Setting Up Training Costs

This chapter provides an overview of training costs and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Training Costs

This section provides an overview of:

Note. If you aren't administering training budgets, you don't need to set up the budgeting tables discussed in this chapter. However, to enter costs on training administration pages, you must set up the Training Base Currency and the Cost Unit tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTraining Cost and Budget Setup

To administer training budgets, you need to set up a budgeting structure. Once you set up the basic costs, you can enter budgets for departments in the organization.

To set up training costs and budgets:

  1. Set up a training currency.

    In Budget Training, the system converts costs into a base currency that you define. For the conversion to work, you also define the exchange rate to use.

  2. Review cost units.

    Cost units are associated with a cost amount. For example, you might use a cost unit of hours or days to measure instructor costs, but use a cost unit of kilometers for mileage. To enter a cost, enter the amount and then select a cost unit for that amount. PeopleSoft delivers a set of cost units in the Cost Unit table that you can add to.

  3. Set up default vendor, facility, equipment, and instructor costs.

    To create accurate budgets, record default costs, such as vendor or facility costs, for each training resource. You can set up default costs for the catalog and use them as defaults for the course costs.

  4. Set up student costs.

    Training budgets include the cost of sending an employee to a course. For example, if an employee's time is normally billed to a client, time in training represents a loss in revenue.

  5. Set up budget periods and departmental budgets.

See Also

Defining Default Training Costs

Defining Student Costs

Defining Training Budget Periods and Department Allocations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTraining Currencies

When you review a summary of cost information for an employee in the Budget Training business process, the system displays up-to-date costs without running a periodic batch process to update costs or currency conversion information. The system can provide this immediate, updated cost information because it calculates costs as soon as you enter them into the system. The system converts all amounts to a single base currency and stores the computed costs in two training cost tables, TRN_ALL_COST and TRN_CST_ELEMENT.

When you open a summary page in the Budget Training or Administer Training menu to review cost information for an employee, a department, or the entire organization, the system converts the costs in the training cost tables to the display currency that is appropriate for the organizational level. Display currencies can be different from the training base currency.

Note. Departments can have display currencies that are different from the budget base currency for your organization. Depending on the business unit and the department that an employee belongs to, the employee level display currency could be different from your organizational currency. For a budget period, you associate a base currency with a business unit, and with the departments that are associated with that business unit, in the Budget Period table (BUDGET_PERIOD_TBL).

To provide a consistent means of tracking and maintaining training costs, you specify a training currency exchange rate. This ensures that all training costs are consistently converted over the budget periods using a single conversion rate. Specifying a training currency exchange rate helps insulate a training process from external fluctuations in exchange rates and provides you with consistent cost information through the budget period.

To set up training cost currency information:

  1. Create a currency rate type for Budget Training.

    Create a rate type for budgeting on the Rate Type page by selecting Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Currency and Market Rates, Currency Exchange Rate Types.

  2. Set up a training currency exchange rate.

    Define the exchange rates that you want the budgeting processes to use by selecting Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Currency and Market Rates, Market Rates.

  3. Set up the base currency for Budget Training.

    Even if you have already defined a base currency for PeopleSoft HRMS in step 1, you must define a special training base currency before you can establish any training costs in the Training Administration business process.

Training Base Currency Defaults

When you're entering training costs on the Training Administration and Budget Training pages, you need to understand where the default currency code is coming from and how the system determines the currency defaults in the Administer Training business process.

In Budget Training, a further level of currency manipulation considers the nature of the cost before any cost conversions are performed.

A relationship is established between the nature of the cost and the use requirement at cost summary time. The nature of the cost describes the point in the business process at which you are reviewing costs. The following table describes this relationship:

Nature of Cost

Process Status

Currency Used for Costs

Budget training plan level

Overall training plan cost summary for specified budget period.

Currency that is defined in the Budget Period table.

Department level

Case 1: A budget has been allocated to the current department.

Case 2: Current department isn't allocated a budget.

