Managing Source Tax

This chapter provides an overview of source tax and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Source Tax

Switzerland is a confederation of 26 cantons with approximately 3,000 municipalities. Accordingly, it has an extremely complex taxation system, with taxes imposed at federal, cantonal, and communal levels. Tax rates can vary from one canton to another.

Source tax applies to specific categories of foreign employees. It is calculated according to the canton in which a worker is employed, and employers take source tax deductions directly from the earnings of these foreign nationals residing in Switzerland. Employers must withhold the tax due and pay this source tax to the cantonal tax administration. Source tax, levied at the source, pays off federal, cantonal, and communal tax liabilities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculating Source Tax

Data inputs for the source tax calculation are generally the same for all Swiss cantons. The employee's work location is read from the job records, and other source tax information is read from the employee Tax Data page along with stored tax rates for each canton, which together provide the raw data to be used in the calculation.

Not all cantons use the same mode for the regular calculation method to arrive at the source tax. For example, the regular calculation mode in cantons GE, FR, TI, and VD differs from the mode that applies in the 22 other cantons. In addition, the different selections on the employee Tax Data page determine what method applies to different employees (all methods are applicable to all cantons).

Note. The different calculation modes for the regular method are described in greater detail later in this chapter.

Note. There is special tax treatment for French Cross-Border workers in the following eight cantons: BE, BL, BS, JU, NE, SO, VD, and VS. Working in one of these 8 cantons, having a home address country equal to France, and having no assignment for source tax qualifies employees for this type of taxation. Cross-border employees are reported with their taxable gross on the Cross-Border Report for France. The employer then provides the list of employees to the tax administration which reports the gross to the location of residence. Thus the employees have their Swiss earnings taxed in France.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculation Methods

This section discusses:

Primary Calculation Methods (determined by selection on employee's Tax Data page )

There are four primary methods used to calculate an employee's monthly source tax deduction, which are managed on the Tax Data page. These methods are summarized as follows:

Method Name



A rate is selected from the tax table of the employee's tariff based on the applicable calculation mode.

The system uses this rate to calculate the tax based on the employee's actual earnings.

Fixed Percentage

A rate is entered in the employee's Tax Data page.

The system uses this rate to calculate the tax based on the employee's actual earnings.

Fixed Deduction

An amount is entered in the employee's Tax Data page. This amount is withheld monthly as the source tax deduction.

Fixed Base

An amount is entered in the employee's Tax Data page. Depending on the tax tariff, this amount determines the source tax rate.

The system uses this rate to calculate the tax based on the employee's actual earnings.

Calculation Modes for Regular and Fixed Base Methods (determined by assigned canton)

Within the regular source tax calculation method there are exceptions for cantons GE, FR, TI, and VD. Instead of calculating the tax on a monthly earning base, these cantons calculate source tax as explained in the following table:




An annual adjustment is made in the December payroll for employees who meet the following conditions: full-time (FTE = 100%) for the entire year, employed in GE the entire year, with the same tariff for the full year. For other employees the tax is calculated using the monthly mode as is done in the 22 other cantons.


Each month the rate is calculated on the estimated yearly income, which is equal to: (actual regular earnings / actual months * 12) + actual bonus payments. Depending on the tax tariff, this amount determines the source tax rate. With this rate the tax is calculated using the employee's actual earnings (see CH_TX_07_YTD) within the tariff(s). Then the amount of tax paid is subtracted and the remaining amount is the source tax for the month.


Each month the rate is calculated on the monthly salary. In case of the following events, a tax adjustment is made: December payroll or termination, or departure from the TI canton.

For the TI canton, the rate is calculated on the estimated yearly income, which is equal to: (actual regular earnings / actual months * 12) + actual bonus payments. Depending on the tax tariff, this amount determines the source tax rate. With this rate the tax is calculated using the employee's prorata actual annual earnings within the tariff(s) (by days within the tariff—see CH_TX_08_YTD). Then the amount of tax paid is subtracted and the remaining amount is the source tax adjustment.


Each month the rate is calculated on the estimated yearly income, which is equal to: (actual regular earnings / actual months * 12) + actual bonus payments. Depending on the tax tariff, this amount determines the source tax rate. With this rate the tax is calculated using the employee's actual earnings (see CH_TX_07_YTD) within the tariff(s). Then the amount of tax paid is subtracted and the remaining amount is the source tax for the month.

Besides the regular tariffs, in Canton Vaud there is a special source tax tariff for artists. You may have employees that should be taxed by this special tariff. After you implement the changes regarding the source tax tariff for artists, assign earnings specific to artists (standard earning 1012). Then check to see if the tax is calculating correctly and being reported on the Earnings and Deductions page (select Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Review Absence/Payroll Info, Results by Calendar, Earnings and Deductions).

