Defining Training Requirements

This chapter provides an overview of training demand and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Training Demand

This section lists common elements and discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Creation Date

If you're creating a new department demand, enter the creation date. The default is the system date, which you can change.

Demand ID

The system displays NEW when you create a demand for the first time. You can accept the system-generated ID or enter a new ID. The system generates a sequence number based on the last demand ID that was stored in the Installation table.

Demand Priority

Values are Low, Medium, and High. When you're building global scenarios using the Create Global Scenario processes, you can specify that the system include only demands that have a certain demand priority.

See Creating Global Scenarios.

Expiration Date

Enter the last possible date for meeting the training demand. This field is for information only, but it can be useful if you decide to mark a demand as obsolete after a specific time.

From Date and Thru Date

Displays the beginning (from) and ending (through) dates of the budget period, which you entered when you opened the page.


Automatically selected if the budget period is frozen. If you try to modify this page, you get a warning message.

OrigEmplID (originating employee ID)

Select the employee ID of the person who created the demand.


Select the demand originator's position. Values are Employee and Supervisor.

Revision Date

Enter a revision date to indicate when the demand profile was edited.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTraining Demands and Budgets

Creating a realistic training budget requires that you determine how much training to provide to your workforce. When you know the demand for training—how many employees need or want training—you can figure out the cost, compare it to the proposed training budget, and adjust the budget or the number of employees who can take courses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMethods of Determining Training Demand

Four methods are available for establishing training demand, as shown in the following table:

Demand Method


General Demand

Define the number of employees to be trained in certain departments and for certain job codes.

Departmental Demand

Define the number of employees to be trained in a specific course for a particular department.

Employee Demand

Define training requirements for individual employees.

Employee Demand by Course

Define the number of employees to be trained in a particular course.

Note. Demand is established for a particular budget period.

Using these methods, you can:

This diagram shows the layers of training needs, with general demand as the foundation layer, department demand at the next level up, and employee demand (by employee or course) at the top level:

General demand, department demand, and employee demand as layers of training needs

For each type of demand, you define:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDemand Profiles

To determine training demand, you build profiles of employees with similar qualities who need to take the same training courses. A demand profile is a template that defines a set of criteria for selecting employees. For example, if managers in your Customer Support department must take the Time Management course, the demand profile would include the Customer Support department and manager job code as selection criteria.

Identifying workers who need training by using competencies is useful because you can include employees with certain competencies and proficiency levels for training in courses that can improve their competency levels and exclude employees who already possess those competencies. You can define selection criteria by inclusion, exclusion, or a combination of both. You can also define multiple criteria statements that the system processes in sequence, to further refine the profile.

Define demand profiles once and use them whenever you check training demand for a new budget period. You can create and maintain as many demand profiles as you need.

See Also

Creating Demand Profiles

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDepartment Trees

When you use training budget components, such as demand profiles or department demands that reference department information, you can use a department security tree.

You can enter a parent department on the tree and automatically include any child departments in departmental views, profile templates, and training demand definitions, using two tree buttons.

This example shows the Create Demand Profile Directly page where you can access the department tree as you select departments for a demand profile:

Example page using department tree to add departments to a demand profile

Click the Expand button to add related departments that are specified in the department tree to the list on the page. Then you can add several departments to the list in one step.

Click the Collapse button to delete related departments from the list. The system deletes only the departments that you added by clicking the Expand button. Departments that you added manually remain in the list, even if they are related departments.

Instead of using the Expand and Collapse buttons, you can enter departments manually by inserting a department row.

For example, when you establish the number of employees that need training for a course, and you want to specify a demand for your own department only, enter only your department number and the number of people who are to be trained. To train people in every department for which you are responsible, enter the department ID for the parent department and click the Expand button. The system creates a new data row for each department that is below the parent department, according to the department security tree.

The following diagram illustrates an expanded department tree for a geographically-organized sales organization:

Example of an expanded department tree

If you don't want to train employees in Sales Management America, Dept #11, remove that department from the department list by clicking the Collapse button for that department row. The system deletes any departments that report to the selected department. In the example, if you click the Collapse button for Dept #11, the system removes Dept #111 and Dept #112.

