(FRA) Producing the French Training Report 2483

This chapter provides an overview of the French Training Report 2483 process and discusses how to:

See Also

Preparing and Running the Training 2483 Report

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the French Training Report 2483 Process

The Training Report 2483 (TRN029), also called the Declaration 2483 Report, is a French regulatory report that is used to declare the vocational training that your company has provided to its employees. This report compiles information about the amount of money that your company spends on training.

The report provides details for groups of information that are defined by the French government. PeopleSoft delivers the groups as system data in Human Resources.

Note. Any changes that you make to these groups directly affect the way that the system generates the French Training Report 2483. Therefore, you should make changes only in response to changes in the French regulatory reporting requirements.

Here is an overview of how to prepare the Training Report 2483:

  1. Trainings are recorded, employees are enrolled, and costs are associated with those trainings/students.

  2. (Optional) Review the setup for training report groups.

  3. (Optional) Review the setup for training report indicators.

  4. Enter training report parameters.

  5. Run the Compute Training Report 2483 (DEC2483) process calculation for all indicators.

  6. (Optional) Review and edit the results of the process calculations.

  7. Run the Training Report 2483 (TRN029) to print (or export to a file) the results of the process calculations .

Note. When using ELM and Administer Training, the setup of the learning catalog, instructors, vendors, and so on, as well as tracking of learning costs and enrollment and other day-to-day tasks should be done in ELM. In this case, the Administer Training components are used to compile costs and generate the 2483 reports.

See Also

Setting Up Training Costs

Enrolling and Wait-Listing Students

PeopleSoft Enterprise Learning Management PeopleBook, (FRA) Managing French Regulatory Requirements

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing the Setup for Groups and Indicators

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Training Report Groups and Indicators

Page Name

Definition Name



2483 Group


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, 2483 Indicators FRA, 2483 Group

Review the group setup for the French Training Report 2483.

2483 Indicator


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, 2483 Indicators FRA, 2483 Indicator

Review the indicator setup for the French Training Report 2483 groups.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing the Group Setup

Access the 2483 Group page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, 2483 Indicators FRA, 2483 Group).

Information in the 2483 report is organized by group. The groups are identified by a letter, for example, C represents Training Costs and D represents OPCA Designation.


Comments that you enter here do not appear on the report.

Number of Columns

This field controls the number of columns that the report includes, by default, for this group. It also controls the number of Descr (description) fields that display on this page.

Descr. 1...Descr. 6 (Description 1...Description 6)

These fields define the column labels that appear in the report for the group, by default.

When you use the 2483 Indicators page to define a new indicator for a group, the indicator inherits the default values for columns and descriptions that are defined here.

The following groups (used in the 2483 Group field) are delivered with Human Resources:

Group ID



Monthly average headcount


Headcount, Training Hours

Note. (FRA) For indicators 11 and 12, when running the 2483 Computation process on Sybase, the process does not check if the cost is fully chargeable for the company or not. In other words, the training is included in the indicator count even if financing costs exist for training.


Total Compensation


Training Leave Financing


Professionalization Financing


Training Plan Financing


CDD Training Leave Financing


Public Revenue Dept Payment


Carry-Forward Surplus

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing the Indicator Setup

Access the 2483 Indicator page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, 2483 Indicators FRA, 2483 Indicator).

Each group can include multiple indicators. Use this page to view the indicators that are associated with a particular group.

PeopleSoft provides the appropriate labels for each column. The report prints the values in the Descr 1 through Descr 6 fields as the indicator labels on the French Training Report.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Additional Report Parameters

The 2483 report requires additional parameters that are not stored in Human Resources. Before you run the report, you must enter these parameters into the system.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Additional Report Parameters

Page Name

Definition Name



Trn 2483 Parameters Setup (training 2483 parameters setup)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, 2483 Parameters FRA, Trn 2483 Parameters Setup

Enter parameters that are required for the 2483 report. This page is dedicated to one company and one declaring year.

