Entering Additional Data in Human Resources Records

This chapter provides an overview of additional worker data and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Additional Worker Data

After you've entered a worker's basic personal information and created one or more organizational instances for them, use other pages in the Workforce Administration menu to add and track a broad range of other information for that person.

While many of the pages covered in this chapter are optional, you may find them useful for tracking and reporting, and for maintaining compliance with government regulations. You can also provide other people, such as your employees or industrial relations representatives, with information that helps them perform their jobs more effectively.

Click to jump to parent topicLocating Personnel Records

When you open an additional information page, the system displays the dialog box for you to select the person. If you don't know the person's employee ID, there are alternate ways to locate the person's record:

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Locate Personnel Records

Page Name

Definition Name





Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Search for People

Search for and select a person.

Search by National ID


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Search by National ID

Locate a person's employee ID by using the national ID. When you find the person's employee ID, use it when you move to other search pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching with the Search Dialogue

Use the following search dialog box to find a person's information. You encounter this sort of dialog box when you enter most pages in the Workforce Administration menu. You can also enhance the component's underlying search record to expose other fields as alternate search criteria or as list box items. These fields may include relevant additional fields such as: middle name, alternate character name, department, setID, organizational relationship, POI type, military rank, and so on.

You must have already created job records in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources for the person for whom you are searching. In other words, you must have already added the person to the system and created an organizational instance for the person.

Empl Record

If the person has more than one organization instance or job record, enter the record that you want to access.

If you do not know which record you want to access, do not enter a value in this field. The system lists all the job records in the search results, enabling you to select the appropriate one.

Name, Last Name, and Middle Name

If you're not sure of the entire employee ID or name, make a partial entry in one of these fields and click Search to search for the correct name and ID.

You cannot use this field to search for last names using special characters, such as double-byte Japanese characters.

Alternate Character Name

If you selected the Alternate Character option for your user ID on the Primary Permission List Preferences table, you can also search for employee names by using the Alternate Character search feature in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources.

Organizational Relationship

Select the organizational relationship to narrow your search to Employees, Contingent Workers, or Person of Interest.

Military Service, Rank, and Worn Rank

Enter the military information to search for people associated with a military service or rank. The military fields must be activated after installation or upgrade if you choose to have these fields appear as an alternate search key or list box attribute.

See Also

Working with System Data Regulation in HRMS

Working with Alternate Character Sets

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Person Information

Access the Search/Match page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Search for People).

This page enables users of an application to search for and select a person to process. Using this system, an application can easily render a UI that prompts the user for partial names and displays a list of candidates from which the user can select. Additional features include optional drill-down to additional non-sensitive data.

See Configuring Person Search.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching by National ID

Access the Search by National ID page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Search by National ID).

National ID

Enter the national ID of the person whose records you want to view.

Search In

Select Employees / Contingents / POI or Dependents and Beneficiaries to narrow your search.

Note. Employees / Contingents / POI includes all people who were added to the system on the Personal Information component, including contingent workers and people of interest.


Click to have the system display a list of the records that match the ID that you entered.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Workforce Contracts

This section discusses how to:

Note. Contracts are driven by regulatory region (and that region's setID) on the job data record associated with the contract. On the Update Contracts component, you must select the regulatory region that is on the person's job data record and the system only makes available contract clauses and types that share the setID of this regulatory region.

See Also

(E&G) Administering Contract Pay

Setting Up Workforce Contracts

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Track Workforce Contracts

Page Name

Definition Name



Contract Status/Content


Workforce Administration, Job Information, Contract Administration, Update Contracts, Contract Status/Content

Add or update basic information about the contract between your organization and a worker, including the contract duration, type, and content.

You must have previously set up contract template IDs on the Define Contract Templates page.

Contract Type/Clauses


Workforce Administration, Job Information, Contract Administration, Update Contracts, Contract Type/Clauses

Add or update any special contract clause information to the standard contract language for this worker.

Original Contract Data


Click Original Contract on the Contract Type/Clauses page.

(BEL) Enter information about the original contract that the new contract is replacing.

Task Order Information


Workforce Administration, Job Information, Contract Administration, Update Contracts, Task Order Information

Track contractor work to a more detailed line item, rather than at the contract level. This may enable more accountability and tracking of contractors. This page is optional.

Signature Date/Probation Info


Workforce Administration, Job Information, Contract Administration, Update Contracts, Signature Date/Probation Info

Add or update the signature date, responsible party, and probation information. View basic job data.

Contract Information Report


Workforce Administration, Job Information, Contract Administration, Contract Information Report

Generate the Contract Information report (CNT001) that lists all contracts and task orders (subcontracts) for a worker or the contract history for all workers within a designated period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Basic Contract Information

Access the Contract Status/Content page (Workforce Administration, Job Information, Contract Administration, Update Contracts, Contract Status/Content).

Contract Status

Indicate whether the contract is Active or Inactive.

Contract Begin Date

Enter the date when the contract begins. The current date is the default.

Contract Expected End Date

Enter the date when you expect the contract will end.

Contract End Date

Enter the date when the contract actually ended. This date may differ from the date that you expect the contract to end.

Regulatory Region

Enter a regulatory region. The regulatory region must share the setID of the contract type and be the regulatory region on the person's job data record for this contract.


Enter a comment for this contract.

Additional Contract

Select if the worker already has at least one contract. Leave this field blank if this is the worker's only contract.

More than one year expected

Select if you expect that this contract will result in more than one year of employment for this worker.

Note. This field is required for contracts with Japanese workers.

Waive Working Time Compliance

Select if the contract allows working time compliance to be waived by the worker.

Contract Template ID and Initialize Contract

If you have defined a template for the contract, select an ID from the list of valid templates stored on the Define Contract Templates page, and click Initialize Contract. The system displays a description of the contract and its default contents.

Note. If there are any task orders associated to the contract template, only those task orders with an effective date on or after the individual's Contract Begin Date will default to the individual contract level.

Provider ID

If this contract is with a contingent worker, specify the person's provider, agency, or employer.

Contract Content

If you entered a contract template code and clicked the Initialize Contract button, the system automatically completes this field with the content that was entered on the Define Contract Templates page. Otherwise, enter the contract language.

(BEL) Belgium


If you're entering a contract and you selected Employment as the contract type on the Contract Type / Clauses page, choose an RSZ category from the valid RSZ category codes stored on the RSZ Categories page (CNT_RSZ_TBL_BEL).


Select to indicate that social insurance premiums need to be paid by the worker to the Belgian RSZ governing body for this job contract.

Reduced Charges Category

Select from among the categories, if appropriate.

Employers can lower their RSZ premium contributions if they are offering a job for one of the two reduced charges categories. Companies that employ workers who qualify for the reduced charges category enjoy lower employee costs.

Social Balance Category

Select the appropriate social balance category. This information is included on the BEL Social report.

(ESP) Spain

Probation Period

If this worker's contract includes a probation period, use these two fields to specify how long it is. Use the first field to enter the appropriate quantity and the second field to select a unit of time. Units of time are Days, Months, or Years. For example, if the probation period is six months, enter 6 in the first field, and then select Months in the second field.

Vacation Period

Use these two fields to specify how much vacation the worker receives per year. Use the first field to enter the appropriate quantity and the second field to select a unit of time. Units of time are none, Months, Natrl Days (natural days), Weeks, or Work Days. For example, if the vacation period is 20 work days, enter 20 in the first field, and then select Work Days from the options in the second field.

Refresh Vacation

Click to enter the default value for vacation periods from the Labor Agreement page in the Vacation Period field.

Begin/End Week

Specify the days when the worker's work week begins and ends. The default values are Monday and Friday.

Comp Rate Descr (compensation rate description)

Enter a free-form description of the worker's compensation rate.

Hiring Center

Select the hiring center that is responsible for hiring this person.

Scheme ID

Select a scheme ID.

Social Sec Contrib (social security contribution)

Select a social security contribution ID for the selected contract and scheme ID. The system uses both the scheme ID and the contribution ID for social security calculations, to determine the percentage or fixed amount that is applied to the calculation of a worker's contribution.

Reduction ID

If the worker is entitled to a reduction in social security contributions, select the reduction that applies. Define reduction ID vlaues on the Reductions ESP component.

See Defining Reductions.

Effective Date andStatus

Enter the effective date and status of the specified reduction.

See Also

(ESP) Setting Up Spanish Workforce Tables

Defining Maximum and Minimum Social Security Ceilings

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Special Contract Clause Information

Access the Contract Type/Clauses page (Workforce Administration, Job Information, Contract Administration, Update Contracts, Contract Type/Clauses).

Contract Type

Select the contract type.

Extend Contract

Indicate if the individual's original contract has been extended beyond it's original date or purpose.

Contract Clauses

Seq Nbr (sequence number)

When you add a clause to the contract, the system assigns a sequence number automatically.


Select a clause.

Clause Status

The status that is associated with the clause that you selected appears by default.

(BEL) Belgium


Select a duration period for the workforce contract.

Original Contract

If Replacement defines the duration period, the Original Contract link appears. Click to access the Replace Contract BEL page to enter the employee ID and original contract number.


Select a contract statute, or employment category, for this worker.

Independent Profession

If you selected Self employed as the contract type, provide the worker's independent profession here.


Select a substatute, or employment subcategory. The system displays only those substatutes that are associated with the statute code that you selected.


If you selected Member of the Professions as the contract type, indicate additional profession information here.

(FRA) France

Category TDS

Select a worker category: Apprentice, Executive, and Manager. This field is used to prepare the DADS TDS report.

Social Security Code

Select a social security code. The social security code is the contribution class, or régime, of the worker. Any worker who is eligible for a contribution must be associated with a social security code.

Multiple Employer Rate

The earnings ceiling is reduced if an employee has multiple contracts active at the same time. The reduction appears here as a percentage.

If a worker has more than one employer, use the multiple employer rate to indicate the percentage of contributions that should be taken from each employer to avoid over-taxing. The earnings ceilings are prorated using this rate. For example, suppose that a worker has two employers, and he receives 40 percent of his salary from employer A and 60 percent of his salary from employer B. In the Multiple Employer Rate field, employer A enters 40 and employer B enters 60.

Employee Professional Status

Select the profession that is designated for this worker.

Work Contrct/Activity Caract

Used to prepare the DADS TDS report. Values are Full Time, Home, Intermitt., Part Time, Seasonal W, Temporary, and Wo Ctc Cpl.

Category Status

Select the category status. The category status affects the type of pension/contingency fund to which the employee contributes.

Gross Reduction Percentage

The gross reduction percentage is applied to the gross salary for specific job categories, such as for journalists and artists. These workers do not pay their contributions on their gross salaries. Instead, their gross salaries are reduced by the percentage indicated here. For example, suppose that a worker is entitled to a 30 percent reduction. If he has a salary of 1500 EUR, he contributes for only 1000 EUR. This field has a default value of 0.

