Using Saved Searches

This chapter discusses saved searches and how to:

Click to jump to parent topicCreating and Using Saved Searches

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create and Use Saved Searches

Page Name

Definition Name



Saved Searches Detail


  • Click the Save Search link on the Search page.

  • Click the Add a Search button in the Saved Searches pagelet.

  • Click the Add a Search button on the Saved Searches page.

  • Click the Edit button on the Saved Searches page.

Add or edit a saved search.

Saved Searches


  • Click the Edit Searches button on the Search page.

  • Click the Show All/Enhanced link in the Saved Searches pagelet.

Review a summary of your saved searches and edit or delete a saved search.

Delete Confirmation


Click the Delete button for a saved search on the Saved Searches page.

Confirm deletion of the selected saved search.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Saved Search

Access the Saved Searches Detail page (click the Save Search link on the Search page).


Enter the title of the saved search.


Enter a description for the saved search.

Search Tips

Click to display search syntax and examples on the Search Tips page.

Search Keywords

Enter the search text.

Note. Searches in PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal are case insensitive. In addition, you can use a wildcard character * and logical operators such as AND, OR, and NOT.

See Search Considerations and Syntax.

Scope Name

Select the search scope:

  • Action Items — Search all action item lists.

  • Blogs — Search all blogs, posts, and comments.

  • Calendars — Search all calendars and events.

  • Content — Search all content management folders and items.

  • Discussions — Search all discussion forums, topics, and replies.

  • Portal — Search the portal registry and crefs.

  • Resource Finder — Search resource finder profiles.

  • Workspaces — Search collaborative workspaces and workspace content.

Email Subscription

Select to indicate that you want to be notified by email when content that matches your search criteria is modified or added.

Note. The email subscription option is enabled for a scope of Portal only. In addition, search notifications must be enabled on the Installation Options page and the notification Application Engine must be scheduled by the portal administrator to run on a regular basis.

See Defining Installation Options.

See Scheduling Saved Search Email Notifications.

Email Address

After selecting the email subscription option, enter the email address to which you want email notifications sent.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExecuting Saved Searches

There are three ways to execute a saved search:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEditing and Deleting Saved Searches

Access the Saved Searches page (click the Edit Searches link on the Search page).


Click a link to execute the saved search and access the Search page.


Click to access the Saved Searches Detail page on which you can edit the details of the selected saved search.


Click to delete the saved search item.

Note. You are prompted to confirm your deletion.

Add a Search

Click to access the Saved Searches Detail page on which you can add a new saved search.

Return to

Click the Return to link to return to the originating page: the Search page or the portal homepage.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking With the Saved Searches Pagelet

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Work With the Saved Searches Pagelet

Page Name

Definition Name



Personalize Saved Searches


Click the Customize Saved Searches button in the Saved Searches pagelet.

Change the display settings for the Saved Searches pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Saved Searches Pagelet

Access the Saved Searches pagelet on the portal homepage.

When placed in a narrow column, the Saved Searches pagelet displays less information.

Use the Saved Searches pagelet to execute a saved search. Saved searches are displayed alphanumeric order.


Click the link for saved search execute the search and access the Search page.

Add a Search

Click to access the Saved Searches Detail page on which you can add a new saved search item.

Show All/Enhanced

Click to access the Saved Searches page on which you can review a summary of all of your saved searches.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPersonalizing the Saved Searches Pagelet

Access the Personalize Saved Searches page (click the Customize Saved Searches button in the Saved Searches pagelet).

Max Number of Displayed Rows

Specify the maximum number of rows to display: 05, 10, 15, 20, 25, or All. The default value is All.