Setting Up and Managing Company Promotions

This chapter provides an overview of company promotions and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Company Promotions

Company promotions enable you to highlight special products, promotions, or transactions for your portal users by displaying them prominently on their home page. The Company Promotions feature can add this type of content to any portal product so that users can link to specific transactions or URLs in your system. Users can personalize their views of company promotions by selecting categories, displaying number of rows, and selecting a narrow or wide version of the pagelet.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Company Promotions

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Company Promotions

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Company Promotion Targets


Portal Administration, Pagelets, Promotions, Promotion Targets

Make portal registry content references available as promotion target pages.

Company Promotion Categories


Portal Administration, Pagelets, Promotions, Promotion Categories

Define company promotions categories.

Company Promotions


  • Portal Administration, Pagelets, Promotions, Edit Promotions

  • My Content, Submit Promotions

Define pagelet content for your promotions.

Note. End users who submit promotions should access the page through Portal Administration. Managers who edit or add promotions should access the page through My Content.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Company Promotion Targets

Access the Define Company Promotion Targets page (select Portal Administration, Pagelets, Promotions, Promotion Targets).

System administrators can use this page to make portal registry content references available as promotion target pages. Promotion targets can be either a URL definition or a portal registry content reference.

Note. A URL promotion target is any URL definition in the URL catalog of the Enterprise Portal database.

Promotion Target ID

Use the system-generated promotion ID or assign a new ID.

Menu Item

Select from the content references in the portal registry.

The prompt table displays every target content reference that is available in the portal registry. The content reference that you select can be an iScript, a component, or an external URL.

Note. You might need to add your target page to the portal registry if it is not there. The Promotion Target page does not need to reside in the Portal database, but it must be registered there.


Enter the expected Key Field names if the selected menu item requires you to use search keys to access it.

Key Value

Enter the value for key values that are part of the target definition.


Select if the QueryString is required to access the target page.

Note. If the User Specified and Required options are selected, you must enter the query key value of string for the promotion when the company promotion is created.

User Specified

Clear the Key Value field and select the User Specified option if the key value is user-specified.


The following example shows three required query string values. Two of the key values are user-specified, and the third is part of the target definition. The target page requires the search fields BUSINESS_UNIT, PRODUCT_ID, and VENDOR. Any company promotion that uses this target page has the business unit M04 appended as part of the URL query string. The product ID and vendor are defined by each promotion that uses this target page. This results in a link that contains the content reference URL with an appended query string for the search fields BUSINESS_UNIT, PRODUCT_ID, and VENDOR.

Query String

Key Value








not applicable




not applicable



Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Company Promotion Categories

Access the Company Promotion Categories page (select Portal Administration, Pagelets, Promotions, Promotion Categories).

Promotion Category

Enter the promotion category name.

Show Section for All Users

Select to make this category a required section on all Company Promotion pagelets.

Note. If all Company Promotion categories are set to Show Section for All Users, users cannot personalize the Company Promotion pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Company Promotion Content

Access the Company Promotions page (select Portal Administration, Pagelets, Promotions, Edit Promotions).

Note. A promotion with the publish status Published is only accessible in a display-only mode.

Promotion ID, Internal Title, Promotion Title, Summary, and Content

Complete these fields for each promotion.

These entries appear on the user’s Company Promotion pagelet or on the detailed view.

Hyperlink Label

Enter a label for the link that enables users to access the promotion item on the target page.

Publish Date

Displays the first date that the promotion appears on the pagelet.

Expiration Date

Displays the date that the promotion is removed from the pagelet.

Promotion Image

Upload Image

Click to add a graphic next to the Company Promotion item on the pagelet.

Select a JPG image file from the machine accessing the page via the browse feature.

Promotion Target

Target Page

Select either a Promotion Target content reference or a URL as the target page.

This is the page that appears when the user clicks the link that is defined in the Hyperlink Label field. If the promotion target page that you select requires user-specified key values, these must be entered in the edit box or boxes that display the key value description as the label.

Note. The key values of the target page appear dynamically based on how the promotion target is defined.

See Defining Company Promotion Targets.

