Administering Saved Searches

This chapter discusses how to schedule Saved Search Email Notifications.

Click to jump to parent topicScheduling Saved Search Email Notifications

When new portal content is added or existing portal content is modified, the date is stored in the search index. The search notification service considers only those results that correspond to the index group PAPP_PORTAL_SEARCH.

When you run the Search Notification process, the process looks at the date on which the portal content was added or modified. If the current date is greater than either the portal content’s original posting date or its modification date, the process sends email notifications to all subscribed users who have Saved Searches that match the portal content.

Prior to sending the emails, the Search Notification process stores the process run date in a table. When the Search Notification process is run in the future, the process checks this date and selects only portal content that has been added or modified since that date. Portal administrators should run the Search Notification process on a regular schedule.

Note. You must create index groups for all structured and unstructured portal content prior to running the Search Notification process.

Users will receive an email identifying new or modified content for the Saved Searches for which they have subscribed to search notification. The email is presented in simple text form with an overview of the results. An HTML attachment is provided that contains more details about the results. Each result contains a summary and a URL link. Users can click a link to view the new or modified content in the portal.

Note. If the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal is configured for automatic Guest signon, users must log in to the portal separately before clicking any of the links in the notification email.

An Unsubscribe link is provided in the email to allow users to easily remove themselves from their Saved Search email notification lists.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Run Search Notification


Portal Administration, Search, Run Search Notification

Run the process to generate email messages to users who have subscribed to Saved Search notifications. These subscriptions are defined on the Saved Searches Detail page.

Note. Saved search notifications are not supported for record-based indexes.

See Also

Creating a Saved Search

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicScheduling Notifications

Access the Run Search Notification page (Portal Administration, Search, Run Search Notification).

Click Run to access the Process Scheduler page to schedule or run the EO_PE_NOTIFY process.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler