Oracle Fusion Middleware JSP Tag Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Portal
10g Release 3 (10.3.2)

Portal User Management
Tag getPropertyAsString


Deprecated. Use 'getPropertyAsString' in profile_taglib.jar. Retrieve the property value for a specified PropertySet - PropertyName pair. Works exactly like the getProperty tag, but converts that the retrieved property value is a String.

Tag Information
Tag Classcom.bea.p13n.usermgmt.servlets.jsp.taglib.GetPropertyAsStringTag
TagExtraInfo Classcom.bea.p13n.usermgmt.servlets.jsp.taglib.GetPropertyAsStringExtraInfo
Body Contentempty
Display NameGet Property As String

propertySetfalsetrue The Property Set from which the property's value is to be retrieved. If no property set is provided, the property is retrieved from the profile's default (unscoped) properties.
propertyNametruetrue The name of the property to be retrieved.
idfalsefalse If specified, is the name of a variable which will return the value of the retrieved property, as a String. Otherwise, the value of the property is inlined to the JSP page.

No Variables Defined.

Oracle Fusion Middleware JSP Tag Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Portal
10g Release 3 (10.3.2)

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