Setting Up Profile Management

This chapter provides an overview of profile management, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Profile Management

Organizations typically use two types of profile:

With the Manage Profiles business process, the content catalog provides the foundation for creating all profiles.

The following diagram provides an example of constructing a profile (a job profile for a marketing manager) by selecting from the content types and content items that are defined in the content catalog:

Profiles include content types and content items that are selected from the content catalog

In the same way that you configure the content catalog to suit your organization, you define a set of profiles that are configured to your requirements. When employees, managers, and administrators create profiles they select the profile type that they want to use.

The profile type controls the following aspects of the new profile:

Entity Types

Profiles fall into two categories:

When you define a profile type, you specify the type of entities that the user can select when creating a profile. For example, suppose that you create a profile type and specify that it can be linked to job codes and salary grades. When users create a profile based on that profile type, they can only select job codes, salary grades, or both job codes and salary grades for the new profile. A profile type cannot be linked to both business entities and people.

The entities to which you can link a profile type are known as profile identity options. Use the Profile Identity Options page to maintain the list of profile identity options available.

In addition to profile identities, you can also link a profile type to entities outside the Manage Profiles business process. These entities are known as profile association options. ePerformance templates are linked to profile types in this way. The Profile Association Options page defines all the entity types that can be associated to profile types.

Profile Content

This diagram shows how the content of profile types (and profiles created from those profile types) is divided into tabs and content sections. The diagram shows both a generic architecture and an example where the tabs are responsibilities, competencies, and qualifications.

Content for profile types is divided into tabs and content sections

When you set up a profile type you define the name of each tab and the order in which they are displayed in the profile. You add one or more content types to each tab to create content sections. For example, the previous diagram shows a tab labelled Qualifications that has three content sections for three different content types: Memberships, Degrees, Licenses & Certifications. When users create a profile using this profile type, they can only add content items of the type DEG (Degrees) to the Degrees content section. You define the order in which the content sections are listed within the tab.

Note. The profile type definition does not include content items. The purpose of the profile type is to provide the structure for the new profile and not the detailed content. Users add content items when they create a profile.

Profile Security

When you set up a content section, you specify the roles that can view that section of the profile. This enables you to display or hide sections to different types of users. There is an additional check box that enables you to control which roles can update the items in the section. There are three roles available:

The manager and employee self service transactions are delivered in PeopleSoft Enterprise eDevelopment.

See Maintaining My Profiles.

Profile Approvals

Approvals processing is an optional aspect of profile management. If you want to use approval workflow to control changes to profiles, you:

  1. Set up approval processing using the standard Approvals Framework engine.

  2. Associate the approvals definition with the profile type.

    On the Profile Type - Attributes page, you define one approvals workflow transaction and one approvals definition for the profile type.

  3. Specify whether identities require approval (non-person profile types only).

    You can specify that approvals workflow is triggered when users add or change the profile identities associated with a non-person profile. To do this, select the Approval Req'd for Identities check box on the Profile Types - Identities page. This applies to non-person profile types only. The check box is not available when you are working with person profile types.

  4. Specify which content section roles require approval.

    Each content section within a profile type has an Approval Required check box per security role that controls whether changes to that content section require approval by the designated person or role. If you have set up approval processing for a content section when users add items to a profile, delete existing items, or modify existing items, this initiates the approvals process.

  5. (Optional) Add properties to content sections to track workflow status.

    You should add the workflow status property (JPM_WF_STATUS) to content sections that require approval to enable users to view the status of profile items as they are processed by the Approvals Framework engine. Other useful properties for tracking approval are the last updated date and time property (LASTUPDDTTM), and the last updated user ID property (LASTUPDOPRID).

See Setting Up and Working with Approvals.

See Defining Content Sections.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManage Profiles Setup

This diagram illustrates the optional and required steps for setting up profile management:

Steps for setting up profile management

To set up profile management you define the following:

Note. Before you can use Manage Profiles, you must also set up the installation settings on the Profile Management Installation page. This is described in the next section.

See Also

Searching and Comparing Profiles

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Sys Data or System Data (system data)

This check box appears on setup pages for instance qualifiers, profile identities, profile associations, and profile types. It is system-maintained and indicates if the data is delivered as system data. When this check box is selected, the row of data is display-only.

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguring Manage Profiles

To configure Manage Profiles, use the Profile Management Installatn (JPM_INSTALLATION) component.

This section discusses how to configure Manage Profiles installation settings:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Configure Manage Profiles

Page Name

Definition Name



Profile Management Installation


Set Up HRMS, Install, Product and Country Specific, Profile Management Installatn, Profile Management Installation

Define installation settings for the Manage Profiles business process. This includes setting up the profile ID length and the last numbers used for profile ID and approval transaction. You complete this page once during implementation only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfiguring Manage Profiles Installation Settings

Access the Profile Management Installation page (Set Up HRMS, Install, Product and Country Specific, Profile Management Installatn, Profile Management Installation).

Profile ID Length

Enter the number of characters in the profile ID. The maximum profile ID length is defined in Application Designer and the system displays an error message if you enter a length that exceeds this maximum.

Last Profile ID Used

To let the system assign numbers for profile IDs, enter the last number that you used. The system automatically increases the number in this field each time that it assigns a new profile ID.

You can manually assign profile IDs to non-person profiles when you create the profile.

Note. To avoid maintaining two different sets of numbers, either always assign profile IDs manually or always let the system do it.

Last Item Key ID Used

Displays the last number used to identify items on profiles. The system automatically assigns an item key ID to each content item added to a profile. The field is set to 1 at installation and the system automatically increases the number in the field each time you add content items to a profile.

Note. The item key ID is not visible to users when setting up or using profiles.

