Managing Vacation Data

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Vacation Data and Updating Entitlement

This section provides overviews of how to enter vacation data and update entitlement, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Enter Vacation Data

In Global Payroll for Brazil, you enter and maintain vacation data for individual employees on the Vacation Acquisition Prd-Sched page. On this page, you:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Update Vacation Entitlement

After you finalize the payroll process, you can run the GPBR_VACN_AP Application Engine process to update vacation entitlement for a group of payees. This process takes the new acquisitive period dates from the payroll process and closes or extends acquisitive periods according to the parameters that you specify. The process also updates the status for employees' entitlement (acquisitive) periods.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can enter vacation takes or maintain vacation data on the Vacation Acquisition Prd-Sched page, you must:

See Also

Defining Vacation Parameters for Brazil

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Vacation Data and Update Entitlement

Page Name

Definition Name



Maintain Acquisitive Prd BRA (Maintain Acquisitive Period BRA)


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Maintain Acquisitive Prd BRA

List the acquisitive period for all employees. Maintaining the employees' acquisitive periods can happen manually or automatically.

Vacation Acquis Prd-Sched BRA (vacation acquisition period-schedule BRA)


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Vacation Acquis Prd-Sched BRA, Vacation Acquisition Prd-Sched

Enter and maintain vacation takes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering and Maintaining Vacation Data

Access the Vacation Acquisition Prd-Sched page(Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Maintain Absences, Vacation Acquis Prd-Sched BRA, Vacation Acquis Prd-Sched).

Vacation Acquisitive Period-Schedule

Use the fields in this group box to view current and past acquisitive periods or to adjust period lengths, if necessary.

Begin Date and End Date

View or modify the begin and end dates of an employee's entitlement period.

Note. The begin and end dates that appear on this page are updated automatically by the Update Vacation Entitlement process (GPBR_VACN_AP). However, you can modify these dates, if necessary. If you modify the dates, the system does not recalculate dates for this period; instead, it uses the dates that you enter.


View and maintain the status of the current entitlement periods or, if you are viewing historical data, view and modify the status of prior entitlement periods. Values are:

Closed Expired: The entitlement period is no longer active, and the employee has no usable vacation days that are associated with that period.

Closed per Absence: The period was automatically closed by the leave parameters that you defined in the Absence Interference on Acquisitive Period group box on the Vacation Parameters BRA page. For example, you can program an entitlement period to close automatically if an employee has more than 180 days of disability leave in a period.

In Progress: The entitlement period is the current period.

Open: The entitlement period is no longer the current period, but the employee has vacation days that are associated with that period that can still be taken.

See Setting Up Vacation Pay.

Note. The entitlement period statuses that appear on this page are updated automatically by the Update Vacation Entitlement process. However, you can modify these statuses, if necessary.

Years of Service

Displays the employee's years of service.

Max Days # (maximum number of days)

Displays the maximum days that an employee can acquire during the acquisitive period.

Vacation Leaves

Use the fields in this group box to define programmed (planned) or confirmed vacations for an employee. A programmed vacation is one that can be set up in advance of the actual vacation take and defines the vacation begin and end dates. In addition, the leave program controls whether the payees will receive an advance on the 13th salary during the vacation period and allows employees to sell vacation.

Vacation Start Date

Enter the begin date of the vacation.


Enter the duration of the vacation.

Note. When you enter the begin date and a duration, the system automatically calculates the end date of the vacation and populates the Vacation End Date field.

Vacation End Date

This field is automatically populated when you enter a vacation begin date in the Vacation Start Date field and a duration in the Days field. If you want, you can populate this field yourself and the duration will be recalculated accordingly.

Note. If the leave that you enter exceeds the number of leaves per period that is allowed on the Vacation Parameters BRA page, the system issues a warning. Similarly, if the number of leave days in the vacation exceeds the leave balance, the system issues a warning.


View and maintain the status of vacations. Values are:

Calculated: Indicates that payroll has processed the leave take.

Note. The value of this field is automatically updated to Calculated when a vacation take is processed. If vacation approval is required, all takes must be Confirmed before they can be Calculated. Otherwise, the status of a vacation can change directly from Programmed to Calculated.

Canceled: Select to cancel an already programmed vacation. The process also cancels the programmed vacation when an entitlement period is closed and it contains a programmed vacation.

Closed: Indicates vacation days were taken and paid.

Confirmed: Select to approve a programmed leave.

Note. To require official confirmation (approval) of a vacation before the payroll process can process the take, select the Needs Confirmation for Program check box on the Vacation Parameters BRA page. When you do this, you must confirm any take that you enter on Vacation Acquisition Prd-Sched page before it can be calculated.

