Running the Content Categorization Spider

This chapter provides an overview of the content categorization spider process and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Content Categorization Spider Process

In Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal, the Categorized Content feature of the Content Management system enables you to categorize data originating from many sources. You can incorporate content from file servers and web servers together with manually added entries and place them in the categorized content hierarchy. Users then search this folder hierarchy to locate relevant documents. By granting access to the folders, you control which users—by user ID or role—can edit, publish, and view data.

Folder administrators and content authors can populate the hierarchy manually. But, you can also import content in bulk, using the content categorization spider, a web crawler program that will retrieve folders and documents from a local file server or from a remote website. You can automatically update your portal with the information that you consider pertinent, and retain the information where you deem necessary. You control the crawler, telling it what type of content to retrieve, where to look, and how much information to recall. Using Process Scheduler to refresh folders, you can keep your information current by the day, or even hour.

The features of automated categorization include:

To invoke the spider, you schedule an Application Engine program. The Application Engine program passes parameters, such as the type of crawl (file system versus HTTP), starting directory or URL, number of files to crawl, and so on, to the spider.

As the spider finds files and directories, it returns them to the Content Categorization system. The primary data passed back into the Content Categorization system is a URL and its directory path.

PeopleCode then maps the file to the appropriate folders. If the administrator has enabled and selected autocategorization, then the file is passed to the autocategorization engine.

The file is analyzed, and the directory path is replaced with a folder path or paths. If the resulting paths match a folder, the URL or file is mapped or placed within it. The spider can do this for hundreds or thousands of documents, thus filling in a hierarchy.

Any files and any auto-expanded subfolders created with the spider can only be added, modified, or removed by the spider. This restriction prevents having manually added entries orphaned if the spider no longer finds a directory path upon subsequent passes.

Note. The HTTP categorization spider does not operate on DB2/OS390.

Using the Content Categorization Spider

Two procedures are available for creating categorized content: manually and automatically using the content categorization spider. Using the content categorization spider to automatically populate categorized content folders consists of these high-level steps:

  1. Identify data source folders and files.

  2. Create a spider run control entry, which defines the content source.

  3. Associate the content source with a folder.

  4. Run the content categorization spider.

The following diagram highlights the content categorization spider along with the manual steps for creating categorized content:

Content categorization spider along with the manual steps for creating categorized content

See Setting Up and Working with Categorized Content.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up to Run the Content Categorization Spider

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up to Run the Content Categorization Spider

Page Name

Definition Name



Categorization Spider


Content Management, Categorized Content, Categorization Spider

Identify the content source and establish control parameters for running the Application Engine process.

Content Source


Content Management, Categorized Content, Browse Folders

Click a folder title link on the Browse Categorized Content page to navigate through the folder levels.

Click a folder Properties link or click the Add Folder button at the appropriate folder level on the Browse Categorized Content page.

Select the Content Source tab on the Folder Properties page.

Associate an already defined content data source with the selected folder in categorized content.

Note. The content data source was previously defined on the Categorization Spider page.

Process Scheduler Request


Content Management, Categorized Content, Categorization Spider

Click the Run button on the Categorization Spider page.

Specify process variables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Data Source Folders and Files

Before running the content categorization spider, you should become familiar with the folder hierarchy and documents available on the source system. You will want to examine the source system to determine:

For example, to traverse folders on a local file server to determine the characteristics of the source, you will:

  1. Begin by using Windows Explorer to traverse the folder hierarchy of a local file server.

    This drive is local to the application server that will run the content categorization spider Application Engine program.

  2. Access and open the root folder, for example, the EPAdmin folder.

  3. Select the source folder name.

  4. Notice the folder hierarchy beneath the root folder.

    You will select EPAdmin as the root of the folders to be traversed by the spider.

  5. Also, notice the file names and file types in the source folder.

    These files, along with files in parallel folders under EPAdmin, will be transferred by the spider during the crawl process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Spider Run Control Entry

Access the Categorization Spider page (select Content Management, Categorized Content, Categorization Spider).

Run Control ID

Enter the run control name that is similar to the source name.

