Working With Tags

This chapter provides an overview of tagging in Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tagging in PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal

Tagging, also known as social bookmarking, provides the means for you to store, organize, search, and manage content bookmarks in PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal. Tagging enables both publishers and consumers of content to classify the material in a way that is meaningful. Moreover, tags are shared with other users, thus benefitting the entire user community. This increases the probability of properly characterizing the content and hence its discovery and use. Tags are also a way to measure which particular topics are of relevance to the user community. Tagging provides for discovery of and navigation to other content that is related through the same tags without the need to hard-code those connections. Thus, tagging is both a means of classifying content and a way of creating ad hoc navigation paths among related items.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal supports three models for tagging content:

For each of these models, the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal database serves as the central tag repository.

In addition, PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal provides tag cloud features and a tag browser (search) allowing you to discover content using tags. Moreover, tagging is integrated into PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal search and enhances the ability to search and retrieve PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal content.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating and Managing Tags

This section provides an overview of creating and managing tags and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Creating and Managing Tags

In PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal, tags can be assigned to the following items:

The tools to create and manage tags are integrated directly into the pages where those content items are displayed. These tagging tools are located in an expandable Tags section that includes:

The following example shows the expandable Tags section from a discussion forum. At this level, the Tags section includes the tag list and the tag cloud:

This section also discusses the following topics:

Scope of the Tag Cloud

In PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal, there are three different types of tag clouds:

A feature-specific tag cloud displays all of the public tags for the current scope. Tag clouds are provided for high-level features (blogs, collaborative workspaces, discussion forums, workspace blogs, and workspace discussions) and not for individual content items in that feature (for example, blog posts, discussion topics, news articles, items of managed content, and so on). The scope of the tag cloud spans tags for that item as well as all the content within that item. For example, the scope of the tag cloud for a blog includes tags on the blog itself plus the tags for all of the posts in that blog. The scope of the tag cloud for a workspace includes tags on the workspace itself plus all tags for all features within the workspace including the workspace blog, documents, and discussions.

The following example shows the expandable Tags section from a discussion forum. In this Tags section, the tag list shows tags at the discussion forum level, while the tag cloud shows public tags for the forum itself plus all public tags for all topics within this forum:

In this example, employees and offices are tags at the forum level. Furthermore, you can deduce that gatherings, Pleasanton, and New York are tags at the topic level only because they do not appear in the tag list for the forum itself. Because of its larger font size, you can deduce that offices must also be a tag at the topic level as well as a tag at the forum level.

The default sort order in the tag cloud is from the most recently created tag to the oldest tag. The sort order in feature-specific tag clouds is not user configurable.

Public Tags vs. Private Tags

Public tags are shared with everyone who has access to a feature. Public tags are the essence of social bookmarking. In addition, PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal provides the ability for you to create private tags. These tags are visible to and searchable by you only and provide a mechanism for you to create your own private bookmarks. Private tags can be deleted only by the user who created the private tag.

Special Characters and Tag Searches

Special characters—such as, +, -, #, $, *, and so on—can be used as part of a tag. However, because these characters are filtered out of a search when you click on a tag, your search results do not display the tag or the tagged content. You must manually re-enter the search term and click the Search button to retrieve the correct results.

For example, if C++ is the tag that you created, then clicking the C++ tag searches on the term C, and not C++. You must manually re-enter C++ on the Search Tags page and click the Search button to retrieve the correct results.

Therefore, we recommend you avoid using the following special characters in tags:

, ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) * + = { } [ ] : ; " ` < > ? / . | \

Note. A comma (,) is always interpreted as the tag separator.

Tags in a Multi-Language Environment

In a multi-language environment, when there are tags available for an item in the base language but not in the session language, then you are presented with an option to view the base language tags. This is because there can be only one base language per database and this base language is typically a common language. However, tags are not displayed for other non-base languages that are different from the session language.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal displays session language tags and base language tags as follows:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating and Updating Tags

In the expandable Tags section, use the tag list to create and update tags.

Use the tag list to view and create tags for the current item. In view mode, the Edit button is active. In update mode, the Update Tags and Cancel buttons are active.

Click the Expand section button to reveal the content in the Tags section; click the Collapse section button to hide the content in the Tags section.


Click this link to view or edit your public tags for the current item.


Click this link to view or edit your private tags for the current item.


Click this button to create tags or update tags for the current item.

<edit box>

In view mode, click a tag link to open the Search Tags page searching on this tag and using a scope that is appropriate for the current feature (that is, if the tag clicked is in a blog post, then the search scope on the Search Tags page is set to all blogs).

In update mode, enter tags here separated by commas.

Important! We recommend that you avoid special characters in tags.

See Special Characters and Tag Searches.

Update Tags

Click to save any changes and return to view mode.


Click to cancel any changes and return to view mode

Tagged by # users

Mouse over the number link to view which users have tagged this item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Tags as an Administrator

As an administrator for a particular item, you have the ability to manage not only your own tags, but all public tags created for that feature. This tag administration capability applies to blog moderators, content management folder administrators, discussion forum moderators, workspace administrators, and workspace contributors, as well as portal administrators. As an administrator, when you click the Edit button for public tags, you are able to edit and update any of the public tags. However, when you click the Private link you are able to see your private tags only. Similarly, when you click the Edit button for private tags, you are able to edit and update your private tags only.

