Setting Up Related Content Services

This chapter provides an overview of the setup of related content services and discusses how to manage delivered related content services.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Setup of Related Content Services

PeopleTools is delivered with three PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal related content services for use on PeopleSoft application systems:

Each of these services provides features native within PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal for use on PeopleSoft application transaction pages. In a multi-system setup such as this, the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal system is known as the producer because it provides the services, and the PeopleSoft application system is known as the consumer.

For users to access a related content services on a transaction page, the following setup must be completed:

  1. Configure Integration Broker on the producer and consumer systems to support inter-operation of the two systems.

  2. Assign a related content service to a transaction page.

  3. Map fields and select the security model for the specified service.

The remainder of this section provides the details on how to complete the setup for delivered related content services.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Delivered Related Content Services

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Delivered Related Content Services

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Related Content Service


  • PeopleTools, Portal, Related Content Services, Define Related Content Service

  • On the Manage Related Content Service page, click the Create a New Related Content Service link.

Create or review the definition for a related content service.

Manage Related Content Configuration


PeopleTools, Portal, Related Content Service, Manage Related Content Service

Review which content references have related content services assigned.

Select a Content Reference


On the Manage Related Content Service page, click the Assign Related Content to Application Pages link.

Select the content reference to which to assign related content services.

Assign Related Content


  • On the Select a Content Reference page, select a content reference.

  • On the Manage Related Content Service page, click the Edit Configuration button for a content reference in the list.

Assign related content services to a component or page.

Related Content Service - Map Fields


On the Assign Related Content page, click the Map Fields link for a service.

Map system variables, component and page values, and transaction keys to service parameters, which will differentiate one transaction instance from another. Select the security mode for the service.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfiguring Integration Broker for Related Content Services

You must configure Integration Broker for inter-operation of a PeopleSoft application system as a consumer of services produced by the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal system.

In the following example, PSFT_PA is the default local node on the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal (producer system) and WSDL_NODE is the remote node on the PeopleSoft application (consumer) system. In your environment, these nodes might be named differently. The following procedure provides an overview of the required configuration steps.

To configure Integration Broker for related content services:

  1. Configure single sign-on (SSO) in both directions on both systems:

    1. In each system, configure the default local node and all other local nodes.

    2. In each system, configure the other system's default local node and all other local nodes as remote nodes with URI text pointing to the other system.

    3. In each system, list all of the local nodes, remote nodes, and the default local node as participating nodes in the SSO configuration.

    4. In each system, set the authentication domain.

      Note. The Related Content Framework also requires that the authentication domain be set on the consumer system.

    See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Security Administration, “Implementing Single Signon,” Implementing PeopleSoft-Only Single Signon.

  2. Configure the integration gateway on both systems.

    See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, “Managing Integration Gateways,” Administering Integration Gateways, Defining Integration Gateways.

  3. Encrypt the secure keystore password in the integration gateway properties file on both systems.

    See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, “Managing Integration Gateways,” Using the File.

    See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Integration Broker Administration, “Managing Integration Gateways,” Encrypting Passwords.

  4. Configure WS-Security between the two systems:

    1. Configure the Node Definitions page for the WSDL_NODE node on both systems.

    2. On the WS Security page, select and configure an authentication scheme. The following example shows one such authentication scheme:

    3. Generate and install a new digital certificate if necessary.

      If you are using a set of nodes different from our example nodes (PSFT_PA as the default local node on the producer system and WSDL_NODE as the remote node on the consumer system), then you must generate and install new digital certificates.

      See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, “Configuring WS-Security For WSRP Consumption and Production,” Setting Up WSRP Security Options, Installing Certificates For Encryption and Signature.

      However, if PSFT_PA is the default local node on the producer system and WSDL_NODE is the remote node on the consumer system, then you do not need to install a new digital certificate on either system. The interop.jks file included with PeopleTools on both systems provides the required encryption and signature certificates for this routing.

  5. Set up user profile configuration between the two systems.

    See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Security Administration, “Working with User Profiles Across Multiple PeopleSoft Databases.”

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing the Definitions of Delivered Related Content Services

Access the Define Related Content Service page (PeopleTools, Portal, Related Content Services, Define Related Content Service).

Use the Define Related Content Service page to review related content service definitions delivered for PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal or to create your own service definitions.