Source Type

Select the type of crawl that will be performed. Available options are:

  • Auto Categorized File Server

    Categorization is not based upon the directory path of the file. Instead, the file is sent to an autocategorization engine. It is analyzed and categorized, and the folder path or paths are returned by the categorization engine.

    See Performing Content Autocategorization.

  • File Server

    The run control specifies a starting directory relative to the application server. The directory and any subdirectories are searched for files of the specified MIME type. Path names for the files that are found are converted into URLs, using the specified information, so that the documents can be accessed from links in the portal.

    The categorization path or hierarchy for a file is its full directory path minus any drive designation on the left and the filename on the far right. For example, given the location F:\resources\docs\support\answer_books\WhereDoIStart.doc, the categorization path is \resources\docs\support\answer_books\.

    Note. The system automatically converts backward slashes (Microsoft Windows) to forward slashes (UNIX), and you need not include the right-most slash. As a result, /resources/docs/support/answer_books is an acceptable string.

  • HTTP Crawler

    Starting in the specified URL, a file is opened and analyzed. Rather than searching for files in subdirectories, an HTTP crawl follows links to find more files. The links in the HTML document determine what files are found, not the directory structure.

    The categorization path or hierarchy for a file is the subset of the URL, with the server removed from the left and the filename on the right. For example, given the URL, the categorization path is /corp/en/products/line/appconnect/portal/.

Source Name

Enter the source name, such as a folder or hierarchy name.

This name is an arbitrary name that you use to identify the source.

Index URL

Enter the source location as it relates to the batch server.

For example, for a file server crawl, this value should be a file protocol-based URL that is accessible from the machine on which the spider runs. This URL represents the starting point from which the spider begins its search for files, such as c:/mydocuments, \\myserver\my _shared_folder\News Articles, c:\mydocs, or /usr/local/public_docs.

For an HTTP crawl, this value can be any valid and accessible HTTP-based URL.

Remap Path to This URL

This field is relevant only for jobs that are based on file protocol-based URLs. Since all documents must be accessible by HTTP, this parameter specifies the HTTP URL equivalent of the file-based URL specified in the URL field. It is used to construct valid URLs for other directories and files that are encountered during a crawl.

For example, if the specified URL is c:/news, when a file server crawl encounters the URL c:/news/article.html, the HTTP alias http://myserver/news indicates that article.html is accessible at http://myserver/news/article.html. Typically, you are required to incorporate content file systems into the document tree of an accessible web server using symbolic links, virtual directories, and so on.

Index only in this hostname

Available only when the source type is HTTP Crawler.

Select to prevent the spider from searching other web sites to which the source is linked.

Warning! You can potentially mix up data from multiple hosts if you perform a crawl with the Host Affinity option deselected.

Link Depth

Enter the number of levels of links that the job should process.

Maximum Document Count

Enter the maximum number of documents and directories that the job should process before terminating.

This value establishes reasonable limits for extremely large or open-ended crawls.

Note. The content categorization crawler can process a maximum of 99,999 files.

Create Log File

Select to create a log file.

The log file appears in the files subdirectory of process scheduler: $PS_HOME/appserv/prcs/<server domain name>/files.

This file provides details about the processed URLs and their associated folder path directories.

Mime Types

Enter the file types to include in the search.

Confirm that your browser can view these file types. Autocategorization search engines might have additional file type limitations. For file server crawls, this value should be a comma-delimited list of file extensions, such as .txt, .xml, or .html. For HTTP protocol-based crawls, this value should be a comma-delimited list of Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) types, such as text/html, application/pdf.


The Autocategorization section appears only when the source type is Autocategorized File Server.

Autocat Name (autocategorization name)

Select the name of the autocategorization engine from the list of source names entered when vocabularies were defined.

Vocabulary Name

Select a defined vocabulary name that is used by the selected autocategorization engine for a hierarchy into which it can classify documents.

Max. Categories (maximum categories)

Enter the maximum number of categories (folders) into which the autocategorization engine autoclassifies each document.

Some engines may not support this feature.

Autocategorization Threshold

Enter a value to override the threshold on the Content Source page.

