Managing Menu Item Requests

This chapter provides an overview of Menu Item Requests feature and a list of common elements used in this chapter. This chapter also discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Menu Item Requests Feature

Menu items are pages, websites, or files accessible from the navigation menu. PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal's Menu Item Requests feature enables portal users to contribute information to their organization's intranet by submitting a menu item request for a file attachment, managed content, a website Uniform Resource Locator (URL), or a PeopleSoft URL.

The Menu Item Requests feature contains three levels of security, which allow users to submit menu item requests, managers to approve or reject the requests, and the portal administrator to register approved requests. Security for this feature is based on the following three permission lists, which are delivered with your software:

PeopleSoft also delivers user roles that are configured to perform PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal functions. The following three roles have been configured to include menu item functions:


Role Description


Content Author


Navigation Manager


Navigation Administrator

The Menu Item Requests feature can be set up to send email notifications of status changes to menu item requests. Manager notifications are sent for newly submitted requests pending review and approval. Administrator notifications are sent for approved requests pending portal registration.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Security Administration, "Setting Up Permission Lists"

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Security Administration, "Setting Up Roles"

PeopleSoft-Delivered Security Data

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter


Displays the current status of the associated request.

Content Type

Displays the content type of the associated request.

Creation Date

Displays the creation date of the request.

Created By

Displays the user ID of the person who created the request.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Menu Item Request Email Notifications

This section discusses how to use the Request Notification component (EPPMI_NOTIFY) to set up users to receive email notification of status changes to menu item requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Menu Item Request Email Notifications

Page Name

Definition Name



Menu Item Request Notification


Portal Administration, Menu Item Requests, Request Notification

Set up menu item request email notifications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Menu Item Request Email Notifications

Access the Menu Item Request Notification page (Portal Administration, Menu Item Requests, Request Notification).

User ID

Select the ID of the user to which you want to send email notifications of menu item request status changes.


Select if the user is a navigation manager and requires notifications for newly submitted requests pending review and approval.


Select if the user is a navigation administrator and requires notifications for approved requests pending portal registration.

Email Address

If available, the email address will default from the user profile, but can be overridden. Menu item request notifications will be sent to this address.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Menu Item Requests

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Menu Item Requests

Page Name

Definition Name



Manage Menu Item Requests


Portal Administration, Menu Item Requests, Manage Requests

Approve or reject submitted menu item requests.

Edit Menu Item Request


Click the Menu Item Request link for a menu item request in Rejected, Submitted, Rework, or Approved status on the Manage Menu Item Requests page.

Edit a menu item request.

View Menu Item Request


Click a Menu Item Request link for a menu item request in Registered status on the Manage Menu Item Requests page.

View the details of a menu item request.

Delete Menu Item Requests


Portal Administration, Menu Item Requests, Delete Requests

Delete rejected menu item requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving Menu Item Requests

Access the Manage Menu Item Requests page (Portal Administration, Menu Item Requests, Manage Requests).

Menu Item Requests

Menu Item Request

Click the Menu Item Request link to access the Edit Menu Item Request page, where you can access and edit information about the selected menu item request.

See Updating Menu Item Requests.

Publish Date

Displays the date on which the submitter wants to publish the requested menu item.


Save Menu Items

Click to save changes made on the Edit Menu Item Request page.

Warning! Although you clicked the OK button on the Edit Menu Item Request page to update the request, your changes will not be saved until you click the Save Menu Items button.

This action triggers an email notification to the submitter with a link to the Submit Menu Item page.

Note. Requests with a status of Rework can be resubmitted, deleted, or saved as draft. Requests with a status of Rejected can be viewed or deleted. Requests with a status of Approved can be viewed.

Approved menu item requests will also trigger an email notification to the navigation administrator with a link to the Administer Menu Item Requests page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Menu Item Requests

Access the Edit Menu Item Request page (Click the Menu Item Request link for a menu item request in Rejected, Submitted, Rework, or Approved status on the Manage Menu Item Requests page).

Menu Item Request

Request Status

Update the status of the request based on your review and updates. Available values include:





Email Address

Displays the email address of the person who submitted this request.


Add any comments based on your review of the menu item request. For example, you can enter details about the changes you made to specific fields, as well as the reasons why the menu item request was rejected or needs to be reworked.

Menu Item Identifier

Changes can be made to all fields in this section.

Menu Item Content

Click the Content Title or File Attachment link to view the content.

Search Key Words

Changes can be made to all fields in this section.


Click to update your changes to the menu item request and return to the Manage Menu Item Requests page.

Warning! You must click the Save Menu Items button on the Manage Menu Item Requests page to save any changes you made on this page.

Return to Menu Item List

Click to return to the Manage Menu Item Requests page.

Warning! Any changes you made on this page will not be saved.

Go to Administer Requests

After saving your changes by clicking the Save Menu Items button on the Manage Menu Item Requests page, you can return to this page and click this link to access the Administer Menu Item Requests page, where you can register the menu item, once it has been approved.

Note. This link displays only if you have been granted permission to register menu item requests.

