Generating Payslips and General Payroll Reports

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Payslips and General Reports

This section provides an overview of payslips and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Payslips

Global Payroll for Switzerland enables you to generate and adapt payslips to meet your needs. You can also send a message (printed on the payslip) to an individual payee or to payees belonging to designated pay groups, locations, or departments.

The system generates an additional row per earning marked with an asterisk for the total of the retro results. Employee and pay summary data for the given month are printed in the header. This includes date of birth, starting date with the organization, location, department, religion, bank account details, currency in which the earnings are to be paid, and holiday entitlement for the remainder of the year. The run control for the payslip is a two-page component consisting of the Payslip Options page and the Payslip Element View page.

Global Payroll for Switzerland enables you to generate and adapt payslips to meet your needs. To support archiving and specific layout and printing needs, the design of the standard payslip supports the separation of data storage and data presentation.

In the first step the system creates an XML file and stores it in the GPCH_RP_AL10ONL record. A user can then view the XML file in their browser using the standard Stylesheet (XSL) GPCH_STYLE_KW1. Users can also create a PDF file from the XML and then print it.

See Also

Global Payroll for Switzerland Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate Payslips and General Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Payslip Options


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Create/Print Payslips CHE, Payslip Options

Run the Payslip report for Global Payroll Switzerland.

Payslip Elem. View (payslip elements view)


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Create/Print Payslips CHE, Payslip Elem. View

Specify additional currencies used to print special earnings.

View Online Payslip CHE


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, View Online Payslip CHE, View Online Payslip CHE

View the Swiss version of the online payslip.

BESTA Employment Statistic CHE


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Authority Correspondence, BESTA Employment Statistic CHE, BESTA Employment Statistic CHE

Run the BESTA Employment Statistics report (GPCHST01.SQR). The Federal Office for Statistics requires all enterprises that employ people in Switzerland to indicate quarterly the employment numbers and a business outlook. This report satisfies that requirement. The SQR generates both a printed report and a file for electronic transfer.

Calc Reconciliation Report CHE


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence & Payroll Processing, Reports, Calc Reconciliation Report CHE

Reconciliate values from Payroll, Bank Transfer and GL Interface

Pay El. Sum. Month (pay element summary month)


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Pay Element Summary CHE, Pay El. Sum. Month

Records the payroll process by defining all earnings and deductions for a specific month and the current year to date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Payslips

Access the Payslip Options page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, Create/Print Payslips CHE, Payslip Options).

Note. Define the elements that you want to display in multiple currencies on your payslip. You may want to see the values of some elements (gross and net, for example) in a different currency. This is especially useful for organizations in countries participating in the EMU—you can display key amounts in both the local currency and the Euro.


Payslip supports these languages: English, French, German, and Italian. If no language is selected, the payslip is printed in the language of the employee . For languages that are not supported, the system automatically uses the base language.

Multiple Payslips

Select to print payslips for more than one month in a single request.

When you select this option, all fields on the page except Print Class, Pay Entity, From Date, Current Pay End Date and EmplID are hidden. Enter the from date and the current pay end date and select the employees for whom you want to print the payslips.

Note. When you select this option you cannot create new payslips. You can only print payslips that have been previously generated.

Print Class

Select a print class. The system includes two standard print classes, although you can create your own.

Currency Code

Select the currency in which to print the payslip. The system performs a currency conversion in case the processing currency isn't the specified currency.

Sort Criteria

Select sort criteria. Values include Canton, Company, Deptid (department ID), Empid (employee ID), Location, Name, and PayGroup.

Print Only, Interface Only, and Print & Interface

The Print Only option always uses the interface record as its source. Select the Print Only option if the report has already been run with either the Interface Only or the Interface & Print option selected. The Print Option creates PDF output. The Interface Only option creates only an interface record that stores the data as XML

Regenerate Interface

Select to regenerate the interface.

When you run the payslip with the Interface Option selected, the process compares timestamps of the payroll (GP_PYE_SEG_STAT) and the Interface record. If the timestamps are identical, the system does not generate a new version. If you need a new version due to a change on the setup for earning description or message generation, you can force the regeneration, even if no payroll happened in between (as long as the period isn't finalized).


Select to finalize the pay period. Once the period is finalized, you cannot change it any longer. The payslip is frozen.

Print Vacation Details

Select to print vacation details in the upper right corner of the payslip.

Print Time Stamp

Select to print the timestamp of the generation in the footer of the payslip.

To create the Swiss version of the online payslip follow these steps:

  1. Click Run.

    The system displays the Process Scheduler Request page.

  2. Select the Payslip Delta check box.

  3. Click OK.

Note. Selecting the Online Payslip CHE check box on the Process Scheduler Request page creates the same PDF. The system, however, uses a GP Core process to create the online payslip and then makes it available for self service.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Payslips Online

Access the View Online Payslip CHE page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payslips, View Online Payslip CHE, View Online Payslip CHE).