Note. However, the news publication details (EPPCM_NWDSPSEC) pages accessible from news publication homepage pagelets do not allow an administrator to manage public tags for other users. When the same news article is accessed through the content management system, the administrator can manage all public tags.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking With the Tag Cloud Pagelet

This section describes how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Personalize the Tag Cloud Pagelet

Page Name

Definition Name



Personalize Tag Cloud


Click the Customize Tag Cloud button on the Tag Cloud pagelet.

Customize the display of tags in the Tag Cloud pagelet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPersonalizing the Tag Cloud Pagelet

Access the Personalize Tag Cloud page (click the Customize Tag Cloud button on the Tag Cloud pagelet).

Use the Personalize Tag Cloud page to customize the display of tags in the Tag Cloud pagelet.


Select the scope for the tags displayed in the pagelet:

  • All My Tags — Displays all of your public and private tags.

  • All Tags — Displays all public tags across all systems including tags added through the Related Tags related content service.

  • Blogs — Displays all public tags for blog content.

  • Content — Displays all public tags for content in the content management system.

  • Discussions — Displays all public tags for discussion forum content.

  • Portal — Displays all public tags across all content types within the portal.

  • Workspaces — Displays all public tags for collaborative workspaces and content residing in workspaces.

No of Tags in Tag Cloud

Specify the maximum number of tags to display in the pagelet.

Note. Setting this to 0 or no value results in the maximum number being reset to the default of 100.

Time Period

Select the time period for the tags displayed in the pagelet:

  • 1 Day — Display tags created within the last 24 hours.

  • 1 Week — Display tags created within the last 7 days.

  • 1 Month — Display tags created within the last 30 days.

  • 1 Quarter — Display tags created within the last 90 days.

  • 1 Year — Display tags created within the last 365 days.

  • All — Display all tags.

Tag Sort Order

Select the sort order for the tags displayed in the pagelet:

  • Sort by Ascending — Sort alphabetically in ascending order (A-Z).

  • Sort by Descending — Sort alphabetically in descending order (Z-A).

  • Sort by Tag Count ( N - 0 ) — Sort by tag usage from most used to least used.

  • Sort by Tag Count ( 0 - N ) — Sort by tag usage from least used to most used.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Tag Cloud Pagelet

Access the Tag Cloud pagelet on the portal homepage.

Use the Tag Cloud pagelet to view tags in use in the system. The information displayed in the pagelet depends on the personalizations you set on the Personalize Tag Cloud page. You can personalize the information displayed in the cloud by:

You can use the Tag Cloud pagelet to:

See Also

Personalizing the Tag Cloud Pagelet

Performing Searches for Tags

Click to jump to parent topicPerforming Searches for Tags

This section describes how to search for tags.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Perform Searches for Tags

Page Name

Definition Name



Search Tags


  • Click a tag anywhere in the portal.

  • My Content, Search Tags

  • Enter the search text and click the Search button in the Tag Cloud pagelet.

Search for tags.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Tags

Access the Search Tags page (click a tag anywhere in the portal; or My Content, Search Tags).

Use the Search Tags page to search for tags. You can specify a search term and scope or click a tag in the Tag Cloud section to perform a search on this page.

Important! Special characters in tags do not give the expected search results.

See Special Characters and Tag Searches.

search text

Enter the tag to search for.


Select the scope for the search:

  • All My Tags — Searches in all of your public and private tags.

  • All Tags — Displays all public tags across all systems including tags added through the Related Tags related content service.

  • Blogs — Searches in all public tags for blog content.

  • Content — Searches in all public tags for content in the content management system.

  • Current Workspace — Searches in all public tags for the current workspace and content residing in the workspace.

    Note. Current Workspace is available only while you are in a workspace; this is the default scope when searching tags while in a workspace.

  • Discussions — Searches in all public tags for discussion forum content.

  • <Node> Domain — Searches in all public tags within the remote node.

    Note. If the Related Tags service is configured for use with one or more PeopleSoft applications, then a separate scope exists for each remote node on which the service is in use.

  • Portal — Searches in all public tags across all content types within the portal.

  • Workspaces — Searches in all public tags for collaborative workspaces and content residing in workspaces.

Note. A search is executed when the scope is selected. The Tag Cloud section is updated with all public tags for the selected scope.


Click to execute a search with the given search text and scope.

Click the arrow to the left of Quick Searches to collapse or expand this section.

Quick Searches

Select an option in the Quick Searches group box to perform a search:

Note. When selecting one of these options, the search scope is automatically set to All My Tags and the search is executed.

  • Show All My Tags — Shows all of your public and private tags.

  • Show My Public Tags — Shows all of your public tags only.

    Note. If you have tagged an item with both public and private tags, then the private tags are also displayed in this search.

  • Show My Private Tags — Shows all of your private tags only.

    Note. If you have tagged an item with both public and private tags, then the public tags are also displayed in this search.

Tagged Content

Review the list of results and:

  • Click the link for an item to open that content in the current browser window.

    Note. Content residing in a collaborative workspace or another site is opened in a separate browser window.

  • Click a tag to perform a new search on that tag using the current search scope.

Click the arrow to the left of Tag Cloud to collapse or expand this section.

Tag Cloud

The Tag Cloud section displays all the public tags for the currently selected search scope or the tags that reflect the selected quick search option.

Click a tag in the tag cloud to perform a new search on that tag using the current search scope.

The default sort order in the tag cloud is from the most recently created tag to the oldest tag. The sort order in the tag cloud on the Search Tags page is not user configurable.