See Registering Approved Menu Item Requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting Rejected Menu Item Requests

Access the Delete Menu Item Requests page (Portal Administration, Menu Item Requests, Delete Requests).

Only menu item requests with a status of Rejected are available for deletion.

Click the Delete button to delete the associated menu item request.

Click the Delete All button to delete all menu item requests.

You will be prompted to confirm your deletion.

Click to jump to parent topicRegistering Approved Menu Item Requests

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Register Approved Menu Item Requests

Page Name

Definition Name



Administer Menu Item Requests


Portal Administration, Menu Item Requests, Register Requests

Register approved menu item requests.

Edit Menu Item Request


Click the Menu Item Request link for a menu item request in Rejected, Submitted, Rework, or Approved status on the Administer Menu Item Requests page.

Access and edit details of a menu item request.

View Menu Item Request


Click the Menu Item Request link for a menu item request in Registered status on the Administer Menu Item Requests page.

View menu item request details.

Define Registry


Click the Register Item button on the Administer Menu Item Requests page.

Determine how the menu item will be rendered online, such as the site and menu folder to which it will be published.

Select Menu Folder


Click the Select Menu Folder button on the Define Registry page.

Choose the parent folder in which you want to register the menu item.

Confirm Registry


Click a folder link on the Select Menu Folder page.

Confirm menu item registration.

Registry Details


  • Click the Yes - Register button on the Confirm Registry page.

  • Click the Registry Details button on the Administer Menu Item Requests page.

Review registry information for the menu item, or remove the menu item from registry.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRegistering Approved Menu Item Requests

Access the Administer Menu Item Requests page (Portal Administration, Menu Item Requests, Register Requests).

Menu Item Request

Click for a menu item request in Rejected, Submitted, Rework, or Approved status to access the Edit Menu Item Request page.

Click for a menu item request in Registered status to access the View Menu Item Request page.

Register Item

Click to access the Define Registry page, where you can register the menu item.

This button displays for menu item requests in Approved status.

Registry Details

Click to access the Registry Details page, where you can view registry details for a menu item, or remove the menu item from the registry.

This button displays for menu item requests in Registered status.

Save Menu Items

Click to save the changes made on the Edit Menu Item Request page.

Warning! Even though you clicked OK to update the request on the Edit Menu Item page, your changes will not be saved, until you click Save Menu Items.

This action will trigger an email notification to the submitter with a link to the Submit Menu Item page.

Note. Only requests with a status of Registered have the Registry Details option available.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Menu Item Registry Entry

Access the Define Registry page (click the Register Item button on the Administer Menu Item Requests page).

Site Name

Select the portal or site in which you want to register the menu item. This value defaults to the current portal or site.

Node Name

This field displays when the Content Type field is set to PeopleSoft URL.

Select the database node that contains the PeopleSoft page that you want to register as a menu item. The node is used to derive the web server URL used to access the content provider database.

Select Always use local to indicate that you want to use the current portal database.

Template Name

This field displays when the Content Type field is set to PeopleSoft URL or Web Site URL.

Select a template to determine how the URL content will be displayed on the page. PeopleSoft delivers a number of standard templates, or you can design your own. PeopleSoft recommends leaving this field clear unless there is a special circumstance. Leaving this field clear, invokes the system to use the default template.


Optionally, enter text to tag menu items for SQL queries against the registry tables.

Access Type

Select the type of security access you want to grant for the menu item. Available values include:

Permission. Select to indicate that you want to specify permission lists that define access rights to the menu item.

Public. Select to indicate that you want the menu item to be accessible by all users.

Author Access

This option displays when the Access Type field is set to Permission.

Select to indicate that you want the user who submitted the menu item request to have access to the menu item regardless of any other permissions that are defined for the menu item. However, if the user does not have access to the menu component, the system will issue an authorization error.


This option displays when the Access Type field is set to Permission.

Select the permission lists that you want to have access to the menu item.

Select Menu Folder

Click to access the Select Menu Folder page, where you can choose the parent folder for the menu item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a Menu Item Folder

Access the Select Menu Folder page (click the Select Menu Folder button on the Define Registry page).

Click the folder icons to navigate through the portal registry hierarchy. Click a folder link to select the desired folder and access the Confirm Registry page, where you can confirm the registration of the menu item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Menu Item Registry Details

Access the Registry Details page (Click the Yes - Register button on the Confirm Registry page).

Site Name

Displays the portal or site in which the menu item is registered.

Node Name

Database node that contains the PeopleSoft page.

Template Name

Determines how the menu item content is displayed on the page. A value of (Not Specified) indicates that the default template will be used to display the page.

Access Type

Valid values include:

Public. All users can access the menu item.

Permission. Only users who are associated with the selected permission list are able to access the menu item.

Remove from Registry

Click to remove the menu item from the registry.

A new page displays confirming the removal.

Go To Registry Structure & Content

Click to access the Content Ref Administration page for the menu item.

This link displays if the current user has security access to the Structure and Content component.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, "Administering Portals," Administering Content References