Case 1: Per unit cost base currency code that is defined in the Department Budget table.

Case 2: Base currency that is defined in the Base Currency table for this business process.

No budget period or department; for example, employee training cost.

Specific to nonbudgeted training.

Currency that is defined in the system Installation table.

Training Cost Currency Conversions

The following table explains the training cost currency defaults in the Budget Training and Administer Training business processes. The table also details how the system uses the budget period begin dates or effective dates to establish the exchange rate to use for converting costs from one currency to another.

Cost Type


Training element cost; for example, facility cost

Costs are stored in the currency that you enter.

Course costs and catalog costs

Costs are stored in table TRN_ALL_TABLE in the entered currency. Computed costs are stored in TRN_CST_ELEMENT with the base currency. The system uses the effective date that is entered on the page as the currency conversion date.

Salary costs (general demand)

Costs are stored in table TRN_DEMAND in the currency that you entered. The system stores computed costs in TRN_CST_ELEMENT in the base currency. The date that the system uses for the conversion from the entered currency to the base currency is the begin date of the budget period for which the demand was defined.

Displayed costs (summary pages, budget plan)

The system converts costs from the base currency to the displayed currency. The date that the system uses for the conversion is the begin date of the budget period.

The date that the system uses to convert to the base currency and the date that the system uses to convert to the display currency are not the same, except for the job code cost. The system uses the effective date of the course and catalog costs to convert to the base currency and the begin date of the budget period to convert to the display currency.

The system uses different dates to process the two currency conversions. If the length of time between the two dates is great enough to allow for changes in the currency conversion rate that your organization ordinarily uses, the displayed cost could be different from the cost that you originally entered. To avoid this problem, you define a special exchange rate on the Exchange Rate table for use by the Budget Training business process.

Because you are comparing training budgets with training costs over a period of time (budget period), you set up a unique training currency exchange rate that enables you to track training costs consistently through the budgetary cycle. To do that, you set up an exchange rate type specifically for the training budget.

See Also

Defining Default Training Costs

Defining Student Costs

Click to jump to parent topicSelecting the Base Currency for Training Costs

To define the base currency for training costs, use the Base Currency (TRN_BASE_CURRENCY) component.

The first step in setting up training costs is to define the currency to be used in the Budget Training business process. Use this component to convert all costs to one common currency that appears in the training plan and is the sum of all training costs.

This section discusses how to select the base currency and the exchange rate type.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Base Currency


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Base Currency, Base Currency

Specify the base currency to use to track all cost amounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying the Base Currency

Access the Base Currency page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Base Currency, Base Currency).

Warning! Set the base currency before entering costs in Budget Training.

Base Currency

Select a currency code.

While you can enter training costs in multiple currencies, the system converts any training costs in an Administer Training business process to the base currency that you enter here.

Exchange Rate Type

If you defined an exchange rate type for training, associate it with the base currency here. The exchange rate type that you specify controls currency conversion processing in the Administer Training and Budget Training modules. Define exchange rate types on the Currency Exchange Rate Types page.

Note. You can define a currency exchange rate and currency exchange rate type specifically to track training budget costs.

See Also

Defining Default Training Costs

Setting Up and Working with Currencies

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Training Cost Units

This section provides an overview of training cost units and discusses how to specify the relationship between the cost unit and duration label.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Training Cost Units

When you enter costs for facilities, vendors, books, and other training-related items, you associate the amount with a cost unit, such as hour or flat cost, as a measurement criterion. The cost units from which you can select depend upon the type of cost (the cost unit type) that you're entering.

Using Views to Select the Right Cost Unit

To ensure that the system displays appropriate cost units when you enter different cost categories, the Cost Unit field prompts to a view that selects one or several cost units by specifying the cost unit type that is associated with the cost unit. For example, when you enter instructor costs, the cost unit prompts to the view TD_COST_UNIT_VW, which selects Time and Training cost units only.

