(USF) Setting Up Approvals

This chapter provides an overview of approvals and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Approvals

PeopleSoft Enterprise eProfile delivers a three-step approval process: Request, 1st-Authorization, and 2nd-Authorization, for the following eProfile transactions:

Step 1 – Request

Requests are submitted by an originator. An originator can be an employee or manager. When the originator submits the request, the system triggers workflow that sends a confirmation email to the originator and a notification to the person or role that is to review the transaction.

Step 2 – First Approval Level

The reviewer reviews the change request information. The reviewer has two possible actions to take, approve or deny.

If the reviewer approves the request, the system triggers workflow that sends a notification to the person or role that is identified as the next reviewer.

If the reviewer denies the request, the system triggers workflow that sends an email to the originator informing them that the request was denied and closes the request.

Step 3 – Second Approval Level

Step 3 is the final self-service approval step in the delivered federal self-service approval process. Just as in step 2, the reviewer has two possible action, approve or deny.

If the reviewer approves the request, the system updates the federal Personnel Action Request (PAR) tables and triggers workflow that sends a notification to the person assigned to the Personnelist role that informs him or her of the request.

If the reviewer denies the request, the system triggers workflow that sends an email to the originator informing him or her that the request was denied and the system closes the request.

When approval is given, the system processes the request and triggers workflow that notifies the Personnelist of the request.

Transaction Processing

Processing is automatically triggered when the reviewer, in the final step of the self-service approval process, clicks the Approve button. Data is pulled from the self-service transaction tables and uses it to populate the federal PAR tables: the Federal Job, Federal Personal Data, and the employee tracking tables.

Workflow is triggered and a notification is sent to the federal self-service administrator:

Note. The Request Leave of Absence and Request Termination transactions use the USFED Approval Transactions definitions that write directly to the PAR tables.

See (USF) Setting Up the Work-in-Progress Management System.

Note. The Full/Part-time Status Change, Location Change, and Reporting Change transactions are not processed by the component interface. When final approval is submitted for these transactions, a notification is sent to the self-service administrator for processing. The self-service administrator determines whether the employee's position data or the position-level data is to be updated using the HR Processing USF component. If position-level data is updated, then multiple incumbents could be affected.

The Change Phone Number transaction does not use the approval process either. When the request is submitted, it automatically updates the PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources tables.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Steps and Workflow Notification Details

To define steps and workflow notification details, use the Approval Transactions (GVT_WIP_RECORD) and Approval Flow (GVT_WIP_ACTVTY) components.

This section provides an overview of approval steps and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Approval Steps

Approval steps define the self-service approval process that a self-service transaction must go through. As delivered, the federal self-service transactions use a three-step self-service approval process: Request, 1st-Authorization, and 2nd-Authorization.

However, you can configure the system so that the requests made using the federal self-service transactions:

There are no limits to the number of steps you define for the self-service approval process.

For each step, you define:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Steps and Workflow Notification Details

Page Name

Definition Name



Transaction Setup


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Approval Transactions, Transaction Setup

Define statuses and status types.

Define Steps


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Approval Flow, Define Steps

Define approval steps.

Workflow Notification Details


Click the Workflow Notification Details link on the Define Steps page.

Defining workflow notification details. Define workflow objects that are used for the notifications that are generated for a particular approval step and action.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Statuses and Status Types

Access the Transaction Setup page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Approval Transactions, Transaction Setup).

Avail to Manager Self-Service (available to manager self-service)

Select to indicate that this is a self-service transaction. It is recommended that you not change this field for the delivered self-service transactions.

Valid WIP Statuses

WIP Status (work-in-progress status)

Enter a three-character code to represent the status.

Note. These codes must be defined as valid statuses for the USFED transaction. This enables the system to process the request using the existing HR Processing USF component when the request has reached final approval in the self-service approval process.

Status Type


Select this status to indicate that the request is not complete nor canceled.



Select this status to indicate that the request has been denied.


Completed (Final Self Svc Step) (final self service step)

Select this status to indicate that the request has reached the final level of self-service approval and can be processed by an administrator using the existing HR Processing USF component.

Note. When changing the status type for a transaction to Completed, remember to update the Workflow message. When changing the status type of a transaction to Completed, the workflow message may be affected. You may have to update the corresponding workflow notification details in the Approval Flow component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Approval Steps

Access the Define Steps page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Approval Flow, Define Steps).

