Using My Links

This chapter provides an overview of My Links functionality and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding My Links

Using My Links functionality in Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal provides you an easy way for you to bookmark your most frequently needed and accessed content. My Links serves as a collection of bookmarks to specific PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal pages, to PeopleSoft transactions, and to non-PeopleSoft content such as external websites.

The following example shows the My Links drop-down list box with My Links functions (refresh, add, edit), a link at the root of the My Links collection, and other links organized by folders:

My Links drop-down list box

My Links are defined and accessible according to the user ID with which you log in to PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal. Therefore, unlike browser bookmarks, you can access your My Links collection from any workstation that can connect to your PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal site.

The content types supported by My Links include:

Click to jump to parent topicEnabling My Links

This section discusses how to enable My Links functionality.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Enable My Links

Page Name

Definition Name



Installation Options


Portal Administration, System Data, Installation Options

Set installation options for your portal solutions, including enabling Branding Themes, which makes it possible for you to provide the My Links functionality to your users.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnabling My Links Functionality

Access the Installation Options page (Portal Administration, System Data, Installation Options).

Enable Branding Themes

By activating the configurable branding feature in your PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal implementation, it becomes possible to provide the My Links functionality to your users. You would configure branding special bar elements to display the My Links drop-down list box the portal header. You can also configure header bar items to display the Add to My Links link.

See Also

Defining Installation Options

PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal Branding Overview

Adding and Editing Header and Footer Bar Elements

Defining Special Bar Elements (Headers Only)

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining My Links

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Maintain My Links

Page Name

Definition Name



Add to My Links


  • Click the Add to My Links link in the portal header.

  • Click the Add to My Links link in the My Links drop-down list box the portal header.

Add a link to the current page to your My Links collection.

Edit My Links


  • Click the Edit My Links link in the My Links drop-down list box in the portal header.

  • Click the Edit My Links button on the View My Links page.

Maintain your My Links collection. Access pages that enable you to add, edit, and delete links and folders.

Add Link


Click the Add Link button on the Edit My Links page.

Add a link to your My Links collection.

Select Menu Item


  • Select the Menu Item lookup button on the Add Link page.

  • Select the Menu Item lookup button on the Edit Link page.

  • Select the Menu Folder lookup button on the Add Other page.

  • Select the Menu Folder lookup button on the Edit Folder page.

Browse through a hierarchical display of the Enterprise Menu and select the menu folder or menu item for which you want to create a My Links.

Edit Link


Click the Edit Link button on the Edit My Links page.

Edit a link in your My Links collection.

Add Folder


Click the Add Folder button on the Edit My Links page.

Add a folder to organize your links in your My Links collection.

Edit Folder


Click the Edit Folder button on the Edit My Links page.

Edit a folder in your My Links collection.

My Links - Delete Confirmation


  • Click the Delete Link button on the Edit My Links page.

  • Click the Delete Folder button on the Edit My Links page.

Confirm or cancel the deletion.

Add Other


Click the Add Other button on the Edit My Links page.

Add an item that references either a menu folder or a navigation collection to your My Links collection.

Browse Navigation Collections


  • Click the Navigation Collection lookup button on the Add Other page.

  • Click the Navigation Collection lookup button on the Edit Folder page.

Search for and select the navigation collection for which you want to create a link in your My Links collection.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding the Current Page to My Links

Access the Add to My Links page (select the Add to My Links item in the My Links drop-down list box, or click the Add to My Links link in the portal header).


The menu item link text defined for the currently accessed menu item automatically defaults as the link name. You can override this default text as shown in the example.


Click to save the current page to My Links.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Your My Links Collection

Access the Edit My Links page (click the Edit My Links link in the My Links drop-down list box in the portal header).

Use the Edit My Links page to maintain your My Links collection.

My Links

This is the root folder that holds your My Links collection.

Add Link

Click to access the Add to My Links page. This option is available when you select the My Links top-level folder or a folder added using the Add Folder page.

Add Folder

Click to access the Add Folder page. This option is available when you select the My Links top-level folder.

Add Other

Click to access the Add Other page. This option is available when you select the My Links top-level folder.