Promotion Audience

Role Name

Select the check box next to the role name for each audience that you want to reach with this promotion.

Users see specific promotions selected for them based on their security roles.

Promotion Categories

Promotion Category

Select the check box for the item that you are promoting.

The item appears in that promotion category.

Note. When a promotion has more than one category selected, the promotion appears once in a single category for a given user.

Preview Pagelet Display

Click one of these links to preview the Company Promotions pagelet.

Narrow Preview

Click to display promotion image, promotion title, link label, and summary of the promotion.

Wide Preview

Click to display a longer and wider view of the pagelet with the promotion image, promotion title, link label, and summary of the promotion.

Detail Preview

Click to display promotion image, promotion title, link label, content description, and expiration fate of the promotion.

Detail Preview also appears when you click the More link on the Company Promotion pagelet on the Homepage.

See Also

Specifying Viewer Roles

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Company Promotions

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Company Promotions

Page Name

Definition Name



Manage Company Promotions


Portal Administration, Pagelets, Promotions, Manage Promotions

Track and update your promotions.

Personalize Company Promotions


From the Homepage, click the Customize icon on the Company Promotions pagelet.

Specify company promotions to display on the Company Promotions pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Company Promotions

Access the Manage Company Promotions page (select Portal Administration, Pagelets, Promotions, Manage Promotions).

After your promotions are created, you can view, publish, or rework them. You can also make changes by displaying the Company Promotion setup page.

Filter By

Select the Pending, Published, Remove, or Rework option to limit the number of promotions to display.


Click to display the promotions that meet your selection criteria.

Click the Promotion ID icon to access the Company Promotion setup page for this item.


Select the Pending, Publish, Remove, or Rework option to change the status of the promotion.

Changing the status to Publish makes the publication available to display on the Company Promotions pagelet if the role of the user has been selected for that item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWorking with the Submitted Promotions Pagelet

Access the Submitted Promotions pagelet (click the Content link on the menu bar on the Homepage, and then select the Submitted Promotions option in the Personalize Content page).

Use this pagelet to track submitted promotions and their publishing status directly from your Homepage.

From this pagelet, you can access the Submit Content page for the company promotions item by clicking the link for the promotion that you want to view. If you have not authored a company promotion, a message states that no items are available. If you have authored more than five promotions, you can search for specific authored items using the View More Promotions link. The items are displayed by the order of the publication dates.

Note. This pagelet displays only items that have been authored by the current user.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWorking with the Company Promotions Pagelet

This section discusses how to:

Personalizing the Company Promotions Pagelet

Access the Personalize Company Promotions page (at the Homepage, click the Customize icon on the Company Promotions pagelet).

Number of promotions to display

Select the number of promotions to display on your Company Promotions pagelet.

Promotion Category

Select for each promotion category that you want to display on your Company Promotions pagelet.

Note. If all promotion categories are required, the system displays a message on the page indicating that personalization is not available.

Order of Appearance

Enter the order in which you want the promotion categories to display on your Company Promotions pagelet.

Using the Company Promotions Pagelet

Access the Company Promotions pagelet (click the Content link on the menu bar on the Homepage, and then select the Company Promotions option in the Personalize Content page).

Use the Company Promotions pagelet to view published promotions. Click the promotion links to access the content being promoted.

See Also

Setting Up and Managing Company Promotions

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Company Promotions by Role

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Promotions by Role

Access the Content Inquiry by Role page (EO_PE_PR_ROLE_INQ) (select Portal Administration, Pagelets, Promotions, View Promotions by Roles).

Use this page to list the promotions that are available to appear on the Company Promotions pagelet for a specific user role.

Click the Promotion Information icon to go to the Company Promotions page and view detail information about this item.

Note. Information on the Company Promotion section is display-only.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWorking with the Promotions by Role Pagelet

Access the Promotions by Role pagelet (click the Content link from the menu bar on the Homepage, and then select the Promotions by Role option in the Personalize Content page).

Use the Promotions by Role pagelet to carry out a search for promotions by role on the Content Inquiry by Role page.


Select the role for the promotions that you want to view.


Click to access the Content Inquiry by Role page, where the results of your search appear.

See Also

Viewing Company Promotions by Role