See Also

Setting Up and Administering HRMS Security

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Demand Profiles

To create demand profiles, use the Directly (TRN_PROFILE_CREATE) and the By Criteria (TRN_PROFILE_TABLE) components.

This section provides an overview of dynamic and static demand profiles and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Dynamic and Static Demand Profiles

Use demand profiles to define employee selection criteria for group demands. This demand profile becomes a template that you can reuse as you reassess training demands.

You can build demand profiles using one of two methods—dynamic or static:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Demand Profiles

Page Name

Definition Name



Create Demand Profile Directly


Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Create Demand Profiles, Directly, Create Demand Profile Directly

Create a dynamic profile based on a list of department and job codes.

Profile Criteria


Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Create Demand Profiles, By Criteria, Profile Criteria

Create a static profile by defining criteria that includes or excludes employees in training plans. To include competencies in the selection criteria, set up competency codes in the Content Catalog.

Profile Selection


Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Create Demand Profiles, By Criteria, Profile Selection

View the number of employees selected by department and job codes according to the criteria on the Profile by Criteria - Profile Criteria page.

Create Delayed Profile


Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Create Demand Profiles, Create Delayed Profile, Create Delayed Profile

Run the process that creates the demand profile, based on the selection criteria that you set up on the Profile By Criteria - Profile Criteria page. Run this process only if you selected the Delayed check box on the Profile Criteria page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Dynamic Profiles

Access the Create Demand Profile Directly page (Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Create Demand Profiles, Directly, Create Demand Profile Directly).

By creating a list of departments and job codes, you identify the positions with training needs. You can save this profile as a template and use it for future budget periods. Whenever you reference this profile template to establish the training demand for a course, the system includes all employees who fit this profile.

Note. While the profile always gathers the employees in these departments and jobs, remember that the number of employees changes over time as the department head count changes and as employees change job codes.

Department Information

Department ID

Select the department to include in the training profile template.

Job Code

Job Code

For the departments that you specified, select the job codes that have training requirements.

See Also

Department Trees

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Static Profiles

Access the Profile Criteria page (Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Create Demand Profiles, By Criteria, Profile Criteria).

You can use this profile as a template to obtain a list of employees who match the selection criteria. You can run the profile repeatedly during the current or next budget period.

Note. Save the contents of this page and execute the profile process to view the selection results on the Profile Selection page.


The system displays the description that you enter here on any pages or reports that reference this profile ID, so the description should identify what this profile does.


Select to delay processing the demand profile until later. If this check box is deselected, the system executes the profile criteria when you save the page. Before starting to gather the employees who match the profile template, the system displays a message about the process.

Depending on your requirements, this profiling could take some time, so you might consider postponing it. If you postpone this process, you can perform it later by running the Create Delayed Profile process.

Link with Competencies

Select to include competencies in the selection criteria. When selected, the system makes the Competency fields available and enables the competency search criteria. To include competencies in the selection criteria, set up competency codes in the Content Catalog.

Create Selection Criteria

In this group box, you build the employee training profile template using one or more selection criteria statements that you organize by criteria number.

Criteria Number

The system processes the selection criteria statement-based criteria numbers, starting at 1 and moving sequentially through the statement list. When you define a new profile, the system sets the criteria number to 1, to indicate the first criteria statement.

Enter a new criteria number to define an additional profile criteria statement.

Note. If you write several sequentially numbered criteria statements, you can reorganize them by setting the number for each statement and then saving the page. The system sorts the statements and displays them according to the criteria number.

Include Criteria and Exclude Criteria

Department ID

Select the department to include in or exclude from the profile.

Job Code

Select the job code to include in or exclude from the profile.

Competency and Level

Select the competency to include in or exclude from the profile. Select a competency rating in the Level field. When you complete the competency fields, the system includes or excludes workers with competencies at the rating that you specified.

You define competency codes in the Content Catalog and the associated rating levels on the Rating Model table.

To include both the department that you specify and its child departments in the department tree, use the Expand or Collapse buttons.

See Also

Setting Up the Content Catalog

Department Trees

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Selection Results

Access the Profile Selection page (Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Create Demand Profiles, By Criteria, Profile Selection).