Edit Link

Click to access the Edit Link page.

This option is available when you select a link in the My Links hierarchy.

Delete Link

Click to access the My Links - Delete Confirmation page, where you are prompted to confirm or cancel your deletion.

This option is available when you select a link in the My Links hierarchy.

Edit Folder

Click to access the Edit Folder page. This option is available when you select a folder in the My Links hierarchy.

Delete Folder

Click to access the My Links - Delete Confirmation page, where you are prompted to confirm or cancel your deletion. This option is available when you select a folder in the My Links hierarchy.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding a Link to My Links

Access the Add Link page (click the Add Link button on the Edit My Links page).

Use the Add Link page to add a link to your My Links collection.

Link Type

Select from the following:

  • Menu Item. Select to add a link to a menu item. This establishes a link to the menu item's content reference in the portal registry. If selected, the Menu Item link displays.

  • Query. Select to establish a link to a PeopleSoft query within any PeopleSoft content provider. If selected, the Content Provider and Query Name fields display.

  • URL Address. Select to establish a link to a URL. This option can be used to establish a link to an external website. If selected, the URL Address field displays.


Enter a name for the item.

When the Link Type field value is set to Menu Item, the link text defined for the menu item you select automatically defaults as the link name. You can override this default text.

Open in a new window

Select to indicate that, when accessed, you want the item to display in a new window.

If this option is not selected, when accessed, the item is displayed within your PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal target frame.

Menu Item

Displays when the Link Type field value is set to Menu Item.

Select to access the Select Menu Item page, where you can browse through the enterprise menu for the menu item for which you want to create a link.

Once you have selected a menu item, displays the menu-based navigation path to the item.

Query Name

Displays when the Link Type field value is set to Query. Select from available public queries. You may manually enter a non-public query.

URL Address

Displays when the Link Type field value is set to URL Address.

Advanced Properties

The Advanced Properties group box displays when the Link Type field value is set to Menu Item or Query.

Additional Parameters

Enter additional query string parameters to PeopleSoft components. For example, you can use these additional parameters to point a link to a specific query or row of data on an application business transaction page.

When the Link Type field value is set to Query, you can use this field to enter additional query parameters.

When the Link Type field value is set to Menu Item, you can use this field to enter additional parameters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a Menu Item or a Menu Folder as a Link

Access the Select Menu Item page (click the Menu Item lookup button on the Add Link page, or click the Menu Folder lookup button on the Add Other page).

Use the Select Menu Item page to select a menu item or a menu folder to be a link in your My Links collection.


Search by

Description. Select to conduct your search based on menu item or folder description text.

Label. Select to conduct your search based on menu item or folder label text.

The search is not case sensitive.

Search Results


Select the linked label text to locate and select the item or folder in the enterprise menu hierarchy displayed at the bottom of the page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEditing a Link

Access the Edit Link page (select a link and click the Edit Link button on the Edit My Links page).

Use the Edit Link page to edit a link in your My Links collection.

Link Type

Select from the following:

  • Menu Item. Select to add a link to a menu item. This establishes a link to the menu item's content reference in the portal registry. If selected, the Menu Item link displays.

  • Query. Select to establish a link to a PeopleSoft query within any PeopleSoft content provider. If selected, the Content Provider and Query Name fields display.

  • URL Address. Select to establish a link to a URL. This option can be used to establish a link to an external website. If selected, the URL Address field displays.


Enter a name for the item.

When the Link Type field value is set to Menu Item, the link text defined for the menu item you select automatically defaults as the link name. You can override this default text.

Open in a new window

Select to indicate that, when accessed, you want the item to display in a new window.

If this option is not selected, when accessed, the item is displayed within your PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal target frame.

Menu Item

Displays when the Link Type field value is set to Menu Item.

Select to access the Select Menu Item page, where you can browse through the enterprise menu for the menu item for which you want to create a link.

Once you have selected a menu item, displays the menu-based navigation path to the item.

Query Name

Displays when the Link Type field value is set to Query. Select from available public queries. You may manually enter a non-public query.

URL Address

Displays when the Link Type field value is set to URL Address.


Displays the folder in which the item is stored. You can move the link to another My Links folder by selecting an available folder from the drop-down list box.