Trn 2483 Company Costs (training 2483 company costs)


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, 2483 Parameters FRA, Trn 2483 Company Costs

Enter costs related to a civil year (2483 declaring year). These costs are dedicated to the 2483 report and are not included in the computation of other training processes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering 2483 Report Parameters

Access the Trn 2483 Parameters Setup page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, 2483 Parameters FRA, Trn 2483 Parameters Setup).

Group C - Total Compensation

Interface with Payroll System (reduction rate [10 employee mark])

Select if the amount of total compensation is to be calculated from the salaries the system retrieves from Global Payroll.

Note. When Interface with Payroll System is selected, the field Total Salaries (1) is unavailable.

Total Annual Salaries (1)

Enter the total of the annual salaries for your organization.

Participation Rate (2)

Enter the rate applied to the Total Annual Salaries to calculate the amount that the company should spend on Trainings. This rate equals 1.6 by default.

Salary Computation Method

These options are used to estimate the employee salary costs that are charged in the 2483 report.

Paid Salary

When you select this option, the Compute 2483 process prorates the employee's monthly salary for each session and then calculates the sum for all sessions.

The system validates that the Paid Salary method is consistent with the salaries stored on the Update Salary Costs page, Period tab. All employees for the related company and related year should have the Calc. Flag field equal to Payroll or Manually.


When you select this option, the Compute 2483 process divides the total training hours (the duration of all sessions) by total paid hours and multiplies the result by an employee's average annual salary. Salaries come from Global Payroll for France or are entered manually.

The system verifies that the Median method is consistent with the salaries stored on the Update Salary Costs page, Period tab. All employees for the related company and related year should have the Calc. flag equal to Payroll, Job Code, or Manually. This option is the default.


The theoretical method is similar to the median method and should be selected when salaries have been entered manually or have been defined for each job code. When you select this option, the Compute 2483 process divides the total training hours (based on session duration) by total paid hours and multiplies the result by the employee's annual compensation. The system verifies that the Theoretical method is consistent with the salaries stored on the Update Salary Costs page, Period tab. All employees for the related company and related year should have the Calc. flag equal to Employee, Job Code, or Manually.

Group D - Training Leave Financing

Participation Rate (3)

Enter the rate applied to the Total Annual Salaries to calculate the amount that the company should spend on Training Leaves (CIF in French). This rate equals 0.2 by default.

OPACIF Payment (5)

Enter the amount that is paid to a registered body for training leave for limited contract employees.

Group E - Prof. & DIF Financing (Professionalization and Droit Individuel a la Formation [Individual Training Rights])

Participation Rate (7)

Enter the rate applied to the Total Annual Salaries to calculate the amount that the company should spend on professionalization periods and contracts, and DIF. This rate equals 0.5 by default.

OPCA Payment (Prof. DIF) (9)

Enter the amount that is paid to a registered body for professionalization periods and contracts, and DIF.

Group F - Training Plan Financing

OPCA CIF (DIF) payment (f)

Enter the amount that is paid to a registered body for training leaves (which are also DIF).

OPCA -Training Plan Payment (g)

Enter the amount that is paid to a registered body for trainings defined in the training plan.

Subsidy (i)

Enter the amount of subsidy granted for training purposes. The subsidy should be granted by government bodies (received by the company) during the declaring year.

Group G - CDD Training Leave Financing

Interface with Payroll System

Select if the amount of CDD Training Leave Financing is to be retrieved from Global Payroll.

CDD Total Annual Salaries (17)

Enter the total salaries for all limited contract employees.

Employer Obligation Rate (18)

Enter a percentage rate. This rate equals 1 by default. It is applied to the CDD Total Annual Salaries to calculate the amount that the company should spend on trainings for CDD.

OPCA CIF Payments (19)

Enter the amount that is paid to a registered body for training leave for limited contract employees.

