Administering Sites

This chapter provides an overview of site administration and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Site Administration

Site administration activities can only be performed on a site created with the Site Wizard. The same functionality is not suitable for portal administration on the default portal.

An authorized site administrator performs these site administration tasks. A portal administrator assigns site administrators on the Site Wizard - Appoint Site Administrator page (step 3) when creating a site definition or maintaining existing site definitions.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Site Security

This section discusses how to define site security.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Site Security

Page Name

Definition Name



Site Security


Access a site. Navigate to Portal Administration, Site Management, Define Site Security

Specify site publishers and viewers by role or user ID.

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Access the Site Security page (Portal Administration, Site Management, Define Site Security).

An authorized site administrator sets site security by specifying which users and roles can publish to or view the site.

Publishers can publish content on the site, post links to the site's menu navigation, and update content for homepage pagelets.

Viewers can only view the site and its contents. A publisher cannot view the site unless specifically defined as a viewer.

Site administrators do not have rights to view or publish to the site by default. Include the site administrator by user ID or role in the list of authorized site publishers and viewers, as required.

When creating a site, a user is granted access to features and given permissions to publish for a that specific site. Because PeopleTools will automatically propagate those permissions to all sites (including Employee, Supplier, and so on), Enterprise Portal uses a filter to hide those content references from the navigation to ensure that users do not have access to the content management content references or folders in main sites. This keeps publishers from a specific site from having access to publishing options on sites where they may not have specific permissions. Those links do not show in the navigation or navigation collection. Only permissions on the native site apply..

Site Privilege

Select from:

Publisher. A publisher can publish content on the site.

Viewer. A viewer can view site content.


Select the type of security authorization you want to define for this entry: User or Role.

Authorization Entry

Based on the value you selected in the Type field, specify a user ID or role.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Site Publication Defaults

This section discusses how to define site publication defaults.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Set Publishing Defaults


Access a site. Navigate to Portal Administration, Site Management, Define Publishing Defaults

Specify default content publication and expiration dates and set the publisher template option.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Publishing Defaults for a Site

Access the Define Publishing Defaults page (Portal Administration, Site Management, Define Publishing Defaults).

An authorized site administrator can set site defaults. The defaults set by the administrator affect the entries made on the Manage Navigation page accessed for the site.

Default Content Dates

Publication Date

Specify the default publication date for new links created using the Manage Navigation page for the site. An authorized publisher can override the default publication dates of individual content entries.

Expiration Date

Specify the default expiration date for new navigation links. The individual content expiration dates can be overridden by an authorized publisher.

Publisher Template Selection

Can select own template(s)

Select to enable an authorized site publisher to select from the templates supplied to the site during site creation.

Must use site default template

Select to require an authorized site publisher to use the default template specified on the Site Wizard - Site Definition page during step 1 of site creation.

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguring the Site Homepage

This section discusses how to configure the site homepage.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Configure the Site Homepage

Page Name

Definition Name



Configure Homepage - Tab Content


  • Access the site. Navigate to Portal Administration, Pagelets, Configure Homepage.

  • Access the site. PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content. Click the Portal Objects link. Click the Homepage link. Click the Tabs link. Click the Edit link for the My Page label. Click the Tab Content tab.

Specify the pagelets included in the homepage definition for this site.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfiguring a Site Homepage

Access the Configure Homepage Tab - Tab Content page (Portal Administration, Pagelets, Configure Homepage).

Select the pagelets that you want to appear on the site's homepage and specify each pagelet's behavior.

Pagelets selected to appear on the site homepage create the default homepage. If authorized to personalize their homepage, users can add pagelets and configure the homepage layout.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, “Administering Portal Homepages and Pagelets”

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Site Branding

This section provides an overview of site branding overrides.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Site Branding Overrides

If the portal administrator authorized overridable branding elements during site creation, a site administrator can define site-specific branding values to work in conjunction with the site's default theme. These options are discussed in detail in the Enterprise Portal Branding PeopleBook.

See Defining Branding Overrides.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Branding Queries

Navigate to Portal Administration, Branding, Branding Queries to access a set of Branding queries you can use to facilitate your work with site branding.

See Running Branding Queries.