Last Approval Transaction Used

Displays the last approval transaction number. The system automatically increases the number in the field each time that an approval transaction for Manage Profiles is generated.

See Setting Up and Working with Approvals.

Supervisor Navigation Method

Select the method that is used by the Build Manager List process to determine supervisor relationships. Select from these options: 2 - Supervisor Id, 3 - Department Manager ID, 4 - Reports To Position, 5 - Position / Supervisor ID, or 6 - Position / Dept Manager.

See Setting Up Search and Compare Profiles.

Days of Approval History

Enter the number of days of approval history that is available from the Person or Non-person Profile pages. Links on the profile pages indicate how many profile items have been approved or denied approval over a period that is determined by the setting of Days of Approval History field. When users view a profile, the system checks the approval history for the period between the system date (current date) and the system date minus the number of days you specify in this field.

For example, if you enter 31 days in this field and the system date is August 2, the system checks for profile items that have been approved or denied in the period July 2 to August 2.

See Also

Managing Profiles

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Education-Related Information

To set up information about educational establishments and areas of study use the School Types (SCHOOL_TYPE_TABLE), Schools (SCHOOL_TABLE), Majors (MAJOR_TABLE), and Faculty Table JPN (FACULTY_TABLE_JPN) components.

This section provides an overview of education-related information and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Education-Related Information

If you want to include school type, school, major, minor, or Japanese faculty or sub-faculty codes in profiles, add the appropriate property to content sections in your profile types. These are the properties that are associated with the education tables:

The delivered PERSON profile type is configured to enable you to record employees' education information. The Education tab in this profile type has content sections for School Education, Degrees, and Areas of Study that use the information in the education tables.

The descriptions you enter in the education tables will appear in the education-related profile pages as display only when you enter the school, major, minor, faculty, or sub-faculty codes on the page.

See Also

Profile Type Properties

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define School Information

Page Name

Definition Name



School Types


Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, School Information, School Types, School Types

Set up codes for the types of schools that employees might have attended, for example, high schools, universities, or professional schools.



Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, School Information, Schools, Schools

Define codes for specific schools. The school codes that you enter here are also available for tracking similar information either in Employee Data or in Training pages.



Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, School Information, Majors, Majors

Define codes for areas of study most commonly associated with school degrees or certificates. These values will be used for major and minor degrees.

Faculty Table JPN


Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, School Information, Faculty Table JPN, Faculty Table JPN

(JPN) Define faculties and associate sub-faculties and a major category with them.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Schools

Access the Schools page (Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, School Information, Schools, Schools).


Enter a description of the school. When you enter a school code in the profile pages, the system enters this text in the Description field as display only.


Select the country code for the school. The country codes are stored in the Country Table. Depending on the country that you select, the system displays an associated field for defining the area of the country in which the school is located, such as State, Province, Community, Department, or Country.

Public and Private

Select to indicate whether the school is a public school or privately-funded.

(AUS) Australia

Institute Type

Select an institute type for an Australian school.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic(JPN) Defining Faculty Information for Japan

Access the Faculty Table JPN page (Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, School Information, Faculty Table JPN, Faculty Table JPN).

Faculty Description

Enter a description of the faculty. When you enter a faculty or sub-faculty code in the profile pages, the system enters this text in the Description field as display only.

Major Category

Select a major category value.

The value that you select here is the default major category wherever you select this faculty on a profile. You can also override the default.

Sub-Faculty Code

Enter a code for the sub-faculty. You can enter multiple sub-faculties. Only sub-faculties that you enter for this faculty can be selected wherever you select the faculty on a profile.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Instance Qualifiers

To define your instance qualifier sets, use the Instance Qualifiers (JPM_JP_INST_QUAL) component.

This section provides an overview of instance qualifiers, instance qualifier integration, and discusses how to set up instance qualifiers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Instance Qualifiers

Instance qualifiers, or instance qualifier sets, are an optional element of profile types, used to uniquely identify a profile item. They can be used to add an additional key to the profile item, where needed for a certain type of content. Normally, a profile item is uniquely identified by the content type and item identifier. In some cases, such as the Degree content, an additional key (Major) is required to uniquely describe the item.

Define instance qualifiers in one of two ways:

Once you have set up instance qualifier sets you link them to content sections in the profile type. When users add a content item or update an item in a section that includes instance qualifiers, they select the instance qualifier that is inserted in that row. You can link a content section with up to two instance qualifier sets.

Note. The instance qualifier properties must be included in the content section definition in order for users to be able to select an instance qualifier when they add or update profile items.

These are the properties for instance qualifiers:

The delivered PERSON profile type includes three content sections, Competencies, Degrees, and NVQs, that are configured to use instance qualifiers.

This table lists the instance qualifier fields, the field name, and the instance qualifier sets for the Competencies section:


Field Label

Instance Qualifier Set


Evaluation Type



Reviewer ID


This lists the instance qualifier field, the field name, and the instance qualifier set for the Degree section:


Field Label

Instance Qualifier Set


Major Code


This lists the instance qualifier fields, the field name, and the instance qualifier sets for the NVQ section:


Field Label

Instance Qualifier Set


Review Type



Reviewer ID


Example: Using Instance Qualifiers

This diagram illustrates how a section within a profile can be linked to a set of instance qualifiers. In this example, the tab called Skills contains a content section for the COMPETENCY content type, and this section is linked to a set of instance qualifiers called EVAL with qualifiers that describe the source of the competency rating.