Mandatory Base Scheme

Select the base compensation scheme for this workforce contract.

Population Category

Displays the population category that applies to the employee. The system determines the population category from the INSEE code associated with the employee's job code. INSEE codes are linked to population categories on the INSEE Table page.


Use this group box to assign the employee to an AGIRC or ARRCO pension contract, if you want to override the contracts defined for the employee's company or establishment. Use the Pension/Cont. Contracts Review page to view a list of the pension and contingency funds for which an employee is eligible.

Select the AGIRC/ARRCO contract in the Membership Number field and the system completes the remaining fields in this group box.

Click the link in the Membership Number column to view the contract details. The system displays the Pension/Contingency Contracts page.

Note. Employees should be assigned to only one contract with an institution type of AGIRC or ARRCO on any given date.

See (FRA) Setting Up French Workforce Tables.

See (FRA) Providing Additional Information for French Workers.


Use this group box to assign the employee to a contingency fund contract. Contingency funds defined on this page are in addition to any contingency funds defined for the employee's company or establishment. Use the Pension/Cont. Contracts Review page to view a list of the pension and contingency funds for which an employee is eligible.

Select the contingency contract in the Membership Number field and the system completes the contract details fields.

Click the link in the Membership Number column to view the contract details. The system displays the Pension/Contingency Contracts page.

Select a value in the Covered Population field that indicates who is covered by the contract.

Select a value in the Contract Event field to indicate whether this is a new contract or the type of change in contract. Contract events are required for DADS reporting.

Select a value in the Population Category field to indicate the population category that applies. This value is required for DUCS reporting. The default value is the population category for the employee's job code but you can override it.

See Generating DADS.

See Generating DUCS.

(ITA) Italy

Plan ID

If the worker was assigned a contract type of Training and Labor, you must select a plan ID.


If the worker was assigned a contract type of 001: Limited Contract, you must enter a reason for the contract.

Empl ID Replaced

If the reason for the determined period contract type is Maternity or Replacement, select the employee ID of the worker who is being temporarily replaced by this contract worker.

The following fields appear in the Target Categorization group box only if the contract type is Training and Labor.

Labor Agreement

Select the labor agreement for this contract and plan ID.


Select the labor category for this contract.


Select the subcategory for this contract.

Subcategory 2

If the subcategory selected above has further divisions, select the subcategory 2 here.

(ESP) Spain

INEM Contract ID

Enter the contract ID for this employee contract. The contract ID is a unique identifier issued by INEM (Instituto Nacional de Empleo) national employment institute, and is required by INEM in all communications regarding the contract.

Contract Template

Select a contract template to use to print the contract. Contract templates are defined on the Contract Printing Mapping page.


Select the types of Contrata XML files to use when communicating with INEM about the creation or change of this specific employee contract. Values include Contract, Basic Copy, and Extension. The default value is Contract.

See Also

Setting Up Belgian Employment Contract Statutes for Claeys Calculations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Task Order Information

Access the Contract Data - Task Order Information page (Workforce Administration, Job Information, Contract Administration, Update Contracts, Task Order Information).

If you are using Contract Templates, this page enables you to manage the task orders, such as subcontracts, with which an individual is associated with under the primary contract template. Once you enter the contract template ID and initialize the contract, the system will enter any task orders that have a begin date on or after the contract begin date. You can then manage the specific task orders and enter comments associated with this person.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Signature Date, Responsible Party, and Probation Information

Access the Contract Data - Signature Date/Probation Info page (Workforce Administration, Job Information, Contract Administration, Update Contracts, Signature Date/Probation Info).

The display-only data at the top of this page is derived from the Job Data component.

Signature Date

Enter the contract's signature date. This information is required in some European countries, including Germany.

Responsible ID

Enter the company agent who drafted the contract and who is responsible for its language.

Minimum Hours and Maximum Hours

The system supplies default values from the Installation table for this contract.

Probation Date

Enter multiple probation dates if they are required for this worker.

The probation date that you enter here also appears on the job data record for this worker.


Indicate a probation reason, including New Date and Un-perform (indicating additional probation time for failure to perform within expectations for the position).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the Contract Information Report

Access the Contract Information Report page (Workforce Administration, Job Information, Contract Administration, Contract Information Report).

Person ID

Enter the person ID of the worker for whom you want to list contracts. If you leave this field blank, the report prints the contract history (within the date range that you specify) for all workers.

From Date and End Date

Enter the date range for which you want contract information.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Temporary Assignments

This section provides an overview of temporary assignments and substantive jobs and discusses how to:

See Also

Entering a Temporary Assignment

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Temporary Assignments and Substantive Jobs

This section discusses:

Substantive Jobs

The substantive job assignment is the worker's original job, created when the first employment or contingent worker instance was added.

Temporary Assignments

When a worker covers the responsibilities of another job besides the substantive job, the worker works a temporary assignment. Temporary assignment data must be tracked the same way that substantive job data is tracked.

For example, a person hired into a teaching appointment takes this as the substantive job. The person then receives a one month temporary assignment as a department head. The original teaching position is suspended for the duration of the temporary assignment.

It is also possible that the person takes a temporary assignment on a partial basis. The person might retain the substantive teaching position for twenty hours a week while also working the temporary assignment as department head for the other twenty hours. The person cannot work beyond the forty-hour workweek, but any combination of assignments might be entered to fill the forty hours.

Data Row Impacts

The Temporary Assignments feature requires that the system insert data rows at various stages throughout the process. For example, when selecting Temporary Assignment as the action or reason, the system inserts a second data row that puts the substantive job on hold. When a data row has been inserted by the system, the word system appears next to the employment record number (ERN) when viewed later. These data rows show an action or reason of SUB (hold substantive job), RFA (return from temporary assignment), or RTS (return to substantive job).

The substantive job retains its ERN while it is suspended and the temporary assignment is identified by a new ERN. This process enables the system to uniquely identify both job data records and maintain them simultaneously.

Additional Considerations for Temporary Assignments and Data Processing

Review these additional considerations when creating temporary assignments:

Note. Use the Job Data component pages for creating temporary assignments. For temporary assignments, to put the substantive job on hold, the handler Copy_SubstantiveJob and WORKFORCE_SYNC service operation must be active on the PERSON_DATA Message Channel, which comes with the PeopleSoft Application Messaging feature.

See Also

Entering a Temporary Assignment

Working with Integration Points in Enterprise HRMS

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Temporary Assignments

Page Name

Definition Name



Work Location


Workforce Administration, Job Information, Job Data, Work Location

Enter a temporary assignment

Add Additional Assignment


Workforce Administration, Job Information, Add Additional Assignment, Add Additional Assignment

Add a partial temporary or additional assignment.

Reactivate/Update Termination


Workforce Administration, Job Information, Temporary Assignments, Reactivate/Update Termination, Reactivate/Update Termination

Run the temporary assignment termination and substantive job reactivation process.

Temp Assignmnt w/out End Date


Workforce Administration, Job Information, Temporary Assignments, Temp Assignmt w/out End Date, Temp Assignmt w/out End Date

Run the Temp Assignment w/out End Date report (TAS001). The report lists workers currently on temporary assignment where end dates have not been defined.

Temp Assignmt due to Complete


Workforce Administration, Job Information, Temporary Assignments, Temp Assignmt due to Complete, Temp Assignmt due to Complete

Run the Temp Assignment due to Complete report (TAS002). This report lists workers due to complete temporary assignments within the user specified date range.

See Also

Defining Personnel Actions and Reasons

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering a Temporary Assignment

Access the Job Data - Work Location page (Workforce Administration, Job Information, Job Data, Work Location).

To enter a temporary assignment:

  1. Locate the substantive job that will be put on hold during the temporary assignment.

  2. Insert a new data row with the following parameters:

  3. (Optional) On the Job Data − Job Information page (Workforce Administration, Job Information, Job Data, Job Information), enter the termination date for the temporary assignment in the Planned Exit field.

  4. (Optional) Select the End Job Automatically check box to end the job on the termination date.

    This action also reactivates the substantive job when you run the Reactivation/Termination process.

  5. Select the type of duties in the Duties Type field for this temporary assignment.

Note. You must enter the planned exit date and select the End Job Automatically option for the Reactivation/Termination process to run automatically for each assignment. If you do not complete these fields, the termination of the temporary assignment and reactivation of the substantive job must be handled manually.

Whereas the previous procedure outlines the required actions for entering temporary assignments, you can also make other adjustments, as necessary, on any of the pages in the component. For example, it might be necessary to adjust the pay rate on the Compensation Data page. You should make this adjustment while creating the temporary assignment. When you save this information, the system suspends the substantive position.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Temporary Assignment Termination and Substantive Job Reactivation Process

Access the Reactivate/Termination Update page (Workforce Administration, Job Information, Temporary Assignments, Reactivate/Update Termination).

Complete the Company and Expected Job End Date up to fields and run the Reactivate/Termination Update process (HR_REACTVTER).

This process must be run periodically to terminate temporary assignments (with job end dates) and to reactivate substantive positions. This process inserts new data rows into the job data record. These data rows have reason codes of SUB (hold substantive job), RFA (return from temporary assignment) and RTS (return to substantive job), and the designation system next to the employee record number when viewed later.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding a Partial Temporary Assignment

You can add a temporary assignment that is fewer than 40 hours per week while maintaining the substantive job that fills the remaining hours. For example, an employee who is assigned to a temporary position that requires only 10 hours a week retains the substantive position for the other 30 hours. In this case, both jobs must remain active.

To allow both jobs to remain active, use the Add Additional Assignment component to enter the temporary assignment. You must then adjust the standard hours of the substantive position so that the hours for both jobs—substantive and temporary—equal 40 hours. You can still enter an end date for the temporary assignment and have that job end automatically. However, you must manually readjust the standard hours for the substantive position after the temporary assignment ends.

To replace a substantive job with two or more temporary assignments, choose one of the temporary assignments to replace the substantive job following the same procedure for assigning one temporary job, adjusting the hours appropriately. Then assign the second temporary position as a concurrent job.

If a worker has multiple substantive positions and is assigned one temporary position, the temporary assignment can only be assigned to one of the substantive positions. The other substantive positions must be manually suspended and reactivated using Hold Substantive Job and Return to Substantive Job as the action or reason.

Note. When assigning any combination of temporary assignments, you can still select the End Job Automatically check box on the Job Information page for the temporary assignment. However, if you have adjusted the standard hours for the substantive position, you must manually set the standard hours to the original setting when the temporary assignment has ended.

See Also

Adding Additional Assignments

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Teleworkers

This section provides an overview of the telworker tracking functionality and prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tracking Teleworkers


Telecommuting is often a recruiting and retention factor for many organizations. The teleworker functionality in Human Resources enables you to track jobs, positions, and workers that are allowed to work remotely. This feature is also useful for US customers that may base local or state tax based on a person’s typical work location.

This feature addresses US Federal Government regulations that require federal organizations to provide the U.S. Congress with information regarding legislatively-required teleworker data.