Use this page to determine the effectiveness of the profile criteria selection statements. If your resulting employee count is too high or too low, go back to the Profile Criteria page, make any necessary changes to the selection criteria for this profile ID, rerun the process, and return to this page to evaluate the results.

Profile Creation Date

Displays the date that the system last processed this profile ID. When you rerun the process, the system updates this field.


Number of Employees

Displays the number of employees that match department profile criteria . If you entered more than one department in the selection criteria, then the system displays the number of matching employees for each department code.

Job Code

Number of Employees

Displays the number of employees that match job profile criteria . If you entered more than one job code in the selection criteria, then the system displays the number of matching employees for each job code.

Total Count

Displays the total number of employees that match profile criteria for this profile ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Process to Create Demand Profiles

Access the Create Delayed Profile page (Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Create Demand Profiles, Create Delayed Profile, Create Delayed Profile).

Profile ID

Select the profile ID from the list of demand profiles that you created on the Profile Criteria page.



Click to run the Create Delayed Profile process.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining General Demands

To define general (global) demands, use the General Demand (TRN_DEMAND_TABLE) component.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define General Training Demands

Page Name

Definition Name



General Demand


Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Identify Training Demand, General Demand, General Demand

View course details and general information about the demand, including priority and originator. To use this page, you must first set up budget periods on the Budget Period page.

General Demand - Training Population


Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Identify Training Demand, General Demand, Training Population

Define the group of people who need training in the course that you selected on the General Demand page. You must set up employee training costs and budgets before you can set up training demands.

General Demand - Profile Template


Click the Use Profile as a Template link on the General Demand - Training Population page.

Specify the profile to use to populate the General Demand page.

General Demand - Country


Click the department name link in the Demand section of the General Demand - Training Population page.

Enter country-specific information for the general demand that you have set up on the Training Population page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining General Demand Information

Access the General Demand page (Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Identify Training Demand, General Demand, General Demand).

Course Information

Category, Subcategory, and Course Code

Specify the course for this training demand by selecting a category, subcategory, and course code. If you don't know what value to use, use the system default UNKNOWN.

Note. You must select a category before you can select a subcategory.

Not in Catalog

Select if the training course isn't defined in the Catalog table.


(FRA) Training Plan Category

Select a training plan category.

The values are: Skill Development, Adaptation to Job Changement, Job Preservation, and Not Specified.

Demand Information

Description and Short Description

The system populates these fields after you enter the category, subcategory, and course code. The description information appears whenever the demand ID is referenced on a page or report.

See Also

Creating Global Scenarios

Freezing Budgets, Moving Unapproved Demands, and Deleting Scenarios

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Group That Needs Training

Access the General Demand - Training Population page (Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Identify Training Demand, General Demand, Training Population).

Establish the total general demand amount and provide additional parameters to calculate the average cost for training employees for this demand. The calculation here determines the employee cost of training and doesn't include the course costs themselves, such as instructor fees and facility costs.

Use Profile as a Template

Click to import the job codes and departments that you previously set up in a demand profile. The system displays the page where you select the profile.

If you don't enter any job codes or department information on this page, then the calculation is based solely on the profile that you specified.

Budgeted Training Cost

This represents the average cost of training the selected population. The system calculates the value when you click the Compute button, using the jobs that are associated with the specified job codes on the Job Code Salary Costs page. The calculation looks like this:

Employee Training Budgeted Cost = (job code training cost × number of people in this job code) for all job codes in the Job Code field on this page / total number of people in the general demand.

Note. Specify the default currency for business units for a budget period on the Budget Period table. Budgets are automatically converted to the default base currency that you establish on the Training Base Currency table. The system converts all training costs to the base currency to calculate training costs.


The system displays the cost unit that is associated with the amount in the Empl. Training Budgeted Cost field.

Job Code

Specify the job codes that are included this training demand. When the system calculates the training demand, only employees with the selected job code are considered. The system also uses this job code information to calculate the average cost to train employees for this demand.



Select the department to include for calculating the demand for this course.

To enter country-specific information, click the department name link next to this field.