See Also

Getting Started with Global Payroll

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating the BESTA Employment Statistics Report

Access the BESTA Employment Statistic CHE page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Authority Correspondence, BESTA Employment Statistic CHE, BESTA Employment Statistic CHE).

Employment Supply/Demand

For each category of labor (Skilled, Trained, Unskilled) select the best description of the forecast of availability of employees in the next quarter.

  • Demand: This category requires more headcount.

  • Balanced: This category has enough headcount.

  • Supply: This category has extra headcount.

Employment Forecast

Select the best description of the employment prospect for the next three months.

Vacant positions

Enter the number of vacant positions.


Enter the name of the person to be contacted by the Federal Office for Statistic.


Enter the contact phone number of the person designated as clerk.

Branch of Company

Enter the branch that the contact person works in.

Latest Return Date

Enter the required return date as defined by the Federal Office for Statistic.

Note. The report will also include the BUR number from the Company Location CHE page.

See Also

Setting Up Social Insurance Rates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating the Calc Reconciliation Report

Access the Calc Reconciliation Report CHE page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence & Payroll Processing, Reports, Calc Reconciliation Report CHE, Calc Reconciliation Report CHE).

Run Parameter

Select either Calendar Group or Pay Entity (if you want to run the report for a single pay entity).

Net Amount Retro Delta

Select the accumulator assigned in the process list as net payment.

Current Pay End Date

Enter the pay end date for reconciliation.

Calendar Group ID and Pay Entity

Depending on run parameter that you select, enter either the calendar group or the pay entity that you want to use to run the report.

Include Banking Compare

Select if you want to include the banking amounts.

Include GL Compare

Select if you want the GL amounts included. If you select this check box, select either Compare by Account or Compare by PIN.

Map PIN Num and Map Account

Depending on the mode you selected in the Include GL Compare field, the system displays either the Map PIN Num group box or the Map Account group box.

Enter the PIN or the account that you want to use for the report. You can add multiple PINs or accounts by adding additional rows.

Reverse Sign

Select to compare amounts that need to be reversed. This process depends on the way the targeted interface handles credits and debits.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating the Element Summary Report

Access the Pay El. Sum. Month page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Pay Element Summary CHE, Pay El. Sum. Month).

Note. To provide more detailed information about the reporting unit, select the Address tab. If any address is displayed on this page, the system displays it in the header of the report.

Print Class

Select the print class that you want to use for your report

Current Pay End Date

Select the date to which you want to run the report within the year.

Pay Entity

Select the pay entity that you want to use for the report.

Set ID

if you want to select a department or location, you must first select a set ID.


Select a department.

If you use this field, you must also select a set ID.

Print Detail Report

Select this check box if you want the retro value displayed per retro month on the report.


If you use pay entity as a legal entity, select the subset for the company

Click to jump to parent topicCreating General Ledger Reports

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create General Ledger Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Create Accounting Voucher CHE


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Time and Labor / GL Costs, Create Accounting Voucher CHE, Create Accounting Voucher CHE

Lists General Ledger results by ChartField. You must run the pay run and GL processes from the Global Payroll core application before printing this report.

Create Reconciliation List CHE


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Time and Labor / GL Costs, Create Reconciliation List CHE, Create Reconciliation List CHE

Summarizes and groups General Ledger results per account.

Overpayment List CHE


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Overpayment List CHE, Overpayment List CHE

Create a report that lists the overpayments that an employer has made to an employee. The term overpayments refers to payments made in addition to normal salary. The Overpayment List report displays employee ID, name, month and year that the overpayment was made, the amount, and the total overpayments. You must first have defined a pay entity.

Query Viewer


Reporting Tools, Query, Query Viewer, Query Viewer

Query GL Interface data as of Global Payroll General Ledger data (GP_GL_DATA).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Accounting Vouchers

Access the Create Accounting Voucher CHE page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Time and Labor / GL Costs, Create Accounting Voucher CHE, Create Accounting Voucher CHE).

Accounting Date

Enter the date that you want the system to use to list general ledger results by ChartField.

Pay Entity

Select the pay entity that you want the system to use to list general ledger results by ChartField.

Journal Template

Select the journal template that you want the system to use to list general ledger results by ChartField.

Business Unit

Select the business unit that you want the system to use to list general ledger results by ChartField.

General Ledger Unit

Select the general ledger unit that you want the system to use to list general ledger results by ChartField.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Reconciliation Lists

Access the Create Reconciliation List CHE page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Time and Labor / GL Costs, Create Reconciliation List CHE, Create Reconciliation List CHE).

Accounting Date

Enter the date that you want the system to use to summarizes and group general ledger results.

Pay Entity

Select the pay entity that you want the system to use to summarizes and group general ledger results.