Note. Agreement details can be captured as a contract within Contract Administration or documented in other forms and locations, depending upon your organization's rules and policies regarding teleworkers and telecommuting. This feature only captures the fact that there is an agreement in place.


Before you can use the new teleworker functionality with your employees and contingent workers, you must:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Telework Details

Page Name

Definition Name



Maintain Teleworkers - Telework Status


Workforce Administration, Job Information, Maintain Teleworkers, Telework Status

Capture the telework dates and recurrence information. Identify if the telework arrangement is due to a permanent or temporary disability.

Note. Only temporary disabilities are identified here. Permanent disabilities should be captured under Personal Information, Disability, Disabilities.

Maintain Teleworkers - Location


Workforce Administration, Job Information, Maintain Teleworkers, Location

Identify the worker’s actual work location when telecommuting.

Maintain Teleworkers - Agreement


Workforce Administration, Job Information, Maintain Teleworkers, Agreement

Note how telecommuting equipment and services costs are handled, and monitor and track status changes associated to a telework request.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Teleworker Status

The Maintain Teleworkers component can track current teleworkers and any workers that request to telecommute. Access the Maintain Teleworkers - Telework Status page (Workforce Administration, Job Information, Maintain Teleworkers, Telework Status).

Job Eligible for Telework

Displays as selected if the Available for Telework field is selected at the Job Code

Start Date

Enter the date that the telework arrangement begins.

End Date

Enter the date that the telework arrangement is anticipated to end. No end date implies that this arrangement is on-going.

Recurring Days/Week

Enter the anticipated days per week that the teleworker works remotely. The maximum value is 7.

Average Days/Month

Enter the anticipated days per month that the teleworker works remotely. The maximum value is 31.

Disability Arrangements

Select an option to specify whether this teleworker arrangement is to suit a person’s permanent or temporary disability. Select Accommodates a temporary disability to display the Identify Temporary Disability region.

Identify Temporary Disability

Enter information regarding the temporary disability. This is an existing grid from the Disabilities component on the Accommodations Request (ACCOMM_REQUEST) page.

Note. PeopleSoft captures a person’s permanent disabilities in other components. Due to the potentially sensitive and private nature of that information, it is not displayed in this component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Teleworkers Actual Location

Access the Maintain Teleworkers - Location page (Workforce Administration, Job Information, Maintain Teleworkers, Location).


Choose the regular worksite for this teleworker. Values are Home, Other, or Telework Location.


Select the teleworker’s commuting location, if the worksite is a designated as Telework Location. The page displays the address information when a value is entered in this field. Values are only available if the location is specified as a valid telework location in the Location Table.

(USF) Geographic Location

Displays the teleworker’s geographic location code. This appears only for US Federal and Military installations.

(USF) View Location

Select to access the Location Description page, based on the selected geographic location. This link only appears for US Federal and Military installations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnter Teleworker Agreement Data

Access the Maintain Teleworkers - Agreement page (Workforce Administration, Job Information, Maintain Teleworkers, Agreement).

Equipment/Services Costs

Select an option to denote how the telecommuting equipment and services costs will be handled. This section allows users to capture who the responsible party is based on the Telework agreement, or company policy. This should be agreed upon between the organization and the teleworker ahead of time, as part of the Telework Agreement.

Telework Agreement Status

Organizations may want to monitor and track status changes associated to a telework request. There are four delivered statuses for this feature. The US Federal Government requires these values and reasons. Other customers can modify or use these values as their organizational policy deems fit.

For the Approved status, a value in the Reason field is not required.

For the Denied status, the values in the Reason field are: Handles secure materials, Perform on-site activities, Performance or conduct issues, or Other.

For the Terminated by Employee status, the Reason values are: Change in work assignments, Decreased performance or conduct issues, and Other.

For the Terminated by Manager status, the Reason values are: Change in work assignments, Decreased performance or conduct issues, and Other.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Disabilities

To set up tracking disabilities, use the Accommodation Type (ACCOM_TYPE_TABLE) component.

You can track any disabilities that your workers may have, as well as check your own facilities' accessibility. Administer Workforce includes a number of reports that list disability information.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Track Disabilities

Page Name

Definition Name



Accommodation Types


  • Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Labor Administration, Accommodation Types

  • Workforce Monitoring, Meet Regulatory Rqmts, Define Regulatory Rqmts Data, Accommodation Types, Accommodation Types

Define the types of workplace accommodations that your organization makes for disabled workers.



Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Disability, Disabilities, Disability

Enter disability information. Indicate if a worker is disabled and record details of the disability.

Accomm Request


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Disability, Disabilities, Accomm Request

Enter accommodation requests that a worker or applicant makes of your organization. You can also enter diagnosis codes for worker disabilities.

Accomm Option


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Disability, Disabilities, Accomm Option

Enter the options that the organization or the person with a disability is considering to resolve each accommodation request.

Accomm Job Task


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Disability, Disabilities, Accomm Job Task

Enter the job tasks that you are accommodating, classified by job code and, where necessary, by location. If you create essential job tasks in the Job Code Task table, you can enter multiple job tasks for each accommodation.

Disability BRA


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Disability, Disabilities BRA, Disability BRA

Enter disability details.

Disability Category Setup DEU


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Disability, Disability Category Setup DEU, Disability Category Setup DEU

Set up disability categories.

Heavily Disabled DEU


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Disability, Heavily Disabled DEU, Heavily Disabled DEU

Run the Heavily Disabled report (PER039GR). This report lists heavily disabled workers and additional information about their disabilities.

Disability Report ITA


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Disability, Disability Report ITA

Run the Disability Report - ITA (PER060). This run control page runs the Annual, Name List, or Disability Statistics reports.

See Also

Managing Accommodation Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Disability Information

Access the Disability page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Disability, Disabilities, Disability).

Track information regarding worker disabilities using the Disability component, which consists of the Disability page and the three Accommodation Data pages. Using these pages, record information regarding disabled workers, and the impact on accommodation requirements for your organization. The information can also be used for regulatory reporting and protecting your organization from claims of disability discrimination.


Select if the worker is disabled.

(CHE) Switzerland

Handicap Percent

Enter a percentage of disability from 0 to 100.

(DEU) Germany

Use this group box to track worker disability information that your company needs to demonstrate compliance with the Handicapped Workers Act of 1961. For your company's purposes, the act defines a handicapped person as someone who is registered as handicapped and who is disabled to the degree that it impacts earning capacity. When registered as handicapped, the individual is issued a disability card, and your company must track the disability card number, who issued the card, the issue date, and the expiration date.

Disabled Type

Identify the worker's disability type.

Handicap Percent

Enter the degree of the disability.

Disabled Position Count

Enter the degree to which this worker's disability can be applied to the total number of positions filled by disabled workers. Not every disabled worker may count as a full disabled position.


Enter the date that the person's disability was evaluated or reviewed. The evaluation date can be different from the effective date for the disability entry. To maintain a history of evaluation date records, such as past and future evaluations, insert additional data rows and use the scroll bar to navigate between rows.

Part Time Work Details

Identify the workers part time work details.

Card Number, Card Issue Date, and Expiry Date

Enter the worker's disability card number, card issue date, and card expiration date.

Disability Status Office

For each disability card, enter the disability status office that issued the card.

City and Postal Code

Enter the city and postal code of the disability office.


Select the check box if the person is or has been an apprentice.

Apprentice Begin Date andApprentice End Date

Select the begin and end dates of the apprenticeship.

(ESP) Spain

Disability Type

Select a disability type:

  • Non Disability (none)

  • Physical Disability

  • Psychological Disability

  • Sensorial Disability

Handicap Percent

Spanish law requires you to track a disabled worker's percentage of disability. Enter a percentage from 0 to 100.

Help to Go to Work

Select if the worker needs physical assistance to go to work. This check box is available only to workers whose disability percentage is between 33% and 65%, and is used to calculate a tax deduction for that worker.


Enter the date when the disability was evaluated.

Card No. (card number),Card Issue Date, and Exp. Date (expiration date)

The Spanish government issues to people with disabilities a card that certifies their percentage of disability. Enter the card number, the date when the disability card was issued, and the disability card's expiration date.

Disability Status Office

Select the office in charge of monitoring the worker's disability status.

City and Postal Code

Enter the city and postal code of the disability office.

(FRA) France

Use this group box to track worker disability information that your company needs to demonstrate compliance with French regulations regarding disability hiring quotas, and to provide notifications to the disabled worker's social security commission, or Commission Technique d'Orientation et de Reclassement Professionnel (COTOREP).

Disability Type

Indicate the worker's disability type, which identifies whether the worker is classified by COTOREP as disabled, or instead collects a financial stipend from the social security commission for some other similar reason. These reasons may include widows, orphans, or spouses of a disabled person, and war widows. This information is tracked so that your company can complete the required report of this information in a manner similar to the French Disability report.

Begin Date

Enter the date that the disability started.

End Date

If the disability wasn't permanent, enter the disability end date.

Title Number

Enter the worker's disability number, assigned by COTOREP.

Notification Date

Record the date that your company notified the social security commission that you hired the worker.

Disability Rate

In the specific case of a disability due to a work accident or a professional disease, the National Social Security Administration (not COTOREP) assigns a percentage of disability to the worker. The purpose of this percentage is to enable a calculation for an allowance that is paid by the National Social Security Administration. A worker can be recognized as a disabled person by COTOREP and also be a victim of a work accident or disease.

When applicable, enter the percentage of disability (0 to 100 percent).

(FRA) Known as COTOREP

When you open the page, the fields in this group box are display-only. If you select COTOREP as the disability type, the fields become available.

COTOREP Category

Enter the level of severity of the worker's disability, as defined by the social security commission. Values are:

COTOREP A: Light disability.

COTOREP B: Medium disability.

COTOREP C: Severe disability.

Previous Placement

Select to indicate that the worker had a prior disability placement through COTOREP.

Previous Placement Type

If the worker had a previous placement, indicate the previous placement type.

(FRA) Work Accident/Prof. Disease

When you first open the page, the fields in this group box are display-only. If you select WrkAcc/Dis (work accident/disabled) as the disability type, the fields become available.

Work Accident andDisease

Select whether the disability is the result of a work accident or a disease.

Prof. Dis. (professional disease)

If the disability is the result of a disease, select the type of disease.


Use this group box to track disability data for United Kingdom (UK) workers and to demonstrate compliance with the fair hiring and employment provisions of the Disability Discrimination Act of 1995.

Registered Disabled Number

Enter the worker's Registered Disabled Number.


Select the worker's disability type.

(ITA) Italy


Select the worker's disability type.

Disability Percentage

Enter the worker's disability percentage, as determined by the examining doctor.

(JPN) Japan

Use this group box to track a worker's disability category and grades. This information is used for regulatory and tax reporting purposes.

