Working With the Related Discussion Service

This chapter provides an overview of the Related Discussion related content service and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Related Discussion Service

Using the Related Discussion related content service, you can collaborate to share critical data about a transaction or a transaction instance. Similar to standalone forums in Oracle’s PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal, forums in the Related Discussion service also provide a platform that groups can use to discuss topics of interest. Participants can post discussion topics, such as issues, suggestions, or questions, and receive replies and feedback. Discussion forums enable multiple relevant individuals to contribute to the review and resolution of a question.

For example, on a purchase requisition process page, you can discuss all vendors or a specific vendor. In this example, the vendor name or ID could serve as the context of the discussion, meaning that as the you navigate to other POs raised to that vendor, all the discussions pertinent to the vendor can be discovered through a search. The discussion postings can also be discovered through search whenever you choose to create a new requisition for this specific vendor. In this example, the information helps buyers benefit from the collective intelligence gathered on this vendor—in the context of the business process—when and where they need it the most.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Discussion Forums in the Related Discussion Service

This section provides an overview of how a discussion forum is created in the Related Discussion and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Creation of Discussion Forums in the Related Discussion Service

Depending on the security model, discussion forums in the Related Discussion service are created in different manners with different moderators:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Discussion Forums

Page Name

Definition Name



Manage Forum


On the Forum Privileges page, select the Manage Forum page.

View the properties for a Related Discussion service discussion forum.

Forum Privileges


In the Related Discussion service, select Forum Actions, Manage Forum.

Assign discussion forum participants for the Related Discussion service by user or role. Assign privileges to the participants.

Forum Policy


On the Forum Privileges page, select the Forum Policy page.

Enter a policy statement for the Related Discussion service discussion forum.

Manage Linked Posts


In the Related Discussion service, select Linked Posts, Manage Linked Posts.

Access or delete linked posts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging a Discussion Forum

Access the Manage Forum page (on the Forum Privileges page, select the Manage Forum page).

Use the Manage Forum page to view the properties for a Related Discussion service discussion forum. You cannot change properties once a forum has been created.

Close Window

Click this link to close the Discussion Forum window.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Discussion Forum Participants and Privileges

Access the Forum Privileges page (in the Related Discussion service, select Forum Actions, Manage Forum).

Use the Forum Privileges page to ssign discussion forum participants for the Related Discussion service by user or role. When the forum is created, three members are added automatically:

Member Type

Select the type of participant you want to add to the discussion forum:

Role — Select to add forum participants by role.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Security Administration, “Setting Up Roles.”

User Select to add forum participants by user ID.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 PeopleBook: Security Administration, “Administering User Profiles.”

Member Name

Select the role or user ID.

Privilege Set ID

Select the privilege level you want to assign to the member:



Note. At a minimum, every discussion forum requires a moderator.

Note. The viewer privilege is not valid for related discussion forums.

See Understanding Discussion Forum Privileges.

Close Window

Click this link to close the Discussion Forum window.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Discussion Forum Policy Statement

Access the Forum Policy page (select Forum Policy on the Forum Privileges page).

Use the rich text editor to enter any policies that apply to the discussion forum.

Close Window

Click this link to close the Discussion Forum window.

See Also

About the Rich Text Editor

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Linked Posts

Access the Manage Linked Posts page (in the Related Discussion service, select Linked Posts, Manage Linked Posts).

Use the Manage Linked Posts page to access or delete linked posts.

Linked Posts

Click a linked post to open that discussion forum and post in the related content frame.


Click the Delete button to delete a linked post.

Click to jump to parent topicParticipating in Discussion Forums in the Related Discussion Service

This section discusses participating in discussion forums in the Related Discussion service and how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Participate in Discussion Forums

Page Name

Definition Name



<Discussion Forum> homepage


  • On the transaction page, select Related Information.

    Select Related Discussion

  • In the related content frame, select the Related Discussion tab.

Serves as the homepage for a discussion forum listing all forum topics and providing features to participate in the forum.