Example of instance qualifiers where an evaluation type qualifies a competency rating

Suppose that an employee creates a profile, and he or she adds the competencies Abstract Thinking and Analytical Thinking to the profile, and enters a rating. The system creates two profile items with the following information:

Profile Item

Effective Date


Instance Qualifier

Abstract Thinking

April 16, 2009

3 (Good)


Analytical Thinking

April 16, 2009

5 (Expert)


If the manager reviews the employee's profile and adds a rating for the competencies, the profile now contains these rows for the profile items:

Profile Item

Effective Date


Instance Qualifier

Abstract Thinking

April 16, 2009

3 (Good)


Abstract Thinking

April 16, 2009

4 (Very Good)


Analytical Thinking

April 16, 2009

5 (Expert)


Analytical Thinking

April 16, 2009

4 (Very Good)


Example: Using Two Instance Qualifier Sets

You can link a content section with up to two instance qualifier sets. Using the previous example, suppose that the Competencies section is linked to the EVAL instance qualifier set and a second instance qualifier set (REVIEWER_ID) that is linked to the PERSON_NAME record, as illustrated in this diagram:

Example of two instance qualifier sets qualifying the same content section

Using two qualifier sets you can uniquely identify rows that have the same instance qualifier 1. For example, if a person is evaluated by a committee you can use the instance qualifiers to record the ratings given by each member of the committee. This table shows the rows created for each committee member's evaluation of the same profile item:

Profile Item

Effective Date


Instance Qualifier 1

Instance Qualifier 2

Abstract Thinking

May 14, 2009

3 (Good)



Abstract Thinking

May 14, 2009

5 (Expert)



Abstract Thinking

May 14, 2009

4 (Very Good)



Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Instance Qualifier Integration

Applications that publish data to Manage Profiles can use instance qualifiers. In ePerformance, when you define a document template, you can specify the instance qualifier to use for each role that participates in a performance or development document. When users complete the document, the system updates the person profile data in Manage Profile using the instance qualifier specified.

In PeopleSoft Enterprise Learning Management, you can also specify the instance qualifier that the system uses when publishing profile data to PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS. When learners complete learning objectives that came from HRMS, the system marks the objective as Met and publishes profile data to HRMS, using the specified instance qualifier value.

See Also

Defining Sections

PeopleSoft Enterprise Learning Management 9.1 PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Instance Qualifiers

Page Name

Definition Name



Instance Qualifiers


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Instance Qualifiers, Instance Qualifiers

Define instance qualifiers for a content type, and define which instance qualifiers employees and managers can view.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Instance Qualifiers

Access the Instance Qualifiers page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Instance Qualifiers, Instance Qualifiers).

Use Prompt Record

Select to use a record in the database as the instance qualifiers. For example, you might use the PERSON_NAME record as the instance qualifier. The system makes the Record Name field available and hides the Instance Qualifiers grid area.

When you define a content section in a profile type, instance qualifiers that use a prompt record can be associated with the Instance Qualifier 2 field only. You can't specify instance qualifiers that use a prompt record in the Instance Qualifier 1 field.

Record Name

Select the record that contains the instance qualifiers. This field is available only if you select Use Prompt Record.

Create Set of Qualifiers

Select to create a new set of instance qualifiers in the Instance Qualifiers grid area. When you select this radio button, the Record Name field becomes unavailable and displays the Instance Qualifiers grid area.

Instance qualifiers of this type can be associated with the Instance Qualifier 1 field on the Content Section page; they can't be specified in the Instance Qualifier 2 field.

Instance Qualifiers


Enter a number that indicates the priority of the instance qualifier. The priority increases as the number decreases, so that the instance qualifier with the lowest number is considered the highest priority. The priority value determines the order in which the system displays instance qualifiers. The Maintain Profile Indexes process (JPM_BLD_INDX) that builds the Verity indexes also uses this field in the Search and Compare Profiles feature. The process uses the priority value to determine which profile item row is included in the index. The process includes the row that has the instance qualifier with the highest priority.

See Building the Search Indexes.

Instance Qualifier

Enter the instance qualifier code and enter a description in the Description field.

Empl View (employee view)

Select this check box to enable employees to view rows in a profile that are assigned the selected instance qualifier.

Mgr View (manager view)

Select this check box to enable managers to view rows in a profile that are assigned the selected instance qualifier.

Empl Default (employee default)

Select this check box to specify the instance qualifier that is automatically used in the employee self-service transactions. If you select a check box in this column, when employees add or update rows in self-service, the system inserts the selected instance qualifier and employees cannot change the instance qualifier.

Mgr Default (manager default)

Select this check box to specify the instance qualifier that is automatically used in the manager self-service transactions. If you select a check box in this column, when managers add or update rows in self-service, the system inserts the selected instance qualifier and managers cannot change the instance qualifier.


Select this check box if you want profile items with the selected instance qualifier to be included in the Verity indexes. The Maintain Profile Indexes process (JPM_BLD_INDX) uses this field to determine which profile item rows are included in the Verity indexes that are used by the Search and Compare Profiles feature.

If the Searchable check box is not selected, any profile item rows that are assigned the selected instance qualifier are always excluded from the Verity index.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Profile Identity and Association Options

To set up profile identity options and profile association options for your organization, use the Profile Identity Options (JPM_RLAT_SETUP) and the Profile Association Options (JPM_RLAT_ASC_SETUP) components.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Identity Option

Enter the name of the entity to which you can link a profile. For the delivered identity and association options, this field is display-only.

Identity options are entities within the Profile Management business process, such as job code or position, whereas association options are entities external to the Profile Management business process. One association option is delivered that enables you to associate a profile type to an ePerformance template.


Select this check box to allow profile types to be linked to the entity specified in the Identity Option field.

Record Name

Select the record that defines the entity specified in the Identity Option field. This field is display-only for identity options that are delivered as system data (Sys Data check box is selected).

Key 1 Field Name

Displays the key field for the record selected in the Record Name field.