For expenses, the system performs no special cost unit type selection: you can select any Cost Unit table (COST_UNIT_TABLE) values.

Using Cost Type and Duration Amounts

The duration cost unit is a display-only label that is based entirely on the cost unit that you select as the per unit cost to which the duration value is related. For example, when you enter a cost for instructors on the Course Session Cost table, two instructors might teach the same course session. They might work together to teach the course session at the same time, or one might present one portion of the session, and the other might may present a different portion. In either case, you need to specify how long each instructor works on this course session.

You enter a duration period for each instructor. The unit for this duration period depends on the cost unit that you selected as the per unit cost amount for the instructor:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Cost Unit


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Cost Unit, Cost Unit

Specify the relationship between the cost unit and the duration label.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying the Relationship Between the Cost Unit and Duration Label

Access the Cost Unit page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Cost Unit, Cost Unit).

Warning! Changing data on this page can negatively affect the way that the system calculates expenses and can require additional PeopleCode changes and other modifications that affect all Budget Training cost calculations.

Note. (FRA)Company Costs, C, defines costs that are to be charged at the company level. This value is defined on the Trn 2483 Parameters Setup page and is fully reported on the 2483 report.

Paid Hours, P, is used by the system as the default during duration conversion.

For a more accurate computation with cost–based on employee salary, use the cost unit, P. When prorating the student/instructor monthly salary with the session duration, the proration is done with the paid hours field instead of the factor. For example if the session is equal to 10 hours, and the instructor is paid 200 EUR per hour, when you look on the Trainees Salary Costs page for this employee, you will see that the salary for January is 200 EUR per month, and the Paid Hours are 180 hours.

When prorating the instructor costs with the session duration, you get 200 / 180 * 10. If the cost unit were Pers/Month, the computation rule would be 200 / (1920/12) *10= 200/160 * 10.

Cost Unit

Cost units are delivered as system data.

Note. (FRA) Cost unit C represents company costs. These costs are fully reported on the 2483 report. Cost unit P represents paid hours. When the system calculates an employee's salary costs while attending a session, it can use cost unit C (paid hours) rather than the factor entered in the Factor to Convert to Annuity field to prorate the employee's monthly salary based on the session duration.

Cost Unit Type

Select a cost unit type to group similar cost units together.

As you identify training costs in a business process, you enter units of cost (such as instructors) for each training component. Options are:

Metrics: For expensing traveled distances (for example, miles or kilometers).

Time: For time duration (for example, hour or day).

Training: For training cost types (for example, flat cost or person per day).

General: For when you don't know the cost type.

Company: For costs that are to be charged at the company level.

Duration Label

Enter the duration label to use for specifying instructor cost details. The unit of this duration depends on the cost unit that you select. For example, if the instructor cost unit is 200 USD per person, per day, the duration is expressed in days.

Factor to convert to annuity

This field only appears when the cost unit type is Time. It specifies how many units there are in a year. For example, if the cost unit is D (day), a factor of 240 means that there are 240 days in the year.

The delivered values are as follows:

For cost unit D (day), the factor is 240 and is based on 20 days per month.

For cost unit H (hour), the factor is 1920 and is based on 8 hours per day and 20 days per month.

For cost unit M (month), the factor is 12.

For cost unit W (week), the factor is 48 and is based on 4 weeks per month.

For cost unit Y (year), the factor is 1. You cannot change this value.

Note. If you need to modify the factor, do so before entering any costs in the system. Cost elements are updated online as soon as training element costs are entered. If you change the annuity factor during a budget period, costs already computed are not affected.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Default Training Costs

To set up default training costs, use the Catalog Costs (TRN_COST_TABLEC) and the Course Costs (TRN_COST_TABLE) components.

This section lists prerequisites, provides an overview of default training costs, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Default Training Costs

Some costs that you enter in the Catalog Cost table, the Course table, and Course Session Cost table tend to be the same. For example:

Catalog Costs

Use the Catalog Cost component to record cost information for a particular category and related subcategories in a training catalog. This information can be used as default values for the Course Cost component.