Create New Topic


Click the Forum Actions menu in the Related Discussion service.

Click the Add Topic link.

Add a discussion topic to a discussion forum.

Add a Reply


Click the Reply button on the post details page.

Add a reply to a discussion post (topic or reply).

Note. The fields on this page are the same as those on the Create New Topic page.



Click the Edit button on the post details page.

Edit a discussion post (topic or reply).

Note. The fields on this page are the same as those on the Create New Topic page.

<Transaction Page> Forum Discussion Topics Detail (post details)


Click the link for a topic on the discussion forum homepage.

View details of a discussion post (topic or reply).

Search Results


Click the Go button to execute a search of discussion forums.

Review search results and link to discussion posts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing Discussion Forums

To access a discussion forum in the Related Discussion service, do one of the following:

Use the discussion forum homepage to participate in the forum.

Note. Certain functions are available on this page only if you have been granted contributor or moderator privilege for this forum.

<Transaction Page> Forum

Click the forum title to navigate to discussion forum homepage.

Forum Actions

After selecting this menu, select one of the following forum actions:

  • Add Topic — Click to access the Create New Topic page.

    Note. This link appears only for contributors or moderators of the forum.

  • Manage Forum — Click to access the Manage Forum page.

    Note. This link appears only if you are a moderator of the forum.

Linked Posts

After selecting this menu, select one of the following actions:

  • Manage Linked Posts — Click to access the Manage Linked Posts page.

    Note. This link appears only for moderators of the forum.

  • <Linked post title ...> — Click to open the discussion forum and linked post in the related content frame.


Enter the search text. Use * as the wildcard character.


Select from the following search scopes:

  • Related Forums — Search in all discussion forums in the Related Discussion service.

  • Current Forum — Search in this forum only.

  • EP Forums — Search in all standalone discussion forums in PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal.

Click the Go button to execute the search and view the Search Results page.

Discussion Topics

Click the title of a topic to view the details page for that topic.

<Transaction Page> Tags

Click to view the Tags section for the discussion forum.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Editing a Discussion Post

Access the Create New Topic page (click the Forum Actions menu in the Related Discussion service; click the Add Topic link).

Access the Add a Reply page (click the Reply link on the post details page).

Access the Discussion page (click the Edit link on the post details page).

Use the Create New Topic page to add a new discussion topic to a discussion forum.

Use the Add a Reply page to add a reply to any discussion post (topic or reply). The Add a Reply page has the same fields as the Create New Topic page.

Use the Discussion page to edit a discussion post (topic or reply). The Discussion page has the same fields as the Create New Topic page.


Enter a title for your discussion post.

Key Sensitive

Select this option to make this post key sensitive—that is, the post is available for the specific transaction key (or keys) only.

Note. To make a post available across all transaction keys (and instances), clear this option.

<edit field>

Use the rich text editor to enter the text of the post.

See About the Rich Text Editor.

Attachment Type

Select the type of attachment to include with the post:

  • File Attachment — Select to upload a local file.

  • Managed Content — Select to attach a piece of managed content from the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal content management system.

Add Attachment

If you have selected the File Attachment attachment type, click to browse and select the file to upload.

Select Content

If you have selected the Managed Content attachment type, click to look up the items of managed content available in the content management system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing a Discussion Post

Access the post details page (click the link for a post on the discussion forum homepage or in the post details page).

Use the post details page to view the details for a discussion post (topic or reply).

< Transaction Page> Forum Discussion Topics Detail or <Post Title>

Click to navigate to the discussion forum homepage or to a specific post.


Click to view the member profile for the author of the current post.

Use the Previous Topic and Next Topic buttons to navigate to the previous or next topic in this forum.

Note. Each button is active only when there is a previous or next topic to navigate to.

Use the Previous Post and Next Post buttons to navigate up and down in the hierarchy of posts for this discussion topic.

Note. Each button is active only when there is a previous or next post to navigate to. When you are viewing the topic post, clicking Previous Post navigates to the discussion forum homepage.