Advanced Properties

The Advanced Properties group box displays when the Link Type field value is set to Menu Item or Query.

Additional Parameters

Enter additional query string parameters to PeopleSoft components. For example, you can use these additional parameters to point a link to a specific query or row of data on an application business transaction page.

When the Link Type field value is set to Query, you can use this field to enter additional query parameters.

When the Link Type field value is set to Menu Item, you can use this field to enter additional parameters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Editing My Links Folders

Access the Add Folder page (click the Add Folder button on the Edit My Links page).

Access the Add Folder page (select a folder and click the Edit Folder button on the Edit My Links page).

Use the Add Folder page and the Edit Folder page to maintain the name of the folder.


Enter the name for the folder.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Menu Folders or Navigation Collections to My Links

Access the Add Other page (click the Add Other button on the Edit My Links page).

Use the Add Other page to add a menu folder or navigation collection as a link in your My Links collection. In the My Link drop-down list box, the contents of the menu folder or navigation collection are expanded to allow you to navigate to any link in the folder or collection.

Note. On the Edit My Links page and the View My Links page, these items remain collapsed and you cannot view, navigate to, or edit the individual links within the folder or navigation collection.


When the Folder Reference value is set to Menu Folder, the menu folder label text automatically defaults as the folder name. You can override this default text.

When the Folder Reference value is set to Navigation Collection, the navigation collection name automatically defaults as the folder name. You can override this default text.

Folder Reference

Menu Folder. Select to establish a link that accesses a folder in the enterprise menu. If selected, the Menu Folder link displays.

Navigation Collection. Select to establish a link that accesses a folder that contains a navigation collection. To be eligible for My Links functionality, the navigation collection must have been published with the Option for My Links option selected on the Publish Collection page. If selected, the Navigation Collection link displays.

Menu Folder

Displays when the Folder Reference value is set to Menu Folder.

Select to access the Select Menu Item page, where you can browse through the enterprise menu for the menu folder for which you want to create a link.

See Selecting a Menu Item or a Menu Folder as a Link.

Once you have selected a menu folder, displays the menu-based navigation path to the folder.

Navigation Collection

Displays when the Folder Reference value is set to Navigation Collection.

Select to access the Browse Navigation Collections page, where you can browse through navigation collections for which you want to create a link.

To be accessible on this page, the navigation collection must have been published with the Option for My Links option selected on the Publish Collection page.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, “Working With Navigation Pages,” Publishing Navigation Collections

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a Navigation Collection as a Link

Access the Browse Navigation Collections page (click the Navigation Collection lookup button on the Add Other page).

Use the Browse Navigation Collections page to select a navigation collection to be a link in your My Links collection.

Search by

Description. Select to conduct your search based on navigation collection descriptions.

Name. Select to conduct your search based on navigation collection names.

This search is not case sensitive.

Search Results

Navigation collections available for selection in the Search Results scroll area meet your search criteria and have been published with the Option for My Links option selected on the Publish Collection page.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, “Working With Navigation Pages,” Publishing Navigation Collections.

Click to jump to parent topicAccessing My Links

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Access My Links

Page Name

Definition Name



View My Links


  • Click the My Links link in the portal header.

  • In the My Links drop-down list box, select a folder, a menu folder, or a navigation collection folder.

Access your My Links collection to navigate to a specific link.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing My Links in the Portal Header

My Links are accessible from the My Links drop-down list box in the portal header.

Use the My Links drop-down list box to navigate to links you have defined or to perform selected My Links functions.

My Links

Click to access the View My Links page.

Refresh My Links...

Select to force a refresh of the My Links data displayed in the drop-down list box.

Add to My Links

Select to access the Add to My Links page.

Edit My Links

Select to access the Edit My Links page.

<link name>

Click to navigate to the link content.

<folder name> or <menu folder name> or <navigation collection name>

Click to access the View My Links page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing My Links

Access the View My Links page (click My Links in the portal header).

Use the View My Links page to access your My Links collection to navigate to a specific link.

<link name>

Click to navigate to the link content.

Edit My Links

Click to access the Edit My Links page.