(USF) Managing Direct Reports

This chapter provides an overview of direct reports management and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Direct Reports Management

PeopleSoft Enterprise eProfile Manager Desktop provides the following self-service transactions that enable you to perform routine tasks necessary to manage direct reports.

Some of these transactions are designed to incorporate workflow for self-service transactions. If workflow is activated, when a person performs one of the following transactions, the system will automatically route the transaction request to the appropriate person for approval.

See Viewing Direct Reports' Personal Information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites for Managing Direct Reports

Before you can use the eProfile Manager Desktop transactions, you must:

  1. Activate eProfile Manager Desktop on the Installation Table.

    See Selecting PeopleSoft Applications for Your Installation.

  2. Define position management on the HRMS Options page.

    The position management setting determines whether automatic updates, by nonadministrators, are allowed for certain transactions. Automatic updates can occur when position data is not affected.

    See Selecting HRMS Options.

    See Setting Up and Working with Self-Service Transactions.

  3. Set up security.

    eProfile Manager Desktop uses permission lists, roles, and user profiles to authorize or deny access to transactions and data. The following tables lists the delivered permission lists and roles for eProfile Manager Desktop:

    Permission Lists





    Manager Self Service - Fed


    Personal Info-Employee - Fed

    Note. Remember to enter an email address for each user profile; otherwise; the email routings that are used by workflow will not work.

    See Setting Up and Administering HRMS Security.

  4. Define rules for workflow notifications.

    Set up workflow so that a notification is sent to the originator of the transaction when he or she submits the request, each time the request is approved, and when the request is finalized. Workflow can be set up to notify the administrator when a transaction successfully updates the database and when the system encounters a problem with the update.

    See Setting Up Administrator Notification Rules.

  5. Define the rules that enable the system to automatically update the database.

    Use the self service Workflow Configurations page to define whether the transaction will update the database without an administrator's intervention.

    See Setting Up Approvals and Database Updates.

  6. Set up the manager's data access to his or her direct reports.

    eProfile Manager Desktop uses access types to control a manager's access to employee data. Normally, the manager who initiates a transaction can view only data for his or her direct reports. Access types enable the system to determine who reports to the initiating manager.

  7. Set up group build if you plan to use Group ID as the access type for a manager's direct reports.

    See Setting Up and Working with Group Definitions.

  8. Configure the USFED WIP transaction.

    See (USF) Setting Up the Work-in-Progress Management System.

Click to jump to parent topicChanging Part-Time or Full-Time Status

This section provides an overview of the process flow for part-time or full-time status changes and lists the pages that are used to change part-time or full-time status.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Process Flow for Part-Time or Full-Time Status Changes

Changing part-time or full-time status is a two-step process:

  1. Request changes to part-time or full-time status.

  2. Approve changes.

Requesting Changes to Part-Time or Full-Time Status

To change an employee's part-time or full-time status, managers:

  1. Access the Change Full/Part-time Status page.

  2. Enter the effective date for the change, and click Continue.

  3. Select the employee for whom the change in part-time or full-time status is being requested, and click Continue.

    The Change Full/Part-time Status page appears with the employee's current job data. The New Status fields are populated by default with the new status for the employee.

  4. Enter any relevant comments, and click Submit.

    When the Submit button is clicked, the system displays a confirmation page and triggers workflow.

Approving Changes

To approve an employee's part-time or full-time status, approving managers:

  1. Access the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

    A list of requests requiring the approving manager's attention appears.

    The manager can change the contents of the displayed list by entering a specific employee's name or selecting another option and clicking the Search button.

  2. Click the Approve/Deny link next to the request that is to be approved or denied.

    The Full/Part-time Status Change page appears with the employee's current job data.

  3. Enter any appropriate comments, and click Approve or Deny.

    A confirmation page appears and the approve or deny workflow is triggered. When the final approval is submitted, the last approve workflow is triggered.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Change Part-Time or Full-Time Status

Page Name

Definition Name



Change Full/Part-time Status


Manager Self Service, Job and Personal Information, Change FTPT Status (USF), Change Full/Part time Status

Enter the effective date for the change.

Change Full/Part-time Status – Select Employee


Click Continue on the Change Full/Part-time Status page.

Select the employee to have the full/part-time status changed.

Full/Part Time Status Change


  • Click Continue on the Change Full/Part-time Status - Select Employee page.

  • Click View Details on the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

Submit a change to the employee's full/part-time status.