Approval Process Steps

Step Number

Enter a number that identifies the order that the approval process will follow. The numbering of the approval steps must be sequential and begin with the number 1. The system is designed to recognize step 1 as a request.


Step Name

Enter a name for this step. The name can be up to 10 characters long.

Actions For Step

On Action Of

Add or modify the action that can be taken for this step. Available actions are Approve, Deny, or Request.


Set Status To

Select the WIP status to which the transaction should be set upon completing the action. The available statuses are those which were defined for the transaction on the Transaction Setup page. Available options are: 1st – First Auth, 2nd – Second Auth, DNY – Denied, or REQ – Requested.


Route To

Select to whom you want a notification sent to when this action occurs. Valid options are:

  • Employee, which requires the transaction user to select an employee ID at the time they perform the action.

  • Role, which indicates that the notification is sent to all employees in the specified role.

  • Supervisor, which indicates the notification is sent to the supervisor of the person currently working on the request. The individual to whom the notification is routed is the only user granted access to perform the next sequential step for the request.


Prompt Table

This field appears when you select Employee in the Route To field. Enter the record name from which the employee ID is selected.



These fields appears when you select Employee in the Route To field. Enter the instructional text that appears on the transaction page that instructs the user to enter the next reviewer's employee ID.


Role Name

This field appears when you select Role in the Route To field. Select the role that you want a notification sent to when this action occurs.


Workflow Notification Details

Click this link to open the Workflow Notification Details page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Workflow Notification Details

Access the Workflow Notification Details page (on the Define Steps page, click the Workflow Notification Details link).

It is recommended that you not change the information on this page for the delivered self-service transactions.

Business Process

Select the name of the business process that is used for notification upon completion of the given step and action.



Select the name of the activity that is used for notification upon completion of the given step and action.


Email Event

Select the name of the event that is used for email notification upon completion of the given step and action.


Email Msg Set (email message set)

Select the message set that is used for the body of the email notification upon completion of the given step and action.


Email Msg Nbr (email message number)

Select the message number that is used for the body of the email notification upon completion of the given step and action.


Worklist Event

Select the name of the event that is used for the worklist notification upon completion of the given step and action.


Worklist Name

Select the name of the worklist that is used for the worklist notification upon completion of the given step and action.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding an Approval Step

Here is an example of how to add an approval step between step 2 and 3 of the delivered three-step approval process for the transaction FE_ADDRESS:

  1. Select Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Approval Flow.

  2. Access the Define Steps page for the transaction FE_ADDRESS.

  3. Change the following information for step 3:


    New Value

    Step Number


    Step Name



    Final Authorization

    Short Description

    Final Auth

  4. Insert a new row in the Approval Process Steps group box on the Define Steps page.

  5. Enter the following information:


    New Value

    Step Number


    Step Name

    2nd AUTH


    2nd Authorization

    Short Description

    2nd Auth

  6. In the Actions For Step group box, enter the following:


    New Value

    On Action Of


    Set Status To


    Route To


  7. Click the Workflow Notification Details link.

  8. Enter the following information:


    New Value

    Business Process




    Email Msg Set


    Email Msg Nbr


    Worklist Event

    Address Change

    Worklist Name


  9. Click OK.

  10. Insert a new row in the Actions For Step group box.

  11. Enter the following information:


    New Value

    On Action Of


    Set Status To


  12. Click the Workflow Notification Details link.

  13. Enter the following information:


    New Value

    Business Process




    Email Event

    Email Notification

    Email Msg Set


    Email Msg Nbr


  14. Click OK.

  15. Click Save.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting One Approval Step

Here is an example of how to delete an approval step between step 2 and 3 of the delivered three-step approval process for the transaction FE_ADDRESS:

Note. You may want to take a screen capture of the data you are deleting, in case you want to add it back later.

  1. Select Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Approval Flow.

  2. Access the Define Steps page for the transaction FE_ADDRESS.

  3. Delete step 2 – 1st Authorization.

  4. Change the Step Number field for step 3 – 2nd Authorization to 2.

  5. Click Save.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting All Approval Steps

Here is an example of how to delete all the approval steps of the delivered three-step approval process for the transaction FE_ADDRESS:

Note. You may want to take a screen capture of the data you are deleting, just in case you want to add it back later.

