Hiring Applicants

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicCompleting Pre-Employment Checks

This section provides an overview of pre-employment checks, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to submit pre-employment check requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Pre-Employment Checks

Some organizations may use third-party vendors to perform pre-employment checks on applicants. When your organization sets up an agreement with a pre-employment check vendor, you nominate a recruiting administrator or recruiter as the HR manager for your organization. The HR manager has access to the administration functions to define the privileges of other users with access to the pre-employment vendor.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Before you can request pre-employment checks, you must set up a vendor that performs pre-employment checks.

See Setting Up Recruitment Sources and Third Party Integrations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Complete Pre-Employment Checks

Page Name

Definition Name



Pre-employment Check


Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

Click the applicant name link on the Find Applicants page.

On the Manage Applicant page, select Pre-Employment from the Take Action field and click the Go button.

The Pre-Employment value is available only if the system is set up to integrate with a third-party vendor that performs pre-employment checks.

Submit pre-employment check requests.

Pre-employment Check Details


Click the Details link in the Screening Inquiries group box on the Pre-employment Check page.

Review pre-employment check details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSubmitting Pre-Employment Check Requests

Access the Pre-employment Check page (on the Manage Applicant page, select Pre-Employment from the Take Action field and click the Go button) .

Background Screening Provider

Select the provider that is to perform the background check.

Request New Inquiry

Click to submit the request. The system sends a message to the vendor.

Screening Inquiries

This group box displays the summary information and status of the background check.

Adjudication Status

Displays the status of the adjudication, if you have enabled it on the Open Integration Framework - Pre-Employment Vendor Setup page.

See Defining Settings for Pre-Employment Vendors.


Click to access the Pre-employment Check Details page, where you can review status information for the pre-employment checks.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Applicant Contracts

This section provides an overview of applicant contracts, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Applicant Contracts

If your organization uses employment contracts, you can use Talent Acquisition Manager to create applicant contracts and link them to an applicant during the prepare for hire process. If the employee is hired, this information is copied to the human resources database.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you create an applicant contract, you must:

See Tracking Workforce Contracts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Applicant Contracts

Page Name

Definition Name



Contract Status/Content


Recruiting, Find Applicant

Click the name link in the Search Results group box on the Find Applicants page.

On the Manage Applicant page, select Manage Applicant Contract in the Take Action field.

Define basic contract information.

Contract Clause


Select Manage Applicant Contract in the Take Action field on the Manage Applicant page.

Select Contract Clause page.

Define contract clause information.

Signature Date/Probation Info (signature date/probation information)


Select Manage Applicant Contract in the Take Action field on the Manage Applicant page.

Select the Signature Date/Probation Info page.

Define the signature date and probation information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Basic Contract Information

Access the Contract Status/Content page (on the Manage Applicant page, select Manage Applicant Contracts in the Take Action field).

Applicant Information

Contract Number

Enter the contract number. The system automatically generates a number for you that you can change.

Contract Status

Indicate whether the contract is Active or Inactive.

Contract Begin Date

Enter the date when the contract begins. The current date is the default.

Contract Expected End Date

Enter the date when you expect the contract will end.

Contract End Date

Enter the date when the contract actually ended. This may differ from the date that you expect the contract to end.

Regulatory Region

Select a regulatory region.

Additional Contract

Select this check box if the worker already has at least one contract. deselect this option if this is the workers only contract.

More than one year expected

Select this check box if you expect that this contract will result in more than one year of employment for this worker.

Note. This check box is required for contracts with Japanese workers.


Enter a comment. This comment is used only for informational purposes.


Enter a comment. This comment is used only for informational purposes.

(ESP) Spain

Probation Period

If this worker's contract includes a probation period, use these two fields to specify how long it will be. Use the first field to enter the appropriate quantity and the second field to select a unit of time. Units of time are none, Days, Months, or Years. For example, if the probation period is six months, enter 6 in the first field, then select Months in the second field.

Vacation Period

Use these two fields to specify how much vacation the worker receives per year. Use the first field to enter the appropriate quantity and the second field to select a unit of time. Units of time are none, Months, Natrl Days (natural days), Weeks, or Work Days. For example, if the vacation period is 20 work days, enter 20 in the first field, then select Work Days from the options in the second field.

Begin/End Week

Specify the days when the worker's work week begins and ends. The default values are Monday and Friday.