Click to jump to parent topicChanging Work Location

This section provides an overview of work location changes and lists the pages that are used to change work location.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Work Location Changes

Changing work locations is a two-step process:

  1. Request a change to work location.

  2. Approve the change to work location.

Requesting Changes to Work Location

Requests can be made for an individual employee or a group of employees. To request a change to work location, managers:

  1. Access the Location Change page.

  2. Enter the date that the change in reporting structure goes into effect, and click Continue.

  3. Select the employee or employees for whom the change in location is being requested, and click Continue.

    The Location Change page appears with the employee or employees' current job row data.

  4. Enter the new location and any relevant comments, and then click Submit.

    When the Submit button is clicked, the system displays a confirmation page and triggers workflow.

Approving Changes to Work Location

Approval or denial the request is always given on an individual employee basis. To approve a change to work location, approving managers:

  1. Access the Review Change Requests – Select a Request page.

    A list of requests requiring the approving manager's attention appears.

    The manager can change the contents of the displayed list by entering a specific employee's name or selecting another option and clicking the Search button.

  2. Click the Approve/Deny link next the request that is to be approved or denied.

    The Location Change page appears with the employee or employees' current job row data.

  3. Enter any appropriate comments, and click Approve or Deny.

    A confirmation page appears and the approve or deny workflow is triggered. When the final approval is submitted, the last approve workflow is triggered.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Change Work Location

Page Name

Definition Name



Location Change


Manager Self Service, Job and Personal Information, Location Change (USF), Location Change

Enter the effective date for the change.

Location Change - Select Employees


Manager Self Service, Job and Personal Information, Location Change (USF), Location Change - Select Employees

Select one or more employees requiring a change in their work location.

Location Change - Employee


Click the Continue button on the Location Change - Select Employees page.

Enter the location and submit the work-location change request.

Review Change Requests - Select a Request


Manager Self Service, Job and Personal Information, Review Change Requests (USF), Review Change Requests - Select a Request

Select an employee for whom you want to approve the request for a change in work location.

Location Change


Click the View Details or Approve/Deny link on the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

View, approve or deny the request.

Click to jump to parent topicPromoting Employees

This section provides an overview of employee promotions and lists the pages that are used to promote employees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Employee Promotions

Promoting employees is a two-step process:

  1. Request a promotion.

  2. Approve the promotion.

When the request has been submitted, managers can review the status of the change requests that they have submitted.

(USF) Requesting a Promotion

To request a promotion, managers:

  1. Access the Promote Employee page.

  2. Enter the date that the promotion goes into effect, and click Continue.

  3. Click the name of the employee for whom the promotion is being requested.

    The Promote Employee page appears and displays the employee's current job data.

  4. Enter the information on the page, and click Submit.

    When the Submit button is clicked, the system displays a confirmation page.

Approving a Promotion

To approve a promotion request, approving managers:

  1. Access the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

    A list of requests requiring the approving manager's attention appears.

  2. Click the Approve/Deny link next to the request that is to be approved or denied.

    The Promote Employee page appears and displays the employee's current job data.

  3. Enter any appropriate comments, and click Approve or Deny.

    A confirmation page appears and the approve or deny workflow is triggered. When the final approval is submitted, the last approve workflow is triggered.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Promote Employees

Page Name

Definition Name



Promote Employee


Manager Self Service, Job and Personal Information, Promote Employee (USF), Promote Employee

Enter the effective date for the change.

Promote Employee - Select Employee


Click the Continue button on the Promote Employee page.

Select an employee for whom you want to request a promotion.

Promote Employee - Employee


Click the Continue button on the Promote Employee - Select Employee page.

Submit a promotion request.

Promote Employee - Confirm


Click the Submit button on the Promote Employee - Employee page.

Confirm that the request was submitted.

Promote Employee


Click the Approve/Deny link on the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

Approve or deny the request.

Promote Employee


  • Click Approve or Deny on the Promote Employee page.

  • Click View Details on the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

Confirm that the approval or denial was submitted.

Click to jump to parent topicReassigning Employees

This section provides an overview of employee reassignments and lists the pages that are used to reassign employees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Employee Reassignments

Reassigning employees is a two-step process:

  1. Request a reassignment.

  2. Approve the reassignment.

When the request has been submitted, managers can review the status of the change requests they have submitted.

Requesting a Reassignment

To reassign an employee, managers:

  1. Access the Reassign Employee page.

  2. Enter the effective date for the reassignment, and click Continue.

  3. Select the employee for whom the reassignment is being requested, and click Continue.

    The Reassign Employee page appears with the employee's current job data.

  4. Enter the new position number, the reason for the reassignment, any comments, and click Submit.

    When the Submit button is clicked, the system displays a confirmation page and triggers workflow.

Approving an Employee's Reassignment

To approve an employee's reassignment, approving managers:

  1. Access the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

    A list of requests requiring the approving manager's attention appears.