Key 2 Field Name, Key 3 Field Name, Key 4 Field Name

Displays the additional key fields for the record. These fields are hidden if the record has one key field only.


Indicates if SetID is a key field for the selected record. The system automatically selects this check box based on the record definition and makes the field display-only.

Eff Date (effective date)

Indicates if the effective date field is a key field for the selected record. The system automatically selects this check box based on the record definition and makes the field display-only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Profile Identity and Association Options

Page Name

Definition Name



Profile Identity Options


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Profile Identity Options, Profile Identity Options

Define profile identity options to which you can link profile types. Entities include job codes, job functions, job families, people, and salary grades. The entities enabled on this page determine which options are available on the Identities page of the Profile Type component. For example, if you enable Job Codes you can set up a profile type that is linked to job code.

A set of default profile identity options is delivered but you can add to the list according to your requirements.

Profile Association Options


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Profile Association Options, Profile Association Options

Define the entities external to the Manage Profiles business process to which you can link profile types. One association option is delivered that enables you to link a profile type to ePerformance templates. You can add other associations according to your requirements.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Profile Identity Options

Access the Profile Identity Options page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Profile Identity Options, Profile Identity Options).

Add Profile Identity Option

Click this link to add a new profile identity option.

Enable Options Tab


Select this check box to allow profile types to be linked to the entity specified in the Identity Option field.

If this check box is deselected, you cannot set up a profile type for this entity. For example, if you deselect the check box for the Job_Sub_Function option, you cannot define a profile type using the Job_Sub_Function profile identity option.

Configuration Tab

Access the Configuration tab on the Profile Identity Options page.


Enter the number that determines the order in which non-person profiles related to a person's job are listed. The system uses the sequence value as follows:

  • On the Person Profile page, when you select View Related Job Profiles in the Profile Actions field, the system uses the sequence values to define the order in which the related profiles are listed. Profiles with the lowest sequence number are displayed first.

  • In eDevelopment, when employees select My Job Profiles, the system uses the sequence values to define the order in which the related profiles are listed. Profiles with the lowest sequence number are displayed first.

  • In ePerformance, when you are creating a document for an employee, the system retrieves all matching job profiles for an employee and then copies content from the profile with the highest priority (lowest sequence value).

See Common Elements Used in This Section.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnabling Profile Association Options

Access the Profile Association Options page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Profile Association Options, Profile Association Options).

Use this page to define the entities external to the Manage Profiles business process to which you can link profile types. ePerformance Template is a delivered profile association option but you can add other associations according to your requirements. Enter the identity option on the Enable Options tab. Enter the record name and key field information on the Configuration tab,

Add Profile Association Option

Click this link to add a new profile association option.

See Common Elements Used in This Section.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Profile Types

To set up profile types and establish the default person and non-person profile types for other business modules, use the Profile Types (JPM_JP_TYPES), Clone Profile Types (RUNCTL_JPM_CLONE), and Assign Default Profile Types (JPM_DFLT_JP_TYPES) components.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Profile Types

Page Name

Definition Name



Profile Types - Attributes


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Profile Types, Attributes

Set up profile type attributes. Define basic details of the profile type. If the profile type is associated with approvals workflow, specify the transaction and the approval definition on this page.

Profile Types - Identities


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Profile Types, Identities

Define profile type identities by selecting the identity options to which the profile type is linked. Identity options are entities such as a job code, position number, or person. When users create profiles based on a profile type, they can only create profiles for the entities that are defined on this page. Active profile types must be have at least one identity option. Define the identity options available on the Profile Identity Options page.

Profile Types - Content


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Profile Types, Content

Define profile type content. The content of a profile is divided into tabs and each tab comprises one or more sections. Use the Content page to set up the tabs in the profile, and add content types to each tab.

Add Content Section


  • Click the Add Content Section link on the Profile Types - Content page.

  • Click the Add Sub-section link on the Profile Types - Content page.

Select content types. This page lists the content types available to add to the profile type. Select the content type you want to add and the system displays the Content Section page.

Content Section


  • Select a content type on the Add Content Section page.

  • Click the section name link on the Content page.

Define content section properties (fields) and the attributes of those properties. You also use this page to define the users that can access the content section when creating or updating profiles.

Copy Content from another Profile Type


Click the Copy from another Profile Type on the Content Section page.

Copy content properties of the content type for the section in which you are working from an existing profile type into the current profile.

Profile Type - Associations


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Profile Types, Associations

Set up profile type associations. Select the associations to which the profile type is linked. Associations are entities external to the Profile Management business process. Define the association options available on the Profile Association Options page.

Clone Profile Types


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Clone Profile Types, Clone Profile Types

Clone profile types. Create a new profile type by copying an existing profile type by running the Clone Profile Type process.

Assign Profile Type Defaults


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Assign Default Profile Types, Assign Profile Type Defaults

Assign profile type default person and non-person profile types available to other product features and services.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Profile Type Attributes

Access the Profile Types - Attributes page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Profile Types, Attributes).


Enter a brief description of the profile type.

End Profile

Select Yes if the profile type is an end profile. The system displays end profiles in employee and manager self service and uses the end profiles in search, match, and browse.

Transaction Name

Select the approvals workflow transaction associated with the profile type. You must complete this field if any of roles in the content sections in the profile type have the Approval Required check box selected or if the Approval Req'd for Identities check box on the Profile Type - Identities page is selected.

See Defining Content Sections.

Definition ID

Select the approvals definition for the profile type. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the default approval definition ID for the approval process ID specified in the Transaction Name field.

If multiple approval definition IDs exist, the approval framework will decide which approval definition ID to use, based on the criteria and priority configured on the Approval Process Definition component. For the definition IDs used for Manage Profiles approvals processing, the default definition has a priority of 1 and the non-default definitions have a priority of 9.