Programmed: Select when the vacation take is first entered—before the leave has been either confirmed or calculated.

Absence Credit

Select to sell unused vacations days—that is, days that remain at the end of a vacation. When you select this option, the Cr Days (credit days) field becomes available.

Cr Days (credit days)

Enter the number of unused vacation days to sell for the employee.

The value of these days is credited to the employee.

Advance 13th

Select to enable the employee to receive an advance on his or her 13th salary.

Note. When you save this page, an override to payee calendars is automatically generated in the core Global Payroll records. This override enables Global Payroll for Brazil to process automatically the entire vacation event in a single calendar group with a payment two days before the vacation begin date. However, you can insert or modify the payee calendars manually.

Balance Days

Balance Days

Displays the number of days in the vacation balance.

Note. The balance = (Total vacation days per entitlement period) – (Programmed Vacations) – (Days Sold) + Adjustments.

Total Scheduled Days

Displays the total number of programmed leave days that are recorded in Global Payroll for Brazil.

Adjust Days

Enter the number of days (positive or negative) by which you want to adjust the leave balance that is displayed in the Balance Days field.


Displays the sum of the Balance Days and Total Take Days.

Note. The information in this group box is updated when you save the page and during the Update Vacation Entitlement process.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Mass Vacation Takes

This section provides an overview of mass vacation takes, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to create mass vacations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Mass Vacation Takes

In Global Payroll for Brazil, you can generate mass vacation takes—that is, takes for groups of employees that are based on group IDs that are defined in PeopleSoft Human Resources. You use this feature to generate takes without entering separate vacations for each employee.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Because this feature is based on the definition of group IDs, you must set up group membership in PeopleSoft Human Resources before you can create mass takes.

See Also

Setting Up and Working with Group Definitions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Generate Mass Vacation Takes

Page Name

Definition Name



Mass Vacation Programming BRA


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Mass Vacation Programming BRA, Mass Vacation Programming BRA

Generate mass vacation takes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Mass Vacations

Access the Mass Vacation Programming BRA page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Prepare Payroll, Mass Vacation Programming BRA, Mass Vacation Programming BRA).

Note. Global Payroll for Brazil does not generate an automatic override to payee calendars in the core Global Payroll records for mass vacation event entry. To process the mass vacations in a single calendar group with a payment two days before the vacation begin date, you must create or manually enter the payee calendars.

Mass Absence ID

Assign an ID to identify the parameters that you are defining.

Mass Vacation Event Entry

Effective Date

Enter the date on which the mass take definition becomes effective.

Absence Take

Select the absence take element for the mass vacation.

Absence take elements define rules for allowing paid time off. They define which kinds of absences are valid and the requirements that must be met before entitlement can be used.

Absence Reason

Enter an absence reason.

Group ID

Specify the group ID that contains the payees for whom you want to generate vacation takes.

Note. You define group IDs as part of the group ID functionality in PeopleSoft Human Resources.


Set the status of the mass vacation that you are defining. Values are:




Confirmed: Select to approve a mass vacation.

Note. To require official confirmation (approval) of a mass vacation before the payroll process can process the take, select the Needs Confirmation for Program check box on the Vacation Parameters BRA page. When you do this, you must confirm any mass take that you enter on the Mass Vacation Programming BRA page before it can be calculated.

Programmed: Select when you first define your mass vacation—before the leave has been either confirmed or calculated.

Remaining Balance

Specify how the system should treat the balance of vacation days (unused days) after the mass vacation take has been processed. Values are:

Maintain B: Select to keep remaining vacation days in the employees' vacation balances.

Paid: Select to pay employees for the balance of vacation days after mass takes have been processed.

Returns: Select to extend the return vacation date by the number of unused days.


Select to cancel mass vacation takes that you set up previously. This cancels the takes from the PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll and country-specific tables where the takes are stored prior to being processed.

Advance 13th

Select to enable payees to receive an advance on their 13th salary during the mass vacation leave.

Leave Days

Absence Begin Date

Enter the begin date of the mass vacation.

Calendar Days

Enter the duration of the mass vacation.

Note. When you enter the absence begin date and a duration, the system automatically calculates the end date of the vacation and populates the Absence End Date field.

Absence End Date

This field is automatically populated when you enter an absence begin date in the Absence Begin Date field and a duration in the Calendar Days field. If you want, you can populate this field manually.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating the Vacation Payslip

To define the printing order selection for the vacation payslip, use the Sort IDs BRA (GPBR_SORTID) component. To identify the earnings, deductions, and calculation bases for reports use the Element Lists BRA (GPBR_PAYSLIP_FORMA) component.