    The manager can change the contents of the displayed list by entering a specific employee's name or selecting another option and clicking the Search button.

  2. Click the Approve/Deny link next to the request that is to be approved or denied.

    The Reassign Employee page appears with the employee's current job data.

  3. Enter any appropriate comments, and click Approve or Deny.

    A confirmation page appears, and the approve or deny workflow is triggered. When the final approval is submitted, the last approve workflow is triggered.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Reassign Employees

Page Name

Definition Name



Reassign Employee


Manager Self Service, Job and Personal Information, Reassign Employee (USF), Reassign Employee

Enter the effective date for the change.

Reassign Employee - Select Employee


Click the Continue button on the Reassign Employee page.

Select an employee for whom you want to request a reassignment.

Reassign Employee


Select an employee on the Reassign Employee - Select Employee page.

Submit a request for reassignment.

Reassign Employee - Employee


Click the Submit button on the Reassign Employee page.

Confirm that the request was submitted.

Reassign Employee


Click the Approve/Deny link on the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

Approve, or deny the request.

Reassign Employee


  • Click Approve or Deny on the Reassign Employee page.

  • Click View Details on the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

Confirm that the approval or denial was submitted.

Click to jump to parent topicRequesting Reporting Changes

This section provides an overview of reporting changes and lists the pages that are used to request reporting changes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Reporting Changes

Changing who an employee reports to is a two-step process:

  1. Request a change.

  2. Approve the change.

When the request has been submitted, managers can review the status of the change requests they have submitted.

Requesting a Reporting Change

Requests can be made for an individual employee or a group of employees. To request a reporting change, managers:

  1. Access the Reporting Change page.

  2. Enter the date that the change in reporting structure goes into effect, and click Continue.

  3. Select the employee or employees for whom a change in reporting structure is being requested, and click Continue.

    The Reporting Change page appears with the employee or employees' current job data.

  4. Enter the new reporting position, any relevant comments, and then click Submit.

    When the Submit button is clicked, the system displays a confirmation page and triggers workflow.

Approving a Change in Reporting Structure

Approving or denying the request is always given on an individual employee basis. To approve a change in reporting structure, approving managers:

  1. Access the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

    A list of requests requiring the approving manager's attention appears.

    The manager can change the contents of the displayed list by entering a specific employee's name or selecting another option and click the Search button.

  2. Click the Approve/Deny link next to the request that is to be approved or denied.

    The Reporting Change page appears with the employee or employees current job data.

  3. Enter any appropriate comments and click Approve or Deny.

    Once the final approval is submitted, a notification is sent to the self-service administrator for final processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Request Reporting Changes

Page Name

Definition Name



Reporting Change


Manager Self Service, Job and Personal Information, Reporting Change (USF), Reporting Change

Enter the effective date for the change.

Reporting Change - Select Employees


Click the Continue button on the Reporting Change page.

Select one or several employees for whom you want to request a reporting change.

Reporting Change - Employee


Click the Continue button on the Reporting Change - Select Employees page.

Submit the request for a reporting change.

Approve Reporting Change


Click the Approve/Deny link on the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

Approve, or deny the request.

Reporting Change


  • Click Approve or Deny on the Approve Reporting Change page.

  • Click View Details, on the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

Confirm the approval or denial that was submitted.

Click to jump to parent topicRetiring Employees

This section provides an overview of retiring employees and lists the pages that are used to retire employees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Retiring Employees

Retiring employees is a two-step process:

  1. Request the employee's retirement.

  2. Approve the employee's retirement.

When the request has been submitted, managers can review the status of the change requests they have submitted.

Requesting an Employee's Retirement

To request an employee's retirement, managers:

  1. Access the Retire Employee page.

  2. Enter the effective date for the retirement, and click Continue.

  3. Select the employee for whom the retirement is being requested, and click Continue.

    The Retire Employee page appears with the employee's current job data.

  4. In the Retirement Type field, select the reason for the retirement and click Submit.

    When the Submit button is clicked, the system displays a confirmation page.

Approving an Employee's Retirement

To approve an employee's retirement, approving managers:

  1. Access the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

    A list of requests requiring the approving manager's attention appears.

    The manager can change the contents of the displayed list by entering a specific employee's name or selecting another option and clicking the Search button.

  2. Click the Approve/Deny link next to the request that is to be approved or denied.

    The Retire Employee page appears with the employee's current job data.

  3. Enter any appropriate comments, and click Approve or Deny.

    A confirmation page appears, and the approve or deny workflow is triggered. When the final approval is submitted, the last approve workflow is triggered.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Retire Employees

Page Name

Definition Name



Retire Employee


Manager Self Service, Job and Personal Information, Retire Employee (USF), Retire Employee

Enter the effective date for the change.