Profile Type Usage

Displays the usage value: Person or Non-Person. The usage is determined by the Profile Identity Options values selected on the Profile Types - Identities page. If the profile type is linked to a record that has EMPLID as a key field, the Profile Type Usage field is Person. Otherwise, the usage is Non-Person.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Profile Type Identities

Access the Profile Types - Identities page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Profile Types, Identities).

Approval Req'd for Identities (approval required for identities)

Select this check box if approval is required for changes to the profile identities associated with profiles of this profile type. This check box is enabled when you select a non-person profile identity option.

Profile Identity Option

Select one or more objects to which the profile type can be linked. The objects available are determined by the profile identity options enabled on the Profile Identity Options page.

Profile types must be linked to either person or non-person identity options. You cannot add both person and non-person identity options to a profile type. The system validates that there is only one active profile per identity within a given profile type.

See Defining Profile Identity Options.

Add Profile Identity

Click to add another profile identity option to the page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Profile Type Content

Access the Profile Types - Content page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Profile Types, Content).

Use this page to define the content of a profile type. The content is divided into tabs that appear as links on the page as shown in the following example:

Example of how tabs will appear on the Profile Types - Content page

In this example, there are five tabs and the Competencies tab is the one currently selected. Click the tab name link to move to that tab.

The order in which the tabs are displayed is determined by the Tab Order field. Within each tab, you specify the content types in the Content Sections grid area.

View All Sections

Click this link to display the sections for all the tabs in the profile type. The system updates the Content Sections group box to list the sections from all tabs, and hides the Tab Name and Tab Order fields. To return to viewing a specific tab, click that tab link.

Add Tab

Click this button to add a new tab to the profile type.

Delete Tab

Click this button to delete the selected tab.

Tab Name

Enter a name for the tab. When users create a profile using this profile type, the tab name appears as a link in the profile. Therefore, it is important to use meaningful names and not leave the default name of Tab 1, Tab 2, and so on.

Tab Order

Enter a value to specify the order in which the system should display the tab links.

Content Sections

This grid area lists the sections in the selected tab. If you click the View All Sections link, this grid area lists the content sections for all the tabs in the profile type.

Section Name

Click the section name to access the Content Section page and view and update details of the section or sub-section.

Note. A ">" symbol preceding a section name indicates that the section is a child of the section above it.

Parent Section Name

Displays the name of the parent section for child sections.


Select this check box if the section is a required section of the profile. When users create a profile, the system uses this check box to validate that required sections have at least one profile item.

Move To Tab

Displays the current tab name where this content section is located.

Select the tab from the list and click the Reorder Content link to move a section to a different tab.


Enter a value to specify the order in which the content sections are displayed within the tab in the profile.

Add Content Section

Click this link to add a new section to the Content Sections grid area. The system displays the Add Content Section page that lists all the content types available. Content types are defined using the Content Types component.

See Setting Up Content Types and Properties.

Add Sub-section

Add sub-sections to include content types that are related to the content type of an existing section.

Select the radio button for the content section for which you want to create a sub-section, and click this link.

Relationships between content types are defined on the Relationship Rules page in the Content Types component

For example, if you add a Competencies section to a tab, you can add the Element or Sub-Competencies content type as sub-sections because these content types are related to the competencies type.

When you click this link the system displays the Add Content Section page, which lists the content types that are defined as a child of the content type of the parent section.

See Defining Content Type Relationship Rules.

Reorder Content

Click this link if you have changed the Tab Order or the section Order field values. The system refreshes the page to show the new ordering of tabs or content sections.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Content Types

Access the Add Content Section page (click the Add Content Section link or the Add Sub-section link on the Profile Types - Content page).

This page lists the content types that you can add to the profile type. Those content types that are already included in the profile type are shown in normal text and do not have a link.

If you are adding a sub-section, the system displays the content types that have a subordinate relationship with the content type of the parent section.

See Content Sections.

Click the link for the content type that you want to add, or click the Return to Previous Page link to cancel the addition.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Content Sections

Access the Content Section page (select a content type on the Add Content Section page or click the section name link on the Profile Types - Content page).

Instance Qualifier Set 1

(Optional) Select the instance qualifier set that you want to use with this section. You can only select instance qualifiers that are associated with the content type of the section and are defined as sets of values. You cannot select instance qualifier sets that are based on prompt records for this field. Define instance qualifiers using the Instance Qualifiers page.

You will be required to add the property JPM_CAT_ITEM_QUAL.

See Defining Instance Qualifiers.

Instance Qualifier Set 2

(Optional) If you want to define an instance qualifier that is based on a prompt record, then select an Instance Qualifier Set that has a prompt definition.

You will be required to add the property JPM_CAT_ITEM_QUAL2.

Copy from another Profile Type

Click this link to identify an existing profile type from which you want to copy content properties for the content type section you have selected. When you click this link the system displays the Copy Content from another Profile Type page. Enter the profile type to copy and click OK to have the system insert the properties into the content section definition.

Content Properties Group Box: Properties Tab

If you are setting up a content section, the Content Property Definition group box lists the key properties defined for the content type in the content catalog. The RATING_MODEL property is the only non-key property that is always automatically included in the content section if it has been defined for that content type. You can add other properties as required.

Note. If the content type is a free form content type, a description field, JPM_ADHOC_DESCR, is included. You need to add all other properties that are required.

See Understanding Content Type Properties.

See Profile Type Properties.

Field Name

Displays the name of the field for the property that is part of the content type definition.

If you are adding a new property, click the Add Property link to select a field name from the available options or copy profile properties from another profile type using the Copy from another Profile Type link.