In a course catalog, you can organize the courses into categories and subcategories for easier administration. You can associate a cost with each category and subcategory. Then when you assign a course to a category and subcategory, the system assigns the subcategory cost as the default cost of the course.

If you assign a course only to a category, the system uses the category cost. If you assign the course to a subcategory, the system uses the subcategory cost. Using subcategories enables you to define the default values more exactly, but they might not be necessary for your organization.

Course Session Costs

Specifying costs at the course session level enables you to track differences in training costs that can vary depending on where sessions are taught and who is teaching. This is important because different instructors may charge different rates to teach the same sessions of a course. When you enroll a student in a session, the system looks at the Course Session Cost table to determine how much the training will cost.

Note. The Catalog Cost and Course Cost components are nearly identical and share the same fields.

Note. The Budget Training process uses catalog and course costs only. Cost demands can also occur on the catalog and course level. Session costs are only used by the Administer Training business process. When trainees are enrolled in a session, Administer Training computes the cost at a session level.

See Also

Administering Course Sessions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you define default costs for courses, you must set up training courses.

See Also

Defining Training Courses and Programs

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Page Name

Definition Name



Catalog Costs - Vendor, Facility, Equipment


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Catalog Costs, Vendor, Facility, Equipment

Enter the default vendor, facility, and equipment costs for a category or subcategory that is defined on the Category/Subcategory Table page.

Catalog Costs - Instructor, Expense


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Catalog Costs, Instructor, Expense

Enter default instructor costs and other expenses that are associated with courses in a selected category or subcategory.

From which Category/Sub-Category


Click the Default Costs button on the Catalog Costs - Vendor, Facility, Equipment page or the Course Costs - Vendor, Facility, Equipment page.

Select the source of default costs.

Course Costs - Vendor, Facility, Equipment


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Course Costs, Vendor, Facility, Equipment

Define the cost of courses in a training catalog. These costs may be the same as the costs associated with the category or subcategory to which the course belongs.

Course Costs - Instructor, Expense


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Course Costs, Instructor, Expense

Enter default instructor costs and other expenses that are associated with courses in a selected category or subcategory.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Vendor, Facility, and Equipment Costs

Access the Catalog Costs - Vendor, Facility, Equipment page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Catalog Costs, Vendor, Facility, Equipment).

Note. The Course Cost - Vendor, Facility, Equipment page uses the same page setup as the Catalog Costs - Vendor, Facility, Equipment page.

Default Costs

Click to populate the cost fields with default costs that you have defined for the category or subcategory. The From which Category / Sub-Category page appears. You can use default course costs from a category or a subcategory according to the catalog structure. To use costs from the category level, select the category code and enter UNKNOWN in the Subcategory Code field.


If an external vendor runs the course, define the default vendor costs here.

Vendor ID and Vendor Name

Select and display the default vendor for the category or subcategory.

Per Unit Cost

The system displays the cost that you defined, if any, on the Vendor table for the selected vendor. You can override the default value.

(FRA) Certified

Select if the vendor is certified to provide the training courses.

(FRA) Chargeable

Select to make the training course a chargeable item for the 2483 report. When selected, related costs that you enter are reported in the 2483 report. This is used to meet French legal reporting requirements. The system derives the default value from the chargeable flag set in the Course setup page and by the Compute Student Cost process.


If you use a vendor's facility for the course, complete the fields in this group box, as applicable.

Vendor ID and Vendor Name

Select and display the default vendor for the facility.

Facility and Facility Name

Select a facility that you defined using the Training Facilities (TRN_FACILITY_TBL) component. If the facility has not been defined. Or, enter the facility name in the Facility Name field.

Room Code and Room Number

Select a room for the courses from the list of rooms that are available at the selected facility. The room number associated with this code displays.

Per Unit Cost

By default, the system displays the room cost from the Training Facilities component. You can override the default.