Note. Some autocategorization engines rank their categorization scores that indicate how confident the engine is about its recommendation. Not all autocategorization engines support rankings, and the range of allowable values is engine-dependent.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating a Content Source with a Folder

Access the Content Source page (select Content Management, Categorized Content, Browse Folders; click a folder title link on the Browse Categorized Content page; click a folder Properties link, or click the Add Folder button at the appropriate folder level on the Browse Categorized Content page; and select the Content Source tab from the Folder Properties page).

This page is used to specify the crawled spider source that generates the child content and child folders in this parent folder.

Note. You must set up your content sources using the Categorization Spider page before you enter information on this page.

Source Type

Specify the same source type that was specified on the Categorization Spider page. Available options are:

  • Auto Categorized File Server

  • File Server

  • HTTP Crawler

Source Name

Select a source name from a list of available names.

The source names is restricted to those that you defined on the Categorization Spider page with the selected source type.

Source Path

Specify the content location within the source:

  • For file servers and HTTP sources, this value is the directory path, such as /docs/departments/hr.

  • For HTTP crawls, this is the directory path within the URL.

    For example, if the URL is http://myserver/docs/departments/hr/holidays.doc, then the directory path is /docs/departments/hr.

  • For autocategorization sources, this value is the folder or classification path.

    For example, /technology/computers/hardware.

When you select a value for the source name using the lookup prompt, the system automatically inserts the correctly formatted string into the Source Path field based on the value defined for the Spider Start Location field on the Categorization Spider page.

Auto Expand Folder

Select to have the spider crawl subfolders on the source.

For example, if the path /docs is specified as the source detail of a file-server-based folder course, then all the subfolders and content below the /docs directory is processed recursively during a crawling job. Every subfolder on the source becomes a new subfolder beneath the current folder within the hierarchy if the subfolder does not already exist. If this option is deselected, only the content that resides directly at the root of the source path is processed.


Enter the rank that a piece of content must have to be retrieved from an autocategorization engine.

Some autocategorization engines rank categorizations with scores that indicate how confident the engine is about its recommendation. Stipulating a minimum allowable score establishes the degree of relevancy that content must have before being allowed into a folder. All autocategorization engines might not support rankings, and the range of allowable values is engine-dependent.

See Performing Content Autocategorization.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Content Categorization Spider

The Categorization Spider page is used to run the content categorization spider Application Engine process. The spider job must be run as a batch process because the actual time needed to complete the task can vary widely, depending on the scope and depth of the content to be crawled.

When you click the Run button on the Categorization Spider page, the Process Scheduler Request page appears, enabling you to enter or update parameters, such as server name and process output format. Click the OK button on the Process Scheduler Request page to start the process. Notice that your process has been assigned a process instance number, and you should make a note of the process instance number for future tracking.

See Creating a Spider Run Control Entry.

This is an example of the Process Scheduler Request page:

After you have run your process using the Process Scheduler Request page, use the Process Monitor page to monitor the status of your process request. You use Process Monitor to:

You can also use the Process List page to view the status of submitted process requests.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

Click to jump to parent topicDebugging a Run of the Content Categorization Spider

All crawled content is automatically published and immediately appears to the appropriate users. If you discover a document that is not appropriate for viewing, access the Unpublish Content page to unpublish the content item or click the Save/Unpublish button on the individual content item.

If the spider runs successfully but no content is mapped into your hierarchy, there could be a number of causes and resolutions. Most likely, you may not have mapped a folder to a valid directory or folder path returned by the spider. Content source paths for file server crawls should be the directory path minus any drive indicator and the filename. Content source paths for HTTP crawls should be the directory path of the URL, so remove the domain and filename.

On the Content Source page for a folder, you should ensure that the source details are set to a text string or path that is the same as found by the spider. In the log file, look for log entries containing the phrase Got path from url.

See Withdrawing News Articles.

Click to jump to parent topicMaking Categorized Content Available on Other Sites

You can use the content categorization spider to make retrieved content available on other sites. To accomplish this, after you have run the content categorization spider on the main site, create a folder on the other site that uses the same content source as the main site. Then, run the spider process while on the other site using the same run control ID as the main site. The system creates an index used by both sites that picks up the same content and marks it as located in both sites.

To make content on one site available from another site:

  1. Run the content categorization spider on the main site.

    Make a note of the content categorization spider run control ID for use later.