Label Text

Displays the label specified for the field if the property is part of the content type definition. If you are adding a new property, enter the text that you want to appear for this field on the profile pages.

Note. You should choose a meaningful label for the property so that users clearly understand what kind of information to enter in the field when they create profiles.

Add Property

Click this link to add a property to the section.

See Profile Type Properties.

 Content Properties Group Box: Property Attributes Tab

Access the Property Attributes tab on the Content Section page.


Select to make a property required when creating a profile using this profile type. If the check box is selected, users must complete the field when they set up a profile.


Select whether the property should be available for entry (Editable), unavailable for entry (Display), or hidden (Hidden) on the profile pages. The system populates the property with the value you enter in the Default Value field. If you select Editable, the system populates the default value at the profile, but users can override that value.

Max Len (maximum length)

This field applies to character properties only. If you added the property to the profile type, enter the field length of this property.

Minimum and Maximum

These fields apply to numeric properties only. Displays the minimum and maximum values for numeric properties defined in the content catalog. If you added the property to the profile type, enter the minimum and maximum values.


Enter the default value if you added the property to the profile type`. A default value must be provided if the field is defined as Display and the Required check box is selected. When creating a profile item, the system attempt to populate the RATING_MODEL property default first from the content catalog. Then, if that does not exist, the default will be assigned from this profile type default.


Select this check box if you want the field to appear on the details page for the content section.


Select this check box to display the field on the summary page when creating or viewing a profile. Fields that are marked as summary automatically appear on the details page.

See Managing Profiles.


Select this check box if you want to include the property in the search index that is used by the search and compare profiles feature. The check box is display-only if the property is not searchable.

Note. The item ID (JPM_CAT_ITEM_ID) is automatically set to searchable if you make other properties in the content section searchable.

Role Security

Access the Content Section page, Role Security section (select a content type on the Add Content Section page or click the section name link on the Profile Types - Content page).

The Role Security group box lists the roles that can access the content section when creating a profile.

Note. If you don't select a role, users can't create profiles using this profile type.


Select the role that you want to access the content section. There are three roles available:

Administrator: Administrators create profiles using the options in Workforce Development, Profile Management menu.

Employee: Employees create their own profiles using the options available in Self Service, Learning and Development.

Manager: Managers use the manager self-service transactions available in Manager Self Service, Learning and Development.

Allow Update

Select this check box to enable users with the specified role to update the content section within a profile. If this check box is left deselected, users cannot add items to the content section in the profile.

Note. This check box is not available for the NVQ, NVQ Units, or NVQ Elements content sections because it is not possible to update them within a profile.

Approval Required

Select this check box if approval is required for a specific role to add, remove, or update profile items.

Add Role

Click this link to add another role to the list of roles that have access to the profile type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Profile Type Associations

Access the Profile Types - Associations page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Profile Types, Associations).

Profile Association Option

Select the object you want to link to the profile type. The objects available are determined by the profile association options enabled on the Profile Association Options page. The system allows multiple active profiles per association within a given profile type.

See Enabling Profile Association Options.

Add Profile Association

Click this link to add another association to the profile type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCloning Profile Types

Access the Clone Profile Type page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Clone Profile Types, Clone Profile Types).

Source Profile

Enter the profile ID that you want to copy.

Target Profile

Enter the new profile ID that you want to create.

Copy Validations

Select this check box to copy the validations associated with the source profile type. Only the PERSON profile type has system delivered validations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Profile Type Defaults

Access the Assign Profile Type Defaults page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Assign Default Profile Types, Assign Profile Type Defaults).

The purpose of the Assign Profile Type Defaults page is to provide a primary person and non-person profile type for business processes within Profile Management and also the products that interface with Profile Management, such as Federal Hire, Military, NVQ, Talent Acquisition Management, Oracle Workforce Scheduling, and so forth. If you change these proifle types from the delivered profile types, be sure that the new profile types will support the interface of those workflows that you use. For instance, if you use Military Rank, make sure you have a content section that matches the Worn Rank content section in the PERSON profile type.

Important! Before making changes to this page, you must consider all integration points related to this data.

Additional setup may be required within the specific business processes to specify further interfacing options with Profile Management.

Primary Person Profile Type

Specify the profile type that will serve as the default person profile for other business processes in the system interfacing with Profile Management. This default value can be overwritten at the individual business process level.

Primary Non-Person Profile Type

Specify the profile type that will serve as the default non-person profile for other business processes in the system interfacing with Profile Management. This default value can be overwritten at the individual business process level.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Profile Group Types and Profile Groups

To set up profile groups, use the Profile Group Types (JPM_JP_GTYPE_GRP) and Profile Groups (JPM_JP_GROUPS) components.

This section provides and overview of profile groups and group types, list prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Profile Groups and Group Types

The PeopleSoft application provides the means of creating profile groups, either manually or by using group criteria, to aid in the Search and Compare process. The Profile Group Types page enables you to identify a group and valid profile types for that group. It also specifies which profile types this profile group can be applied as a search filter in Search and Compare and self service. The profile group is an instance of the group type and specifies which profile IDs are members of this group.

The system uses profile group types of either Person or Non-person to drive the behavior of the criteria that is entered for each of the groups tied to the group type. It also controls the profile types that can be selected for the group type. The Profile Groups component enables you to include criteria to build a list of profile members for a person profile group, through the use of the Group Build feature, or for a non-person profile group, which uses criteria from the Profile Identity Options page.