The three delivered related content service definitions delivered use PSFT_PA as the node name for the default local node on the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal system. If your PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal system uses a different default local node, then change the Node Name field in each service definition.

Important! To ensure that the related content services operate as delivered, do not change any other values on the Define Related Content Service page.

The PeopleTools PeopleBooks provide more information on the Define Related Content Service page including how to create a service definition.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, “Working with Related Content Services,” Defining Related Content Services.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning a Related Content Service to a Transaction Page

To assign a related content service to a transaction page:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Portal, Related Content Service, Manage Related Content Service.

    The Manage Related Content Configuration page appears.

  2. Click the Assign Related Content to Application Pages link.

    The Select a Content Reference page appears.

  3. Navigate through the tree hierarchy of content references.

  4. Select the content reference to which to assign related content references.

    The Assign Related Content page appears.

  5. Select and assign a related content service by service ID.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: PeopleTools Portal Technology, “Working with Related Content Services,” Assigning and Managing Related Content Services, Assigning Related Content Services to Application Pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Fields for the Related Discussion Service

Access the Related Content Service - Map Fields page (click the Map Fields link for the Related Discussion service on the Assign Related Content page).

Use the Related Content Service - Map Fields page to review the mapping of system variables, component and page values, and transaction keys to service parameters. Also, use this page to select the security mode for the service.

The key field parameters map to the transaction keys and are used to differentiate one transaction instance from another. These are auto-populated with the keys defined for the transaction. It is recommended that you leave all parameter values with the defaults as populated by the system.

To complete the mapping of the Related Discussion service for a transaction page:

  1. If the service has been assigned at the page level rather than at the component level and if additional context information is desired for contextual searches, then map context fields to page fields or key fields so that each post stores additional contextual information related to the transaction instance. This additional context information is then searchable and can be displayed in the search results.

    See Searching for Contextual Information in Related Forums.

  2. Select one of the following security modes:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Fields for the Related Links Service

Access the Related Content Service - Map Fields page (click the Map Fields link for the Related Links service on the Assign Related Content page).

Use the Related Content Service - Map Fields page to review the mapping of system variables, component and page values, and transaction keys to service parameters. Also, use this page to select the security mode for the service.

The key field parameters map to the transaction keys and are used to differentiate one transaction instance from another. These are auto-populated with the keys defined for the transaction. It is recommended that you leave all parameter values with the defaults as populated by the system.

Important! It is essential that you leave the key field auto-population unmodified because these key fields are used by the Related Links service to create a link to the transaction instance.

To complete the mapping of the Related Links service for a transaction page, select the following security mode: Transaction Security.

When transaction security has been selected, select a delivered or custom application class to provide the security model. Enter the application class in the Security Application Class field.

PeopleTools delivers the PeopleToolsTransactionSecurity application class, which provides basic PeopleTools transaction security via the user-role-permission list model. In this model, there is no row-level security. All other users who have been granted access to the component via a permission list get access to all data in the component—including related content services—unless self-service security has been added in PeopleCode.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Fields for the Related Tags Service

Access the Related Content Service - Map Fields page (click the Map Fields link for the Related Tags service on the Assign Related Content page).

Use the Related Content Service - Map Fields page to review the mapping of system variables, component and page values, and transaction keys to service parameters. Also, use this page to select the security mode for the service.

The key field parameters map to the transaction keys and are used to differentiate one transaction instance from another. These are auto-populated with the keys defined for the transaction. It is recommended that you leave all parameter values with the defaults as populated by the system.

To complete the mapping of the Related Tags service for a transaction page:

  1. For the Namespace parameter:

    Important! The namespace parameter value must be 20 characters or less.

  2. Select the following security mode: Public Access.

    Select public access to make the Related Content visible to anyone who accesses the transaction page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Discussion Forum Roles to Transaction Users

To assign discussion forum roles to transaction users:

  1. In the PeopleSoft application system, make note of the users who have access to each transaction that has been assigned the Related Discussions service.

  2. Determine which users require moderator privileges and which require contributor privileges.

  3. In the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal system, assign the PAPP_DISCUSSIONS_ADMIN privilege to the user IDs identified as forum moderators.

  4. In the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal system, assign the PAPP_DISCUSSIONS_CONTRIBUTOR privilege to the user IDs identified as contributors.