Retire Employee - Select Employee


Click the Continue button on the Retire Employee page.

Select one or several employees for whom you want to request a retirement.

Retire Employee - Employee


Click the employee name link on the Retire Employee - Select Employee page.

Submit the retirement request.

Retire Employee - Confirm (USF)


Click the Submit button on the Retire Employee page.

Confirm that the request was submitted.

Retire Employee


Click the Approve/Deny link on the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

Approve or deny the request for retirement.

Retire Employee


  • Click Approve or Deny on the Retire Employee page.

  • Click the View Details on the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

Confirm that the approval or denial to the request was submitted.

Click to jump to parent topicSeparating Employees

This section provides an overview of separating employees and lists the pages that are used to separate employees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Separating Employees

Separating employees is a two-step process:

  1. Request a separation.

  2. Approve the separation.

When the request has been submitted, managers can review the status of the change requests they have submitted.

Requesting an Employee's Separation

To request an employee's separation, managers:

  1. Access the Separate Employee page.

  2. Enter the effective date for the separation, and click Continue.

  3. Select the employee for whom the separation is being requested, and click Continue.

    The Separate Employee page appears with the employee's current job data.

  4. Select the reason for the separation.

    If Transfer to New Agency is selected as the reason for the separation, the Agency field appears.

  5. If Transfer to New Agency was selected as the reason for the separation, select an agency.

  6. Enter any relevant comments, and click Submit.

    When the Submit button is clicked, the system displays a confirmation page and triggers workflow.

Approving an Employee's Separation

To approve an employee's separation, approving managers:

  1. Access the Review Change Requests – Select a Request page.

    A list of requests requiring the approving manager's attention appears.

    The manager can change the contents of the displayed list by entering a specific employee's name or selecting another option and clicking the Search button.

  2. Click the Approve/Deny link next to the request that is to be approved or denied.

    The Separate Employee page appears with the employee's current job data.

  3. Enter any appropriate comments, and click Approve or Deny.

    A confirmation page appears and the approve or deny workflow is triggered. When the final approval is submitted, the last approve workflow is triggered.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Separate Employees

Page Name

Definition Name



Separate Employee


Manager Self Service, Job and Personal Information, Separate Employee (USF), Separate Employee

Enter the effective date for the change.

Separate Employee - Select Employee


Click Continue on the Separate Employee page.

Select the employee to be separated.

Separate Employee - Employee


Select the employee on the Separate Employee - Select Employee page.

Submit a request for separation.

Separate Employee - Confirm


Click the Submit button on the Separate Employee - Employee page.

Confirm that the request was submitted.

Separate Employee


Click the Approve/Deny link on the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

Approve or deny the request.

Separate Employee


  • Click the Submit button on the Separate Employee page.

  • Click the View Details link on the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

Confirm that the approval or denial was submitted.

Click to jump to parent topicApproving Change Requests

This section provides an overview of approving changes to direct reports' personal information and lists the pages that are used to approve change requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Approving of Changes to Direct Reports' Personal Information

Approving changes to direct reports' personal information works in conjunction with eProfile self-service transactions. eProfile transactions enable employees to enter changes to their:

If the approval process is set up correctly, the manager of the employee who is submitting the change receives a notification that a change requiring his or her attention has occurred.

To approve an employee's change to his or her personal information, approving managers:

  1. Access the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

    A list of requests requiring the approving manager's attention appears.

    To change the contents of the displayed list, enter a specific employee's name or select another option and click the Search button.

  2. Click the Approve/Deny link next to the request that is to be approved or denied.

  3. Enter any appropriate comments, and click Approve or Deny.

    A confirmation page appears, and the approve or deny workflow is triggered. When the final approval is submitted, the last approve workflow is triggered.

See (USF) Reviewing Change Requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Approve Change Requests

Page Name

Definition Name



Review Change Requests - Select a Request


Manager Self Service, Job and Personal Information, Review Change Requests (USF), Review Change Requests - Select a Request

List requests that manager submitted and ones requiring his or her attention.

Name Change


Click the Approve/Deny link on the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

Approve or deny a change request.

Name Change


Click the Submit button on the Name Change page.

Click Approve or Deny from the Name Change page.

Address Change


Click the Approve/Deny link on the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page

Approve or deny a change request.

Address Change


Click Approve or Deny from the Address Change page.

Confirm that the approval or denial was submitted.

Marital Status Change


Click the Approve/Deny link on the Review Change Requests - Select a Request page.

Approve or deny a change request.

Marital Status Change


Click Approve or Deny from the Marital Status Change page.

Confirm that the approval or denial was submitted.