Journal Template

Select the journal template that you want the system to use to summarizes and group general ledger results.

Business Unit

Select the business unit that you want the system to use to summarizes and group general ledger results.

General Ledger Unit

Select the general ledger unit that you want the system to use to summarizes and group general ledger results.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Overpayment Report

Access the Overpayment List CHE page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Absence and Payroll Processing, Reports, Overpayment List CHE, Overpayment List CHE).

As Of Date

Enter the period for which you want to generate an overpayment list.

Pay Entity

Select the pay entity for which you want to generate an overpayment list.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing General Ledger Queries

Access the Query Viewer page (Reporting Tools, Query, Query Viewer, Query Viewer).

In addition to running these reports, you can run these queries on GP_GL_DATA.

Query Name


Usage (Mapping)

E1 / All


Map cost center to department.

Cost centers and departments.



Map earnings and deductions to account.

Earnings, deductions, and accounts.



Employee and cost center.

Employee, cost center, department.

E1 / All


Details per account.

Account details.



E1 company balance.

Company totals (similar to Reconciliation List CHE ).



Employee details

Employee details.



Error for these employee IDs.

Employee IDs in error (either not in balance or not mapped to a cost center).



Employee wage mapping.

Details for employee and earnings and deductions.


Note. E1 = Using Interface to Enterprise One Financials.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating, Viewing, and Updating Online Tax Statements

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create, View and Update Online Tax Statements

Page Name

Definition Name



Tax Statement CHE


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Tax Statement 2006 CHE, Tax Statement 2006 CHE

Create PDF files for tax statements (when the XML file was created through the dashboard).

Override Tax Stmt 2006 CHE


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Taxes, Override Tax Stmt 2006 CHE, Override Tax Stmt 2006 CHE

View tax statements online.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a PDF file for the Tax Statement

Access the Tax Statement 2006 CHE page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Taxes, Tax Statement 2006 CHE, Tax Statement 2006 CHE).

Date Option

The regular mode is Yearly Report. You can, however, choose Date Range. This option is not supported for Print Only mode, however.

If you select Yearly Report, the system displays the Pay Year field. If you select Date Range, the system displays the From Date ad To Date fields.

Pay Year

Enter the pay year.

From Date and To Date

Enter the date range for which you want to create a tax statement.

Pay Entity

Select the pay entity for which you want to create a tax statement.

Domain ID

Select the domain ID for which the XML was created.


Select a set ID if you only want to print statements for a certain department.


Select a department if you only want to print statements for a certain department. In this case you need to also select a set ID.

Issued Date

If you want to override the creation date in the Form field I Ort Datum, enter a date in this field. To do this should have already selected overrides in Sender Details on the company level. If you don't want to override, leave this field blank.

Run Type

Select Print (recommended). The Interface run type is used for testing purposes and the creation of special tax statement scenarios.


This option is not supported for the Print run type. Depending on the expat status, the tax statement can be split by expat status periods. This option is used primarily for testing purposes and the creation of special tax statement scenarios.

Include Pending Calculations

This option is not supported for the Print run type. In Interface mode selecting this option would include pending calculations, not finalized periods. This option is primarily available to support testing.

Sort Criteria

Select the fields that you want the system to use to sort the data.

Company, Canton, and Empl ID

Select the company, canton, and employee IDs for the statement that you want to print.

Selecting the Print run type creates a PDF file using the current official form. The system retrieves data from the XML as created through the dashboard. A barcode is enabled. In case the text in lines 2.3, 4, 7, 13.1.2, 13.2.3, 14 or 15 exceeds the size of the form, the system creates an additional page, which displays unlimited text. The second page is confirmed by the tax administration as well.

Note. Use this run control only for the Print run type. The creation of Interface files must be done through the dashboard before you use the Print run control. You can also create the PDF using the swissdec tool called Viewgen and ignore this mass print. You can select subsets here. To print and view single employee IDs, use the online view and update feature.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Tax Statements Online

Access the Override Tax Stmt 2006 CHE page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Taxes, Override Tax Stmt 2006 CHE, Override Tax Stmt 2006 CHE).

Click View.

The system displays the PDF file in your browser.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Tax Statements Online

Access the Override Tax Stmt 2006 CHE page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Taxes, Override Tax Stmt 2006 CHE, Override Tax Stmt 2006 CHE).

To update the tax statement online:

  1. Access the Override Tax Stmt 2006 CHE page.

  2. Select the Add a new row (+) button.

    The page should now have an additional row.

  3. Click View and save the PDF file.

  4. Click Edit.

    The system displays the Tax Statement Lump page (GPCH_IF_TX07_1). Use this page to change the Form ID that the system is using to create the PDF.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click Edit.

    The PDF file displays as a form.

  7. Update any values that you want to change.

  8. Click Save.