  2. On the other site, create a folder in categorized content that specifies the same content source as the main site.

  3. Run the content categorization spider on the other site specifying the same run control ID that you used on the main site.

    After you successfully run the content categorization spider, the subfolders and files viewed on the main site are available on this site. Notice that the content IDs for the files are the same as they are on the main site, indicating that the content is shared, not copied to the second site.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Delivered Sample Categorized Content Data

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBrowsing Categorized Content

Access the Browse Categorized Content page (EPPCM_HIERTOP_MAIN) (select Content Management, Categorized Content, Browse Folders) to view delivered folder sample data.

This page displays the top-level list of folders to which you have security to view. Clicking further down the hierarchy allows you to navigate or discover subfolders and related documents. Clicking the link for a document displays the document contents.

The sample data delivered with the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal includes one folder called PeopleSoft Documents. This folder shows some representative documents from, such as product information, white papers, and case studies. It is designed to show a combination of manually added folders, documents, and crawled content.

This is an example of the sample data delivered with the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal - PeopleSoft Documents folder:

The first-level folders are divided into two groups of user access:

There is difference in how content was added by clicking the Properties link and reviewing the property details; some documents were added manually, others were added by the categorization spider. The latter collection is from a directory structure that simulates data from the PeopleSoft corporate web site.

After the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal is installed, you will find these files on your web server under one of the following directories:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Products Folder

The Products folder is an example of an auto-expanded folder. The About PeopleSoft and Support folders are also auto-expanded folders. The directory structure under the Products folder is divided into three types of product lines with many products under each. Each product directory typically has subdirectories containing articles, case studies, or both.

The auto-expand feature enables an administrator to define just the desired top folder. Subfolders underneath are then automatically created as they are encountered. Look at the definition for the Products folder.

Creating a source path on the Content Source page (EPPCM_CATG_SPIDR) means that content from the spider should potentially be mapped into this folder. First, it defines the content source—a file server crawl called PeopleSoft Documents. Within that spider run, it will map all documents contained within that directory to this Content Categorization folder if it encounters a specified directory.

In this example, Source Details is the subdirectory, as in /ps/images/portal_pa/website/products:

Start the auto-expand feature by selecting the Auto Expand Folder option. The 45 subfolders under the Products folder are created as subfolders, and the 148 documents contained in those subfolders are mapped to their appropriate subfolder. If the publish and remove dates are specified, then all 148 documents found under the Products folder inherit these dates.

Access the Folder Security page (EPPCM_CATG_MEM) for the Products folder:

Four roles are assigned for viewing since this folder contains documents applicable to almost all users. The sublevel folders created with the auto-expand feature also inherit these viewer and administrator roles. Click the Return to Browse Categorized Content link, and then click the Products folder and view its contents.

This folder contains no documents because no files were contained in the directory C:\bea\wlserver6.1\config\peoplesoft\applications\PORTAL\ps\images\portal_pa\website\products (only subfolders).

Note that no Delete buttons are associated with the three sublevel folders, and property information is read-only. Any folder or content that is automatically created by the spider cannot be edited or removed by manual administration because it may change or disappear the next time the spider is invoked. All auto-expanded folders and content can only be added, modified, or removed with the spider.

Note. You should activate the Auto Expand Folder option at a strategic level that minimizes manual administration and is not too high in the taxonomy to maximize flexibility.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPortal Implementation Folder

The Portal Implementation folder is an example that combines manual entries with auto-expand functionality. First, note that its folder definition does not activate the expand option. Thus, folders and content can be manually added below it. The Portal Implementation folder contains both manual and automated entries.

The three sublevel folders at this level were all defined manually. This way, they can contain both manual and automated entries (see the Technology folder). Note that the Auto Expand Folder option is activated in each case, so that any subfolders are automatically created. The two documents, Portal Solutions and Portal Solutions Overview, were manually added and reference-approved documents in the Content Management system.

The business_persons_guide.pdf document was added by the spider. Access the Folder Properties page and see that most of the attributes of the auto-created document entry cannot be modified. However, an administrator can manually change the title so that it is more meaningful for users. Also, an administrator can unpublish the document if it is inappropriate for any reason.