Disability Code

Enter the worker's disability code (values are legal disability categories that are set by the Ministry of Labor): Disabled, Heavily disabled, Heavy mental disorder, and Mental disorder.

Worker Comp Disability Grade (workers' compensation disability grade)

Select a value from Grade 1 through Grade 14.

Disability Grade

Select a value from Grade 1 through Grade 7.

WC Injury and Sickness Grade (workers' compensation injury and sickness grade)

Select a value from Grade 1 through Grade 3.

(NLD) Netherlands

Use this group box to record disability information for your workforce, and then use this information to document compliance with regulations under the Disabled Employees Act of 1985 (Wet Arbeid Gehandicapte Werknemers).

Handicap Percent

Enter the percentage degree to which the worker is handicapped.

Young Handicapped

Select to indicate that the worker qualifies for the tax reduction rule for young handicapped people (Wet arbeidsongeschiktheidsvoorziening jonggehandicapten, Wajong).


Disabled Veteran

Select only if the worker is a disabled veteran.

(NZL) New Zealand


Select the worker's disability type. These values come from the NZL Disability table.

Disability Program

Select if there is an association between the worker and a disability program.

Disability Note

Enter additional comments about the disability.

(AUS) Australia

Information Not Given

Select if worker disability information is not provided.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDocumenting Disability Accommodations

Use these three accommodation data pages to document that your company doesn't have discriminatory practices against people with disabilities:

When workers or applicants request that you make accommodations to enable them to perform job tasks, you can track all the steps that are involved in resolving those requests.

See Also

Managing Accommodation Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(ITA) Running the ITA Disability Report

Access the Disability Report ITA page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Disability, Disability Report ITA).


Select this option if you want to run the annual report, which lists the number of disabled workers sorted by disability type and gender.

Name List

Select this option if you want to run the report that lists the names of disabled workers by location and gender.


Select this option if you want to run the report that lists locations and the number of disabled and able-bodied workers. Part and full-time disabled workers are counted as one. Part-time, able-bodied workers are counted using their full time equivalent (FTE) value. If an able-bodied employee has an FTE value of 0.5, then that employee is counted as 0.5 on this report. Full-time, able-bodied workers are counted as 1.


Select the setID of the company for which you are reporting disability statistics.

Location Code

Select the location code of the location for which you are reporting disability statistics.

Click to jump to parent topicHandling Company Credit Cards

In PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources, you can identify company credit cards and then assign those cards to employees.

This section provides an overview of credit card encryption, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Credit Card Encryption

PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources uses PeopleTools Pluggable Cryptography framework and encryption/decryption profiles (called encryption schemes) to encrypt and decrypt all credit card numbers stored in the database.

PeopleTools Pluggable Cryptography is an advanced security framework that provides a security model for applications to encrypt credit card data. Pluggable Cryptography provides a way for you to secure critical PeopleSoft data and communicate securely with other businesses. It enables you to extend and improve cryptographic support for your data in PeopleTools, giving you strong cryptography with the flexibility to change and grow, by incrementally acquiring stronger and more diverse algorithms for encrypting data. In PeopleTools, pluggable cryptography capability is provided by PeopleSoft pluggable encryption technology (PET).

By using the PeopleTools Pluggable Cryptography for strong encryption/decryption, the Human Resources system encrypts data using 3DES algorithms and 168-bit encryption keys. The system displays an X in place of each credit card number other than the last four digits. This includes credit card numbers that are display-only as well as those that are editable. The system encrypts all credit card numbers as soon as they are entered into the system on the Maintain Employee Credit Card page.

Use of the stronger Credit Card Encryption solution supports compliance with the cardholder data protection requirements of the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard and with Visa's Cardholder Information Security Program (CISP).

PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources delivers the system data necessary for credit card encryption. Encryption of credit card numbers within the Human Resources system requires no additional setup.

Note. When the system publishes any messages that contain a credit card number (such as the CORPORATE_CARD_DATA_SYNC message) the systems uses clear text rather than encrypted data for the credit card number because the message is being sent via a secured queue. The secured queue likewise meets the requirement of the PCI Data Security Standard. The message CORPORATE_CARD_DATA_FULLSYNC also comes delivered but is not implemented in the system. To use this message you must write code to decrypt the credit card number before publishing the message.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Security Administration, "Securing Data with Pluggable Cryptography"

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

You must have defined credit card types on the Translate table before entering credit card vendors.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Handle Company Credit Cards

Page Name

Definition Name



Credit Card Vendors


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Credit Card Vendors, Credit Card Vendors

Enter vendors of credit cards that you'll assign to workers. A vendor that you identify here can be linked to an actual vendor in the Accounts Payable Vendor table.

Maintain Employee Credit Card


Workforce Administration, Job Information, Maintain Employee Credit Card, Maintain Employee Credit Card

Assign company credit cards to workers.

Process Credit Card Encryption


Set Up HRMS, System Administration, Utilities, Process Credit Card Encryption

Encrypt preexisting credit card numbers according to the latest encryption standards of the system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Credit Card Vendors

Access the Credit Card Vendors page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Credit Card Vendors, Credit Card Vendors).

Vendor ID

Enter the vendor ID.

Corporate Number

Enter your company's corporate number. This isn't a credit card number.

Bill Includes Tax if Applied

Select if the bill includes tax.

Grace Period and Days After Billing Date

Enter the number of days allowable after the billing date to avoid additional charges.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Cards to Workers

Access the Maintain Employee Credit Card page (Workforce Administration, Job Information, Maintain Employee Credit Card, Maintain Employee Credit Card).

Credit Card Vendor

Select the card's vendor.

Card Type

Select the card type.

Credit Card Number

Enter the card number. The system masks the credit card number except for the last four digits. The masking of the credit card number is visible only after saving the data and then accessing the page again for that employee. To update an existing credit card number you must delete the existing number and enter the new number in its entirety, even if you are only modifying the last four digits.

See Understanding Credit Card Encryption.


Select the main function for this card (for example, debit card, phone card, or corporate card).

Issued Date

Enter the date that the card was issued.

Expiration Date

Enter the date that the card expires.

Limit Amount

Enter the credit card limit amount.


Enter the currency of the credit card.

Limit Per Trans (limit per transaction)

Enter the limit amount per transaction.

Bill To

Select whom to bill for this credit card.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEncrypting Preexisting Credit Card Numbers

Access the Process Credit Card Encryption page (Set Up HRMS, System Administration, Utilities, Process Credit Card Encryption, Process Credit Card Encryption).

Note. Run this process one time to encrypt preexisting credit card numbers only if you have unsecured data in the Credit Card Number field on the Maintain Employee Credit Card page.

Record Name

Select the record that contains the field for which you want to encrypt preexisting data with the system's latest encryption standards. To encrypt preexisting credit card numbers found on the Maintain Employee Credit Card page, select the CC_CARD_DATA_EX record.

Field Name

Select the field (within the selected record) for which you want to encrypt preexisting data with the system's latest encryption standards. To encrypt preexisting credit card numbers found on the Maintain Employee Credit Card page, select the CRDMEM_ACCT_NBR field.


Click this button to encrypt the preexisting data for the selected field.

Click to jump to parent topicHandling Company Property

To set up the handling of company property, use the Company Property (COMPANY_PROP_TBL) component.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Handle Company Property

Page Name

Definition Name



Company Property - Company Property


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Company Property, Company Property

Identify company property, such as vehicles, computer equipment, tools, or uniforms.

Property Value


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Company Property, Property Value

Assign values to company property.

Job Information - Company Property


Workforce Administration, Job Information, Company Property

Assign company property to workers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Company Property

Access the Company Property - Company Property page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Company Property, Company Property).

Property Code

Displays the property code for this item.

Property Type

Select a type of property, such as Vehicle or Computer Equipment.

Make / Manufacturer

Enter the make and manufacturer for this item.


Enter the model.

Car Identification

If you select Vehicle as the property type, this group box appears in place of the Make/Manufacturer and Model fields.

Car Identification

When you enter a car ID, the system automatically completes the Registration Number, Make/Model, and Color fields based on the values stored for that car ID.


Enter the make and model for this car.

Registration Number

Enter the car's registration number.


Enter the car's color.

See Also

Getting Started with Administer Company Cars

Entering Non-Employee Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Values to Company Property

Access the Property Value page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Company Property, Property Value).

Dept ID (Issued To)

Enter the identification number of the department to which the property was issued.

Serial Number

Enter the serial number.

Property Value

Enter the value of the property and the currency that you are using.

Asset Number

Enter the asset number.

(MAL) Malaysia

Purchase Date

Enter the date the company property was purchased.

Purchase Price

Enter the purchase price.

Benefit Value

Enter the value of the benefit to be used in calculations.

Life Span (years)

Enter the number of years expected for the life span of the company property.

Benefit in Kind

Select to specify if this property is a Benefit in Kind (BIK).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Company Property to Workers

Access the Job Information - Company Property page (Workforce Administration, Job Information, Company Property).

Property Code

Enter the property code for the item that you've assigned to the worker.

Issue Date

Enter the date that you issued the property to the worker.

Date Returned

After the worker returns the property, enter the date that it was returned.

Serial Number

The system displays the serial number of the item that you've assigned to the worker.

See Also

Entering Non-Employee Data

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Names Data

This section provides an overview of additional name types and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Additional Name Types

Whether you're managing a global workforce or a workforce in a single country, you'll need to track a variety of names and titles as part of your records.

When you create a Personal Data record, the system automatically creates a primary name for the person you have added. The system also enables you to track other name types such as legal, preferred, maiden, or some other name for the person. For example, when the divorced Ms. Edith Jones advises your organization that she has remarried and changed her last name to Brown, you can maintain her preferred and primary name, Edith Carter; her former name, Edith Jones; and her maiden name, Edith Brown. You can determine when these name changes occurred by reviewing the history of each name type in the Additional Names component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Additional Names

Page Name

Definition Name



Additional Names


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Additional Names, Additional Names

View or create additional name types and names for an individual.

Name History


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Additional Names

Click the Add Name Data, View Name History, or Edit Name History, link on the Additional Names page.

View the history of an individual's name type and update or add a new effective date for that name type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Additional Name Types

Access the Additional Names page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Additional Names, Additional Names).

Type of Name

Displays the individual's current name types. The Primary name type displays from personal data. To add another name type, insert a new row and select the type of name, such as Preferred, Legal, or Maiden, to add for this individual. Only those remaining name types that are not yet displayed on the page will be available for selection. Values for this field are set up on the Name Type Table page.

Note. Although the Additional Names page displays the Primary name information for the person, maintenance of this name type should be done in personal data in the Modify a Person component. When you click the link to view or edit name history, you are unable to add additional rows for the Primary type row from this component.


Displays the individual's name as it appears in the default display name format for the selected name type.

Add Name Data, View Name History, orEdit Name History

The name of the link varies depending up on if you have inserted a new type of name row or entered the page using the Correct History action.