  • Earnings = 1012 (Premium Artists and Sportsmen).

  • Deduction = CH_TX_D10 (Artists and Sportsmen).

Tax deductions:

  • 10% for daily profits until 200 CHF.

  • 15% for daily profits until 1000 CHF.

  • 20% for daily profits until 3000 CHF.

  • 25% for daily profits higher than 3001 CHF.

Users can view and print the official forms by clicking the View button from the Source Tax Month run control page (the system calls XMLP when you click the View button).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverview on Generating a Source Tax Interface File for the Vaud and Geneva Cantons

In addition to supporting the generation of PDF files to report source tax calculations, Global Payroll for Switzerland also supports the generation of an interface file for the Vaud canton and the canton of Geneva. This functionality has been added to the Dashboard (Prepare Files) page. It also results in the generation of an XML file that can be validated, saved and viewed using the Dashboard architecture (see SwissDec WebService Call – Page Process files). In addition, the canton provides secured internet access for enrolled customers where they can upload the generated file.

See Processing Swissdec by Dashboard.

Use these steps to generate the source tax interface files:



Navigation path


Create a new provider for source tax KSTVQ-SCCS (one for GE and one for VD).

Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, Providers CHE


Add the new provider you created in step 1 to a company.

Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, Company SI Contributions CHE


Create a new domain for the source tax.

Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Social Security/Insurance, ELM Domain Setup CHE


Assign the source tax to employees.

Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Taxes, Maintain Source Tax Data CHE


Run the payroll for the company.

Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Calculate Absence and Payroll

File for the Vaud Canton (Passerelle Employeurs ACI)

This feature allows you to run the Source Tax report in either a yearly, monthly or quarterly mode.

Complete this step to generate the source tax interface files for the Vaud canton:



Navigation path


At the bottom of the Dashboard page (Prepare Files) make sure the values Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly appear in the drop-down menu list for the Report Period field.

In the Report Sub Selection select Provider KSTVQ-SCCS and your VD provider (as of step 1) .

Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Year End Processing, Year End Process CHE, Prepare Files

File for the Geneva Canton (Isel)

This feature allows you to run the Source Tax report in yearly mode.

Complete this step to generate the source tax interface files for the Geneva canton:



Navigation path


In the Report Sub Selection select Provider KSTVQ-SCCS and your GE provider (as of step 1)

Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Year End Processing, Year End Process CHE, Prepare Files

After completing step 6, use these steps to continue:



Navigation path


Click Run. Then check the Process Monitor to make sure the process runs to success.

Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Year End Processing, Year End Process CHE, Prepare Files


Validate the created file.

Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Year End Processing, Year End Process CHE, Process Files


Review validation results.

Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Year End Processing, Year End Process CHE, Review Files


Save file to a directory of your choice.

Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Year End Processing, Year End Process CHE, Process Files


Upload file to the source tax administration . The URL is provided by the cantonal tax administration.


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCalculation Elements

The following tables contain the delivered elements used for source tax calculations:

Customer Maintained Accumulators



Source Tax Base. Captures all taxable earnings, as well as ones that need to go into CH_TX_03 or CH_TX_04.


Includes earnings considered to be regular for annual estimation, but not prorated in case of mid month hire or termination.


Includes earnings considered to be bonus payments for annual estimation.


Lump Expenses TI. Up to an annual limit of 12, 000, only half of the payment is taxed.


Earnings in this accumulator contribute to the lookup amount that determines the rate.

The following 2 scenarios can be addressed using this accumulator:

  • Earning adds to CH_TX_02 and subtracts from CH_TX_12 (earning is taxed, but is not taken into account to determine the tax rate).

  • Earning adds only to CH_TX_12 (earning is not taxed, but is taken into account to determine the tax rate).

Functional requirement for other possible combinations are not known.


System Maintained Accumulators



Taxable Gross in Tariff YTD.

Used in calculation mode for VD and FR to split the actual yearly salary in case of tariff changes.


Taxable Days in Tariff YTD.

Used in calculation mode for TI to split the actual yearly salary in case of tariff changes.


Source tax per month. Sum of all different source tax deductions (see Source Tax Deductions).


Source Tax Deductions



Premium artists and sportsmen. Source tax artists and sportsmen.


Regular or fixed base method: Source tax contribution (except VD and FR).


Regular or fixed base method: Source tax contribution VD and FR.


Regular method: Yearly adjustment GE and TI.


Manual entry of deduction via positive input (manual corrections) all cantons.


Fixed percent method: Source tax contribution all cantons.

CH_TX_ M02

Fixed amount method: Source tax contribution all cantons.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Delivered Elements

The PeopleSoft system delivers a query that you can run to view the names of all delivered elements designed for Switzerland. Instructions for running the query are provided in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll 9.1 PeopleBook.