Compensation Rate Description

Enter a free-form description of the worker's compensation rate.

Hiring Center

Select the hiring center responsible for hiring this person.

Scheme ID

Select a scheme ID.

Social Security Contribution

Select a social security contribution ID for the contract and scheme ID selected. The system uses both the scheme ID and the contribution ID for social security calculations, to determine the percentage or fixed amount that is applied to the calculation of a worker's contribution.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Contract Clause Information

Access the Contract Clause page (on the Manage Applicant page, select Manage Applicant Contract in the Take Action field).

Application Information

Contract Type

This is a required field that identifies the contract type for this template from the contract types that you have set up on the Contract Type Table page.

Extend Contract

Select this check box if the contract can be extended.

(ITL) Italy

Plan ID

If the worker was assigned a contract type of Training and Labor, you must select a plan ID.


If the worker was assigned a contract type of Determined Period contract, you must enter a reason for the contract.

Contract Clause

Contract Seq# (contract sequence number)

When you add a clause to the contract, the system assigns a sequence number automatically.


Select a clause.

Clause Status

Defaults to the status that is associated with the clause that you selected.

Long Description

Enter a description. This description is used only for informational purposes.


Enter a comment. This comment is used only for informational purposes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Signature Date and Probation Information

Access the Signature Date/Probation Info page (on the Manage Applicant page, select Manage Applicant Contract in the Take Action field).

Applicant Information

Signature Date

Enter the contract's signature date. This information is required in some European countries, including Germany.

Maximum Hours and Minimum Hours

Enter the maximum and minimum contract hours. These values default from the values that you indicate on the Installation table for this contract.

Responsible ID

Enter the company agent who drafted the contract and who is responsible for its language.

Probation Info

Probation Date

Enter multiple probation dates if they are required for this worker. The probation date that you enter here also appears on the job data record for this worker.


Select a probation reason, including New Date and Un-perform (indicating additional probation time for failure to perform within expectations for the position).

Click to jump to parent topic(AUS) Creating Salary Packages

This section provides an overview of salary packages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Salary Packages

Salary package modelling enables you to explore different package scenarios to find satisfactory solutions and alternatives for applicant salary packages. You can save and report on any number of package variations during the modelling process.

You can create a salary package at any point in the recruiting process. When modelling salary packages for applicants, combine any number or type of components into a package to suit both the organization and applicant.

Creating salary packages for applicants is discussed in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources PeopleBook: Administer Salary Packaging.

See Pages Used to Model Salary Packages for Applicants.

Click to jump to parent topicHiring Applicants

This section provides an overview of hiring applicants and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Hiring Applicants

This section provides an overview of the hiring process.

Offer Acceptance

Before the system will allow you to submit an applicant for hire, you need to record that the offer has been accepted. There are two ways that an applicant's offer acceptance is recorded:

In both situations, the system updates the offer status, which in turn triggers additional status changes. For example, if you use the delivered statuses and status change effects, then when you change the offer status to Accept, the applicant's disposition for the current job opening changes to Offer Accepted and the applicant's disposition for any other job openings changes to Hold.

See Understanding Recruiting Statuses.

Prepare for Hire

The actual hiring process takes place in the HR system. In the recruiting system, you prepare the applicant for hire by using the Prepare for Hire page to verify job opening data and submit the hiring request to HR.

The Prepare for Hire page shows the job code or position that is tied to the job opening. If the applicant is not linked to a job opening, or if the job opening is a continuous job opening that doesn't have position or job code information, the system gets position and job code information from the job offer. If the job offer doesn't have position or job code information either, then you must enter at least a job code on the Prepare for Hire page.

Note. If you use full position management, then a position number is required for the job offer and when preparing to hire. If you use partial position management, then the job offer can be submitted without position or job code information, but a job code is required before you submit the applicant for hiring.

When you complete the Prepare for Hire page, you also enter the start date and hire type.

Employee ID Verification

Depending on whether the Employee ID Verification field on the Recruiting Installation - Applicants page is set to Required or Optional, you may be required to verify the employee ID before you submit the hire request to HR.

The Employee ID verification process enables you to check whether the applicant is already in the human resources database. You check by searching the database for personal data that matches the applicant's data.