Click the link to access the Name History page and view or update data for an existing name type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Name History

Access the Name History page (Click the View Name History link from the Additional Names page).

The system displays the history of the selected name type. You can view or add data as permitted by the mode (add, update/display, include history, or correct history) that you select. To update the current name type for the individual, insert a new row, specify the effective date, name format, and status, and click the Edit Name link to update the related name fields.

Edit Name or View Name

Click this link to view or edit related name fields.

The name of the link varies depending on if you are adding a new name type, correcting a name, or viewing an existing name.

Note. When viewing the Primary name type of an individual, the add a new row and delete buttons are not available. Updates to the Primary name of an individual should be done in personal data in the Modify a Person component.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Dependent and Beneficiary Data

This section provides an overview of dependent and beneficiary data and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Dependent and Beneficiary Data

Use the Dependent Information component to record important information for dependents that may accompany an employee on an international assignment or international travel. You must also have these pages set up prior to enrolling employees in specific benefit programs.

The Name and Address pages define the relationship of the person to the employee and determine whether the person is a dependent, beneficiary, or both. This definition affects the person's eligibility to be enrolled in health benefits or to be assigned as a beneficiary in certain benefit plans.

The Personal Profile page defines the personal information about the person. This data also affects whether the person is eligible for benefits.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Track Dependent Identification Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Dependent Information - Name


  • Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Personal Relationships, Dependent Information, Name

  • Workforce Administration, Global Assignments, Track Assignment, Dependent Data, Name

Enter or update information about a dependent's name.

Dependent Information - Address


  • Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Personal Relationships, Dependent Information, Address

  • Workforce Administration, Global Assignments, Track Assignment, Dependent Data, Address

Enter or update information about a dependent's address.

Dependent Information - Personal Profile


  • Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Personal Relationships, Dependent Information, Personal Profile

  • Workforce Administration, Global Assignments, Track Assignment, Dependent Data, Personal Profile

Enter or update information about a dependent.

Dependent/Beneficiary Riders


Click the Riders/Orders link on the Dependent Information - Personal Profile page.

Enter detailed information about the court-ordered benefit for the specified dependent or beneficiary.

Personal Profile - Phone Numbers


Click Phone Numbers on the Dependent Information - Personal Profile page.

Enter additional dependent and beneficiary phone numbers.

Dependent/Beneficiary Summary

Review Dep/Ben Summary


  • Workforce Administration, Benefit Information NLD, Review Benefits, Dependent/Beneficiary Summary, Dependent/Beneficiary Summary

  • Benefits, Employee/Dependent Information, Review Dep/Ben Summary, Dependent/Beneficiary Summary

View an employee's beneficiaries and dependents.

Depdnt Identification Details - Depdnt Citizenship/Passport


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Personal Relationships, Depdnt Identification Details, Depdnt Citizenship/Passport

Enter or update dependent citizenship and passport data.

Depdnt Identification Details - Depdnt Visa/Permit Data


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Depdnt Identification Details, Depdnt Visa/Permit Data

Enter or update dependent visa and permit data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Dependent and Beneficiary Name Information

Access the Dependent Information - Name page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Personal Relationships, Dependent Information, Name).

The system displays the name and the employee ID for the employee.

Dependent/Beneficiary ID

The system assigns the dependent or beneficiary ID. You can change it, although you can't have duplicate IDs for dependents or beneficiaries of the same employee. You can, however, use these same IDs for a different employee's dependents and beneficiaries.

Effective Date

The system enters the current system date in this field, and this date is carried through to all pages of the component. You can change this date if necessary, however in the first row of data for this dependent/beneficiary, the effective date must be the same on all of the pages in this component.

Edit Name

Click to access the Edit Name page. On this page, enter the dependents name and click Refresh to update the fields that display the dependents' name.

Note. When running a calculation, the system determines if an employee is married by reviewing the dependent and beneficiary table to determine whether there is a dependent identified as the spouse. It is possible for the dependent and beneficiary pages to show more than one spouse, to show a former spouse as a current spouse, to show no spouse even if the employee's marital status is married, or to show a spouse even though the employee's marital status is single. These and other inconsistencies in the dependent and beneficiary data can cause problems with pension calculations. It is best to verify dependent and beneficiary information when calculating pension benefits.

(FRA) French Public Sector

The page displays this section when French Public Sector is enabled on the Installation Table.

Civil Servant Status

Select to indicate that this dependent is a civil servant.

Same Public Service

Select if the dependent is in the same public service as the employee.

Employee ID of the Dependent

When the Same Public Service field is selected, this field is editable. Select the Employee ID of the dependent that is in the same public service as the employee.

Employer Name

Enter the employer name of the dependent.

See Also

Entering Dependent and Beneficiary Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Dependent Address Information

Access the Dependent Information - Address page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Personal Relationships, Dependent Information, Address).

The employee's name and employee ID, as well as this dependent or beneficiary's ID, relationship to the employee, and dependent or beneficiary type appear at the top of the page.

Same Address as Employee and Address Type

Select if the dependent has the same address information as the employee, and then select the employee's address type that matches the dependent or beneficiary's address. If selected, you don't need to complete any of the address fields.

Same Phone as Employee and Phone Type

Select if the dependent has the same phone information as the employee and then select the employee phone type that is the same as this beneficiary's. If selected, you don't need to complete any of the phone fields. A beneficiary can have the same address as the employee but a different phone number.

Edit Address

Click to enter or edit the dependent's contact address information.

Contact Phone

Enter the dependent's contact phone information in this group box.

See Also

(NLD) Loading Dutch Postal Codes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Dependent and Beneficiary Information

Access the Dependent Information - Personal Profile page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Personal Relationships, Dependent Information, Personal Profile).

Date of Birth

Enter the dependent or beneficiary's birthdate. Certain benefit plans, such as life insurance, require the birthdate to determine an individual's eligibility.

Birth Location

Enter a city, county, or both, to further define the place in which the dependent or beneficiary was born.

Birth Country

Enter the country in which the dependent or beneficiary was born. Depending on the country you enter, additional fields may appear that require more data entry.

Date of Death

When the dependent or beneficiary dies, enter the date of the death.

Medicare Entitled Date

Enter the date on which the dependent or beneficiary will become eligible for Medicare coverage.


Click to access the Dependent/Beneficiary Riders page.

Phone Numbers

Click to access the Dependent Information - Personal Profile: Phone Numbers page.

Relationship to Employee

Enter the dependent or beneficiary's relationship to the employee. If you've set up the Dependent Relationship table, the system automatically completes the Relationship to Employee field according to the relationships in the table.

Dependent Beneficiary Type

Select the type of dependent or beneficiary. Your selection determines whether you can enroll this person into a benefit plan as a dependent or assign this person as a beneficiary.

If you have set up the Dependent Relationship table, the system uses that information to populate and validate this field. Values are:

Beneficiary: Beneficiary only.

Both: Dependent and beneficiary. If you plan to enroll the person as a dependent and assign the person as a beneficiary, you must select this option.

COBRA Dependent Only: COBRA dependent or beneficiary only.

Dependent: Dependent only.

None: The person is neither a dependent nor a beneficiary. This option is typically used when the person is a co-owner of a U.S. savings bond, or to make a person ineligible to participate in a benefit plan.

QDRO Estate: If the beneficiary of a life plan is the estate of an employee, enter this value.

QDRO Representative - Employee: Used for PeopleSoft Enterprise Pension Administration.

QDRO Representative - Recipient: Used for PeopleSoft Enterprise Pension Administration.

Note. (USA) (CAN) The values COBRA Dependent Only, None, QDRO Representative - Employee, and QDRO Representative - Recipient are Canadian and United States values only.

Marital Status

Enter the dependent or beneficiary's marital status.

Marital Status - As of

When adding a new dependent, enter the as of date for marital status.

When an individual undergoes a subsequent change in status, the effective date for the change is recorded and the system no longer uses the as of date. This field is critical for determining eligibility for benefits enrollment.


Select if the dependent or beneficiary is a student.

Student - As of

When adding a new dependent, enter the as of date for the individual's student status.

When an individual undergoes a subsequent change in status, the effective date for the change is recorded and the system no longer uses the as of date. This field is critical for determining eligibility for benefits enrollment.


Select if the dependent or beneficiary is disabled.

Disabled - As of

When adding a new dependent, enter the as of date for the individual's disability status.

When an individual undergoes a subsequent change in status, the effective date for the change is recorded and the system no longer uses the as of date. This field is critical for determining eligibility for benefits enrollment.


Select if the dependent or beneficiary smokes. The Smoker check box is necessary for dependents who are enrolled in benefit plans that use calculation rules. The system calculates age-graded rates for individuals differently depending on whether they smoke.

Smoker - As of

When adding a new dependent, enter the as of date for the individual's smoker status.

When an individual undergoes a subsequent change in status, the effective date for the change is recorded and the system no longer uses the as of date. This field is critical for determining eligibility for benefits enrollment.


Enter the dependent or beneficiary's occupation, if known.

National ID

Use this group box to enter the dependent or beneficiary's national identification number. Dependents and beneficiaries with citizenship in more than one country can have more than one national ID. Add as many rows as required.


Select the country that issued the dependent's national ID.

National ID Type

The system populates this field automatically with the default value that you established for this country on the National ID Type Table page. You can select another valid type.

National ID

Enter the dependent's national ID number. The system automatically checks the format of your entry against the default format that you entered on the National ID Type Table page.

Primary ID

Select if the national ID is the dependent's primary ID. If this is the only data row for this person, the system selects the check box by default. You can override this default.

(MYS) Malaysia

Full Time Student - Within Malaysia

Select if the dependent is a full time student in Malaysia.

Full Time Student - Outside Malaysia

Select if the dependent is a full time student outside of Malaysia.

(ARG) Argentina

Education Level

Select the dependent's education level. Values are:

  • Two Years Old Kindergarten

  • Three Years Old Kindergarten

  • Four Years Old Kindergarten

  • Five Years Old Kindergarten

  • Elementary First Year

  • Elementary Second Year

  • Elementary Third Year

  • Elementary Fourth Year

  • Elementary Fifth Year

  • Elementary Sixth Year

  • Elementary Seventh Year

  • Elementary Eighth Year

  • Elementary Ninth Year

  • Polimodal First Year

  • Polimodal Second Year

  • Polimodal Third Year

  • High School First Year

  • High School Second Year

  • High School Third Year

  • High School Fourth Year

  • High School Fifth Year

  • High School Sixth Year

  • Special Education

School Cert Start Year (school certificate start year)

Select to indicate that the employee has presented the dependent's school certificate for the current year.

Certificate Start Year

Enter the year of the current year certificate.

School Cert End Year (school certificate end year)

Select to indicate that the employee has presented the dependent's school certificate for the previous year.

Certificate End Year

Enter the year of the previous year certificate.

Eligible for Family Allowance

Select to indicate that the dependent is eligible for family allowance. The dependent must be a child, disabled child, or spouse

Family Allowance Term Date

Enter the end date for the dependent to be eligible for family allowance.