To create the profile group, the administrator uses the Profile Groups component. The administrator can choose to select the group build identifier that he defined in the Group Build feature for person group type, or use field criteria from a profile identity. Upon clicking the Populate Profiles button on the Profile Groups - Group Definition page, the system uses the Build Profile Groups process to populate the Profile Groups - Group Members page. The administrator can also manually defines a profile group without entering any group criteria:

Steps for creating a profile group

The system uses the Build Profile Groups process to create profile groups. This Application Engine program executes both online via the Populate Profiles button PeopleCode and in batch mode via Process Scheduler. It is possible to rebuild multiple groups of the same profile group type when you run the Application Engine program in batch mode. When this process is executed via the Populate Profiles button, the system will only build or rebuild a single group.

Since person and job attributes are frequently changing, person profile groups are a lot more volatile. You can schedule person profile group builds to run on a regular basis. As the profile group member list changes, triggers are created for the Verity Collection maintenance process (JPM_BLD_INDX) to rebuild the profile. Only those profiles with group changes are rebuilt.

Note. You should ensure that the Build Profile Groups process completes prior to the Verity Collection Maintenance process being runs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

To build profile groups, you must establish profile types. Optionally you can set up profile identity options and create groups using the Group Build functionality.

See Setting Up Profile Identity and Association Options.

See Setting Up and Working with Group Definitions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Profile Group Types and Groups

Page Name

Definition Name



Profile Group Types


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Profile Group Types, Profile Group Types

Set up profile group types.

Profile Groups - Group Definition


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Profile Groups, Group Definition

Define criteria to create a profile group.

Profile Groups - Group Members


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Profile Groups, Group Members

View or add profiles to define members for a profile group.

Build Profile Groups


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Build Profile Group, Build Profile Groups

Run the Build Profile Groups process to create a profile group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Profile Group Types

Access the Profile Group Types page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Profile Group Types, Profile Group Types).

Profile Type Usage

Indicate the subordinate group that will contain profiles that are Person Profiles or a Non-person Profiles. Once this value is selected, the field becomes display only. This value controls which profile types you can select on this page.

Include in Search

Select this check box to include all profile groups within this profile group type in the search index.

Profile Type

Select the profile type to add to the profile group type. The profiles of the profile types defined for this group type are the only ones that can be assigned to the groups of this group type. Set up profile types using the Profile Types component. A profile can be tied to zero or many profile group IDs.

See Setting Up Profile Types.

Add Profile Type

Click this link to add another profile type to the profile group type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Profile Group Definitions

Access the Profile Groups - Group Definition page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Profile Groups, Group Definition).

The page displays differently depending on if the profile type usage is Person or Non-Person.

For non-person groups, the Profile Identity Options field and Group Criteria grid display and criteria can be added to construct the group based upon the profile identity.

A person profile group displays the Group ID field that is part of the Group Build functionality, which lists the criteria for extracting an employee ID list.

Profile Type Usage

Displays the group as a Person or a Non-Person profile, as defined for the profile group type on the Profile Group Types page. This value determines how you will select criteria that is entered for each of the groups tied to the group type.

Group ID

This field displays when the Profile Type Usage field is Person.

The system uses the Group Build functionality to extract the group of people used to identify person profiles. The group build groups must be created prior to defining a profile groups. The Group ID field lists the IDs defined through the Group Build business process.

See Setting Up Group Definitions.

Note. Group definitions for this process should only include employees, contingent workers, and persons of interest having a JOB record. Profiles for persons of interest without a Job record are not supported.

A group ID is not required. You may manually enter person profile IDs on the Profile Groups - Group Members page to create a group.

Profile Identity Option

This field displays when the Profile Type Usage field is Non-Person.

Enter the non-person profile identity option. The Profile Identity Option field lists the non-person IDs defined in the Profile Identity Option component. Once you enter the profile identity option ID, the group criteria fields become available for entry.

This criteria is not required. You may manually define a group on the Profile Groups - Group Members page.

Group Criteria

Use this section to identify group identifier criteria for a non-person group. The non-person profile group criteria uses fields from the Profile Identity Options record along with corresponding values and relational operators entered on this page to create a profile group. This grid becomes available when you enter a value in the Profile Identity Option field.


Specify the sequence order of the criteria.

Search Condition

Select either the connector value AND or WHERE. AND connectors are connected to the row with the sequence prior to it. WHERE connectors are independent of any rows with a sequence prior to it.

Field Name

Select the field that should be used to construct a filter for a non-person profile. Valid fields are defined in the Profile Identity Options component.


Define the field values to include in or exclude from the group. Valid operators include equal to, greater than, greaten than or equal to, is blank, is not blank, less than, less than or equal to, like, and not like.


Enter the value that should be used in filtering data for the non-person profile.

Add Criteria for Group

Click this link to add another criteria row.

Populate Profiles

Click this button to run the Build Profile Groups (JPM_BLD_GROUP) Application Engine process to build or rebuild the member list based on the group criteria defined. This process populates the group members on the Group Members page.

This Application Engine program executes both online via the Populate Profiles button PeopleCode and in batch mode via Process Scheduler.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Profile Group Members

Access the Profile Groups - Group Members page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Profile Groups, Group Members).

The system automatically populates the Group Members grid when you click the Populate Profiles button on the Profile Group Definition page. You can also enter profiles manually on this page. When you have the system automatically rebuild profile group members according to the group criteria, any manual changes you have made to the group will be lost.

When the Profile Group component is saved, the JPMProfileUpdated event is raised in Event Manager only if a profile has been manually added or deleted from a group. The event handler adds a trigger for the Verity collection update process. All profiles added to the group via the Build Profile Group App Engine process are automatically committed in JPM_JP_GMEMB and the process creates the Verity collection update triggers when necessary.

Use the search fields to locate a specific profile id or profile description.

Search On: Descr and Search On: Profile ID

Enter the description or profile ID of the profile you wish to locate.


Click this button to search for the profile ID based upon the description or ID you entered in the search fields.