Enter the number of the employees to be trained for each of the departments selected. This field is optional, but the more precise the information that you provide, the more realistic the subsequent simulation and pricing becomes.

Warning! If you don't enter a demand amount, the computed costs throughout the Budget Training business process will be incorrect. All computed costs are based on these demand amounts.


Total General Demand

Required for each population demand. The system uses this number to calculate the average cost of training employees for this demand.


Click the Update button to move the sum of the individual department demands to the Total General Demand field. If you change the Demand fields, click this button to update the total general demand before you save the page.

See Also

Department Trees

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying a Demand Profile

Access the General Demand - Profile Template page (click the Use Profile as a Template link on the General Demand - Training Population page).


Use this option to select a profile that you created using the Create Demand Profile Directly page.

By Criteria

Use this option to select a demand profile that you created using the Profile by Criteria page. This method is particularly useful for determining which people in your organization need to be trained based on a set of criteria.

Profile ID

Select the demand profile to apply.

When you click OK, the system calculates the training cost using the job codes list selected in the specified profile and the number of people selected for each job code. The system displays the average training cost for the profile population in the Budgeted Training Cost field on the General Demand page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Country-Specific Information for Global Demand

Access the General Demand - Country page (click the department name link in the Demand section of the General Demand - Training Population page).

(FRA) France

Define how your training demand divides by gender and professional category. The sums of the entries in the two regions on this page must equal the total general demand that you specified on the Training Population page.


Enter the number of female and male employees who make up the demand shown on the Training Population page.

Socio Professional Category

In the field for each category, enter the number of employees who make up the demand for that category on the Training Population page.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Departmental Training Demands

To define departmental demand, use the Department Demand (TRN_DEMAND_DEPT) component.

This section discusses how to define the number of employees in a department.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Departmental Training Demands

Page Name

Definition Name



Department Demand


Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Identify Training Demand, Department Demand, Department Demand

Define the number of employees to be trained in a specific course or set of courses for a particular department during a specified budget period. Set up training costs and budgets before setting up department demands.

Department Demand - Country


Click the Demand ID link on the Department Demand page.

Enter country-specific information for the department demand. The Department Demand - Country page is identical to the General Demand - Country page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Number of Employees in a Department

Access the Department Demand page (Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Identify Training Demand, Department Demand, Department Demand).

Course Information

Specify the course for this training demand. If you don't know the category, subcategory, or course code, use the system default UNKNOWN. To add another course, insert an additional data row.

Not in Catalog

Select if the training course isn't defined in the Catalog table.

(FRA) Training Plan Category

Select a training plan category.

The values are: Skill Development, Adaptation to Job Changement, Job Preservation, Not Specified.


Enter the number of employees in the selected department that need to take the training course.

Employee Cost

Enter the employee training cost and the currency it is tracked in. This cost is used during the simulation for pricing the scenarios and the training plan.

You specify the default currency for business units for a budget period on the Budget Period page. Budgets are automatically converted to the default base currency that you establish on the Base Currency page.

Cost Unit

Select the cost unit that is associated with the amount in the Employee Cost field.

Job Code

Job Code

Before calculating employee cost, you can select one or more job codes to use when calculating the average employee cost for training for this demand. When you select job codes here, the system uses the Job Code Training Cost amount on the Job Code Training Cost table to calculate the employee training cost. The system takes an average of the costs for all job codes that you specify.

See Also

Creating Global Scenarios

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Employee Training Demands and Demand by Course

To define employee training demand, use the Employee Demand (TRN_EE_DEMAND) and the Employee Demand (TRN_EE_DEMAND_CRSE) components. This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Employee Training Demand and Demand by Course

Page Name

Definition Name



Employee Demand - Employee Demand Profile


Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Identify Training Demand, Employee Demand, Employee Demand Profile

Enter the courses that the selected employee requires during the budget period set up on the Budget Period page. Enter audit information for the demand.

Employee Demand - Demand Details


Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Identify Training Demand, Employee Demand, Demand Details

Enter additional employee demand details, including job code, department, and training costs.

Employee Demand by Course


Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Identify Training Demand, Employee Demand by Course, Employee Demand by Course

Define the employees who require the selected training course and enter audit information for the demand.