Income Tax Dependent

Select the type of taxable dependents for income tax. Valid Values are Child, Other Dependents, and Spouse.

Income Tax Begin Date

Enter the begin date for the dependent to be eligible for income tax.

Income Tax End Date

Enter the end date for the dependent to be eligible for income tax.

Social Security Condition

Specify whether the dependent is part of the primary family group or is an adherent of the employee for Social Security benefits.

Social Security Begin Date

Enter the starting date of Social Security benefits for the dependent.

Social Security End Date

Enter the end date of social security benefits for the dependent.

(CAN) Canada

Eligible for CSB

If you are entering dependent and beneficiary information for a Canadian employee, select this check box to indicate that the dependent or beneficiary is an eligible registrant for an employee who is purchasing Canadian Savings Bonds (CSBs). The PeopleSoft Payroll-CSB Registrant page verifies the selection of this check box.

(BEL) Belgium

Fiscally Dependent

Select if the employee is fiscally responsible for the dependent.

Fiscal Situation Spouse

Select the appropriate fiscal situation from the list.

Fiscally Disabled

Select if applicable.

Profession Category Spouse

Select the appropriate category from the list.


Select if applicable.

(FRA) France

Use this group box to store information that can be passed to your payroll system for payroll processing.

Family Supplement

For numerous families, payroll calculates the family allowance amount that your organization gives to an employee based on their family dependents. This calculation is based on the number and type of employee dependents. Select this check box to indicate that the corresponding dependent has to be considered in the calculation of the supplemental family allowance.


This option is for court orders that require that an employee's wages be garnished. When an employee is under a court order, payroll can calculate the percentage and amount of the employee's salary that has to be transferred to the relevant government agency in each pay period.

Depending on the number of dependents, this amount is reduced. The greater the number of dependents, the lower the percentage of frozen salary. Select this check box to indicate that the corresponding dependent has to be considered in the calculation of the frozen garnishment amount.

AFB Allowance (French Banking Association allowance)

The French Banking Association delivers a special allowance based on the number of dependents. Select to indicate that the corresponding dependent has to be considered in the calculation of this allowance.


CHIC is a medical insurance company that employees can opt to use to supplement their medical insurance coverage. This insurance company delivers a special allowance based on the number of dependents. Select this check box to indicate that the corresponding dependent has to be considered in the calculation of this allowance.


See Family Supplement.

Holiday Premium

See Family Supplement.

Status 7 and Status 8

Configure these fields to capture additional payroll related status information.

Collective Agmt

Select if applicable.

IJSS Calc. (Indemnités Journalières de Sécurité Sociale)

IJSS is the social security daily allowances. Select if the dependent should be taken into account in the calculation of the employee's entitlement for IJSS. The IJSS is calculated by PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll for France.

(GBR) United Kingdom

Eligible for Parental Leave

Select if the dependent qualifies the employee for parental leave. Select the Disabled check box on the top page if it also applies here.

Adopted Dependent

Select if the employee adopted the dependent.

Adoption Date

If adopted, enter the adoption date.

Certificate(s) Verified

Select to indicate that appropriate certificates have been provided to verify this dependent information.

(BRA) Brazil

Education Level

Select the education level of the dependent.


Select to indicate that the dependent is disabled and the employee can receive the family allowance and income tax benefits for the dependent for additional years.

Vaccination Certificate

Select if you have received the dependent's vaccination certificate. This information is used for reporting purposes.


Select to indicate that the dependent is a student. Employees receive income tax benefits for all students up to 21 years old. If the dependent is a student and is less than six years old, the employee should provide a vaccination certificate to the company to receive the income tax benefit.

University or Technical Level

Select to indicate that the dependent is a student at the university or technical level and the employee can receive the income tax benefit for the dependent for additional years (for students up to 24 years old).

Termination Cd (termination code)

Enter the reason code for the family allowance termination. Values are:

Child Abandonment: Abandonment of child.

Dependent exceeds ceiling: Dependent's age exceeds maximum age.

Court Decision: Court decision (in case of divorce or separation).

Dependent's Death: Dependent's death.

End Disability: Disability ended.

Child Custody: Custody has been awarded to the other parent.

Termination: Termination.

Termination Dt (termination date)

Enter the family allowance termination date.

Enter information from the dependent's birth certificate in the Birth Data group box. This information is used for reporting purposes.

Enter the type of vaccination, the dose, and the date received for each vaccination on the dependent's vaccination certificate in the Vaccination Data group box. This information is used for reporting purposes.

(USA) US Federal Government

FEHB Participant

Enter a value to indicate that the dependent has Federal Employee's Health Benefits (FEHB).

Dependent's Fed Plan Type

If the dependent is a FEHB Participant, enter the federal plan type. Valid Values are:

  • CHA: Campus.

  • FEH: FEHB.

  • MCA: Medicare Plan A.

  • MCB: Medicare Plan B.

  • OTH: Other Federal Health Plans.

Medicare Number

If the dependent is on Medicare, enter their Medicare number.

Medicare A Indicator, Medicare B Indicator, and Medicare D Indicator

Select if the indicator if the dependent is in a Medicare A, Medicare B, or Medicare D program.

Medicare Reason A, Medicare Reason B, and Medicare Reason D

If the dependent is a Medicare recipient, enter the reason they have Medicare A, Medicare B, or Medicare D.

See Also

Getting Started with PeopleSoft Enterprise Manage Base Benefits

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Information About Court-Ordered Benefits for Dependents

Access the Dependent/Beneficiary Riders page (click the Riders/Orders link on the Dependent Information - Personal Profile page).

The Dependent/Beneficiary Riders page enables you to enter any court-ordered benefits or spousal waivers. This page enables the system to validate any changes or omissions in benefit enrollments with a recorded rider. When an employee enrolls in a benefit plan and there is a court-ordered mandate specifying that a benefit be provided, the system does not complete the enrollment.

Plan Type

Enter the type of plan to which the court order relates.

Start Date

Enter the date on which the court order becomes effective.


Prioritizes court orders when you have more than one that takes effect on the same day. Enter a number that indicates which court orders take precedence over others. If there is only one court order, enter a sequence of 1.


Select whether the court order is Active or Inactive. This field is typically used to void a court order before the end date takes effect. If the status is Inactive, the system won't enforce any validations against this court order.

Exception Type

Select whether this is a court order (a legal document that grants a dependent the right to receive benefit coverage), spousal waiver (document that formally waives a spouse's claim to a minimum beneficiary allocation of funds from a life insurance policy or savings plan), or neither.

End Date

Enter the date on which the court order ends. When the court order expires, the system won't enforce any validations against this court order.

Court Order Number

Enter the official number that is issued by the state for this court order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(NLD) Viewing an Employee's Dependents and Beneficiaries

Access the Dependent/Beneficiary Summary or Review Dep/Ben Summary page (Benefits, Employee/Dependent Information, Review Dep/Ben Summary, Review Dep/Ben Summary).

Dependent/Beneficiary Summary

This group box displays a summary of all dependent and beneficiary data for an employee.


This column displays the ID of the dependent or beneficiary.


This column displays the name of the dependent or beneficiary.

Dependent Beneficiary Type

Indicates whether the person is a dependent or beneficiary.

Relationship to Employee

Describes the relationship of the dependents and beneficiaries to the employee.

Note. Over time, changes occur and you need to terminate dependent enrollments or beneficiary statuses. Remember, you enroll dependents and assign beneficiaries when you enroll employees. As with employees, to terminate a dependent enrollment or beneficiary status, you must enter a row of data with the termination date. Don't make such a change using the Dependent/Beneficiary Data page. Make the change using the benefit detail page for the benefit in question.

Warning! If you delete dependent or beneficiary data by using the Dependent/Beneficiary Data pages, you destroy historical data. When you change enrollment data, it won't matter that the dependent or beneficiary data is available here. It must remain if your system is to provide correct historical information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Dependent Citizenship and Passport Information

Access the Depdnt Identification Details - Depdnt Citizenship/Passport page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Personal Relationships, Depdnt Identification Details, Depdnt Citizenship/Passport).

Enter information on this page in the same manner that you enter data on the Citizenship/Passport page.

See Tracking Employee Passport and Citizenship Information.

Note. (DEU) If you administer a workforce in Germany, use the Visa/Permit table to record OECD work permits for OECD nationals who want to work in a protected industry. Because permit types are keyed by country, if you track a German employee's OECD work permit information on the Identification, Visa/Permit table in the Track Global Assignments menu, select DEU as the country code from among your valid OECD permit types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Dependent Visa and Permit Data

Access the Depdnt Visa/Permit Data page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Depdnt Identification Details, Depdnt Visa/Permit Data).

Enter information on this page in the same manner that you enter data on the Visa/Permit Data page.

See Entering an Employee's Visa or Permit Information.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Emergency Contacts

This section discusses how to enter primary address and phone information for emergency contacts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Track Emergency Contacts

Page Name

Definition Name



Contact Address/Phone


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Personal Relationships, Emergency Contact, Contact Address/Phone

Enter names, addresses, and primary phone information for people to contact in the event of a worker emergency.

Other Phone Numbers


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Personal Relationships, Emergency Contact, Other Phone Numbers

Record additional phone numbers at which the emergency contact can be reached, such as a work or cellular phone number.

Emergency Contacts


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Personal Relationships, Emergency Contacts Report

Generate the Emergency Contacts report (PER004). This report lists all contacts on the Emergency Contact table. Run the Refresh Employees Table process before running this report.

See Also

PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals for HRMS Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Primary Address and Phone Information for Emergency Contacts

Access the Contact Address/Phone page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Personal Relationships, Emergency Contact, Contact Address/Phone).

Contact Name

Enter the name of the emergency contact person.

Relationship to Employee

Select the option that indicates the contact's relationship to the worker.

Primary Contact

Select if this is the first person whom you should try to contact in an emergency. Select for only one contact.

Same Address as Employee and Address Type

Select if the contact has the same address information as the worker, and then select the worker address type that is the same as this contact's. If selected, you don't need to complete any of the address fields.

Same Phone as Employee and Phone Type

Select if the contact has the same phone information as the worker, and then select the worker phone type that is the same as the contact's. If selected, you don't need to complete any of the phone fields. An emergency contact can have the same address as the worker but a different phone number.

Change Country

Click to enter or edit the contact's country.

Edit Address

Click to enter or edit the contact's address.

Contact Phone

Enter the contact's phone information.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Citizenship and Visa or Permit Information

This section provides a list of common elements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used to Manage Citizenship and Visa or Permit Information

Expiration Date

Enter the expiration date of the visa or permit.

Issue Date

Enter the date on which the visa or permit was issued.

Issue Place

Enter the location where the visa or permit was issued.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Citizenship and Visa or Permit Information

Page Name

Definition Name





Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Citizenship, Identification Data, Citizenship/Passport

Track passport and citizenship information for employees. Enter multiple countries of citizenship and multiple passports for employees and their dependents.