See Also

Understanding How to View Delivered Elements

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Source Tax Reports

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run Source Tax Data Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Source Tax Year Report CHE


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Source Tax Year Report CHE, Source Tax Year Report CHE

Run the Source Tax Year report (GPCHTX01), which displays net salary as well as employee source tax contributions. For the cantons of Geneva and Waadt, the report prints on an official form and is normally required once a year.

Source Tax Month Report CHE


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Source Tax Month Report CHE, Source Tax Month Report CHE

Run the Source Tax Month report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Source Tax Year Report

Access the Source Tax Year Report CHE page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Source Tax Year Report CHE, Source Tax Year Report CHE).

Cross Border France

Select to include French border workers in the report.

Print Village Total

Select this check box if you want to print totals for the tax administration refund and the consolidated tax debt for each village; otherwise that total will only show per canton. This is required for cantons where you send the tax report directly to the village rather than to the canton office.


Select a canton to run the report for that canton only. If there is a required report for that canton, it will also be created. For example, if you choose the canton of Geneva, the system creates the Attestation Quittance report in French. And if you choose the canton of Tessin, the system creates the Attestato-Ricevuta report in Italian.

If you do not select a canton, the report is printed for all cantons along with the required reports.

Issued Date

Date that shows as issue date on the statements per person (FR, TI) and the XML (GE, VD).

Formalix Output Path

Not supported as of 2009.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Source Tax Month Report

Access the Source Tax Month Report CHE page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Source Tax Month Report CHE, Source Tax Month Report CHE).

Quarterly Report, Quarter and Current Pay End Period

If you select the Quarterly Report check box, the system displays the Quarter field. You can then select the quarter for which you want to include data on the report.

If you want to run monthly source tax reporting, do not select the Quarterly Report check box. The system displays the Current Pay End Period field. The system then requires that you enter a current pay end date.

Note. If you don't select a canton, the system creates a monthly report for all cantons, which have the FAK Month check box selected on the Canton (FAK/Source Tax) page. To access this page, select Setup HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Management, Taxes, FAK/Source Tax (Company) CHE.

If you select a canton, the system generates a monthly report regardless of the settings on the Canton (FAK/Source Tax) page.

Print Village Total

Select this check box if you want to print totals for the tax administration refund and the consolidated tax debt for each village; otherwise that total will only show per canton. This is required for cantons where you send the tax report directly to the village rather than to the canton office

Print Earlier Xml

Select this check box to launch an XMLP report for a special source tax type. Currently, this feature is only used with Source Tax for artists.


Select a canton to run the report for that canton only. The system creates Canton-specific appendixes for yearly tax reporting only.

Domain ID

Select a domain ID when you are launching an XMLP report for a special source tax type. This ID is needed to merge the domain setup into XMLP. Currently, this feature is only used with Source Tax for artists.


Click this button to view and print the official report for the quarter after you run the process. This will show the most recent XML, means in case of manual override the values of the override. Currently, this feature is only used with Source Tax for artists.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing and Maintaining Source Tax Data

To view and maintain source tax data, use the FAK/SourceTax(Company) CHE (GPCH_TX_FAK_STAX) component.

This section discusses how to:

There are four steps to viewing and maintaining source tax data in Global Payroll for Switzerland, but only the third step is required.

  1. View PeopleSoft-delivered municipality code information for each canton.

  2. View PeopleSoft-delivered source tax data for each canton, to determine source tax rates that apply to foreign nationals in the individual Swiss canton.

  3. Enter source tax data for foreign residents in Switzerland.

  4. View PeopleSoft-delivered source tax percentage data, including withholding commission percentages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View and Maintain Source Tax Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Municipality Codes CHE


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Municipality Codes CHE, Municipality Codes CHE

View and update municipality codes and their descriptions for a selected canton. PeopleSoft maintains and delivers the Municipality Code table, but you can modify the data yourself if necessary.

Load Source Tax Rates CHE


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Load Source Tax Rates CHE, Load Source Tax Rates CHE

Insert data into the Source Tax Rates table.

Source Tax CHE


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Source Tax CHE, Source Tax CHE

View source tax details such as source tax tariffs and basis, amounts and percentages. PeopleSoft delivers and maintains the Source Tax table, but you can modify the data yourself if necessary.

Tax Data


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Taxes, Maintain Source Tax Data CHE, Tax Data

Enter source tax data for a foreign employee.

FAK/SourceTax(System) CHE


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, FAK/SourceTax(System) CHE, FAK/SourceTax(System) CHE

View source tax details such as source tax tariffs and basis, amounts, and percentages.

FAK/SourceTax(Company) CHE


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, FAK/Source Tax (Company) CHE, FAK/SourceTax(Company) CHE

View and edit source tax settings such as source tax language and source tax report frequency.

