Reviewing Benefit Information

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing and Editing Health Plan Information

Employees enter the health plan pages from the Benefits Summary page by clicking any health plan link that they want to review, such as medical, dental, vision, and so on. Each of these pages displays more detailed information about the specific plan type, and includes links to provider pages, employee handbooks, and dependent information pages.

This chapter assumes that the employee has completed the enrollment process and is accessing the Health Plan pages to review health plan information.

See Also

Enrolling in eBenefits

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review and Edit Health Plan Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Health Care Summary


Self Service, Benefits, Benefits Information, Health Care Summary, Health Care Summary

Review health plan coverage.




Domestic Partner Medical


  • Select Medical on the Health Care Summary page.

  • Select Dental on the Health Care Summary page.

  • Select Vision on the Health Care Summary page.

  • Select Domestic Partner Medical on the Health Care Summary page.

Use the Medical page to review medical plan coverage. Use the Dental page to review dental plan coverage. Use the Vision page to review vision plan coverage. Use the Domestic Partner Medical page to review domestic partner medical plan coverage.

Health Care Dependent Summary


Self Service, Benefits, Dependents and Beneficiaries, Health Care Dependent Summary, Health Care Dependent Summary

Review dependents covered under health plans.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Insurance Plan Information

This section assumes that the employee has completed the enrollment process and is accessing insurance plan pages to review insurance plan information or to modify his or her beneficiary allocations.

Pages displaying employee insurance plans are presented in a manner that enables the user to navigate from summary level pages to more detailed information by clicking the appropriate insurance plan links.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Insurance Plan Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Insurance Summary


Self Service, Benefits, Insurance Summary, Insurance Summary

Display summary information about all insurance plan types for which you are enrolled. This page includes links to plan-type detail pages and a link to the enrollment page.


Supplemental Life

AD and D

Dependent AD and D

Dependent Life

Supplemental AD and D


Click Type of Benefit link for the appropriate insurance on the Insurance Summary page.

Use the Life page to display information about your life insurance plan and access associated plan beneficiaries. Use the Dependent Life page to review dependent life insurance information. Use the Dependent Life AD/D page to review dependent AD/D insurance information.

Change Current Beneficiaries and Allocations


Click Edit button on the appropriate insurance page.

View and update allocation information.

Short-Term Disability

Long-Term Disability


Click Type of Benefit link for the appropriate disability insurance on the Insurance Summary page.

Use the disability pages to display information about your disability insurance plan.

Insurance Beneficiary Summary


Self Service, Benefits, Dependents and Beneficiaries, Insurance Beneficiary Summary, Insurance Beneficiary Summary

Review beneficiary insurance information and allocations.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Savings Plan Information

Savings plan pages enable employees to access information about their savings plans. They can view information about their benefit selections, and then make any changes that are allowed by an organization's program rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Savings Plan Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Savings Summary


Self Service, Benefits, Benefits Information, Savings Summary, Savings Summary

Review summary information about savings plans.


Profit Sharing

Employee Stock Purchase

Pension Plan


Click a Type of Benefit savings plan link on the Savings Summary page.

Review information about your savings plan, review covered beneficiaries, and change fund allocations

Change Current Savings Plan Contributions


Click the Edit button in the Current Contributions section of the savings plan page.

Change current plans contributions.

View Savings Allocations

Change Current Fund Allocations


  • Click Fund Allocations on the savings plan pages.

  • Click Change Current Fund Allocations on the savings plan pages.

Review savings plans fund allocations and access pages that enable changes to fund allocations.

Change Current Fund Allocations


Click the Change Current Fund Allocations link on the Fund Allocations page.

Change fund allocations.

Savings Contribution Summary


Self Service, Benefits, Benefits Information, Savings Contribution Summary, Savings Contribution Summary

View savings contributions for all plans.

Change Current Beneficiaries and Allocations


Click the Edit button in the Covered Beneficiaries section of the specific savings plan page.

Change savings plan beneficiary allocations.

Click to jump to parent topicCalculating Pension Estimates

Employees use the Pension Estimates self-service transaction page to calculate and view their pension benefit estimates. They can create separate estimates to illustrate how different retirement dates could affect the pension benefit amount.

This section discusses how to enter pension estimate parameters.

Note. Only customers who have licensed PeopleSoft Pension Administration can access the transactions described in this section.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up and Calculate Pension Estimates

Page Name

Definition Name



Self Service Calc Defaults


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Pension, Self Service Calc Defaults, Self Service Calc Defaults

Define parameters for the Estimate Pension self-service transaction.

Pension Estimates


Self Service, Benefits, Benefits Information, Pension Estimates, Pension Estimates

Enter information to run the Estimate Pension calculation.

Pension Plan Estimates - Payment Options Summary


After you have calculated the estimated pension, click Accept on the Disclaimer page.

Display a summary of the plans for which you qualify. This page appears only if you are eligible for more than one plan.

Pension Plan Estimates − Payment Options Details


Click the link on the Payment Options Summary page.

Display a list of all the estimated benefit payment options for a specified plan. If you are eligible only for one plan, the system bypasses the Pension Estimates - Payment Options Summary page and directly accesses the user to the Pension Plan Estimates − Payment Options Details page.