Profile ID

Select the profile that you want to add to the profile group. The system displays the profile description and type, as well at the employee name and ID, if applicable.

Add Profile to Group

Click this link to add another profile to the group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBuilding Profile Groups

Access the Build Profile Groups page (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Profile Management, Profiles, Build Profile Group, Build Profile Groups).

Use this page to run the Build Profile Groups process. The RUNCTL_JPM_GRP record stores the requested profile groups to be built or rebuilt.

Profile Group Type

Enter a profile group type you wish to build or rebuild. Only those profile groups that have criteria are available for selection. This field is required.


Profile Group ID

Enter the profile group ID for the group type you wish to build or rebuild. This field is optional. When no profile group is specified, all groups for that profile group type are rebuilt.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up to Use XML Publisher Reports and Profiles

This section provides an overview of XML Publisher reports and templates, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding XML Publisher Reports and Templates

Manage Profiles uses the PeopleTools XML Publisher (XMLP) to generate the Content Catalog Listing report as well as the online profiles and profile reports for person and non-person profiles.

Delivered Report Definitions

This table lists the delivered report definitions and data sources for the related RTF templates:

Report Name


Data Source Type

Data Source ID


Content Items Reports

PS Query



Non Person Profile Batch




Person Profile Batch




Non Person Profile Online




Person Profile Online



Delivered Data Sources

This table describes each of the delivered data sources:

Data Source ID



PS Query that is used only for content items reports.


XML document structured by row sets. All profile reports use the same data structure. All data elements are included in the data structure and are available for both person and non-person profile report templates.

Delivered Templates

To format the reports, we deliver three template files that specify the content and layout:

You can modify the delivered template files to address your specific reporting requirements. After modifying each template, you must upload it to the corresponding report definition. You can modify one instance of each of the profile reports and attach that same updated template file to both of the corresponding report definitions.

See Viewing Delivered Report Templates.

See Modifying an Existing Template.

Profile Report Nodes

This table describes the report nodes for profile reports:


Data Elements Summary


High level data elements related to the profile.


Profile identities and associations.


Sections defined in the profile type.


Profile content items in the sections in the profile. All properties are included whether the content type uses them or not.


Definitions of the content items in the content catalog. All properties are included whether the content type uses them or not.


Criteria used to generate the report.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: XML Publisher for PeopleSoft Enterprise

Running Content Catalog and Profile Reports

Managing Profiles

Setting Up the Content Catalog

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

To use XML Publisher reports, you must configure PeopleSoft Integration Broker and PeopleSoft Process Scheduler to implement PeopleSoft Report Manager.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Integration Broker

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: XML Publisher for PeopleSoft Enterprise

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View and Modify XML Publisher Reports and Templates

Page Name

Definition Name





Reporting Tools, XML Publisher, Report Definition, Definition

View the report properties and download or view the data schema and data source.



Reporting Tools, XML Publisher, Report Definition, Template

View or update the existing template.

Design Helper


Reporting Tools, XML Publisher, Setup, Design Helper, Design Helper

Download plug-ins to facilitate template design and modification.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: XML Publisher for PeopleSoft Enterprise

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Delivered Report Templates

Access the Template page (ReportingTools, XML Publisher, Report Definition, Template).

Viewing the Existing Template

Template File

Click this link to open or save the RTF template in a new window or save it to a location of your choice.


Click to view an example of the report using sample data registered with the data source.

Note. The person profile online and batch reports share the same person profile template file. Similarly, the non-person batch and online reports share the non-person profile template file.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: XML Publisher for PeopleSoft Enterprise

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicModifying an Existing Template

The existing templates contain two sections at the end to print out the ID and description of any additional items for content types that you added after the template was created. If you want to display more specific information about your new items, you must create an additional section in the template and define the data that you want to display.

The reports group and display content items in order of profile tab number and profile section sequence number based on the profile type definition that you set up for online display. Regardless of where you place a new section in the template, the report sorting order governs the order of display in the report. To change the report display order, you must edit the sorting. To sort new sections properly, you must also add within the correct loops in the report's driving logic.

Note. Become familiar with XML Publisher before modifying either of the delivered templates.

Setting Up to Modify a Template

To prepare to modify an existing template:

  1. Access the Design Helper page (Reporting Tools, XML Publisher, Setup, Design Helper, Design Helper) and save the plug-in design helper for Microsoft Word to facilitate template modifications.

  2. Access the Definition page (Reporting Tools, XML Publisher, Report Definition, Definition) for the appropriate report definition and click the links to download the data schema and sample data files.

  3. Click Template File link on the Template page (Reporting Tools, XML Publisher, Report Definition, Template) and row for the existing RTF template that you want to edit.

Creating a New Section in a Template

To create a new section:

  1. Copy an entire section defined by <?when: JPM_JP_SECTION.JPM_CAT_TYPE=…..end when?> and paste it into the template.

  2. Modify the conditional statement to identify the item that you want to add.

  3. Insert fields into the table to identify the data that you want to display on the report.

  4. Save the revised template any file name and the .rtf file extension (*.rtf).

Uploading the Revised Template

To upload the revised template:

  1. Add a new effective dated row in the Template Files scroll area on the Template page (Reporting Tools, XML Publisher, Report Definition, Template).

    Update these options:

    Effective Date

    Enter the date that the system should begin to print and display reports and profiles with this template.


    Select the Active status for the new template.

  2. Click Upload and select the revised template file.

  3. Repeat the last two steps to provide the new template to both the online and the batch report definitions.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: XML Publisher for PeopleSoft Enterprise, "Setting Up XML Publisher," Working with Template Design Helpers

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: XML Publisher for PeopleSoft Enterprise, "Creating Report Templates"