Employee Demand by Course - Demand by Course Details


Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Identify Training Demand, Employee Demand by Course, Demand by Course Details

Enter additional employee details by course. For example, an employee will transfer to another department or job code during the budget period, and the training need should be allotted to the new department, then you can account for that change here.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Courses for an Employee

Access the Employee Demand - Employee Demand Profile page (Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Identify Training Demand, Employee Demand, Employee Demand Profile).

Specify the course that this training demand applies to. When you first enter this page, the course information values are UNKNOWN.

To enter additional courses that this employee needs to take during the specified budget period, place the cursor in the Category field and insert new rows.

Course Information

Category, Subcategory Code Course Code

If you aren't sure which course this demand is for, select the category and subcategory codes and leave the course code blank.

Note. You cannot select a subcategory until you've selected a category.

Not in Catalog

Select if the training course isn't defined in the Catalog table.

(FRA) France

(FRA) Training Plan Category

Select a training plan category.

The values are: Skill Development, Adaptation to Job Changement, Job Preservation, Not Specified.

See Also

Creating Global Scenarios

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Additional Employee Demand Details

Access the Employee Demand - Demand Details page (Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Identify Training Demand, Employee Demand, Demand Details).

Job Code, Department, and Budgeted Training Cost

The system populates these fields from the employee's job data. For budget purposes, you can select a job code, department, or employee training budgeted cost if it is different from the values that are currently defined for this employee. You might do this if the employee details will be different in the future period. For example, the employee may be transferring to another department and job with a different employee training budgeted cost.

For employee training budgeted cost, indicate the currency that the cost is tracked in.

You specify the default currency for business units for a budget period on the Budget Period table. Budgets are automatically converted to the default base currency that you establish on the Training Base Currency table (TRN_BASE_CURRENCY).


Select the cost unit for the value in the Empl. Training Budgeted Cost field. This is the cost to train the employee with respect to the employee's wages. Values are:

Select the cost unit for the cost that you entered in the Per Unit Cost fields. The Compute Student Cost process uses the Cost Unit field to divide the cost against the students' training session. Values are:

Flat Cost: The cost is a fixed rate, it is not dependent on the course session duration.

Pers/Day: The cost is based on what the employee earns in a day.

Pers/Hour: The cost is the employee's hourly wage.

Pers/Month: The cost is the employee's monthly wage.

Pers/Train: The cost unit may be useful to enter a cost that is not converted by the computation process. The Paid Hours field is non applicable and disabled when this cost unit is selected.

Pers/Week: The cost is the employee's weekly wage.

Pers/Year: The cost is the employee's yearly wage.

See Also

Selecting the Base Currency for Training Costs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Employee Demand by Course

Access the Employee Demand by Course page (Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Identify Training Demand, Employee Demand by Course).

Not in Catalog

Selected by default if the training course hasn't been defined in the Catalog table.

Employee ID

Insert a row for each employee who needs to attend the course. Employees can come from any department that is associated with the specified business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Additional Employee Details by Course

Access the Employee Demand by Course - Demand by Course Details page (Enterprise Learning, Training Budget, Identify Training Demand, Employee Demand by Course, Demand by Course Details).

Job Code and Department

You can select a different job code or department for this employee for this training demand and budget period. You might do this if the employee's details will be different in a future budget period; for example, the employee is transferring to another department and job during the budget period, resulting in a different budgeted cost for employee training.


Select the cost unit for the cost that you entered in the Per Unit Cost fields. The Compute Student Cost process uses the Cost Unit field to divide the cost against the students' training session. Values are:

  • Flat Cost: The cost is a fixed rate, it is not dependent on the course session duration.

  • Pers/Day: The cost is based on what the employee earns in a day.

  • Pers/Hour: The cost is the employee's hourly wage.

  • Pers/Month: The cost is the employee's monthly wage.

  • Pers/Train: The cost unit may be useful to enter a cost that is not converted by the computation process. The Paid Hours field is non applicable and disabled when this cost unit is selected.

  • Pers/Week: The cost is the employee's weekly wage.

  • Pers/Year: The cost is the employee's yearly wage.

See Also

The Scenario Process