If you didn't select a training facility in the Facility field, enter the cost of the room and the associated cost unit.

Session Equipment/Materials

Equipment/Materials Code

Select the equipment code. Insert a row for each equipment or material code required for the course. Define equipment and materials on the Equipment and Materials page.

Per Unit Cost

Enter a per unit cost for each item.

See Also

Setting Up Training Costs

(FRA) Producing the French Training Report 2483

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Source of Default Costs

Access the From which Category/Sub-Category page (click the Default Costs button on the Catalog Costs - Vendor, Facility, Equipment page or the Course Costs - Vendor, Facility, Equipment page).

Category Code

Select the category code from the list of categories to which the course belongs.

Subcategory Code

Select the subcategory codes.

To use costs from the category level as the default costs, select the category code and enter UNKNOWN in the Subcategory Code field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Instructor Costs and Other Expenses

Access the Catalog Costs - Instructor, Expense page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Catalog Costs, Instructor, Expense).

Note. The Course Cost - Instructor, Expense page uses the same page setup as the Catalog Costs - Instructor, Expense page.



If an external vendor runs the course, select the vendor. Define vendors using the Vendors (TRN_VENDOR_TABLE1) component. If you're using an internal instructor, leave this field blank.

Instructor ID and Name

If the instructor is defined in the Instructor table, select the instructor ID. Otherwise leave this field blank and enter the instructor's name in the Name field.

Per Unit Cost

This value is automatically populated from the Instructor table. You can override the default cost.


This field is automatically populated with the Duration value that you set up on the Course Table - Course Profile page. To override the default, deselect the From Course check box and enter the new value.

From Course

This check box is automatically selected to show that the Duration field is populated from the Course table.


Expense Type

Select the expense type.


Enter the quantity of the item that is specified in the Expense Type field.

Per Unit Cost

Enter the per unit cost for the expense.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Student Costs

To set up student costs, use the Job Code Salary Costs (TRN_JOB_SLR_COST) and the Trainees Salary Costs (TRN_EE_SALARY_COST) components.

This section provides as overview of student costs and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Student Costs

To track the total cost of an employee who is taking a training course, you need to record:

To track payroll costs that are associated with training, you can specify compensation costs at the job code level and at the individual employee level. To associate payroll costs with a group of similar job codes or a group of employees, use the Update Salary Costs page to perform a mass update of the system.

Note. When the system processes training costs for an employee, and no employee training cost is specified on the Employee Training Cost table, the system uses the job code salary cost. If you've specified training costs at both levels, the employee-level cost takes priority.

(FRA) Importing Salary Costs from Payroll

(FRA) If your organization uses PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll for France, you can extract costs from the payroll system and apply the costs to employees in a specified group ID.

Source of Default Costs for Job Code and Employees

Before you begin entering costs that are associated with job codes and employees, it's important to understand how the system determines the default training cost values that it displays on the system pages where you track training costs. The following chart explains the training cost defaults in the Budget Training business process:

Page Name

Default Comes From

Job Code Salary Cost

No default.

Trainees Salary Costs

Job Code Salary Cost page.

Employee Demand

  1. Trainees Salary Costs page, when defined.

  2. Otherwise Job Code Salary Cost page (with employee's job code).

  3. Otherwise default values are set to blank.

General Demand

Default values are set to blank; however, when a profile is used as a template, the training cost is computed with the employees and job codes that are included in the profile. Click the Compute button to compute the training cost with the job codes that are listed on the page.

Department Demand

No default.

Employee Demand by Course

Same as the Employee Demand page.

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Job Code Salary Costs


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Job Code Salary Costs, Job Code Salary Costs

Identify the compensation cost of having an employee in this job code in training.

Trainees Salary Costs


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Trainees Salary Costs, Trainees Salary Costs

Identify the cost of having an employee in training.