See Entering FAK Data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Source Tax Details

Access the Source Tax CHE page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Source Tax CHE, Source Tax CHE).

Warning! The PeopleSoft system delivers and maintains the data on the Municipality Code and Source Tax pages. Although you can modify this data if necessary, you should carefully consider the impact of these changes.


Withholding Tax Tariff

Displays the Withholding Tax Tariff code.

Read Data

Click to display details about the rates for source tax.



If the system displays Unknown, the canton that you selected makes no distinction based on gender with regard to source tax tables. If a tariff is based on gender, select Male or Female accordingly.

Low Gross

Displays the lower limit for the tax increment.

Tax Amount

Displays the amount of source tax that is deducted.

Tax % (tax percentage)

Displays the percentage of source tax deducted.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Source Tax Rates

Access the Load Source Tax Rates CHE page (Setup HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Load Source Tax Rates CHE).

Source tax rates are maintained by Oracle. However, you can load these rates directly into your application. As the cantons sometimes publish the new rates later than you might want them, you can use this feature to retrieve the rates in time for your current payroll.

To manage the upload you need to download the files from the internet and unzip them into a directory where the application has access to the files (usually a directory on the same machine as the application server).


Note. For Geneva the file needs to be renamed from IS_20xx_ascii.txt to TARxxGE.TXT. The files for other cantons exist already with the expected name.


Enter the year for which you need to upload the rates

Refresh Nbr Rows for this year

Click to display the number of rows that already exist in the database under the Nbr Rows column in the grid.

Insert into Source Tax Rates Table

Select if you want to update the final data; otherwise the process will only populate temp tables to allow a test run.


This is always TARxx, where xx is the current year.

File extension

Always enter TXT as the file extension.


The directory from where you load the data.

Replace filename?

Click to populate filename entries in the Filename column in the grid.


Select the cantons that you need to upload.


Displays a list of all 26 cantons with 2 character abbreviations.


Displays the names of the 26 cantons.


The entries in this column are automatically created based on your previous entries.

Nbr of Rows

Displays the number of existing rows, if you clicked the Refresh Nbr Rows for this year button.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Source Tax Data

Access the Tax Data page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Taxes, Maintain Source Tax Data CHE, Tax Data).

Canton of Residence or Canton of Work Location

If the address of the employee is in Switzerland, the system displays the Canton of Residence field label. If the address of the employee is not in Switzerland, the system changes the field label to Canton of Work Location and displays the canton in which the employee actually works.


Select to override the canton. The Canton field becomes available, in which you can select a canton.

Municipality Code

Select the code of the municipality in which the employee lives. Prompt values are the municipality codes that correspond to the canton.

Withholding Tax Tariff and Default

Select a tariff from the list of valid tariffs for the canton. This tariff is used to calculate the source tax under the regular or standard method.

The system defaults source tax tariff codes based on civil status, number of children, and work permission. This information is usually available in HRMS. PeopleSoft, however, provides a default tariff code and an override option in its Global Payroll for Switzerland application.

For example if the default list shows the tariff code A0+ and A0d in the Default field, and both codes are also available in the prompt list, the system displays A0+ in the edit box.

Note. If the tax tariff code is not present in the prompt list when you click the Lookup button, the system displays an error message and the page cannot be saved. If you enter a tariff code that is not in the default list but is present in the prompt list, the system also displays a warning message. You can, however, save the page because the tariff code is present in the prompt list.

Exempt from Source Tax

Select if the employee is exempt from source tax.

Spouse works in Switzerland

Select if the employee's spouse works in Switzerland.

Gender Override

Select either M for Male or F for Female. The system defaults this field to M.

Override Percent

Use this field to override the selected tariff and calculate the source tax using a fixed percentage.

Override Tax Amount

Use this field to override the selected tariff and apply the source tax using a fixed deduction.

Estimated Yearly Income

Enter an amount to override the annual income used in the regular source tax calculation. This amount is used to calculate the source tax under the fixed base method.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Source Tax Commission Percentages

Access the FAK/SourceTax(System) CHE page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, FAK/SourceTax(System) CHE, FAK/SourceTax(System) CHE).

Withholding Tax on Commission

Enter a percentage, between 2% and 4%, that the employer deducts from paid taxes for administrative work involved in supporting source tax.

See Entering FAK Data.

Note. Use the Tax Month and Tax Quarter fields on the FAK/SourceTax(Company) CHE page to enable monthly or quarterly source tax report generation for a canton. If you run the GPCHTX02 tax report in the monthly or quarterly mode without first selecting a canton, the report selects the cantons that are assigned here. This helps you avoid getting reports for a canton in both the monthly and quarterly modes, if you need only a monthly or quarterly report for the canton.