Click to access the Add a Reply page to reply to this topic or reply.


Click to access the Discussion page to edit this post.


Click to access the Notify Members page to send a notification to forum participants.


Click to delete this post. Any replies to this post will also be deleted.


Click to view the Tags section for the discussion topic.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting a Post

To delete a post from a discussion forum:

  1. Go to the post details page for the post that you want to delete.

    Note. If the post includes a reply, only the forum moderator can delete the post (and any associated replies). The contributor who added the original post will be unable to delete it.

  2. Click the Delete link.

  3. Click OK to confirm that you want to delete that post and any associated replies.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSending Email Notifications to Forum Participants

Access the Notify Members page (click the Notify link on the post details page).

Use the Notify Members page to compose and send an email message to discussion forum participants. The To field is automatically populated with addresses for all members of the discussion forum who have defined an email address in their system profile.

Note. The email will contain a link to the discussion forum. Only members of the discussion forum will be able to access the forum through the link.


Enter additional email addresses for forum participants separated by commas.


Enter a subject for the email.


Enter the message text for your email.


Click to send the notification.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Tags in a Discussion Forum

In a discussion forum, tags can be added and managed in the Tags section at two levels:

In addition, the Tags section on the discussion forum homepage includes a tag cloud showing all tags (forum level and topic level) added to this discussion forum. The following example shows the Tags section from a discussion forum homepage:

In this example, user profile is a tag at the forum level. password, user ID, and general tab were added as tags at the topic level.

Creating, managing, and using tags is discussed in this PeopleBook.

See Working With Tags.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching in the Related Discussion Service

In the Related Discussion service, you can perform three types of searches:

This section discusses how to:

Searching in Enterprise Portal Forums

To search in Enterprise Portal forums:

  1. Enter the search text in the Search field in the Related Discussion service.

    Use * as the wildcard character.

  2. Select the EP Forums scope.

  3. Click the Go button.

    The following shows an example of search text and scope with the cursor over the Go button:

    The Search Results page is displayed. The following shows the results of this example search:

    Use the Search Results page to review search results, to access other posts and forums, and to link to discussion posts.

    Include Summary

    Select this option to show summaries in the search results.

    Search Results

    Click a link to view that discussion forum and post in the related content frame.

    Link It

    Important! Link It links appear for a search type of EP Forums only.

    Click a Link It link to link the selected post to this discussion forum.

    Note. A Link It link does not appear for a post that has already been linked to this discussion forum or for the titles of other discussion forums.

Searching for Contextual Information in Related Forums

To search for contextual information, context fields must be mapped when the Related Discussion service is assigned to the transaction instance.

See Mapping Fields for the Related Discussion Service.

To search for contextual information in related forums:

  1. Enter the search text in the Search field in the Related Discussion service.

    Use * as the wildcard character.

  2. Select the Related Forums scope.

  3. Click the Go button.

    The following shows an example of search text and scope with the cursor over the Go button. In this example, the search term is objects, data that does not occur in the discussion topic title or summary, or in the key field for the transaction.

    The Search Results page is displayed. The following shows the results of this example search. The results include summary information that displays the topic title, topic summary, and context data such as the key field and additional context fields. The search term objects occurs in the description field only, which was added as a context field for this transaction.

    Use the Search Results page to review search results, to access other posts and forums, and to link to discussion posts.

    Include Summary

    Select this option to show summaries in the search results.

    Search Results

    Click a link to view that discussion forum and post in the related content frame.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking Posts from Another Discussion Forum

To link to a post from an Enterprise Portal discussion forum:

  1. Access the Search Results page by performing a search in the Related Discussion service.

    Note. Select a search scope of EP Forums to access posts that can be linked in the Related Discussion service.

  2. Click a Link It link to link the selected post to this discussion forum.

See Also

Searching in Enterprise Portal Forums

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Forum Policy Statement

Access the Forum Policy page (click the Forum Policy link on the discussion forum homepage). Use the Forum Policy page to review the policy statement for the discussion forum.