This section provides an overview of the vacation payslips and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Vacation Payslip

In Brazil, companies have to provide the following kinds of payslips:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate the Vacation Payslip

Page Name

Definition Name





Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Sort IDs BRA, Sort ID

Define the printing order selection for the vacation payslip.

Element Lists BRA


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Reports, Element Lists BRA, Element Lists BRA

Enter earnings, deductions, and calculation bases eligible for printing for multiple reports, including the vacation payslip.

Create/Print Payslips BRA


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Create/Print Payslips BRA, Payslip Run Control

Generates the payslip. Note that if you want to select employees using groups, you must first define the Group ID to generate the payslip. All groups selected in the Group ID field will automatically be recreated during the payroll run.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Sort Criteria for the Vacation Payslip

Access the Sort ID BRA page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Sort IDs BRA, Sort ID BRA).

Define the sort criteria for the vacation payslip.

See Defining the Printing Order Selection for Payslips.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Earnings, Deductions, Gross Accumulators, and Net Accumulators to Include on the Vacation Payslip

Access the Element Lists BRA page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Reports, Element Lists BRA, Element Lists BRA).

Select the earnings, deductions, gross accumulators, and net accumulators you want to include on the vacation payslip.

See Selecting Earnings, Deductions, and Calculation Bases for Multiple Reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the Vacation Payslip

Access the Create/Print Payslips BRA page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Create/Print Payslips BRA, Create/Print Payslips BRA).

To generate the vacation payslip:

  1. Select the Vacations check box.

  2. Select a Run Type.

See Creating Payslips.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Vacation Receipt and Vacation Notice Reports

This section provides an overview of the vacation receipt and vacation notice reports and discusses how to generate vacation receipts and vacation notices for employees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Vacation Receipt and Vacation Notice Reports

The Vacation Receipt/Notice page generates two reports:

You can generate these reports together or individually.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the Vacation Receipt and Vacation Notice Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Vacation Receipt\Notice BRA


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Vacation Receipt\Notice BRA, Vacation Receipt\Notice BRA

Generate vacation receipts and vacation notices for employees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Vacation Receipts and Vacation Notices for Employees

Access the Vacation Receipt\Notice BRA page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Vacation Receipt\Notice BRA, Vacation Receipt\Notice BRA).

Report Type

Choose which reports to generate: vacation receipt and vacation notice together, vacation receipt alone, or vacation notice alone.


Enter the company whose employees you want to include in the report.

Format ID

Select the payslip format to use for the vacation receipt report. This format contains the element list for the earnings and deductions that are eligible to be printed for this report. You need to define an element list for this report.

This field appears only when you are printing the vacation receipt report (alone or with the vacation notice report).

Run Type

Select the vacations run type.

This field appears only when you are printing the vacation receipt report (alone or with the vacation notice report).

Vacation Remuneration

Select the vacation remuneration accumulator, which has as members the elements and deductions that are part of the salary that is paid for vacations purposes.

This field appears only when you are printing the vacation receipt report (alone or with the vacation notice report).

Begin Date and End Date

Enter the begin and end dates of the interval to process. If an employee's vacation acquisitive period start or end date falls within this interval, the report includes the details for that employee.

Selection Criteria

Choose a method of selecting employees for whom to generate the report.

Exclude Data

Select this check box to exclude data that matches the criteria you enter in the Establishment Data, Department Data, or Employee Data group boxes (the group box that appears depends on the selection you make in the Selection Criteria field).

Establishment ID, Department, and EmplID

Enter the data that the process uses to select employees.

Note. Whether a field appears on this page depends on the option that you selected in the Selection Criteria field.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Delivered Vacation Elements

This section discusses:

Note. This PeopleSoft application delivers a query that you can run to view the names of all delivered elements for Brazil. You can also see the relationship between elements by using the View Element Relationships utility.

See Also

Viewing Delivered Elements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVacation Entitlements

This table contains information about the absence entitlements that are used to process vacations in Global Payroll for Brazil:

Absence Entitlement



Stores the vacation balance; each entitlement period has one instance.


Temporary entitlement stores accrual days per month.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVacation Takes

This table contains information about the absence takes that are used to process vacations in Global Payroll for Brazil:

Absence Take



Used for the vacation events. It counts the number of days between begin and end date and sends the days to FERIAS, FERIAS DOBRO (earning element), or both.


Used for credit vacations. It counts the number of days between begin and end date and sends the days to ABONO FERIAS,ABONO DOBRO (earning element), or both.

Note. Absence take rules use earning and deduction elements, elements that retrieve units for positive input, and elements that retrieve percentages for positive input.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVacation Process Lists

Global Payroll for Brazil delivers the following process list for absence processing:

Process List



Process vacation takes.


Process vacation payroll elements (the gross and net accumulators for vacation).