PeopleSoft delivers two search rules that you can use when verifying the employee ID:

See Defining Applicant-Related Settings.

Hire Processing

When you submit the hire request, the system sets the disposition to Ready to Hire and sends a notification to the HR administrator. The applicant's name appears in the Manage Hire Results group box on the Manage Hires page. Applicant data is transferred to the HR database based on criteria defined on the Data Transfer to HR (HRS_MNG_HIR_STP) component.

After the applicant is hired in the Human Resources pages, the system:

Note. This list assumes that you use the delivered status change effects.

See Understanding Recruiting Statuses.

The Withdraw From Hire Action

The Manage Hires page in the human resources system does not permit users to cancel hire requests for recruiting applicants. If it is necessary to cancel a hire request for an applicant, the cancellation request must originate in the recruiting application.

To initiate a cancellation request, use the Withdraw From Hire action for an applicant. This action is available only when the disposition is Ready to Hire and the job opening, if any, is in an Open status.

The results of the request depend on what stage the hire process has reached in the human resources system:

Regardless of what happens to the hire request in the Manage Hires page, submitting a hire cancellation request changes the applicant's disposition to Withdrawn.

Note. Recruiting users do not receive any messages regarding activity in the human resources system.

See Also

Setting Up Talent Acquisition Manager Installation Settings

Setting Up the Data Transfer to HR

Setting Up and Working with Search/Match

Hiring Job Applicants

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can hire applicants, complete the following tasks:

  1. Configure the integration broker.

    When you set the applicant's status to Ready to Hire, the system uses the HIRE_REQUEST message to pass the data to the HR_REQUEST record. Similarly, when you withdraw an applicant from hire, the system uses the WDRAW_HIRE_CONFIRM message to pass the request to the human resources system.

    Therefore, the integration broker node must be set up and active, the application server must have the pub/sub server running, and the message channel (HR_MNG_HIRES), messages (HIRE_REQUEST and WDRAW_HIRE_CONFIRM), and routings must be active.

  2. Use the Manage Hire Setup page to define the data you want to transfer from the applicant's record to the employee record.

    If there is no data that is being transferred to the employee record, then the Prepare for Hire and Withdraw from Hire actions are not available.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Setting Up the Data Transfer to HR

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Definition Name



Find Applicants


Recruiting, Find Applicants, Find Applicants

Search for applicants.

Job Opening


Recruiting, Find Job Openings, Find Job Openings

Click a job name link on the Find Job Openings page.

Perform various tasks related to job openings.

Disposition Details: Offer


Click the Disposition link in the Search Results grid on the Find Applicants page or in the Manage Applicants grid on the Job Opening page

Review information about the applicant's current disposition, and update the disposition to show that the applicant has accepted your offer.

Prepare For Hire


Select the Prepare For Hire action in the Take Action field on the Find Applicants page or in the Manage Applicants grid on the Job Opening page.

The Prepare For Hire action is available only for applicants whose disposition is Offer Accepted.

Review and complete job information and submit the hire request to the HR system.

Search Results


  • Click the Verify Employee ID link on the Prepare For Hire page.

  • If the system enforces employee ID verification, the page appears when you click the Submit button on the Add Person of Interest page.

Review Search/Match results to determine whether the applicant was a former employee, contingent worker, or person of interest.

Withdraw From Hire


Select the Withdraw from Hire action in the Take Action field on the Job Opening page: Manage Applicants tab: View Applicants section.

The Withdraw from Hire action is valid only for applicants whose disposition is Ready for Hire.

Confirm that a hire request is being withdrawn, and send a cancellation request to the human resources system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording an Accepted Offer

Access the Disposition Details: Offer page (click the Disposition link in the Search Results grid on the Find Applicants page or in the Manage Applicants grid on the Job Opening page).

Note. The Disposition Details: Offer page is identical to the Prepare Job Offer page.

See Creating a Job Offer.

To record the offer acceptance:

  1. Click the Edit Offer button.

  2. If you use the delivered statuses, change the disposition to 020 Accept; otherwise, select the value that your organization uses to record accepted offers.

    If your organization has established reasons that are associated with this status, you can optionally select a reason for the acceptance.

  3. Click the Submit button.

    The system updates the offer status, which triggers status change effects such as updating the applicant's disposition to Offer Accepted.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreparing for Hire

Access the Prepare For Hire page (select the Prepare For Hire action in the Take Action field on the Find Applicants page or in the Manage Applicants grid on the Job Opening page).

