Node contentNode = nodeManager.getNode(new ContentContext(), "/WLP Repository/exampleNode");
        pageContext.setAttribute("ourContentNode", contentNode);

    <cm:setNode node="${ourContentNode}"/>
    <jsp:include page="nodeDisplay.jsp"/>

    nodeDisplay.jsp (this is the file that is included above and will handle displaying node properties)
    <cm:getNode id="includeNode"/>
    <c:forEach items="${}" var="property">
        <b>${}:</b> = ${property.value}

Tag Information
Tag Classcom.bea.content.manager.servlets.jsp.taglib.SetNodeTag
TagExtraInfo ClassNone
Body Contentempty
Display NameSet Node

nodetruetrue The com.bea.content.Node to set within the request.

No Variables Defined.

Oracle Fusion Middleware JSP Tag Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Portal
10g Release 3 (10.3.2)

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