Optional Forms Description


Click the Descriptions of Options for Forms of Payment link on the Pension Estimates - Payment Options Details page.

Display a description of the payment options the company has defined for the available pension plans.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Pension Estimate Parameters

Access the Self Service Calculation Defaults page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Pension, Self Service Calc Defaults, Self Service Calc Defaults).

Default Values

As Of Date

Because your plan rules are effective-dated, you need to enter an as of date for the rules. If you are reproducing a past estimate, this date ensures that you use only the data that was available at the time.

Web Results Retention Months

Enter the number of months that you want the database to retain the user's calculation results. Every time the user runs this Estimate Pensions calculation, it replaces the previous calculation results.

Maximum BCD Age/YY.MM (maximum benefit commencement date age)

Enter the maximum BCD age in YY.MM format.

Wage Base Escalation Rate

Enter the wage base escalation rate. The wage base escalation rate is the assumed rate of increase in the taxable wage base. This is used for Social Security calculations and it can also affect other calculation components, depending on the plan rules.

Percent Salary Increase

Enter the salary increase percentage. The salary increase percentage is the assumed rate of increase in periodic earnings.

CPI Percent Increase (consumer price index percent increase)

Enter the CPI percent increase. The CPI percent increase is the assumed rate of increase in the CPI-W table. This is used for Social Security benefit increases.


Calculate All Plans

Select to have the system use all pension plans that have been defined in your Pensions Administration system.

Detailed Worksheet

Select to preserve intermediate results for reporting purposes.

Grant Full Service Credit

Select to have the calculation give the employee full credit for all the service that was forfeited because of a withdrawal of contributions.

Load External Employee Data

Select to have the the system run your own process to bring relevant employee data into the calculation linkage, where it is available to all the pension functions.

Allow User Salary Increase

Select to enable the user to select his or her own projected salary increase for use in the Estimate Pension calculation.

Maximum Salary Increase Percent

If you selected the Allow User Salary Increase check box, enter a maximum salary increase percent limit.

Instructions for Users

Instructions to User

Enter any instructions that you want the user to read. These instructions appear at the top of the Estimate Pension page.


Enter information that appears to the user at the top of the Disclaimer page.

Optional Forms Description

Enter payment descriptions that users access by clicking the Descriptions of Options for Forms of Payment button on the Pension Plan Estimate - Eligible Plans page.

Plan Information


Enter the pension plans that your organization wants to make available to the users of the Estimate Pensions calculation. Only eligible plans appear to the user.

Pension Type

Displays the pension type.

Assumed Contributions Pct (assumed contributions percentage)

Enter the assumed contributions pct. When the calculation projects contributions, the system applies this percentage to projected earnings to arrive at future contribution amounts.

Use Process Selection

Select to single out specific processes to run. Scroll to the desired plan and select this check box. Then select the Execute box for each process you want to run. If you select a process that depends on values obtained from previous processes, be sure that you run those previous processes as well.

Plan Information - Processes

Process Name

The process name is the name that your organization has assigned to the specific process; the description follows.

Process Type

The process type tells you how your organization defined the processing rules; you can disregard this field.


Select for every process that you want to run.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Flexible Spending Account Information

This section assumes that the employee has completed the enrollment process and is accessing FSA plan pages to review plan information. Pages displaying employee FSA plans enable the user to navigate from summary level pages to more detailed information by clicking the appropriate plan links.

Flexible spending accounts (FSAs) are plans that enable employees to save money on out-of-pocket health or dependent care expenses by enabling them to pay with pretax dollars. Two types of accounts exist:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review FSA Account Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Flexible Spending Accounts


Self Service, Benefits, Benefits Information, Flexible Spending Accounts, Flexible Spending Accounts

Review flexible spending accounts activity.

Flexible Spending Account Review


Click any Spending Account link on the Flexible Spending Accounts page.

Review details of flexible spending accounts.

Flexible Spending Account Claim Details


Select any Detail link under Claim History on the Flexible Spending Account Review page.

Review details of flexible spending accounts.

Flexible Spending Account Payment Details


Click a link under Claim History on the Flexible Spending Account Review page.

Review details about FSA claim payments.

Flexible Spending Account Payment Details


Click the Detail link under Payment History on the Flexible Spending Account Review page.

Review details about FSA payments.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Dependent and Beneficiary Information

Dependent/beneficiary pages that are specific to a given plan type are discussed in their respective chapters. Employees use these pages to view and edit information about their dependents and beneficiaries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Dependent and Beneficiary Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Dependent and Beneficiary Coverage Summary


Self Service, Benefits, Dependents and Beneficiaries, Dependent/Beneficiary Coverage

Display summary dependent/beneficiary benefit information.

Dependent and Beneficiary Information


Self Service, Benefits, Dependent/Beneficiary Info, Dependent and Beneficiary Information

Display a summary of dependent and beneficiary personal information.

Dependent/Beneficiary Personal Information


Click any name in the information section of the Dependent and Beneficiary Summary pages.

Review and update detailed dependent and beneficiary personal information.