Update Salary Costs


Enterprise Learning, Define Budget, Update Salary Costs, Update Salary Costs

Process training costs for a group of job codes or employees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying the Training Compensation Cost by Job

Access the Job Code Salary Costs page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Job Code Salary Costs, Job Code Salary Costs).

Per Unit Cost and Cost Unit

Enter the per unit cost for the job code and the unit cost. Because the Per Unit Cost and Cost Unit fields are effective-dated, you can enter standard training costs for job codes, which can change over time.

Paid Hours

Displays the total number of hours worked by an employee for which they are paid.

If you select Apply on Jobcodes or Apply on Employees in the Populate Process Mode group box on the Update Salary Cost-Enterprise Learning, Define Budget, Update Salary Costs page, you may manually enter the hours that the employee works.

If you select Load from Global Payroll in the Populate Process Mode group box on the Update Salary Cost-Enterprise Learning, Define Budget, Update Salary Costs page, the system gets the value for Paid Hours from payroll and is deactivated for manual entry.

Note. The system derives this value from payroll. Paid Hours calculates how many hours the employee works for the related cost unit, that is, if the cost unit is Pers/Month, then the number of hours is related to one month.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Training Compensation by Employee

Access the Trainees Salary Costs page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, Trainees Salary Costs, Trainees Salary Costs).

Common Page Information

Training Type

Select one of these options:

  • Admin. Trn (administer training).

    Select this option if the cost is an administered course cost.

    See Tracking Training Costs.

  • Budget Trn (budget training).

    Select this option if the cost is a budgeted training cost.

    See Planning Training Budgets.

Gross Salary

Enter the employee's gross salary before deductions.

Train Full Time Gross Salary

If the employee works full time for the training department, enter the gross salary.

If you select the Full-Time Instructor check box on the Instructor page, the payroll system considers that instructor full-time.

Paid Hours

Enter the total number of hours the employee works for the related cost unit. For example, if the cost unit is Pers/Month, then the number of hours is related to one month.

If you selected Apply on Jobcodes or Apply on Employees enter the number of hours that the employee worked.

If you selected Load from Global Payroll the system displays the value that is retrieved by the Salary Cost Mass Update process. You cannot change the value here.

Job tab

Job Code

Displays the employee's job code from the Job Data table.

Period tab

Period Begin Date

This field is used for the effective date and the effective date is always equal to the period begin date.

Period End Date

Enter the end of the period in which the cost that you specified becomes effective.

If you have separate costs for Administer Training and Budget Training, the period over which costs apply varies. Administer Training costs cover pay periods, whereas Budget Training costs apply to budget periods, which normally cover a year. Be sure that all these periods are contiguous to ensure accuracy in total compensation.

Calc. Flag (calculate flag)

This field identifies the source of the cost information:

Manually, indicates that the employee's cost data was manually entered on this page.

Job Code, Employee, or Payroll, indicate that the data was loaded by the Salary Cost Mass Update process that you run from the Update Salary Costs page.


Select the employee's company.

See Also

(FRA) Producing the French Training Report 2483

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Training Costs for a Group

Access the Update Salary Costs page (Enterprise Learning, Define Budget, Update Salary Costs, Update Salary Costs).

Note. The Job Code Salary Costs and Trainees Salary Costs pages enable you to associate payroll costs with a job code and by employees one at a time. Use the Update Salary Cost process to specify a per cost figure and a cost unit metric to apply on the specified effective date to a group of job codes or employees.

As Of Date

Enter the effective date for this process. This date is used to Effective Date and Period Begin Date.

Per Unit Cost

Enter the cost to use for processing the cost per job or cost per employee.

(FRA) Selecting Load from Global Payroll disables this field.

Populate Process Mode

Apply on Jobcodes

Select to apply the cost to employees with a specified job code.

Apply on Employees

Select to apply the cost to given employees.

(FRA) Load from Global Payroll

Select to apply costs from Global Payroll for France to a group of employees. The system displays the France group box.