Visa/Permit Data


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Citizenship, Identification Data, Visa/Permit Data

Enter an employees visa or permit information.

Passport/Visa Expiration Audit


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Citizenship, Passport/Visa Expiration Audit

Generate the Passport/Visa Expiration report (PER032). This report lists employees and dependents that have passports, visas, or work permits on file that expire in 90 days of the report run date. The report is divided into two sections. The first section lists passport information including country, passport number, issue date, and expiration date. The second section lists visa and work permit information including country, visa and work permit number, type of permit, issue date, and expiration date.

Citizenship/Country/Visa Audit


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Citizenship, Citizenship/Country/Visa Audit

Generate the Citizenship/Country/Visa Audit report (PER033). This report lists discrepancies between employee citizenship country status and visa data. The report displays various discrepancies found for the employee citizenship status in the Personal Data table.

See Also

PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals for HRMS Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Employee Passport and Citizenship Information

Access the Citizenship/Passport page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Citizenship, Identification Data, Citizenship/Passport).


Enter the employee's country of citizenship.

Citizenship Status

Indicate the employee's citizenship status. An employee's birth country and country of citizenship can be different. To track birth country information, use the Identity/Diversity page.

Note. (DEU) If you're administering German employees, German law requires you to indicate special nationality and citizenship information for German workers using nationality codes established by the German DEUEV directive. This information is used in DEUEV processing and DEUEV reporting for German organizations or companies doing business in Germany. DEUEV processes and reporting are available only if you are using a German compliant payroll system.

Passport Information

Passport Number

Enter the passport number.


Enter the originating country for this passport.


Enter the issuing authority, such as the U.S. Passport Agency.

(SGP) Singapore

Worker Type

Select the type of worker for the employee.

Permanent Status Date

Enter the date the employee became a permanent worker for your organization.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll for Germany 9.1 PeopleBook

Setting Up Global Assignments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering an Employee's Visa or Permit Information

Access the Visa/Permit Data page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Citizenship, Identification Data, Visa/Permit Data).


Select a type of visa or permit. The system prompts you with only types that are associated with the selected country.

Get Supporting Documents

Click to have the system enter a list of the appropriate supporting documents that are needed to obtain the visa or permit type that you entered.


Enter the visa or permit number.


Select the visa or permit status: Applied, Granted, Renewal in Progress, Cancelled (for people in Indonesia and Singapore only), and Renewed.

Status Date

Enter the date on which the status of the visa or permit changed.


Enter the number of days, months, or years that the employee stayed in the country. Select the unit of duration (Days, Months, or Years) in the adjacent field.

Date of Entry into Country

Enter the date on which the employee entered the country.

Issuing Authority

Enter the agency that issued the visa or permit, such as the U.S. Department of State or the French Consulate.

(CHE) Switzerland

Cross Border Return Frequency

Enter the frequency this employee travels to their home outside of Switzerland:

D: daily.

W: weekly.

This is a required field when the type of permit is:

G: Cross Border Commuter.

PG: Border Crossing Permit.

Cross Border Commuter Permit

Enter the permit number for the Cross Border Commuter Permit.

Note. (DEU) If you're administering a workforce in Germany, use the Visa/Permit table to record OECD work permits for OECD nationals who want to work in a protected industry. Because permit types are keyed by country, if you're tracking a German employee's OECD work permit information on the Identification - Visa/Permit Table page in the Administer Workforce menus, select DEU as the country code to select from among your valid OECD permit types.

Supporting Documents Needed

Sup Doc ID (supporting document ID)

If additional documents are required for this employee to obtain the visa or permit type, select a supporting document ID.

Request Date

Enter the date on which the documents were requested.

Date Received

Enter the date on which the documents were received.

See Also

Entering German Nation DEUEV Codes

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Driver's License Information

This section discusses how to enter license numbers and other driving record information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Manage Driver's License Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Driver's License Data


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Driver's License Data, Driver's License Data

Enter license numbers or other data from a worker's driving record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering License Numbers and Other Driving Record Information

Access the Driver's License Data page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Driver's License Data).

Driver's License Nbr (Driver's License Number)

Enter the license number.

License Suspended

Select if the worker's driver's license is currently suspended.

Issue Location

Enter the location where the license was issued.

Issuing Authority

Enter the agency that issued the driver's license, such as the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Valid from and Valid To

Enter the dates on which the driver's license remains valid. The to date must be in the future.

Number of Violations

Enter the number of traffic violations cited on the worker's driving record.

Number of Points

Enter the number of points accumulated on the worker's driving record.

License Type

Enter the type of license held by the worker.

If you need to enter more than one driver's license for a worker, add a new data row.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Bank Account Information

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Bank Account Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Bank Accounts

Maintain Bank Accounts


  • Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Bank Accounts, Bank Accounts

  • Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Net Pay / Recipient Elections, Maintain Bank Accounts, Maintain Bank Accounts

Enter bank account information for a payee. Use this information to track worker direct deposit information.

International Bank Account Nbr


Click the Edit IBAN link on the Bank Accounts page.

(BEL, CHE, DEU, ESP, FRA, GBR, ITA, and NLD) Generate and edit the International Bank Account Number (IBAN).

See Setting Up IBAN Information.

Building Society Details


Click the Other Required Information link on the Bank Accounts or Maintain Bank Accounts page.

(GBR) For this page to appear, the country code must be GBR and the building society ID must have a value.

Enter a person's building society roll number and name.

Inter-bank Payment Scheme


Click the Other Required Information link on the Bank Accounts or Maintain Bank Accounts page.

(MEX) Enter the Clave Bancaria Estandarizada (CLABE) number associated with the payee's bank account.

Bank Prenote Information USA


Click the Prenote Information link on the Bank Accounts or Maintain Bank Accounts page.

This link is available only if you select the Prenote Process Allowed check box on the Installation Settings USA page.

Indicate whether prenotification files (used in Federal Schedule Reconciliation) need to be generated.

See Updating Prenote Information for Payees.

Specify Net Pay Elections


Click the Specify Net Pay Elections link on the Bank Accounts or Maintain Bank Accounts page.

Define how a person's net pay is distributed between the their bank accounts.

See Specifying Net Pay Elections.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording a Person's Bank Account Information

Access the Bank Accounts page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Bank Accounts, Bank Accounts).

Note. Before you can enter a person's bank details, first set up the bank branch or building society on the Bank/Branch Table page.

Account ID

The system creates an account ID when you enter a new bank or building society account for a person. This field is for information only.


Select the type of account that you are tracking. Options are Building Society Roll Number, Checking, Current Account, Giro Account, Regular, and Savings.

Country Code

Enter the country where the bank account is located. When you move out of this field, the system populates the Currency Code field with the appropriate currency.

International ACH Bank Account (international automatic clearing house bank)

Select to indicate that the bank is located outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.

Note. This field appears only if you have PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll for North America or PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll for United States installed.

Bank ID

Enter the bank ID.

Bank Branch ID

Enter the bank branch ID for the account.

Building Society ID

(GBR) If you entered GBR in the Country Code field, this field replaces the Bank Branch ID field. See details below.

See (GBR) Entering Banking Information for UK Workers.

Account Number

Enter the account number for the person.

Check Digit

(BEL, BRA, ESP, FRA, and ITA) Enter the check digit for the account.

Account Name

Enter the account name for the person.

Prenote Information

(USA) Click this link to access the Bank Prenote Information USA page.

This link is available only if you select the Prenote Process Allowed check box on the Installation Settings USA page.

IBAN and Edit IBAN

(BEL, CHE, DEU, ESP, FRA, GBR, ITA, and NLD) Displays the IBAN number for the account.

Click the Edit IBAN link to access the International Bank Account Number page where you can generate and edit the IBAN for the bank account.

Other Required Information

(MEX) Click this link to access the Inter-bank Payment Scheme page, where you can enter the Clave Bancaria Estandarizada (CLABE) number. This link is available only for Mexican banks.

See (MEX) Specifying the Inter-bank Payment Code.

(GBR) Click this link to access the Building Society Details page and enter roll information. This link is available only when GBR is the country code and a value is entered in the.Building Society ID field.

See (GBR) Entering a Worker's Building Society Roll Number and Name.

AC Account Name (alternate character account name)

Enter the alternate character account name, if applicable. Appears if you enabled alternate character (AC) functionality in the Org Defaults by Permission Lst component.

Specify Net Pay Elections

Click this link to access the Specify Net Pay Elections page where you can view and update net pay details for the person.

(GBR) Entering Banking Information for UK Workers

UK customers also use this page to record workers' building society account information. When you enter GBR in the Country field, the Bank Branch ID field becomes the Building Society ID field.

UK customers who enter details of UK bank and building society accounts should enter the following information in the fields on the Bank Accounts page:


UK Bank and Building Society Information


Select an account type:

Current Account: Select for a bank account.

Building Society Roll Number: Select for a building society account.

Savings: Not applicable to the UK.

Checking: Not applicable to the UK.

Country Code

Enter GBR.

Bank ID

If the worker has a bank account, select the bank branch from the list of branches set up in the Bank table.

If the worker has a building society account, leave this field blank.

Building Society ID

If the worker has a building society account, select the building society from the list of societies set up in the Branch table. When you select a building society, the system automatically completes the Bank ID field with the bank that handles clearing for the selected building society.

If the worker has a bank account, leave this field blank.

Account Number

Enter the worker's bank account number.

If you selected a building society in the Building Society ID field, the system automatically completes the Account Number field with the building society's account at the clearing bank and makes the field display-only.

Note. To enter the worker's building society account details, click Other Required Information.

Account Name

Enter the account name.

If you selected a building society in the Building Society ID field, the system makes this field display-only.

Click Other Required Information to display the Building Society Details page where you enter the account name.

Currency Code

The system provides a default value of GBP (Pound Sterling). Override this default if necessary.

Other Required Information

Click to display the Building Society Details page, where you enter the worker's building society account details.

The system does not display this link if you select a normal bank branch in the Bank ID field.

Note. For more information about the account number formats for a country, see the corresponding PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll local country documentation.

See Also

Setting Up Banks and Bank Branches

Managing the Prenotification Process

Defining Banking Instructions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(GBR) Entering a Worker's Building Society Roll Number and Name

Access the Building Society Details page (click the Other Required Information link on the Bank Accounts or Maintain Bank Accounts page).

When you select a building society ID, the Other Required Information link appears on the page.

Roll Name

Enter the roll name of the worker's building society account.

Roll Number

Enter the worker's building society account number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(MEX) Specifying the Inter-bank Payment Code

Access the Inter-bank Payment Scheme page (click the Other Required Information link on the Bank Accounts or Maintain Bank Accounts page).


Enter the Clave Bancaria Estandarizada (CLABE) number associated with the payee's bank account. The CLABE number is a numeric 18-digit standardized bank code for domestic Inter-bank fund transfers.