Group H - Public Revenue Dept Payment

Regularization Payment (22)

If your organization hasn't spent the required training amounts declared in previous 2483 reports (because the corresponding trainings were supposed to cover several years) , you must make a regularization payment to the French authorities. Enter the amount of the payment.

Payment/Company Work Council

Enter the number of attached documents for the declaration report.

L. 951-8 not fulfilled

Select this option when you know that this law does not apply.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Company Costs

Access the Trn 2483 Company Costs page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Enterprise Learning, 2483 Parameters FRA, Trn 2483 Company Costs).

Note. Most training costs are processed through the Compute Student Cost process and are then available at the employee level. These costs (available in the Maintain Student Cost pages) are used to calculate most financial indicators of the 2483 report. However, certain company costs such as facility, equipment and materials expenses go directly on the 2483 report without any conversion or calculation. Use this page to charge these costs to the declaring company no matter what the length of the training session or number of students. Be sure to set Cost Unit Type on the Cost Unit page to Company.

See Setting Up Training Costs.


Training Facility

Enter the training facility where training was provided.

Room Code

Enter the room code where training occurred. Each room in a training facility must have a unique room code.


Training Facility

Enter the training facility where training equipment and materials will be used.

Equip Code (equipment code)

Enter the equipment code of equipment and materials used for training.


Tuition Expense Type

Define miscellaneous expenses that are associated with a training session.

Instructor/Training Staff


Instructor/Training Staff salaries are retrieved automatically and the check box is selected by default. You may deselect this check box for rows that you do not wish to be included in the 2483 report.

This group box links to the Trainees Salary Costs page. Employees that appear in this section (those defined as Full Time Instructor and training staff employees that are fully dedicated to the training department) are chargeable. To confirm that their annual total compensation appears on the 2483 report, select the Chargeable check box.

Click the Select All button to set all employees to chargeable at once.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Report Process and Reviewing Results

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run the Report Process and Review Results

Page Name

Definition Name



Compute 2483 FRA


Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, Compute 2483 FRA, Compute 2483 FRA

Run the Compute Training Report 2483 process.

Edit 2483 FRA


Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, Edit 2483 FRA, Edit 2483 FRA

Review and edit the results of the calculations that are run by the Compute Training Report process on each of the indicators.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Compute Training Report Process

Access the Compute 2483 FRA page (Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, Compute 2483 FRA, Compute 2483 FRA).

Run this process once you have entered all the training report group and indicator information.


Select the company that is to run the French Training Report 2483.

Declaring Year

Enter the calendar year that the system is to use to determine cost information for that report.

Warning! This process will override any previous results. You may lose any modifications that you made manually

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Application Engine

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Editing Process Results

Access the Edit 2483 FRA page (Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, Edit 2483 FRA, Edit 2483 FRA).

You can edit any amount on this page.

Some indicators cannot be calculated. For those indicators, compile the information manually and use this page to enter it into the system.

Note. If you rerun the Declaration 2483 process after making edits to the amounts on this page, the system overwrites the edits that you made to the Declaration 2483 results prior to rerunning the Declaration 2483 process.

See Also

Entering Additional Report Parameters

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Report

When you are satisfied with the results of the Compute Training Report process, complete the CERFA form and submit. The indicators that are required by the French government are calculated by Human Resources and tabulated in this Crystal report.

Note. If you rerun the Declaration 2483 process after making edits to the amounts on this page, the system overwrites the edits that you made to the Declaration 2483 results prior to rerunning the Declaration 2483 process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the Report

Page Name

Definition Name



2483 Tax Declaration FRA


Enterprise Learning, Training Reports, 2483 Tax Declaration FRA, 2483 Tax Declaration FRA

Compiles results of calculation of the 2483 indicators for declaring vocational training of employees in French organizations. Before running this report, run the Compute Training Report 2483 (DEC2483) process to calculate the indicators. Check the calculation results and do any updating on the FRA Edit 2483 - Edit 2483 page.