  1. Select Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Approval Flow.

  2. Access the Define Steps page for the transaction FE_ADDRESS.

  3. Delete step 1 – Request.

  4. Delete step 2 – 1st Authorization.

  5. Modify step 3 – 2nd Authorization as follows:


    New Value

    Step Number


    Step Name




    Short Description


  6. Click Save.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining PAR Tracking Data

To define PAR tracking data, use the Approval Transactions (GVT_WIP_RECORD) component.

This section provides an overview of default PAR data and describes how to enter the PAR tracking data for federal self-service transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PAR Tracking Data

Self-service transactions are designed so that employees can easily enter requests to change their own personal data and managers can enter requests to change their direct reports' job data. The government requires that certain information be included with each personnel action request. However, this data would not ordinarily be known by the self-service user.

To ensure that this information is recorded accurately, the system enables you to define the appropriate action/reason codes, Notice of Action (NOA) codes, legal authorities, and PAR remarks for each transaction. This default information is automatically written to the government PAR records when the federal component interface is run at the completion of the final self-service step for the transaction.

Note. Full/part-time status change, location change, and reporting change do not automatically update the federal PAR tables.

See Also

(USF) Administering Personnel Action Requests

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define PAR Tracking Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Defaults / Admin


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Approval Transactions, Defaults / Admin

Define PAR tracking data.

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Access the Defaults / Admin page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Approval Transactions, Defaults / Admin).

PAR Defaults


Select the action that you want written to the government PAR tables for the transaction. These codes are defined on the Action Reasons page.


Reason Code

Select the reason code that you want written to the government PAR tables for the transaction. These codes are defined on the Action Reasons page.


Nature of Action Code

Select the nature of action code that you want written to the government PAR tables for the transaction. These codes are defined on the Nature of Action Table page.


Legal Authority (1)

Select the legal authority (1) that you want written to the government PAR tables for the transaction. These codes are defined on the Legal Authority page.


Legal Authority (2)

Select the legal authority (2) that you want written to the government PAR tables for the transaction. These codes are defined on the Legal Authority page.


PAR Remarks

Select the PAR remarks that you want written to the government PAR tables for the transaction. These codes are defined on the Personnel Action Rqst Rmks page.

Click to jump to parent topicIdentifying Self-Service Administrators and Defining Notification Details

To identify self-service administrators and define notification details, use the Approval Transactions (GVT_WIP_RECORD) component.

This section provides an overview of the self-service administrator's role and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Self-Service Administrator's Role

Problems may occur when the federal component interface updates the federal PAR tables. The system is designed to recognize:

You use the Defaults / Admin page to define the role of the person that you want to receive the notification when any of these conditions occur.

See Also

Setting Up and Working with Self-Service Transactions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Identify the Self-Service Administrator and Define Notification Details

Page Name

Definition Name



Defaults / Admin


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Approval Transactions, Defaults / Admin

Identify the self-service administrator and define PAR tracking data.

CI / Notification Details (component interface / notification details)


Click the CI / Notification Details link on the Defaults / Admin page.

Define notification and self-service administrator details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying the Self-Service Administrator

Access the Defaults/Admin page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data USF, Approval Transactions, Defaults / Admin).

Self-Service Administrator

Administrator Role

Select the role that you want notified when an error, warning, or success occurs.


Notify on CI Success (notify on component interface success)

Select this check box to have the person who is identified in the Administrator Role field notified when the process runs successfully.


Notify on CI Warning (notify on component interface warning)

Select this check box to have the person who is identified in the Administrator Role field notified when a warning occurs during processing.


CI / Notification Details

Click this link to open the CI / Notification Details page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Notification Details

Access the CI / Notification Details page (click the CI / Notification Details link on the Defaults / Admin page).

Note. It is recommended that you not change the information on this page for the delivered federal self-service transactions.

Component Interface

Component Interface

Select the name of the component interface process that is used for this transaction.



Select the name collection that is used by the component interface process for this transaction.



Select the name of the record that is used by the component interface process for this transaction.


Exception Table

Select the name of the exception table that is used by the component interface process to store errors and warnings for this transaction.

SS Administrator Notification

Business Process

Select the name of the business process that is triggered to send component interface notifications to the self-service administrator.



Select the name of the activity that is triggered to send component interface notifications to the self-service administrator.



Select the name of the event that is triggered to send component interface notifications to the self-service administrator.