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Volunteer Activity

This section discusses how to enter information on worker volunteer activities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Track Volunteer Activity

Page Name

Definition Name



Volunteer Activities


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Volunteer Activities, Volunteer Activities

Enter information on worker volunteer activities. Track multiple volunteer organizations for workers and multiple start dates with the same organization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Information on Worker Volunteer Activities

Access the Volunteer Activities page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Volunteer Activities, Volunteer Activities).

Volunteer Organization

Select a volunteer organization code.

Chapter Name

Enter the chapter name of the organizations in which the employee volunteers, if applicable.

Start Date and End Date

Enter the start and end date of the worker participation.

Type of Volunteer

Select the type of volunteer activity in which the worker is participating: Administr, Canvasser, Executive, Fund Raise, or Other.

Is Volunteer on Leave

Select if the volunteer is on leave.

Note. This check box is for informational purposes only. If you select this check box, you don't affect any Monitor Absences business process functionality.

Volunteer Status

Select either Part Time or Full Time to indicate the volunteer status.

Note. This information is useful when you need to track workers' additional skills and knowledge, and when you measure the effectiveness of company-sponsored volunteer and charitable programs.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Tracking Military Service Availability

To set up military service availability tracking, use the Deployment Reasons (MIL_DEPL_REASON) and Reassignment Reasons (MIL_REASSGN_RSN) components.

This section discusses how to track military service availability.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter and Track Military Service Availability

Page Name

Definition Name



Deployment Reasons


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data MIL, Deployment Reasons, Deployment Reasons

Enter reasons military members are either unavailable for deployment or are available in a limited capacity.

Reassignment Reasons


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Workforce Data MIL, Reassignment Reasons, Reassignment Reasons

Enter reasons military members are either unavailable for reassignment or are available in a limited capacity.

General Availability MIL


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, General Availability MIL, General Availability MIL

Track military service availability for deployment and retirement. Use this page to also enter a compulsory retirement date, if applicable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Military Service Availability

Access the General Availability MIL page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, General Availability MIL, General Availability MIL).

Effective Date

Enter the effective date of a member's deployment and reassignment availability to keep historical track of when the member's availability changes.


Click the Maintain/View Notes icon to enter additional notes about the person's availability. The system tracks the date you enter a comment. You can also search for comments by entering a date range and selecting them for review, deletion, or transferring the comment to another person.


Identify whether this service member is ready for deployment. Valid values are defined on the Translate table as Yes, No, and Limited. When you select No or Limited to specify that the service member is not fully available for deployment, the Deployment Reason field displays.

Deployment Reason

Provide the reason the service member is not deployable. This field is available when you select No or Limited in the Deployment field. Valid values are defined in the Deployment Reasons table.


Identify whether this service member is available for reassignment. Valid values are defined on the Translate table as Yes, No, and Limited. When you select No or Limited to specify that the service member is not fully available for reassignment, the Reassignment Reason field displays.

Reassignment Reason

Select a reassignment reason to track military members who are either unavailable for reassignment or are available only in a limited capacity. This field is available when you select No or Limited in the Reassignment field. Valid values are defined in the Reassignment Reasons table.

Retirement Date

Enter the compulsory retirement date, or absolute date, the member must retire from the military.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering and Tracking Additional Workforce Data

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter and Track Additional Workforce Data

Page Name

Definition Name





Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Badge

Record badge numbers that you issue to a person, including employees, contingent workers, or persons of interest.

Business Expenses


Workforce Administration, Job Information, Business Expenses

Track a worker's business expenses, such as travel, meals, entertainment, and relocation costs.

Prior Work Experience


  • Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Prior Work Experience

  • Workforce Development, Career Planning, Manage Person Profiles, Prior Work Experience

Track prior work experience. Enter the details of a worker's previous employers and jobs.

Employee Photo


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Citizenship, Identification Data, Employee Photo

Enter a worker image into the system by copying and pasting images into image fields.

General Comments


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, General Comments

Enter a miscellaneous comment about a worker.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording Badge Numbers

Access the Badge page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Badge).

You must have previously entered Badge Type data on the Translate table before using this page.

Badge Type

Select the type of badge number that you want to enter:

BA (Building Access).

CCA (Computer Center Access).

CLK (Clock).

GB (General Badge).

PA (Parking Access).

Add more values if you want or enter more than one badge type for a particular worker and employment record number.

Badge Number

Enter the badge number that corresponds to the badge type that you selected. The system ensures that the number that you enter isn't currently assigned to another worker. It also ensures that the number hasn't been assigned for future use by someone else.

For each badge type, only one badge number per worker and employment record number can be active at the same time. Badge numbers can be reused. If a combination of badge type and badge number was previously assigned to a worker, but is currently inactive and hasn't been assigned for future use, you can use it for a different worker and employment record number.

See Setting Up Expiration Notification.

Expiration Date

Include the expiration date, if the badge expires.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking a Worker's Business Expenses

Access the Business Expenses page (Workforce Administration, Job Information, Business Expenses).

Before you can track a worker's business expenses, you must set up:

Expense Period End Date

Enter the expense period end date for the period to which these expenses apply.

Charge Date

Enter the date of the actual expense charge.

Expense Code

Select an expense code, such as Airfare, for the charge.

Expense Tab

Expense Amount

Enter the amount of the expense.

Currency Code

The currency that is specified for your user ID on the Primary Permissions List Preferences table appears by default. If there is no To Currency for your user ID, then the system uses the base currency that you specified for your implementation on the Installation table. Override the default currency if necessary by using the values in the Currency Code table.

Dept ID Tab

Select the Dept ID tab.

Business Unit

Enter the business unit to which the expense should be charged.


Select the specific department to which the expense should be charged.

Warning! The information that you enter here isn't related to PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll for North America processing of business expenses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Prior Work Experience

Access the Prior Work Experience page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Biographical, Prior Work Experience).

If you've tracked an applicant through the Recruiting business process in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources, the information that you entered for an applicant becomes part of the employee record when you hire the person. For other workers, entering prior work experience information helps you establish a complete profile for reporting purposes. It's also useful for career and succession planning.

Years of Work Experience

The system calculates this value if you select the Relevant Work Experience check box. If so, you must enter a start date and end date.

Sequence Number

Enter a sequence number for each prior work experience record.

Start Date and End Date

Enter the beginning and end of the worker's tenure with the employer.

Relevant Work Experience

Select if the experience was relevant to the worker's responsibilities with your organization.


Enter the name of the worker's previous employer.

Ending Job Title

Enter the title in which the worker ended employment.

Ending Pay Rate

Enter the pay rate at which the worker ended employment.

Pay Frequency

The pay Frequency field contains a default value of Month, which you can change if the pay amount reflects a different frequency.

See Also

Planning Careers

Setting Up Recruitment Sources and Third Party Integrations

PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals for HRMS Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Worker Images

Access the Employee Photo page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Citizenship, Identification Data, Employee Photo).

Click Add Photo Button to access the File Attachment page where you can browse to and upload an image (such as an employee photograph) to the Employee Photo page.

To delete an uploaded image, click Delete Photo Button or upload another image to overwrite the existing one.

Only one image per employee is allowed.

Note. Full imaging capabilities may not be supported on all database platforms.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Tracking Security Clearance and Badge Access

This section provides an overview of security clearance and badge access and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Security Clearance and Badge Access

PeopleSoft provides the capability to track the security status of employees, contingent workers, and persons of interest and revoke their access levels and badges should be revoked. Using this feature, the system notifies security clearance administrators when the security status or badge clearance has expired.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Track Security Clearance and Badge Access

Page Name

Definition Name



Security Clearance


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Security Clearance

Select the security clearance type and information for a selected individual.

Badge History


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Badge/Clearance Access Summary, Badge History

View the complete history of a selected individual's badges.

Clearance History


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Badge/Clearance Access Summary, Clearance History

View the complete history of a selected individual's security clearances.

Email History


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Badge/Clearance Access Summary, Email History

Show a selected individual's most recent email address.

Expiration Notification


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Expiration Notification

Set up a list of people who will be notified of pending expiration of contracts, contract task orders, assignments, badges and security clearances within a specified date range.

Expiration Inquiry


Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Expiration Inquiry

Search for pending expiration of contracts, contract task orders, assignments, badges and security clearances within a specified date range.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Security Clearance

Access the Security Clearance page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Security Clearance).

Security Clearance Type

Select the security clearance type. Individuals can have more than one security clearance type.

Security clearance type values are determined on the Security Clearance Type page.


Select to determine the primary security clearance type if an individual has more than one security clearance type.

Effective Date

Displays the date the individual's security clearance was granted.


Specify whether this security clearance is Active or Inactive.

Clearance Number

Enter the number associated with the clearance assignment.

Expiration Date

Select the expiration date of the security clearance.


Enter the sponsor who granted the security clearance. This can be the individual's current or previous agency, or an entirely separate agency. Each security clearance can have only one sponsor.

Background Investigations

Investigation Status

Track the status changes in the investigation process associated with getting the security clearance. There is no default for this field. Values include Approved, Denied, In Progress, or Initiated.

Status Date

Select the date that the investigation status changes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Badge History

Access the Badge History page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Badge/Clearance Access Summary, Badge History).

Badge Type

Displays the badge type held by the individual.

Badge types are defined using the PeopleTools Translate Values component (PSXLATMAINT).

See Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Designer.

Effective Date

Displays the date the individual's badge was issued.


Displays whether the badge is Active or Inactive.

Badge Number

Displays the badge number.

Badge numbers are determined on the Badge page.

Expiration Date

Display the badge expiration date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Security Clearance History

Access the Clearance History page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Badge/Clearance Access Summary, Clearance History).

Clearance Type

Displays the history of security clearance types held by the individual.

Security clearance types are determined on the Security Clearance page.

Effective Date

Display the grant date for the individual's security clearance.


Displays whether the security clearance is Active or Inactive.

Clearance Nbr

Displays the number associated with the security clearance assignment.

Expiration Date

Displays the security clearance expiration date.


Identifies the sponsor who granted the security clearance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Expiration Notification

Access the Expiration Notification page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Expiration Notification).


Select the company for which to generate the notification.

Expiration Date

Select the date of expiration for which your company wants to notify managers of expiration types. Any people with expiring expiration types on or before this date will be returned.

Expiration Type

Select the type of expiration for which to generate notification.

User List

Select the users who will be notified of impending expiration.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Pending Expirations

Access the Expiration Inquiry page (Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Expiration Inquiry).

Begin Date and End Date

Select the date range for which to search for pending expirations.

Person ID

Select a person ID to limit the search to the selected person.

Org Relation (organizational relationship)

Select the limit the search to a Contingent Worker, Employee, or Person of Interest.

Name, Last Name, Second Name, and Alternate Char Name (alternate character name)

Enter a value to search for a particular person.

Expiration Type

Select the type of expiration for which to search.


Select the Search button to begin the search for pending expirations.