Set ID and Job Code

This group box appears when you select Apply on Job Code or Apply on Employees. Select the set ID and job code to which you want to apply the selected cost. Add as many setIDs and job codes as necessary.

(FRA) France

This section becomes available when you select Load from Global Payroll.

In Global Payroll for France, writable array elements are used to store payroll results. The payroll system computes the salary and paid hours for training, and uses the writable array, FOR WA 2483, to store the results in the GPFR_TRN_WA record. When you run the Update Salary Costs process, salaries and paid hours are imported from the writable array.

This is a single table which interfaces between the payroll system and the training business process. When using a payroll system other than PeopleSoft, the table can be used to import salaries into the training business process.

See Understanding Vacation Accruals.

Calendar Selection Criteria

In this group box, define the criteria for selecting the payroll calendars

Period Begin Date

Select the period begin date for salary training costs, usually the beginning of the fiscal year.

Period End Date

Select the period end date for salary training costs, usually the end of the fiscal year.

Period End Date and Payment Date

Select the date that signifies the end of the period.


Click to have the system insert all payroll calendars that occur within the specified period into the Calendar Process List

Calendar Process List

Calendar ID

Select a Calendar ID that defines the time range in which salary costs are being defined.

Period ID

The system enters a Period ID for the salary costs being calculated during this time range.

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll 9.1 PeopleBook

PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll for France 9.1 PeopleBook

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Training Budget Periods and Department Allocations

To define budget periods, use the Budget Period Table (BUDGET_PERIOD_TBL) component. To allocate budget amounts by department, use the Department Budget (TRN_BUDGET_TBL) component.

This section provides an overview of budget period and allocations and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Budget Periods and Department Allocations

A budget period is a period of time for which a training budget is established. Your company's business needs determine the length of the budget period. Typically a budget period covers one year, however, the length may depend on both business requirements and process cycles; the period could be a quarter, a month, or any other duration.

When you define a budget period, you associate it with one or more business units.

After you establish budget periods, you can allocate a budgeted amount to each department. You can then see how the estimated training costs that are based on department training demand compare to a department's allocated training budget.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Training Budget Periods and Department Allocations

Page Name

Definition Name



Budget Period


Enterprise Learning, Define Budget, Budget Period, Budget Period

Define budget periods.

Department Budget


Enterprise Learning, Define Budget, Department Budget, Department Budget

Define the amount that is allocated to departments in your organization for training in a specified budget period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Budget Periods

Access the Budget Period page (Enterprise Learning, Define Budget, Budget Period, Budget Period).

You can also specify the base currency for department budgets and training costs. This ensures that you always compare budgets and costs in the same currency.

From Date and Thru Date (through date)

Enter the begin and ends dates for the budget period.

Important! Course sessions must fall within the budget period that is to be included in the budget. A course session cannot span two budget periods.

Budget Period Details

Business Unit

Select the business units to which the budget period applies.

Add as business units by inserting new rows. This enables you to create training budgets for the employees in those business units. When you set up and track budgeting demands, you can use only budget periods that are assigned to an employee's business unit. You associate employees with business units on the Job Data component in Administer Workforce.

Base Currency

Specify the base currency to be used to track all cost amounts.


(FRA) Default Training Plan Category

The category that you select here becomes the default training plan category when you create training demands.

Values are: Skill Development, Adaptation to Job Changement, Job Preservation, and Not Specified.

See Also

Selecting the Base Currency for Training Costs

Defining Business Units

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAllocating Budgets to Departments

Access the Department Budget page (Enterprise Learning, Define Budget, Department Budget, Department Budget).

Allocation Date

Enter the date that you allocate the budget to the department.

Originating Emplid (originating employee ID)

Select the ID of the person who allocated the budget.

Budget Amount

Enter the budgeted amount and the currency to use when you compare the actual and budget costs by department. The system uses the selected currency as the default value on pages where the Budget Training process calculates department budget costs to ensure that costs and budget are in the same currency.

See Also

Selecting the Base Currency for Training Costs