Prepare for Hire

Use this group box to enter the detail about the hire. The displayed information defaults to the information entered on the job opening.

Job Opening

This defaults to the job opening you selected on the Find Applicants page. You can select another job opening

Position Number

If the system is configured for full or partial position management, this field initially displays the primary position, if any, that is associated with the job opening. You can select another position number if more than one position is associated with the job opening.

If your system is configured to use full position management, this field is required.

If your system is configured to use partial position management, this field is optional.

Job Code

This defaults to the primary job code associated with the job opening selected on the Find Applicants page. You can select another job code if more than one job code is associated with the job opening.

If you enter a position number, the system enters the associated job code and makes the field read-only.

If the applicant is not linked to a job code or position, you are required to enter one.

Start Date

Select the date on which the applicant is to begin their employment.

Type of Hire

Select the type of employment. For external applicants, you can select Add Contingent Worker and Hire. For internal applicants that are non-employees, you can select only Hire. For internal applicants that are employees, you can select Add Concurrent Job, Add Contingent Worker, or Transfer. External applicants and employees who indicated that they are a former worker on the job application can also select Rehire.

Person Type

Displays the person of interest type if the applicant exists in the HR system as a person of interest. This field only appears on the page if the applicant exists in the system as a person of interest.

Verify Employee ID

Click to search the human resource database to see if the applicant was a former employee, contingent worker, or person of interest. This verification helps you avoid entering the same person into the system more than once.

Additional Hire Information

Send Offer Letter to HR

Select this check box if you want the system to include the job offer letter in the hire request message that it sends to the HR system. If you send the job offer letter, the Manage Hires Detail page in PeopleSoft Human Resources displays a link that the user can click to open the offer letter.

If there is more than one offer letter, this check box is not available, as the system is not able to determine which offer letter to send.

If you select this check box, the system confirms the existence of a job offer letter when you submit the hire request. If there is no offer letter to send, you can choose to cancel the request or to submit it without an offer letter. If you submit the request without an offer letter, the system deselects the check box.

This check box appears only if the Manage Hire Setup page is configured so that the applicable hire type sends the offer letter to the HR system.

See Setting Up the Data Transfer to HR.

Hire Comments

Enter any comment that you want the HR administrator to see.

Save & Submit Request to HR

Save & Submit Request to HR

Click to send an email notification to the administrator. The applicant appears in the Manage Hires component in Administer Workforce.

The system also checks to see if Required is selected for the Enforce Empl ID Verification field on the Recruiting Installation - Applicants page. If it is, you will be required to run the Verify Employee ID process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Search/Match Results

Access the Search Results page (click the Verify Employee ID link on the Prepare for Hire page).


Click to return to the Prepare for Hire page without bringing over an employee ID.

Search Results: Results Tab

Carry ID

Click to copy the employee ID to the Employee ID field on the Prepare for Hire page.

Search Results: Additional Information Tab

Person Organizational Summary

Click to access the Person Organizational Summary page.

See Reviewing Organizational Relationships.

Relations With Institution

This field is not used by Talent Acquisition Manager

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWithdrawing a Hire Request

Access the Withdraw from Hire page (select the Withdraw from Hire action in the Take Action field on the Find Applicants page or in the Manage Applicants grid on the Job Opening page).

Status Date

Enter the date that the applicant's disposition changes from Ready to Hire to Withdrawn.

The withdraw message is sent immediately, regardless of the date that you enter.

Status Reason

If your organization has defined status reasons for the Withdrawn status, select the appropriate reason.


Click this button to send the cancellation message to the human resources system.

Click to jump to parent topic(AUS) Copying Salary Packages to Human Resources

This section provides an overview of how to copy salary packages to the human resource database.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Copy Salary Packages to the Human Resources Database

After you have received confirmation that the applicant has been hired, you want to copy the applicants salary package information to the human resource database.

Begin by searching for applicants with a status of Hired. Click the applicants name link on the Find Applicants page and from the Manage Applicant page, select Copy Applicant to Employee in the Take Action field.

Copying salary package information is discussed in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources PeopleBook: Administer Salary Packaging.

See Copying Applicant Salary Packages to the Employee Salary Package Component.