Working With the Related Tags Service

This chapter provides an overview of the Related Tags related content service and describes how to create and use tags with the Related Tags service.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Related Tags Service

The Related Tags related content service allows you to create user-specified tags for the current transaction instance. You can characterize and bookmark these transactional or business objects with terminology of your choosing, providing ease of access as well as collaborative classification of the transaction. For example, a specific vendor ID might be tagged by buyers to identify certain characteristics of the vendor. A benefits clerk, might tag a specific employee’s benefits record to bookmark it for easy access later.

See Also

Working With Tags

Click to jump to parent topicCreating and Using Tags in the Related Tags Service

This section describes how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create and Use Tags in the Related Tags Service

Page Name

Definition Name



Related Tags


  • On the transaction page, select Related Information.

    Select Related Tags.

  • In the related content frame, select the Related Tags tab.

Create and view tags for this transaction instance.

Search Tags


  • Click a tag in the Tags section.

  • Click the Search Tags link.

Search for tags.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Creating Tags in the Related Tags Service

Access the Tags section (in the related content frame, select the Related Tags tab).

Use the Related Tags service, Tags section to view and create tags for a transaction instance. In view mode, the Edit button is active. In update mode, the Update Tags and Cancel buttons are active.

Click the Collapse section button to hide the content in the Tags section; click the Expand section button to reveal the content in the Tags section.


Click this link to view or edit your public tags for this transaction instance.


Click this link to view or edit your private tags for this transaction instance.


Click this button to create tags or update tags for this transaction instance.

<edit box>

In view mode, click a tag link to open the Search Tags page in a new browser window searching on this tag.

In update mode, enter tags here separated by commas.

Important! We recommend that you avoid special characters in tags.

See Special Characters and Tag Searches.

Update Tags

Click to save any changes and return to view mode.


Click to cancel any changes and return to view mode

Tagged by # users

Mouse over the number link to view which users have tagged this item.

Search Tags

Click this link to open the Search Tags page in a new browser window without a search tag defined.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Tags in the Related Tags Service

Access the Search Tags page (click a tag in the Tags section or click the Search Tags link).

Use the Search Tags page to search for tags. On this page, you can type the tag text or click a tag link in the Tag Cloud frame. You can specify the tag namespace in which to search, as well as indicate whether to search for your public or private tags.

The use of the Search Tags page is covered this PeopleBook.

See Performing Searches for Tags.